Into the Immortal Cultivation

Vol 2 Chapter 1505: Remains mural

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At the moment of "Sevenfold Jihad, Humane Heaven", Wang Qi pulled out a thin metal needle from the corner of his eye. This is the seal he imposed on his metaphysical organ. When he was outside, he did not dare to easily unlock the seal, let alone in this place.

It's just that Wang Qi just "doesn't want to use it", not "absolutely not."

In the face of a strong enemy, it is not unacceptable to temporarily unlock the seal!

Lu Xiaoqian itself has only the ability to "hit". But this "one blow" was absolutely capable of causing absolute damage to Suo Manchen. If she didn't hide, she stared at Suo Manchen, and the old thief had to pay three points of attention to guard her. This is also Wang Qi's advantage.

But this also means that Wang Qi can't expand the Divine Realm within a large range.

Wang Qi gained a lot of congenital five virtues through building humane behavior in the past half month. And he put most of it into this little kingdom of God. If it is expanded, Wang Qi even has the confidence to show the dignity of the Holy Emperor in the past, with the data of the magical power inside. But if Lu Xiaoqian is on the side, this method also needs to be sealed.

Because "God Realm" is also an extension of Wang Qi's perception. The moment the indefinite sword gas invaded the God Realm, "observation" was established. At this moment, the ethereal Wujian Cloud Sword would collapse into a fixed sword light, cut open the Divine Realm and even penetrate into Wang Qi's body instead of attacking Suo Manchen.

Wang Qi doesn't dare to expand God Realm now.

However, Wang Qi has always been ingenious.

Sealed a means? Just open another door!

Any means in my hands can achieve the effect of defeating the enemy!

The seal of the Emperor's Dragon Seal is used alternately with Tuoding. Wang Qi bowed left and right, playing the two martial arts of Huangji splitting heaven. Splitting strength, drilling strength, collapse strength, artillery strength, and horizontal strength alternate with each other, as if in one body. No matter how Wang Qi fights, Suo Manchen is extremely simple. He seemed to want to reapply his old skills, throwing Wang Qi out, so as to create a one-on-one situation with Lu Xiaoqian, and preemptively kill the debilitating palace palace true story.

Wang Qi did not give up. As his breath and heart vibrate, the blood-refining demon power is freed from his veins, wrapped around his arms like a ribbon. At the same time, Wang Qixue's method of virtual phase revision changed again, and a virtual imperial fairy heart was evolved based on the data obtained on Linghuang Island. Qi qi morphs, the method has true spirit, and Wang Qi's fictitious practice has evolved again. Two **** air dragons wrapped around Wang Qi's arms.

The two pour their fists out, and their strength is balanced. Fist swept away dozens of feet away. However, the two are ultimately different. Wang Qi can only try to remove the opponent's punching power by controlling the tactics, but the opponent's strength completely overwhelmed Wang Qi. When the two fought each other in the air, the punching force still acting on Wang Qi slowly pressed him against the huge wall.

Lu Xiaoqian went with him. Always keep up with the battle of the two, the maximum distance between the three is not more than three feet. Her hand is always pressed on the hilt, looking for the most suitable "timing".

"Powerless, powerless, powerless, powerless, powerless ..." Suo Manchen shouted: "Everything clearly has only this level of power! Obviously!"



"you guys!"


"A word!"

"Reject my half of life!"

Every few words said, it must be accompanied by a blow. Wang Qi was beaten repeatedly in the air, his body tore the atmosphere, and hit the huge city wall.

At this moment, Lu Xiaoqian did not make a reminder and drew his sword directly.

The sound of drawing a sword covered everything. Suo Manchen hurriedly followed the sound of Jian Xiao's fist, and the white light straddled the distance of three feet, hitting the sword sheath. The sword in Lu Xiaoqian's hand was shocked, and the strength of pulling the sword was actually "cut off"!

She did not pull out the sword!

When Suo Manchen gave up the "Last Strike", Wang Qi manipulated his body to flip somersaults in the air, his feet facing the wall. Flip hard. Wang Qi's legs are charging like springs. The heart pumps "demon blood" containing saturated new anti-psychotics into the leg muscles. In an instant, Wang Qi's thigh exploded like a piston. His body tore the storm, and the shock wave even forced everyone on the ground to temporarily retreat. Wang Qi raised his fist high in the air and slammed on Suo Manchen's face. Even the reactionary force was blocked by his control strategy: "This is the reason why you are a dog !?"

——What a tough face! It's really shocking that people's bones are broken!

Suo Manchen punched the sky with his fist: "It's just not for you to be a dog!"

Wang Qi took the trick, and the condescending one printed with a punch of "Heaven and Heaven", "Do we owe you anything?"

"A lot!" Suo Manchen caught Wang Qi and rushed towards the wall, seeming to bring Wang Qi to the wall together. His flesh has been thoroughly refined, and it is in harmony with Yuanshen's domain, which is far superior to Wang Qi's countless times. If the two people hit the great building that did not collapse in 200 million years with the same strength, it must be Wang Qi ’s broken bones and Suo Manchen slightly injured!

