Into the Immortal Cultivation

Vol 2 Chapter 1542: Reflection

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The fire was skyrocketing, and the black forest was burning. The physical bond strengthened by spiritual force will exponentially increase the energy released at the moment of breaking. The heat that could not be released peacefully formed an explosion. The trees burning by the lake almost simulate the battlefield of the gun age, and the violent explosions stirred.

However, this explosion sound could not cause ripples on the water. The power released invisibly by the two monks smoothed out the waves they deserved. The two monks stood silently, silently. Under the orange and even golden fire, the lake is like a mirror, reflecting their shadows.

Zhu Gehong found that Wang Qi's reflection was looking at himself. In other words, the real him must be looking at his reflection. He lowered his head and looked at it, still the face, unremarkable, as unremarkable as a passerby-just like himself, even if he was recognized as a genius, he was never dazzling, and was always "a little more" than his peers.

And now, there are only "a little" scars on his face-well, this scar may not just be "a little", it is one, but how about that? He is still not a monster among those populations!

The problem is, Wang Qi also saw it.

He did see Zhu Gehong's reflection. Moreover, what he saw was the normal image instead of Zhu Gehong's current monster face.

——This is what he was like?

——This is why he thinks he has no change?

In order to confirm whether he was dazzling, he looked up and looked at Zhu Gehong again. This stranger was closer to the definition of "monster" than the last time he saw him. He has more distorted parts, more obvious. In all the places where the meridians are distributed, the roots of the tree all occupy and swell mercilessly. The thorns behind him almost shaped him into a demonized porcupine that changed to "Steelback Beast".

Compared with the resentment and grievances in Zhu Gehong's heart, Wang Qi only has a capital "recessed slot" in his heart.

-Lying trough!

Horizontal groove horizontal groove horizontal groove horizontal groove horizontal groove horizontal groove horizontal groove horizontal groove horizontal groove horizontal groove horizontal groove horizontal groove!

Wang Qi fell into chaos instantly. The first possibility he thought of was "Does this place reflect what people really look like?"

He lowered his head and looked at his reflection, distracted. He was n’t sure if he would see the image of a human on earth-to be precise, the image of his previous life. But what reflected under the water was his own face. Although he doesn't look in the mirror much in his life, this is not to be mistaken.

But this does not explain anything. "Soul" is a spiritual organ that only the creatures of this universe have, and there is no such thing in the auraless universe where the earth is located. He is simply not the "soul wearer" legendary on the Internet. If the mechanism by which the reflection of the pond is shaped is to "shape the face of the character based on the information recorded in the soul", then the face of his earthman cannot appear at all.

Wang Qi remembered too many artifacts in the story, reflecting the pool of desire, the pool reflecting the past information, the pool reflecting the human nature ... In different stories, these pools often have magical effects, many Time is more versatile than "Did you drop a gold or silver axe". In this world, most of these legends can be done. Both optical illusion and mental illusion can achieve this effect.

If it is Chen Feng, he can even quickly arrange similar illusions-including a method for reading souls, invading consciousness, and a method for constructing illusions, which is very simple.

However, if it is a spiritual illusion ...

It doesn't make sense, it makes no sense.

Wang Qi has already completed his own method, and his magic resistance is terrible. Even if there is really an illusion that can have an effect on him, he will probably be aware of it. But now, he is not a little strange.

But if it is optical illusion, it is not right.

The mental illusion wants to maintain a constant effect and update the content of the illusion in real time. This is very simple. As long as the occurrence of the illusion is grafted into the body of the subject, the subject's own spirit will complete the illusion. But optical illusion is particularly troublesome. This must always be based on the actions of the subject. Location. Adjust your own illusion from the angle of sight-and this part is basically impossible to complete automatically within the framework of ancient law.

Of course, if you become a high-level fairy, each mana has a relatively self-consistent consciousness and reaches the point of "the law has primordial spirit", then say another. But that kind of fairy doesn't have to be mixed with Mei Gemu.

In order to verify his ideas, Wang Qi took a step forward.

Zhu Gehong took a step back.

Zhu Gehong's reflection took a step back.

There is no general sense of inconsistency in the rough-made junk TV series. The reflection of its own sense of contradiction and the movement of Zhu Gehong's body are completely synchronized, without any slight delay or even a slight loophole.

——Optical illusion manipulative, or ...

