Into the Immortal Cultivation

Vol 2 Chapter 1553: Battle 【5】

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A touch of blue light is like a sword, cutting back and forth in the sky. The cyan sword light wandering the airspace is also solemnly able, but it is a dark and magic sword style. The sword gas turned into a sorrowful cloud, and filled the air, reducing vitality.

Ai Qinglan had to admit that he was indeed in danger. The tactics of these two sword fighting beasts are very simple. The bat head sword fighting beast has a taller body and a stronger mana, and its skills are stronger than ordinary sword fighting beasts. Inside, all the characters who bear the frontal struggle, and the beaked sword fighting beast, constantly use the speed to reach her blind spot.

In normal times, the so-called "dead angle" is simply a joke. For monks who replace spiritual vision with vision, there is no such thing as a "dead end". Even if there is really no magic spell that stuns one's spiritual consciousness, there is a comprehensive defense method such as body protection and qi.

Here, spiritual consciousness is completely abolished, and the consumption of gang qi has soared to the point that a monk cannot accept it. It was here that such a simple tactic actually forced Ai Qinglan to a desperate situation!

"You forced me ..." Ai Qinglan accumulated this anger in his heart. Until now, she has not worried about her death-not afraid, but simply will not consider. However, these two beasts that block her from supporting her companions are really hateful!

"give me……"


The blood refining demon power exploded in an instant, like a thunder.

"Go to hell!"

The second thunder!

These two punches are supposed to be her full strength, but compared to the two sword fighting beasts that have been adopting avoidance tactics, the attack range is too slow and the range is too small, it is simply not enough to watch.


With the agitation of his heart, the empty blood demon power was once again dissatisfied.

Then, punch again!


There were still two thunders.

Ai Qinglan's current strength is already terrifying. Regardless of the damage caused by mana, her fist hitting the air is no different from hitting the real thing. The shock wave flew, even even after a third of a second. A forest on the ground not far away.

However, no hit means no hit.

Ai Qinglan's eyes burst into anger. No, not just anger, her pupils seemed to be really burning, the powerful mana was boiling, almost bursting like burning. Here, Tianlingling, which was supposed to be a curse for life, was urged by her with all her strength. The old body was almost crushed under such crazy exercises, and the ice melted away. But at the same time, the new exercise system has been regenerated at the same high speed.

The core ability of Tianlingling's core exercises, "Tianyan Catalog", "evolution".

"Evolution" does not mean "progress". The direct purpose of evolution is to "adapt to the environment." The school belonging to Ji Yingu, where Ai Qinglan belongs, is more inclined to "evolution", which means that the bloodline spirit rhinoceros is moving towards complexity, but the school of Tianlingling also believes that "going to complexity" is equivalent to "falling to simplicity" Thing-the latter is also "evolution"!

While Ai Qinglan damaged her body, the blood refining demon power began to run, eroding her body more comprehensively. This evil power has been suppressed by the general defense functions of her body. And now, all the restrictions have been touched, and the blood refining demon power is like a wild horse. In addition to opening the blood-brain barrier, the demon blood even began to penetrate into her cells.

However, there is no doubt-she has become stronger.

"Boom Boom Boom Boom!"

"Thunder" crushed the air, and the magnificent fist even evened a black forest, which caused the lake to surging in the distance.

However, no hit.

For the mortals, the completely deadly boxing wind is nothing but a spring breeze for the monks of the infant period.

"You are ... looking for death!" The bat-headed sword-fighting beast even showed a sick smile when looking at Ai Qinglan, who was getting more and more crazy. It can be seen that Ai Qinglan's damage to herself is far less than Wang Qi Shao Dan, but it is not much worse. Even after going out, she needs to consider rebuilding her!


Ai Qinglan hit a punch. Black sword gas burst. There was no sound, and a huge black peony suddenly bloomed above the dome. The sword qi from the innate killing luck exploded away, attacking instead of defending, and melting the power of Ai Qinglan.

In absolute strength, this guy has fallen out of favor. But if it is only an instant competition, it will not be defeated!

The bat head can even entangle Ai Qinglan, preventing her from falling to the dome or the ground with the anti-shock force of beating the air!

Then, the cyan sword light just like a ghost, cut into the black sword qi flower.

"Waiting for you!" Ai Qinglan roared, twisting his fist. The power of this punch surpassed before, and the beaked sword fighting beast that faced this blow even had the illusion that the meteorite or even the pillar fell. The instinct of the beast completely overwhelms the pre-written instructions, its muscles are stiff, and the prepared blow even stops a foot away.

Then, it was blown away by the aftermath.

And Ai Qinglan was also pushed to the dome by the reaction force of this punch. She was too fast; this time, the bat-headed sword fighting beast didn't have time to organize a powerful sword spirit, and could only rely on her strong body to hit.

