Into the Immortal Cultivation

Vol 2 Chapter 1546: Weird mirror

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P picture is a technical activity. Although in the commodity society, "the more advanced things are, the simpler it is to operate" is an unstoppable truth. Upholding this concept, more and more programmers and engineers have developed beautiful pictures that are easier to operate from generation to generation. Software, however, Meitu always has its limits.

The pig's waist face may become an egg face, but it becomes a melon seed face, which is inherently more difficult than a watermelon face to become a melon seed face. Therefore, it is not incomprehensible that some people who rely on Mito live a daily life such as space distortion and abnormal light and shadow.

However, this "illusion"-or the mysterious person who performed this illusion, is obviously not a third-rate influencer.

"Height, one meter nine, less than two meters ..." Wang Qi looked at the scale and said: "All the straight lines are still straight lines, and there are no bends ... The cutout is strong and there are no flaws ..."

"So, look at the degree of fusion of this mirror image with the surrounding environment." Wang Qi nodded, raised his hand, and raised his hand to about two meters.

Wang Qi in the mirror also raised his hand to a position about two meters-slightly higher than Zhu Gehong's mirror.

Then, he quickly extended his hand-in the mirror image, this action should be wiped from the top of Zhu Gehong's head, but in fact, Wang Qi's hand could not pass through Zhu Gehong's chest.

Then, a weird scene happened.

In reality, Wang Qi's hand hit Zhu Gehong's chest.

In the mirror image, Wang Qi's hand hit Zhu Gehong's forehead.

Wang Qi cold sweats came out. He was quite sure that his movements were not deformed. This time he should wipe the mirror head over. He is anyway a monk of the Dandan period-although there is no Jindan now, but after he has completed our two-phase cultivation method, the simulation of the virtual phase cultivation method based on the remaining mana, he can make the equivalent of gold Dan's "simulator". With his ability to control the flesh, "actions are a little bit" or something, it is impossible to happen.

However, in the study, his subjectivity is the most unbelievable. In order to prevent a real mistake, Wang Qi stood on tiptoe and made the same action again. This time, his hand hit Zhu Gehong's neck.

In the mirror image, Wang Qi's hand also hit Zhu Gehong's forehead.

No difference.

Wang Qi is very sure that he has beaten Zhu Gehong twice in different positions-others around him can also prove it. but……

In the mirror ... Is the same part I hit twice?

This is ridiculous!

Wang Qi looked at Lu Xiaoqian. Lu Xiaoqian said to Wang Qi: "The orientation of your two strikes is really different ..."

"The processing power is really against the sky ..." Wang Qi grinned and smiled silently.

"But in this way, the sense of disobedience is a bit too big, so that you don't have the ability to make people unaware?" In the rear, Ai Changyuan said.

Zhu Gehong embarrassed himself and wrote on the ground: [I ’m not easy to escape my life. Wherever I have thoughts and look in the mirror, even if there is a wound, as long as it is not fatal and does not affect the action, I am basically stretched with my power and I am too lazy. Dealt with. 】

"However, in this case, there are some things that the mirror image is difficult to explain." Wang Qi said: "If Brother Zhu has a wound on his arm, but in the mirror image, it moves to the neck, which can be easily seen. There are flaws ... "

He took out a steel needle and said, "Offended."

This time, he quickly inserted the steel needle into Zhu Gehong. If you follow the height of the mirror image, this needle should be the eyeball of Zhu Gehong. However, according to reality, this needle should be inserted on Zhu Gehong's shoulder.

Then, a jaw-dropping scene happened.

In reality, Wang Qi raised his hand high and inserted the needle on Zhu Gehong's shoulder.

In the mirror image, Wang Qi raised his hand flat and inserted the needle on Zhu Gehong's shoulder.

"His ..." Even with Wang Qi's mind, when he saw this scene, he couldn't help but feel infiltrated. This is like watching a supernatural movie.

The mirror seems to be a friend who has played with him with "imitation games" for many years, and one day, this "friend" suddenly turned his face with him ...?

This is impossible! This is simply turning to the "avenue" of this world!

For a moment, Wang Qi suddenly felt that the virtual image in the blood mirror was not his mirror image at all. And the corner of "his" mouth even hung with a hint of indecision ... sarcasm?

He was desperate to break this mirror.

"Huh ... really ... it's so uncomfortable." Wang Qi said: "In this forest, the mirror image is all problematic."

Lu Xiaoqian's voice is also a little weird: "However, it is not unexpected. It is not a scam of this degree, nor is it ..."

Wang Qi nodded in agreement.