At a critical moment, Lu Xiaoqian rushed over regardless of mana consumption. She put her hands on the other person's shoulders, terminated the gimmick body measurement method, operated the infinite measure of the sea, and shook the vacuum infinitely. For the universe, the change is "ripple", but it is an irresistible violent tsunami for living things. The wave of spiritual power lifted Suo Manchen's momentum. Suo Manchen flew a kick to open the road Xiao Qian.

-This foot is enough to end the battle!

"boom"! Lu Xiaoqian flew out. Suo Manchen was convinced that his method power was almost exhausted, and he had absolutely no power to resist his blow. But the momentum of his impact slowed down. Wang Qi stretched out his arms and used the control vector to spread his strength and prop up his body.

"Kaka Kaka Kaka Kaka ..."

He seemed to hear the sound of his broken bones!

Suo Manchen seemed to make up his mind to press Wang Qi to death on this wall. He grinned: "You owe me ... or rather, you owe the human race, really a lot."

"Oh ... If our predecessors did not reform the ancient Faxi to defeat the ancient Faxiu, then this world would have long been ... into the era of the last Fa." Wang Qi seems to have spared power. He even laughed: "If the spiritual power is too low, the flexibility of life drops ... there are fewer creatures that the world can nurture ... maybe you old dog will not even have the chance to be born ..."

"Is it still harder to speak?" Suo Manchen sneered: "What you can be proud of-you guarantee your righteousness, but it is 'destroying the ancient Fa Xian Dao' and circumventing the end of the Dharma era-but how do you know that the Dharma era is simply It shouldn't have happened! Even in the past you have vilified, as long as the mechanism is correct, the ancient law will not destroy the world! "

The old man's words were heated: "Look at the murals around you, open your eyes and see clearly!"

Wang Qi really read it by words. There is indeed a mural on this wall. Although the content is abstract, it is very easy to guess.

That is-countless stones scattered in the space. The five dragons are taking off stones.

"If a fairy is really alive, you can pick up stars and stones from outside the sky to fill the world."

Suo Manchen said in a low tone and said with a smile: "'Caitiandi' has no problem. As long as there is Xianzhen who can regularly collect the star stone, and supplement the world with the spiritual power of the star stone that has been refined for countless years, it is constant. "

"How is it? Do you feel disappointed?" The old man said tentatively: "You should remember, genius, your way is never natural justice."

Wang Qi only felt funny.

Seriously, he really didn't know how to talk about this old thing-there are flaws everywhere, but I don't know where to start.

As for what he said, "As long as there are immortals that don't ascend, regularly collecting stars and stones for heaven and earth to supplement spiritual power can last for a long time." It is really ridiculous. This is equivalent to pressing the destiny of the entire ethnic group and even the whole world on the goodness of several "fairies", or terribly, pressing it on the "deal" with the fairies.

Immortals have monopolized the lifeblood of heaven and earth, and have absolute force. What rights can those "ordinary people" including monks have?

Nowadays, Faxian Dao can at least be said that even if the light is dead, the heaven and earth of China can live forever.

Moreover, "not soaring" itself is an unfounded proposition. Since ancient Chinese people have ascended to hundreds of digits since ancient times, why has n’t a fairy left to feed the world?

Rather than mocking this old thing in your heart, it is better to brew a counterattack!

Wang Qi shook his arms, but sneered: "I finally suddenly realized something ..."


Suo Manchen actually thought about one or two.

"Why, the definition is all ancient law, the human race has moved to the final law, but the dragon race can embark on the glory that the human race has not achieved so far ..." Wang Qi vomited blood.

Suo Manchen seemed to get a companion, but he relaxed a bit in his hand and eagerly said: "Speak with me!"

Wang Qi smiled slightly and grinned, just about to open his mouth. Suo Manchen listened carefully, and his attention to the surroundings was also reduced by half.

Then, a pair of prime hands strangled his neck.

"Listen to you ..." Ai Qinglan's feet pressed against the wall, vigorously running from Laogong to Yongquan. She suddenly exerted force, and Wang Qi even felt the wall shake.

"Big head!"

Ai Qinglan threw Suo Manchen out!

There are more than two half-step gods here!

Since spiritual consciousness cannot be used, "vision" and "hearing" are particularly important. Wang Qi found Ai Qinglan a step ahead of Suo Manchen, who was so devoted and stunned. Therefore, he directly attracted Suo Manchen's attention.

Too late to thank, Wang Qi's palms slammed against the wall, and the extinct Burning Palm exploded the rich heterogeneous spiritual power. Wang Qi was pushed back by the explosion and instantly approached Suo Manchen.

Then he closed his eyes.

At this moment, an ethereal sword light penetrated Suo Manchen's left shoulder-that was the part he used to resist Wang Qi. The sword light of Wuding Yunjian caused unexpected consequences, and half of Suo Manchen's shoulders were broken by Jian Qi.

Lu Xiaoqian, who had been waiting there for a long time, calmly collected his sword.

Then, Wang Qi swung with a palm.

The annihilation burns the palm of the sky, entropy kills forever, and destroys ghosts and gods.

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