Into the Immortal Cultivation

Vol 2 Chapter 1508: Choice

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"Is the" ego "changed because of the practice still the original" ego "?"

Zong Lutuo slowly stood up and asked, "Sage Zhe seems to have asked a long time ago. If you change a few nails and a few wooden boards every day in a big ship, then in the end, the ship can be regarded as the original Ship? If the answer is 'no', then you can only say 'no' in the first few days? If you rebuild a ship with the removed boards and nails, then the new ship and the previous one Which ship is the original one? "

The teenager seems to be talking to himself. Just now, he looked at the girl wholeheartedly. But now, he seems to have ignored the Si Gong rumors.

"So, sometimes, I still think that the guy in Wang Qi is okay. Why should I worry about this kind of thing? Why should I be afraid of change? Isn't people constantly changing? The cells on the body are constantly changing. After death, new cells reappear. We eat to "absorb", "excrete" and "exercise" are all "output". The "material" that constitutes a person is always changing. It is flowing. "

"Why do you have to worry about how the practice has changed yourself? If you know that after practicing a practice, your personality will inevitably become irritable and extroverted, then you have to wait if you have made a choice? As long as you are willing, there is no Any questions? "

"That guy Wang Qi, he actually does n’t know the answer to this question-I think so. That ca n’t veto my question just logically. He just used his own sensibility to judge and refused 'Change'. "

Si Gongyao suddenly embraced Zong Lutuo: "Brother ...... Brother? What are you talking about?"

"We haven't developed relevant ethics to discuss similar issues?" Zong Lutuo grinned: "No one wants to discuss this kind of problem, and it is difficult to judge purely from reason, so at this time, just follow your own sensibility. That ’s the only answer, right? ”

"If I abandon reason and use perceptual thinking, what kind of result should I get?"

Zong Lutuo stared at Si Gongyao's eyes, and for no reason made the girl take a step back: "What do you ... want to do?"

"My sister, is the best girl in the world. If she is the real one, she will never say the words that made me kill the same person-even if you just hear this, her heart will show a wave? If just now She did all those things, then she must have confessed herself by the pain? "

"Sigong Ballad" was a bit panic. She held out her hand and pressed Zong Lutuo's cheeks on both sides, forcing him to look at his eyes: "Brother, take a good look! I'm here ..."

Zong Lutuo reached out a hand and touched the remaining half of the face of the "monster": "Well, you made a mistake, do you know? You shouldn't give me time to think. If you don't follow me If you say those words without attempting to incite my emotions, maybe you have promised me under impulse? If you say that as soon as you appear, maybe I will be impulsive for a while? "

"Are you unconscious? Your words-you can't persuade anyone. The reason why you can mess me up is only because you have this body, this half face, not because of your words."

Zong Lutuo's voice became very gentle: "Has anyone who can be persuaded by this kind of words already given up thinking? Must have given up thinking, right? Can make people-especially let the kind of sister and sister give up Thinking about the pain, I probably ca n’t imagine it? Speaking of which, I have n’t even seen the dead before I came here. So I really ca n’t imagine the pain of fighting. ”

"But ..."

Si Gongyao found that Zong Lutuo's body actually exhaled a murderous air.

"After the sister gave up her heart-at that moment, she was already dead. A beautiful heart like a mirror is broken, it is difficult to recover. And a monster was born on these fragments. It has the memories of the sister and sister, and some emotions, but it is not her. "

"There are fragments of my sister and sister in this monster's body. I feel like she is looking at all this and crying in it-in general, this should be how it behaves."

Zong Lutuo's fingers trembled.

"You turn around and leave now, I can let you go. Even if you go to kill someone, I can turn a blind eye and don't help him attack you together-I will only block your attack for him. Really."

"If I were a monster who gave up thinking, wouldn't you just give up thinking? Wouldn't it be nice to be with me?" "Si Gongyao" cried, "This world of thinking makes us miserable! We are these Fool, what about thinking? Does it make sense? "

Then she felt the fingers on her face tighten, almost piercing the skin.

"Well, my talents are not so good, at least not as good as those monsters over there. But, thinking about this alone, I do n’t want to give up. My pride, my ideals, and my reason, I will not Give up-I can't give up. "Zong Lutuo looked at the top, tears sliding across his face.

