Into the Immortal Cultivation

Vol 2 Chapter 1503: mutation

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"If you don't want to die, understand it!"

Suo Manchen's last sentence gave Wang Qi an instant comprehension.

——Sure enough ...

Many questions accumulated before were answered in an instant.

——It turns out that it ’s no wonder that Mei Gemu acted so madly. He abandoned his accumulated internal response for a long time and directly abducted a whole generation of heroes from Xianmeng!

——He had no intention of going out at all! Naturally, there is no fear of revenge from Xianmeng ...

——I'm afraid there is no rescue for a month, not because Xianmeng does nothing, but because Xianmeng cannot come.

—— Mei Gemu may have destroyed the channel of communication, and as long as the Dragon Emperor is still there, Xianmeng will not dare to cross the Dragon Clan to break the seal!

——And the gravitational abnormality Zong Lutuo observed before was inevitably another gate of the so-called ‘Xianlu’?

The realm of half-step Yuanshen is equivalent to Yuanshen, so Suo Manchen's momentum cannot suppress Wang Qi. Wang Qi screamed: "The wind is tight, shout!"

At the same time, he exerted force on both feet and retreated directly.


With a horrible explosion, Suo Manchen broke through the atmosphere and appeared directly in front of Wang Qi.

Then, punch.

There is nothing mysterious about this punch, it is purely powerful. Under this punch, the air vibrated and the aura burst. Suo Manchen's blow seemed to have the power to break the void!

"Want to go?"

"of course!"

A screaming sound rose into the sky. Wang Qi opened Suo Manchen's fists with arms, and the shock wave brought by the fist wind cut the storm above the two.

There was a trace of blood at the corner of Wang Qi's mouth.

Suo Manchen was also taken back half a step, he looked at his fist, thoughtfully: "Control vector tactics?"

This time, they were a little surprised. Suo Manchen suddenly discovered that the other party was not as resistant as he thought it would be. It would be better to say that, with the blow just now, Wang Qi had indeed stood up to his level. And Wang Qi also found that this abnormal environment did not suppress Suo Manchen so much.

Wang Qi is now able to use blood refining demon power to control some spells that have less strict requirements on mana characteristics! As soon as the arms of the two touch, Wang Qi has already deflected part of the opponent's punching strength. Unfortunately, in a hurry, Wang Qi was not adept at using blood-refining demon power to control the tactics. He also suffered a little injury.

-Jarvis, record parameters, correct spells.

--Yes, sir.

After repairing blood and refining his demon powers, Wang Qi's relationship with Jarvis became tight again. This half-celestial weapon also gradually exerted his power.

In the second punch, Wang Qi was directly lifted by Suo Manchen, but he was not further injured. On the contrary, Wang Qi also quickly retreated with the momentum of this punch.

"Want to go? It's not that easy!" Suo Manchen's body arrived first, intercepted Wang Qi in the air, and punched again. His fighting style is extremely simple, that is, the word "wiping". On the strict law of fist palms, he is not as good as Wang Qi, but on the purity of power, Wang Qi is far inferior to him. He seemed to have melted into the two iron fists like iron casting, and no spirit was put out.

Wang Qiming was only chased by one person, but it seemed that countless Suo Manchen had attacked from all directions. Wang Qi retired without retreat, nor did he retreat. He took a deep breath while using the control strategy to dial four or two pounds. As his chest and belly swelled up, the blood-refining demon power surged up. At this moment, Suo Manchen even had the illusion that he seemed to be in a low place, and Wang Qiju was at the top of the blow, and the different spiritual powers around him were like a Eighth Soldier in response to the imperial order.

The imperial pole splits the heavens, and the emperor moves to the world!

A blow that seems to have no tricks but contains thousands of techniques collides with a blow that seems to be dangerous and simple but unpretentious. Wang Qi felt that dozens of strengths, such as picking, splitting, and wiping, gathered in one blow, were punched back by the opponent, and only the "Yu Lie", which gathered the spirits of the four parties around the opponent's body, really worked. Suo Manchen's posture was slightly off, Wang Qi seized this opportunity and raised his hand three times to hit the opponent's chest.

Wang Qi's attack was not powerful, and Wang Qi did not think that the three punches could really work. However, the bursting blood refining demon power brought up a piece of cloth. Wang Qi was surprised to find that during this round of attack, the purple coat of the opponent's body was actually broken.

This is not a magic weapon?

Does this guy have no power to protect his body?

Because the monks' body protection depends on mana, there are very few fools who go up against themselves, so there are very few cases of shirtlessness between monks. Suo Manchen looked at his robe and grinned, pulling off the rags on his body to reveal his upper body.

It is completely different from his old face, like a mature man with smooth skin and muscular body.

It's just that this flesh is still covered with tattoos that Wang Qi has never seen before. Wang Qi doesn't know the meaning of this tattoo, but he can be sure that it must have magical significance.