"No, not necessarily." Ai Changyuan replaced Zhu Gehong, standing in front of the floor-standing mirror: "Lao Wang, you repeat to me again."

Wang Qi did it. This time, the mirror inside the mirror is exactly the same as the outside entity.

"It seems that there are two layers, of which Brother Zhu Gehong is standing on the second layer, and we are on the first layer. As long as there is an intersection with Zhu Gehong, in order to avoid logical mistakes, our mirror Will also change-can it be understood this way? "Lu Xiaoqian concluded.

"But why aren't all of our mirrors a problem? If all of our mirrors were replaced, then things would be simpler." Wang Qidao said: "What is the mechanism for judging and what is our mirror When should it be on the second layer, and when should it be on the first layer? "

"If all the changes ... No!" Ai Changyuan was shocked: "This time Lu Xiaoqian was right, Pharaoh. Do you remember the first two actions? Those two shots on Zhu Gehong ? If our mirror was fake at the beginning, then in the first two times, you would n’t shoot on Zhu Gehong ’s forehead, but change the movement and shoot it on his chest and neck! "

"In other words, the principle inherent in this mechanism is to" modify to achieve the goal with the smallest amount "?" Lu Xiaoqian thought.

Wang Qidao: "But the" large "and" small "of the" change range "are both relative concepts, and they are vague relative concepts, can't they be defined? In terms of" number of modified pixels ", maybe the first two times The change is not smaller than the one with the last needle inserted? "

Lu Xiaoqian said: "As far as the" result "is concerned, if you beat Brother Zhu, it will not leave a long-term influence, only a momentary tactile sensation. For Brother Zhu, this can rely on the" illusion " Ignore the past. But if you pierce a needle in the other person, it is equivalent to leaving a visible and sustainable change. From the perspective of the "impact" of the "event", the latter's "impact" is relatively large. "

"According to the impact of the incident ..." Wang Qi thought deeply. He beckoned Zhu Gehong again and asked him to stand in front of the mirror.

[What are you going to do this time? 】

Wang Qi took out a piece of paper, wrote something quickly, and then stood behind Zhu Gehong, stood on tiptoe, and lifted the paper to the height of the back of his head.

"Can you see the content in the mirror?"

Ai Changyuan looked up and looked at the two hands sticking out of Zhu Gehong's mirrored forehead, with a complex look: "Why do you write swear words at this time?"

"If Mei Gemu is still looking at this side, add a bit of blockage to him."

"... don't you think, at this time, write something like" we will know ", or" I know you can see ", is it much more handsome?"

"... Maybe, are you right?" Wang Qi also suddenly felt that he was a little inadequate. Then he quickly snapped the note on the back of Zhu Gehong's head. The small spell attached to it makes it automatically stick to the other person's head.

Wang Qi turned out from behind Zhu Gehong and found that the piece of paper was not suspended in the air like a supernatural event.

"Well, at least, this illusion did not read the mind or predict the future effect. It was also expected." Wang Qi sighed softly and shook his head.

He couldn't understand the mechanism of this illusion.

Lu Xiaoqian said: "So, the last empirical ... complete the plan."

She divided the huge mirror into two. Then, she and Wang Qi held one side and stood opposite on both sides of Zhu Gehong. The mirror reflected the mirror of the opposite mirror, and the mirror in the mirror reflected the mirror itself, in an endless loop. , As if there is infinite space between the two mirrors.

Although due to the material of the blood mirror, the mirrors in those mirrors become more and more red, and they are not visible further away. However, in the range that can be seen, countless young people, positive or negative, lined up in silence.

Only the most central body is not humanoid.

Wang Qi put the mirror on the ground and sighed, "I don't understand ..."

...................................................................................................................................................... ..............................................................................

After the others left, Zhu Gehong took two mirrors and looked at himself in the mirror.

Not enough to see.

For a long time, he sighed.

The youth in the mirror also sighed.

At this moment, footsteps appeared. He looked up and found an unfamiliar female monk who was holding up the unknown ... Oh, it is said to be a woman named "Chen Yueling". She lost a leg and was inconvenient to move.

After all the "together and shared suffering" and "life and death together" proved to be the result of being held in the dark, Zhu Gehong did not know how to face this woman. He scratched his head and said: [Sorry, I really didn't find myself like this. 】

"I had many misunderstandings about Brothers before, really ... this is really not me." Chen Yueling looked ashamed: "In any case, Brothers saved my life after all. And I ... I'm just a real beast."

She walked in front of Zhu Gehong and bent over deeply: "Brothers please forgive me."

[It's okay. 】

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