Into the Immortal Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 807: Great Chaos 【上】

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"... From this we can see that the work we need to do now is not what we thought it was ..."

In the immortal illusion, Wang Qi is chattering repeatedly about this piece of paper after Feng Luoyi.

After all, Feng Luoyi was a monk of the carefree series. He quickly quelled his anger towards his disciples, regained his peace, and listened calmly to Wang Qi's narrative.

Some of the papers mentioned by Wang Qi are clever and some are just barely smooth. Before this, Feng Luoyi didn't think there was anything worth reading here.

Because of the ideas of these papers, in his view, it is extraordinarily troublesome, and it does not make much sense.

But what kind of person is he? With Wang Qi's narration, quotation and even just mention, Feng Luoyi's consciousness automatically extracts relevant information from Xianmeng's database and incorporates it into his thinking. Soon, a system in which goodness is incomplete, but the initial prototype has already appeared in Feng Luoyi's mind.

——These papers have a vague connection with each other ...

——This connection ... If you trace the source, all will fall to ...

——Which speech did he give at the “Feast of Apparatus” that rewarded Taoism?

Feng Luoyi's first thought was to scold Wang Qi for his mischief. However, the speed of human speech has a limit, and his thinking has far exceeded this limit. So, the words haven't been spoken yet, and the theoretical system of the initial prototype has been running in his mind for several weeks.

Then, Feng Luoyi couldn't say anything.

This is not nonsense.

This kid, he really has his own style!

But ... but ... but the premise of the establishment of this school is ...

Feng Luoyi was a little afraid to imagine.

The premise of the establishment of this school is probably the overthrow of the Geting School.

Wang Qi, this is to crush the entire Geting School, and then re-establish a school in the Lizong camp!

Is this ridiculous?

Nature is absurd.

The interests involved in this are by no means borne by Wang Qi in the Tandan period.

However, Wang Qi's current attitude ...

"No need to talk about it. I'm mentally prepared." Feng Luoyi has recovered his usual calmness. He held out his hand: "Take it out!"

Wang Qi hesitated: "Wait a minute, teacher, we just finished the over-limit induction method. In fact, I think we can continue from ..."

"Are you looking down upon me? Boy?" Feng Luoyi stared at Wang Qi. Soon, Wang Qi felt the endless information and almost drowned himself.

That is, the persistence of an arithmetic operator.

"I probably guessed what you proved. I also admit that if I really face that result, maybe the heart will collapse." Feng Luoyi's eyes were firm and persistent: "But, I am an operator. I Knowing that there are such theorems in the world ... I must take a look even at the expense of death. "

Wang Qi was silent for a moment. Unless he sends the paper in the form of original paper letters or ancient means of communication, otherwise, if he wants to publish the paper, it is absolutely impossible to bypass Feng Luoyi.

Online papers are the only way for Chinese monks to publish their theories.

Therefore, this level has to face.

"Teacher ..." Wang Qi tried to keep his language as calm as possible: "Please take all key calculators out of the border first ... Notify the empirical department, quickly conclude the empirical test, disconnect the connection with Wanxian Fantasy, and protect the existing data At the same time, the best way to disconnect from major databases is to disconnect from the physical level. In addition, for emergency notification, it is best to suspend the use of the calculator.

Feng Luoyi gave Wang Qi a deep look. Then, each instruction was issued.

What Wang Qi said will inevitably cause Xianmeng to suffer huge losses. Imagine if an economic center of gravity on the earth, such as New York, disconnected from the Internet for half an hour, what would happen? That necessarily means huge turbulence in the entire financial market. In China, the same is true. Numerous experiments were forced to stop. All the materials and energy put into this experiment will be wasted. Blocking the major databases will cause the vast majority of Xianmeng's work to query information into trouble. In addition, Xianmeng's ubiquitous monitoring network will also fail.

If Wang Qi's theory proves to be nonsense, he is only joking with Xianmeng, then he will inevitably be severely punished.

However, Feng Luoyi still did.

He even did something that Wang Qi did not mention. That is to forcibly lock all the sword boxes in the solar system without the main sky sword.

In this process, Wang Qi is chanting a recipe. That was the tactic he used to fight against the collapse.

After waiting for about an hour, the whole China was ready.

Feng Luoyi held out his hand again: "Bring it."

Wang Qi took a deep breath, uploaded the paper stored in his calculator, and then shouted: "Teacher! If it is not possible, remember the" drawing tactics "in the geometry book! Euclidean painting is complete. "After finishing talking, without waiting for Feng Luoyi to respond, he quickly withdrew his consciousness and escaped from the immortal illusion.

Wang Qi rushed out of the house as soon as he escaped from the immortal fantasy. Outside the house, ninety thousand beasts of the five regiments were waiting in line, hovering over Wang Qi's house. Wang Qi once again released his mana to link the butterflies, let his consciousness settle in, and gain huge computing power.