Seeing Wang Qi slightly surprised, Suo Manchen's tone was gloomy: "Although you are a genius, but you have not gone through battle at all, I am afraid that even the many uses of Yuanshen's jurisdiction are unclear. Indeed, to expand Yuanshen's jurisdiction is to find death However, if the Primal God's Law is confined to one's own body, it can still exert many miracles. "

"I am both a gold-burner and a spirit of the two major schools, the best thing is to strengthen the physical level of the flesh. Every source of my body is in my grasp!"

Suo Manchen was showing his strength, but Wang Qi glanced behind him, and found that his companions were slowly retreating after covering his body, he was relieved, and swept the Suo family children who did not follow up. "Reform people".

In fact, this place can't be retreated. If you retreat a little bit more, the aftermath of the battle will inevitably affect those mortals-the original broken area, which is only enough for the priests of the Divine Age to exert their full strength.

Wang Qi didn't plan to step back too much from the beginning. He just hopes to be able to deal with Suo Manchen and then go back to find a solution to those reformers.

In other words, he was ready to fight from the start!

Wang Qi made a long roar and punched hard. Although this fist is sick, it is heavy and frustrating. Like the power of orthodoxy in the world, there is the courage to change the general trend of the world.

The name of this fist is that the gods passed down the seal.

Suo Manchen's fist repeatedly collided with Wang Qi's fist. The monks in the Tandan period burst apart from the physical exercise and the blood splattered. However, the blood-refining demon power contained in the blood aggregates the escaping power in the shock and condenses into text in the void. That is a essay written in Fa Zhuan. The power of Huazhang bursts out like a fire, showing the history of the human race 80,000 years ago, showing the **** history of the human race killing a piece of happy land among the thousands of demon groups.

Emperor Ji split the heavens, the emperor came to the world.

The heterogeneous spiritual power, which was taken from the destruction disaster 200 million years ago, adds a bit of cruel and **** taste to the imperial princes. Even though Wang Qiji becomes more varied, Suo Manchen just matches the Yuanshen domain with his physical body, defending it like a golden soup, and attacking-just like a giant cannon!

"Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom!"

Abandoning the Xianmeng's Xianmeng's Xianmeng's running dogs and the pure use of Yuanshen means, and the Xianmeng's core children are competing with the most authentic ancient methods!

The two terrifying forces collided, even outside the Baizhang, the Suo disciples felt that the strong wind stung the face. In this storm, Wang Qi laughed while heaving blood: "What's wrong? What's wrong? What's wrong? Don't you look down on our way? Don't you say you don't belong to this 'class'? Ah? Why are you? It will also use the spirit of the primordial **** created by the efforts of countless predecessors of this law! "

"This is the law of the human race. I am a human race. How can it not be used!" Suo Manchen Changxiao: "The human race is not your human race!"

A mark like an eye appeared in the Lao Gong acupoint in the palm of Wang Qi. At the same time, Jinguang and Baiguang formed seven concentric circles around him. This is not blood refining demon power, but another power. Suo Manchen retreated instinctively, but when Fang retreated half a step, a white light appeared.

This blow is not a pure impact of power, but it seems that the kingdom of heaven is opening, and the spirit world is impacting the world.

Sevenfold Jihad, Humane Heaven!

"Young damsel put gold on his face!" Wang Qi scolded: "Even if Xianmeng is sorry for you and has a loss with you, can this be the reason for you to invest in the death of Xianxian? Shenjing's battle, death How many Li Min? How many people of Linghuang Island were executed by Mei Gemu in a playful manner? "

Each punch of Suo Manchen burst like a thunder and thunder, and the pure aura of the outside actually pushed away Wang Qi's attack. Wang Qi was just following the wreckage of Saint Emperor Divine Kingdom, activating the divine art he had seen at Saint Emperor Emperor, but he could not exert the power of Saint Emperor himself. If it wasn't for the power of the congenital five virtues that he had won one after another, he would further perfect the kingdom of God, he would not even be able to make this move!

Suo Manchen said: "Whoever becomes a big event, no matter how small it is!"

"Since those mortals are the 'small section' in your eyes ..." The Kingdom of God, which has been rushing out, suddenly amplifies. At the same time, the bell of the guardian **** condensed in Wang Qi's eyebrows, as if a bell sounded in the void, God Changes in the country will manifest divine power.

"Then how can you not be the" small section "of Xianmeng?"

Wang Qi is confident that he can reproduce the power of the two-pointed Saint Lord!

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly screamed: "Astringing eyes!"

Wang Qi was startled and remembered who the voice was. He was shocked. He immediately closed his eyes and confessed to listening for five times. Even the Kingdom of God that had just been released was forced down.

Then, the world shook. A hand grabbed Wang Qi's collar and pushed him back three steps, and the wind swept across Wang Qi's nose.

Opening his eyes, Wang Qi saw a scene that scared him.

A few monks dressed like savages are charging the group of disciples and reformers. Wang Qi clearly saw that "shock" and "unbelievable" appeared on their faces.

I am afraid that they have just realized these transformed people ...

Wang Qi ignored the enemies in front of him and shouted: "All rushed up!"

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