Into the Immortal Cultivation

Vol 2 Chapter 1538: So this guy ’s thinking is dangerous

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After Lu Xiaoqian completed the seal on Chen Yueling, everyone began to move out of the forest. At the same time, more combatants entered the jungle to find their way.

This is a suggestion from Wang Qi. He really does not know what dangers are in this forest and what harm they will cause to people, so he recommends that everyone quit and come to the environment they have adapted to. Many combatants shouted messages in the jungle, using artificial language that only Wang Qi understood.

Wang Qi walked back and forth on the ground and seemed to be thinking about something.

Lu Xiaoqian looked at him with some doubts: "Do you seem to be anxious, Wang Daoyou?"

"No, no, no, no ..." Wang Qi raised his index finger, shook his head, and said, "Well, how can I tell you ... I'm still thinking about a problem-since Chen Feng said that this woman is not subjective To deceive us, can we be sure that some of her words are true? "

Chen Feng nodded in the distance: "It is indeed true."

"Here are the analysis of several different situations. For example, the most extreme situation-until the moment before we came, she has been under the control of Mei Gemu. The so-called wrestling arena has escaped, but in fact none happened before……"

Ai Qinglan objected first: "This is impossible. The layers of old injuries on her body were indeed suffered within a few days. This is consistent with her description."

"It's just a fake injury, it doesn't need a monk, mortals can do it." Wang Qi shook his head: "This can explain the inconsistencies in her speech. But ..."

Wang Qi took two steps with his hands on his back: "But what if her previous descriptions are true? If she said that the dead branches have been stomped on, all actually happened ..."

"Um ... it seems that you just said that she was unrealistic." Chen Feng was helpless.

"I just made a conjecture that is more likely under normal circumstances-that should also be our priority? However, other situations must also be considered." Wang Qi raised his finger and waved hard in the air. Two times: "Well, what I was about to say ... if she said, the parts of the last few days are true ..."

Lu Xiaoqian also fell into contemplation.

"Ah!" Wang Qi suddenly shouted: "Damn ... Damn it! Damn it! I see! I seem to understand where the anomalies are! It turns out that ... No wonder I just suggested that everyone quit."

Chen Feng heard his mouth twitch: "You don't know why you let everyone quit?"

"I just subconsciously felt that this place is not good, but I didn't catch the really abnormal place ..."

Wang Qi grabbed his head, entered the edge of the forest, cut off a branch, cut it into a very thin wooden sign, and then pierced his body in one breath in the exclamation of everyone.

Ai Qinglan quickly walked over, grabbed Wang Qi's hand, and unmistakably pulled out the wooden thorn: "What are you doing? Looking for death?"

"For that strange current practice, his mana is still pure Tiangexing mana. According to Chen Yueling ’s previous description, he should have been exposed to excessive alien auras, leading to physical changes-and he let these trees Rooted in the body. "Wang Qi looked at the wooden sign that Ai Qinglan pulled out his arm, and said:" According to Chen Yueling's description, the strange Jin Faxiu had stabbed a wooden sign from his body until his entire body was rooted Squeezing out is just a few days of effort-in other words, the growth rate of this thing in the human body is extremely fast. "

"I just turned my mana back into Tiangexing mana, and scattered blood refining demon power around this branch. However, it did not erode me ..."

Wang Qi slowed his tone: "Do you know what this means?"

Ai Qinglan was extremely angry: "Do you know what you are doing? You use yourself to carry out dangerous empirical evidence without protection and without planning! You are not going to take off the title of" Shame of Dao "for a lifetime. ?"

Chen Feng also nodded, with a serious expression: "What if it is really eroded?"

"No ... No, no. I may be the only one here who can avoid being eroded." Wang Qi pointed to himself: "I can turn mana into a pattern of entropy in a very short time, and cut off everything in the body. The vitality of the foreign body. Let's say ... "He looked around helplessly:" Do you want me to use other people? "

Wang Qi really heard the "click" sound of the fist in his neckline.

Lu Xiaoqian temporarily separated Wang Qi and Ai Qinglan: "Well ... Sister Ai, although Wang Qi just did violate the rules of the empirical department, but here is not the empirical department ..."

"Once again ..." Ai Qinglan took a step back: "Wang Qi, you have already been taught in this respect."

Wang Qi opened his hands and signaled that he didn't mean to resist: "Actually ... well, I have a good grasp before doing this."

He pointed to Chen Yueling: "The wooden thorn pierced behind the strange Jin Faxiu has also penetrated into the woman's body. The same is the wooden thorn-why didn't those plants and trees take root in her body?"