No one expected that Ai Qinglan actually exploded into a stronger force at this moment-after the power was exhausted, he fell into a vacuum that he could not breathe. Is n’t it death?


The crisp voice broke all the fluke of the sword fighting beast. The black armor was torn apart, and Ai Qinglan had thrust a fist into the bat's chest. The heart of a thousand hammers has shattered, the fragments of the lungs are sprayed from the nostrils of the bat head, and they are evaporated by the hot atmosphere.

Then the explosion exploded into the Quartet.

"Go to hell!"

At the first moment when the air was backfilled, Ai Qinglan inhaled suddenly, then roared out. Her fist was like a warhammer, hitting the upper half of the bat in succession. When Sword of Fortune re-emerges, it is necessary to resist, but it is broken by Ai Qinglan.

"Don't ..." The bat-headed sword fighting beast didn't even have time to scream.

Then, the blue light flashed, the blood splattered.

The cyan bird-headed sword fighting beast appeared again, and his palm knife pierced Ai Qinglan's vest directly. This blow is also sharper and more deadly than the previous attack. The shame and indignation in this guy's heart exploded like an explosion, and Ai Qinglan was immediately frightened by a punch. It was considered an absolute shame. And now, it will be shameful!

The knife pierced the lungs and wiped the spine. Ai Qinglan's body protection mana is terribly weak.

——Don’t put all your strength into the attack ...

When he thought so, he must spur his sword and divide Ai Qinglan into corpses. However, the arm it pierced into Ai Qinglan didn't seem to listen. It realized that there was fraud, and subconsciously wanted to pull out this palm, but couldn't pull it out.

Something entangled its palm and even pierced the flesh!

Ai Qinglan held the other hand with his backhand, kicked his toes into the muscles of the bat-sword fighting animal, punctured his toes to buckle the flesh of the bat-sword fighting animal. The terrifying big hole in the chest of the beast was poured into it, and then the blood refining demon power suddenly detonated!

"Boom Boom Boom Boom!"

In the flesh and blood, Ai Qinglan's half-sleeve sleeves disappeared, and the white muscles on the exposed white arms burst ... No, not right, not ...

That's the root of the plant! Under the skin of Ai Qinglan, there are plant roots! And one of the roots was drilled from the wrist and into the storage bag ...

"Temporarily supplement yourself with demon blood ... I can really deceive you ..." Ai Qinglan's eyes were red, like a ghost. The moment she turned her head, even the beaked sword fighting animal couldn't help trembling. It even forgot to flap its wings and fell with Ai Qinglan.

It finally knew what was tangling its arms. It knew why Ai Qinglan dared to let go of the defense and let it hit.

She penetrated her body with a plant and strengthened her defense in disguise. She even used the root system of this plant to absorb the anti-psychotics in the storage bag, so that the two sword fighting beasts misjudged her reserves of blood refining demon power.

"As long as you are willing to give yourself a magic weapon for more than ten years of ritual sacrifice ... As long as you are willing to use it as a treasure for the fusion of yourself in Yuanshen period, anyone can do this kind of thing!"

...................................................................................................................................................... ..............................................................................

When Ai Qinglan appeared in front of Chen Feng again, Chen Feng's face was very pale. Su Junyu, who fell beside him, looked even more miserable. Both mana and blood refining demon power were in a loss, and there were extremely tragic wounds on his body.

And their enemies are even more miserable. The orangutan that merged with the tank is now only the "orangutan" part. The chariot was demolished by Su Junyu.

Chen Feng looked at Ai Qinglan's wrist with a complicated look, and his face was even more ugly: "I don't think you need to be so anxious, Sister Lan."

"It is necessary. The battle has been upgraded again. The sword fighting beast is already different from the previous enemy." Ai Qinglan held his shoulder in his right hand and shook his head.

This idea of ​​assimilating vegetation with himself was conceived by Ai Qinglan after seeing Zhu Gehong. This was not unusual at first. Taking the initiative to allow other spirits to parasitize themselves and assimilate them is an ancient method already used by Gu Xiu.

And Zhu Gehong's parasitics showed the possibility of using plant roots to simulate meridians and resist this harsh aura environment.

Previously, Ai Qinglan and Chen Feng diagnosed and operated Zhu Gehong almost anatomically, so for the structure of the root system of the plant, Ai Qinglan had a natural chest.

And Ai Qinglan's magic weapon is also a "plant".

Meng's bean, distorted by the vision of being free, contains a magical plant with a hint of "evolution". Ai Qinglan practiced the sacrifice for many years. Before that, he was afraid of losing control of the demonization and had to put it into the cabinet.

And now it is used.

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