Wang Qi flipped his hand and took a small wooden basin from the storage bag and placed it on the water surface-this thing was also he came from a certain resident's house. He put a piece of dry food, a piece of meat, and a bamboo tube of water on this small tub. Then he broke the cake, took a sip, drank another bit of water, and ate a piece of meat. Afterwards, he gently pushed the wooden basin towards Zhu Gehong, holding his hands high, saying: "I am not malicious! Brother Zhu, I do n’t know if you can understand me now-but I guess most of them can understand it- —I am not your enemy, repeat, I, not, yours, the enemy! "

Zhu Gehong hesitantly watched the tub hit him lightly. The vicious darkness in prevention did not appear. Zhu Gehong hesitantly supported the tub. Wang Qi pulled up his neckline and showed the sign that was about to break: "I belong to all methods, I am not good at using poison, no doubt."

Zhu Gehong certainly knew what Wang Qi ’s symbolic bite was for. But he still doubted it. It's just that Mai Xiang of the cake is too tempting for him. This sweet fragrance seemed to draw a few small hands from his throat. He grabbed the bread and stuffed it into his mouth.

"So, the negotiation is established?" Wang Qi approached two steps.

Zhu Gehong stepped back alertly, but did not continue to step back. And Wang Qi did not continue to press. He continued to eat, gobbling.

After a piece of noodles came down, Zhu Gehong raised his head and wanted to ask whether Wang Qi had any noodles. But he saw a **** mirror. In the mirror, Wang Qi was staring at him with a deep look.

——He is observing me again with a mirror ... No, observing my mirror!

This act of distrust made Zhu Gehong angry. He stepped back in a row.

Wang Qi immediately dispersed the mirror in his hand and pressed his wrist. He just cut his wrist, let it bleed, and then frozen his blood against the entropy of Yun Yun. Wang Qi's own blood is rich in antipsychotics. The anti-psychic element couples the chaotic fairy power-that is, alien spiritual power. This chaotic power at the fairy level can interfere with the body of all sophisticated spells.

There is absolutely no complicated spell that can survive in such blood. In other words, there is absolutely no optical illusion that can exist through this blood.

In this blood mirror, the reflection of Zhu Gehong seen by Wang Qi is still a normal person-a man with a common face and a scar on his face.

"If this is some kind of optical phenomenon, Xianmeng is absolutely willing to award a kind of auspicious ceremony to reward the person who solved the puzzle." Wang Qi murmured, with a strange smile on his face.

Reorganize the light reflected from an object according to certain rules to reconstruct the image so that others can see another thing. Of course, this is not an overly complicated spell. However, contrary to common sense, this mechanism must be very simple, so simple that it can take effect without the need for someone to preside over it.

This is impossible!

Three possibilities remain.

First, Zhu Gehong ’s face has not changed, it ’s just that everyone here has a certain optical illusion in his eyes—just like adding a layer to the vision.

Second, Zhu Gehong has indeed changed. But I don't know why, the light reflected from his body reorganized according to a certain effect, and then the "image" formed by his face on other reflective objects was changed.

Third, Zhu Gehong did change, and his reflection on the surface of the water was also his change. However, due to some mysterious mechanism, the light emitted by the light imaging is distorted by some mechanism. So, this kind of "phase" came to other people's eyes and changed to another look.

Wang Qi closed his naked eyes, and then opened his metamorphic eyes. Under the observation of this eye, Zhu Gehong is still distorted, and his reflection is still normal.

It seems that the possibility can be ruled out ... In other words, most of the time there is a mechanism in the air that can distort the light according to certain rules-but this spell must have a storage mechanism that can correctly store Zhu Gehong ’s pre-mutation appearance.

All in all, the mechanics of this spell must be extremely complicated ...

At this moment, a sound of water came from the lake. Zhu Gehong jumped up like a startled bird and ran to the land.

——Oh oh, and there should be guesses, I almost forgot ...

-Guess four, that tentacle monster is indeed the creation of Mei Gemu, a twisted weirdo, perhaps inheriting the illusion ability of the phantom, and continuously applying illusion!

Wang Qiao smiled: "Ah, I'm looking for you!"

——Find you to rule out a wrong answer ...

——Or, discover the truth!

Wang Qi held his palms high, and his whole body of blood refining demon power gathered, and condensed into an increasingly bright blood aura at the edge of the palm.

Then, cut!

Wang Qi waved his arm vigorously, the blood cutting line extended to the other side of the lake. At that moment, the lake was cut in half.

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