"Why? Don't you love me?"

Zong Lutuo slowly shook his head: "Although you have the memory of the sister, but you probably don't know? She said so in the gift of the gift." He changed his tone and said: "We were born It ’s a miracle to be human ... we have thoughts and consciousness, it ’s incredible ... "

Did the tears drain? Zong Lutuo frowned and smiled bitterly: "Look, you are not her at all-because we are daydreaming together, we will stay together forever. How can I trample the mind of Sister and sister for you What about? "

"Sigong Ballad" trembled, and his body glowed crimson. The fierce gang gas burned Zong Lutuo's hand.

"Ah, I take back what I just said." Zong Lu Tuo said: "I suddenly realized now, if you don't get rid of you, the sister's soul may never be peaceful? Although, this is self-consolation, It ’s okay to deceive yourself, but I seem to hear the teacher and sister crying on your 'inside'-'Help me, help me, help me out!' "

"Si Gongyao" issued a harsh, cruel, scream with full killing intent: "Brother!"

"rest in peace!"

The two representatives of the younger generation of Shanhecheng face each other at this moment!

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Fist fist fist fist fist fist fist fist fist fist fist fist fist fist fist fist fist fist fist fist!

The battle between Su Junyu and Zi Xiaopeng did not have the normal foreplay of probing, analyzing, and organizing the offensive of the Ten Thousand Practitioners, and entered a climax from the beginning. Su Junyu's fist is not so much an "offense" but rather a "vent". He didn't care about the meaning of "chapter" at all, he just went in the direction of "freedom". Despite this, Xiangyu Tianwei Gong and the practice of virtual phases are still guiding his attacks autonomously.

In the final analysis, "actions" are all choices made by consciousness or instinct to direct the body, while "martial arts" are the optimization and convolution of a series of choices. Both the virtual phase power method and the celestial power can build a martial arts model through pre-remembered "data". Even if Su Junyu has no intention of striking, he can guide his mana to keep his fist always changing.

Su Junyu's thin mana envelops alien spiritual powers that are not subject to refining and rushes out of his fist-even with his "vitality", there is no anti-psychotic substance in the body to filter out the exotic spiritual powers. Next, absorbing the external forces in this place is tantamount to death.

It is clearly a situation that must be quick and quick, but an invisible thing has affected Su Junyu's judgment. He doesn't seem to be pursuing a kill in one blow. Although his killing intentions were obvious, he was still attacking Zi Xiaopeng.

All of them are the full-strength attack that the monk of the Tandanian can kill the monk of the Tandanian!

Is it hard to kill? No, when Zi Xiaopeng showed his intention to kill, Su Junyu had already made the determination to kill. This person was not a friend anymore-he thought so. Moreover, with the inhalation of different spiritual powers, the desire for destruction in his heart became more and more fierce.

However, he did not make a decisive blow.

Zi Xiaopeng, who is Su Junyu's fist, doesn't think so. He could see that Su Junyu was just the end of the crossbow. He had little mana left, and even his brain seemed broken. However, just like Su Junyu, his fists seemed to be overwhelming, pouring in from all directions, and pointing straight at his vital points!

Whether it is mana or war intentions, he clearly crushed Su Junyu, but in actual combat, it was him who was crushed!

——When did it start and the gap widened so much ...

——In the beginning, we were obviously the same!

——I'm obviously ...... it is only one step behind at the beginning, why is it behind?

The anger ignited his remaining mind. He shouted: "Su! Jun! Yu!"


The two will use their unique tricks and will eventually be born and die. The intangible and intangible gas and unpretentious fist embodies the determination of the two men. At this moment, the afterglow of Zi Xiaopeng's eyes suddenly swept to Chen Feng's figure.

Just now Su Junyu's fists attracted his eyes, he didn't even see Chen Feng who was bullied! At this time, Chen Feng raised his hands and made a hand knife, he would cut off from both sides. Zi Xiaopeng did not want to be killed by Chen Feng after killing Su Junyu, so he withdrew a hand as a defense.

The next moment, Chen Feng's hand knife was cut on Su Junyu's back.

"Why ..."

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