Wang Qi raised three fingers: "Guess one, the burning Tianfu mentality and Tian Gexing are essentially different in this matter; guess two, Mei Gemu ’s reformers are different from ordinary people; guess three, the stranger today Dharma is special. "

Lu Xiaoqian thought deeply: "But Wang Daoyou's own virtual and real two-heartedness can be expressed as a pure Tiangexing ... the conjecture one can be ruled out naturally. If the conjecture two ... can't prove it temporarily?"

Chen Feng stared at Wang Qi. He did not believe that Wang Qi did not verify.

Wang Qi smiled: "When Sister Ai fights with the big monster, there are a lot of wood thorns piercing into the body of the big monster. You can find it later. But I guess most of them don't."

"That strange current practice is special in itself?" Lu Xiaoqian thought, "So?"

"At present, this is the most reliable statement." Wang Qi continued: "Although he is very reluctant to admit, but ... the primal magic is aimed at the human race. If his bloodline itself has extraordinary characteristics that do not belong to the human race, Then he could n’t come to Erweizhuang from the beginning. So it ’s not bloodline. The exercises have also been ruled out. ”

"Cultivated some kind of ancestral supernatural power ..." Lu Xiaoqian also put forward a less reliable statement. In fact, after the opening of this Faxian Taoist practice, everything that is now known as the "secret" is often not as powerful as the public version-your own method is only improved by a group of people in your family. In the version, countless people including peerless geniuses are providing data and improving. Those who cultivated ancestral magical powers ... More often than not, they acted as a force or thought, and belonged to "folklore" or "protection of intangible cultural heritage."

"Or, a momentary change ..." Chen Feng said the greatest possibility.

Wang Qi scratched his head, looking embarrassed.

Lu Xiaoqian asked, "What's wrong? Wang Daoyou, do you seem to have any inspiration?"

Wang Qi is not very embarrassed: "Actually, I thought of a guess with little possibility ... But if there is really a loss of wisdom on the opposite side, maybe I will do it ..."

Chen Feng's eyelids jumped. When Wang Qi showed such an embarrassed expression ... don't guess, the things in his brain must be abnormally anti-social and anti-human.

Wang Qidao said: "If the stranger of this Fa-cultivator is not a human race from the beginning ... he was a reformer from the beginning, or like the mixed demon king, it was a person who Mei Meimu pinched out of thin air, and his physical ability , That is, 'absorption of tissues from other creatures into one's own body'. "

Wang Qi's eyes still flickered. Chen Feng wanted to grab the ground with his head: "There are more twisted parts, right?"

In Ai Qinglan's and Lu Xiaoqian's unusually ugly faces, Wang Qi nodded: "In fact, there is still such a possibility ... The strange current practice, the" ontology "should also be the real current practice It ’s just that this was created by Mei Gemu and inherited the “replicas” of all the memories, thoughts and mana of the present Faxiu. He might have really taken his mind when he was making replicas. What special ability. "

Wang Qi carefully looked around: "After all, he has no pity for the geniuses like us. As a cheap consumable, is it also possible because ... Um ... really consumable ..."

If everyone has heard that Feng Luoyi once banned Wang Qi from talking directly with the Dragon family, they will definitely shout "Senior wise."

The meaning of Wang Qi's words ...

——In fact, we may all be copying people, and our body is still in the hands of Mei Gemu. The reason why Mei Gemu treats our geniuses like consumables is also because ... we are really consumables that can be copied at any time.

It is true that cloning technology is impossible to copy a person's memory. But ... the so-called "memory" and "thinking" mostly come from the brain nerve structure. If you can "puzzle" at the cellular level, it is too simple to reproduce the memory. As for the soul ... Get a blank soul, instill memory, and then let the soul fit with the flesh ...

Just like Mi did to Wang Qi. [Even Wang Qi himself suspects that this is the evil plan made by Mei Gemu through the impression that Wang Qi got from the Xihai incident] The difference is that Mi is completely malicious, and Mei Gemu ...

Although the time required for this approach is very long. However, Ai Changyuan seems to have said that huge spiritual power also distorts time and space. I am afraid that the velocity of time here is also different from that on the ground.

If you think about it this way ...

Maybe this is true?

...................................................................................................................................................... ..............................................................................

In the dark, two voices talk.

"Lying trough ... why didn't I think of ..."

"I started to feel that ... the so-called" tenth of wisdom "is not exaggerated ..."

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