Into the Immortal Cultivation

Vol 2 Chapter 1521: crack?

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"The oldest creature in the universe, the great saint of heaven and man. I do n’t know much about them. They created forty-nine ways. They used the universe to create and evolve the world, and built a unity with the universe from the center of the universe. The great building that changes ... is what you call the "Xian Lu". The doors of the Miao Miao are only its civilian category, and the doors of the Xuan Kong is its main structure. The "Heaven and Earth Root" that no one has ever seen, It is its core of power, all of it ... "

Mei Gemu said with a smile: "And your task is to open the door of this fairy road for me-of course, for you. At this point I can swear to the sky if you can't be within a 'safe time limit' Open inside, you will die with me, and it is definitely you who die first ... "

"As for the key to open the door, there are forty-nine ways, an array of forty-nine heavenly saints ..."

Mei Gemu waved his hands. A three-dimensional image emerged from the **** mist. Those are forty-nine stereo images arranged together, with two ends missing, but almost complete.

"Two hundred million years ago, just showing this image to you, you can get a lot of feedback." Mei Gemu said: "Do a good research. For me, but also for yourself."

"Also, here is a map of the Most Holy Temple."

The image of the forty-nine matrix is ​​hidden, and another image appears. It was a map that clearly listed the road from this "civilized mural" to "the most holy temple".

A tortuous journey through more than ten regions. In order to express "reward", Mei Gemu even intimately marked where there might be a strong enemy.

——It's really intimate.

Mei Gemu backed her hands: "Ah, it seems that my avatar still has a little time to come. As a reward for the killing of Mo Xuesheng-Wang Qi, I will tell you a few more news. The odds of betrayal are very high, and this time the traitors who entered the palace of Erweizhuang exceeded half of the total number of people in the palace ... "

He raised his head and waited a few more seconds. Then he tilted his head: "Ah, the proportion of feedback is larger than expected-so fortunately to answer a few of your questions. But hurry up, my clone will collapse at any time!"

Wang Qi looked at him and asked, "Is the Great Man of Heaven and Man the same kind of power that created the Yuanying Fa?"

Mei Gemu nodded: "Indeed, it seems that you are also aware of the relationship between Yuanyingfa and Forty-nine Dao."

Wang Qi sneered, shook his head, and then asked: "What is the purpose of the Great Saint of Heaven and Man? Do they want to create a state where the universe is unified? You said that the Great Saint of Heaven is no longer there, so how are they now? "

The magical characteristic of Yuanying Law is that no matter what race you are, after training Yuanying, it is equivalent to being pulled to the same starting line and progressing together on this starting line. Although Yuanying and Yuanying also have an essential gap, this gap is at most ten times the gap. This may sound exaggerated. However, the essential difference between a mushroom, a ginseng, a human race, and a real dragon is much greater than ten times and one hundred times. The Yuanying Act is able to bridge this gap.

"The purpose of Tianren Dasheng ... Who knows?" Mei Gemu smiled and shook his head: "Our generation of immortals, basically only appeared in the last 100 million years, and because of the special nature of immortal world, the time there It did n’t take long before the entire Xiantian was still in some kind of disaster, no time and no ability to investigate the truth. Maybe ask the dragon master, what can you know? "

"Dragon Race? Heavenly Dependent Clan?"

"Yes, but don't have too much hope." The teenager smiled slightly, as if he was really consoling Wang Qi, without the fierce threat that he had just threatened to kill everyone. Despite the legend, Heavenly Man hopes that later species will become Heavenly Man, but the only thing that can't be done is that there is no way, there is never such a record. "

"So, about the real purpose of Heaven ... Sorry, really, no one can tell you."

"As for the heavens now ... hehe, of course it's dead."

Wang Qi frowned, thinking of another message. What several immortals in the ancient times said-"Xian Tian has changed".

A conjecture appeared in his mind: "When did that happen?"

"Two hundred million years ago-according to the timeline of this world, two hundred million years ago." Mei Gemu answered very simply.

Wang Qi frowned. He felt that things might not be that simple.

"Two hundred million years ago, there was a civil war between Heaven and Man, forty-nine tears, and all Heaven and Man fell ..." Speaking of which, Mei Gemu suddenly stopped. He paused and then said: "Time has come. Dear friends, although the time is short, but in this short time, I am very happy."

"So let me finally issue a player combat mission!"

"Mission: Kill each other!"