At this moment, he heard the conversation of the girl from a short distance away: "What is he doing?" A warning was issued. "

Wang Qi turned back anxiously and found that Mi actually was still standing here.

"Sister, didn't you see the announcement the teacher just sent?"

Mi nodded, and the small face was full of seriousness: "No matter what happens, I will help the teacher and maintain the Wanxian fantasy world. Don't worry, I will protect you."

Wang Qi anxiously said: "Sister Sister, in the end ... quick exit! Quick exit!"

Stupid! It is not us who really is in danger, but you!

The collapse of the Wanxian illusion is generally not life-threatening for the human form of life, but your Poseidon is different!

However, Wang Qi did not finish what he wanted to say. Mi's smile was frozen. Then her "body" quickly became blurred, as if the signal was not good, full of snowflakes.


Mi screamed, and finally collapsed into an irregular chaotic color.

"Don't pretend that you are a natural saint, the level of life is equivalent to the fairy, you can mess up!"

Wang Qi roared, but to no avail. Mi's body is a ten thousand miles away. At this distance, he could not do anything.

Chen Youjia shivered slightly and pulled Wang Qi's clothes. Wang Qi followed Chen Youjia's hand and looked at the seaside. I saw that the West Sea, which was still calm just now, is now boiling like a boil, continually churning. The infinite glory is released from the sea. It is not only different from the mana of the human race, but also different from the elite spirit of the demon race. It is peculiar in nature, but huge in number, far superior to any individual Wang Qi has seen. Just standing here, Wang Qi felt like he was going to be engulfed by the wave of spiritual power.

"Xi ... Didn't that guy leave the country ..." Wang Qi sighed, feeling that these Poseidon class really didn't lose their master of death, relying on their special nature, and not afraid of any danger at all.

"Let's take a look now, what can I do?" Wang Qi mumbled, approached the calculator, and pressed one hand on the large one. A channel was established between Wang Qi, Butterfly Swarm and Wanxian Fantasy.


A few minutes ago, Ai Qinglan's empirical department.

Su Junyu came out with a sullen expression and asked, "What the **** happened? Why did you suddenly announce that everyone needs to leave the country urgently? This has to be explained! Is the management of Wanxian Fantasy Realm eating rice?" ? "

Several disciples of Wan Famen who followed Su Junyu to Langde also quickly sighed: "We were still communicating with the same disciples within the martial arts about how to use the latest version of the Vientiane Gua scriptures. Why did we suddenly declare offline?"

Because of the plug-in that was opened to Wang Qi, the Vientiane Gua Wen was updated hundreds of times overnight, and it jumped from one version to the six or seven version at a time. Therefore, most disciples of Wan Fa Men need to re-understand this system.

Ai Qinglan said angrily: "You ask me, who do I ask? Just now the empirical Xuan Si body and Wan Xian fantasy realm compatibility, this time out, a set of data is invalid!"

Everyone expressed disgusting anger. For a researcher, there is nothing more unpleasant than this.

Only Chen Feng is still calm: "The notice also said a short time, and everyone will endure after a moment of patience."

Xi smiled and said: "It's boring ... Hey, my good sister is the manager of Wanxian Fantasyland! Do you want me to open a back door for you guys and ask what happened? "

"No need." Chen Feng wanted to stop Xi. However, he found that the opposite Xi expression was a bit strange. She "whole person"-or "whole community", seems to endure great pain.

--what happened? Problem with emoji?

Chen Feng thought so, reached out to grab Xi, and asked, "Sister ... Sister!"

In the astonishing eyes of everyone, Xi suddenly screamed inaudibly. Everyone was swept away by some inexplicable force in the first time. In the empirical department, many fragile test tubes and flasks shattered. Then, the spirit body that Xi Huan transformed into exploded in everyone's amazing eyes.

"what happened?"

"Look at the sea!"

At the prompt of Su Junyu, everyone saw the vision of the sea.

An abnormal amount of mana rushed through the air and even rushed into the sky, turning into an aurora-like scene. That's Xi's runaway power!

Don't talk about the Yuanshen, even if it's virtual and nirvana, it can't be compared to it!

"What's wrong?"

The same question also appeared in the small cave sky under the Wanfamen. Jin Dan monk Yao Zhenyi was crying and fleeing here using Xiangyu travel.

Just now, Senior Mi, who has always been peaceful, suddenly became mad, and the scouring was enough to wipe out the huge spiritual power of the Jindan monks in the entire cave.

In fact, Mi had no intention of hurting anyone. Its original purpose was to crush all the calculators in this hole, nothing more.

However, the repair method of the Neptune class is a map cannon, and there is no way to accidentally hurt.

Now, the consciousness has almost collapsed. Her last thought was moaning ...

"Brother ... you **** ... what did you do ..."

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