"As long as any of you have killed three companions, I can let him take two teammates who have killed the companions-not to follow me into the fairy road, but to return to the ground."

"Then ..." In the end, the figure pointed his finger at Wang Qi: "If any of you killed him, then the person who killed Wang Qi can directly take two people out of here. And Wang Qi ... I'm sorry, Brother, unless you kill everyone, I will never let you go. "

Chen Feng's figure was as fast as lightning, and he shattered Mei Gemu's figure.

Mei Gemu's last sentence floated in the air: "Dao friends, for your loved ones, friends, lovers-go for whatever you want!"

"Hateful!" Chen Feng waved his fists angrily, and the fist wind formed a huge thunder in the air. Somehow, the monk in front of Chen Feng suddenly flickered and retreated towards both sides.

Chen Feng was stunned. The reason why he suddenly punched his fist was purely because of his anger. What Mei Gemu did has far exceeded his imagination. He never imagined that his behavior seemed ... to be misunderstood?

"Useless, brother ..." One hand patted his shoulder. Somehow, Chen Feng shivered. Wang Qi covered his mouth and walked in front of him. He seemed to be really traumatized and walked a little jittery.

Chen Feng felt a little ashamed of the momentary shaking. He wanted to say something. And Wang Qi's finger was already on the forehead of Suo Manchen's body.

He didn't look back and said to Chen Feng: "I just started to Lu Xiaoqian, actually ... broke some kind of 'bottom line'. I expressed my distrust, so the factor of distrust began to spread, everyone has already Start to distrust. "

Speaking of which, he paused: "Well, maybe my reaction has been calculated by him-this time it was my mistake."

Chen Feng sighed and looked around with great disappointment: "Do you really want to kill each other?"

Most people dare to avoid Shang Chenfeng's gaze. However, even those with a firm attitude, no one answered. Ai Qinglan walked to Chen Feng's side and motioned to stand with him.

Chen Feng noticed that some people looked at teammates' eyes—especially Wang Qi's eyes, which was different from the previous few days. He sincerely hoped that it was because he was not proficient in psychology, so he read it wrong, or that everyone had a gap because of Mei Gemu. but……

"Huh, honestly, brother, I totally believe in your character, but, in the eyes of these people, you are only afraid of being more motivated to commit crimes than others-in their eyes, you are a honest person, and it breaks out very much It ’s inhuman, and it ’s probably possible to commit crimes for things that you ca n’t let go. ”He yelled at Ai Qinglan Nunu:“ The two of you naturally stand on the same position. Sister Ai ’s combat strength is the strongest here, you If the two join forces, it's easy to make up the space for leaving. By then, whether you take Ai Changyuan or Lu Xiaoqian, you are very good. "

Ai Qinglan frowned, and Chen Feng already asked angrily: "Wang Qi! Are you still seriously analyzing the pros and cons? Do you really want to kill everyone?"

Wang Qi shook his head: "No, no, I won't. I definitely won't. Although as Mei Gemu said, I kill people like hemp, but I will never do anything to myself-Xianmeng may use it The torture method is unfortunately also an inhuman law I invented. I know how difficult it is to hide the fact of murder. If the truth is discovered, hey, even if Xianmeng is for his own existence, I am afraid Execution? "

Speaking of this, Wang Qi smiled: "Because everyone who can stand here is not stupid, so we have not started to kill each other."

Chen Feng stared at Wang Qi, and then looked around in frustration: "Since you don't plan to kill, why don't you say anything? Why not lean over?"

"They believe in their own reason, but they don't believe each other." Wang Qi laughed: "People are extremely irrational under extreme pressure. On our side, it seems that emotions are still extremely fluctuating. There are a lot of people, right? Then ... there is a palace there, which is also an unstable factor. "

Chen Feng was extremely frustrated. He realized a problem, really as Wang Qi said, they ... can't trust others.

At this time, another person inserted into the conversation: "Brother Shi, then do you think it is possible for Mei Gemu to fulfill his promise?"

Su Junyu came out of the crowd and crouched in front of Wang Qi.

Chen Feng was even more angry. He felt that carefully thinking about this matter and weighing the pros and cons was a distrust and insult to his peers.

Su Junyu's expression is very serious: "If the two of you really have similar ways of thinking, is it possible for him to fulfill his promise?"

Wang Qi shook his head: "Impossible. Don't believe the words just now."

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