Into the Immortal Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 845: The other is poison

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Ordinary Yuanshen monks have only completed the degree of "divided mind". And Wang Qi has completed the highest level that mortals can reach-the same as the law. In terms of the degree of combination of mana and soul, Wang Qi still has to be above the Yuanshen period.

However, in terms of the nature of mana and the total amount of mana, Wang Qi is far inferior to the monks of Yuanshen period.

Not to mention, the two priests of the Divine Age are still alive, and the mana is still a complete system, which will automatically destroy the external forces.

Wang Qi wants to use his mana to sense the situation of these two Yuanshen masters, which is totally a fool's dream.

However, with Liu Yi's help, Wang Qi's mana actually broke into the mana of these two Yuanshen masters.

As soon as consciousness flowed into these two Yuanshen masters, Wang Qi felt a kind of "openness". This is the first time he perceives the situation of Yuanshen Grandmaster.

He just felt like he saw the boundless Xinghai.

That is the power of vastness like Tianhe, which moves around a certain core with certain laws and fluctuations. In terms of power alone, Wang Qi can't even feel how many times this power is stronger than him.

It was difficult for Wang Qi to imagine that an "individual" could make him realize the smallness of life and the greatness of the world.

The last thing that gave him such a feeling of contradiction was that of Yueluo Liuli's flesh after being transformed from supernatural powers.

Above the Yuanshen, below the Yuanshen, there are two realms.

"Now is not the time to sigh." Wang Qi closed his eyes and increased his skill output.

The tiny mana condensed into lines, sweeping through this powerful system, slowly reading the spirit rhinoceros.

Then soon, Wang Qi felt the goal.

"Familiar spirit rhinoceros." Wang Qi grunted, and then used the memory of the Heart Demon Big Curse to disregard the feelings of the two Primal God Masters, and forcibly pulled out the soul distorted and distorted by the Heart Demon Big Curse. At this time, the two primordial masters remained conscious, and seemed to know what Wang Qi was doing, but they put down their resistance and let Wang Qi do it.

According to the essence of the Grandmaster of the Yuanshen Period, the devil's big curse has limited destructive power, and the "lesion" is removed in time, and then the anti-heart curse is injected, which is basically not a problem.

However, the Divine Plague spell is different.

In Wang Qi's view, the big devil's curse remains at the level of the overlord program. Although it is difficult to remove, but a few patches can be banned.

The Divine Plague Mantra is a proper virus.

To completely eliminate the virus, the best way is to format. But can Wang Qi format other people's thinking?

Absolutely not!

"Fortunately, when I was idle before, I also thought about how to lift the magic spell ..."

"My Divine Mantra is also performed using the Vientiane Gua Wen. The core part is an instruction set ... as long as some new instructions are injected into this malicious instruction set, the operation of the God Plague Mantra should be stopped ... … "

"However, I haven't tried this method yet, so. Two seniors, sorry, take your hands first!"

Mei Gemu-To be precise, Mei Gemu's flesh stumbled across this wood.

His face was pale at this time, with no vitality in his body, and he was all supported by the last line of mana.

Cultivation of a family's sky-tribulation is caused by both the internal and external environment, so there is also a certain relationship between the form of the sky-tribulation and the method of the clan's cultivation. However, the planet's Reiki system is a system with chaotic characteristics, and the collapse of the outer Reiki environment is a typical nonlinear process. In fact, no one is sure about the final form of the Sky Tribulation.

From the beginning of the creation of the Dafa Dafa, it was possible to consider the number of possible robberies.

Therefore, it can also be used to transfer all the negative forces in the fairy and transfer it to the outside world.

The reason why he used the two Primordial Masters just now was to solve two enemies.

According to his original thinking, Liu Yi and Wang Qi could not escape. However, this outer curse spell itself was created by Wang Qi, and it is still unknown whether it has an effect on Wang Qi. As for Liu Yi ... I do n’t know why, Mei Gemu felt that as soon as he approached him, he might be caught by the other party to fight back.

So, he could only escape.

While maintaining the state of "jumping out of the long river", he burned mana and used the penetrating escape method to directly cross the space and reach the distance.

Although he is the deity of immortals, he hasn't replied yet. In doing so, the burden on his body is actually very large.

But now, in the case of deep infection by the Divine Plague spell, he can't actually supplement himself. If the Divine Plague is not removed, absorbing spiritual power is equal to enemies and suicide.

Before he got rid of his current situation, he did not know what to do.

"The last chance ..."

The broken body gasped violently, his chest undulating like the wind. The body that only needed aura to survive, actually began to crave "breathing"-this shows that he is on the verge of reaching the limit.

Every step of the way, "Meige Mu" seems to be falling down. But every time, he just shook his body, and then stood up again: "How can I ... how can I die here."

——I am a fairy, a heavenly saint ...

——It is shameful enough to crumble in the world ... why ...

Unlike Mei Gemu, the "He" is known. As long as he can trigger the power of "his" hidden in the depths of 100,000 mountains, he will have the opportunity to make a comeback and escape from here.

At this time, another feeling of dizziness hit him.

"No, here again ..."

Mei Gemu took a deep breath and seemed to be brewing for a long time. Immediately afterwards, his hand was pressed against an ancient wood, and once again launched the world to transform Dafa. The negative effects of the Divine Plague spell were continuously poured into the ancient wood as his mana flowed. Then, an amazing scene happened. The ancient wood suddenly shakes its branches, the spirit of the world gathers automatically, and the fascinating demon power begins to take shape.

This ancient tree turned into a demon!

Mei Gemu knelt on the ground. The body of the Divine Plague Mantra is a spirit rhinoceros, there is no so-called "material", while he outputs the power of the Divine Plague Mana, he also divides part of his mana. Now every mana of his mana is used to hang his life and cannot be easily separated.

If the object is still the Yuanshen Grandmaster, he can rely on the function of heaven and earth to easily transform Dafa, recovering part of the strength from other Yuanshen Grandmasters to fill himself, but if the object is these woods, he basically can't receive anything. In other words, every time he uses this method, he risks his life.

"That guy can actually use his own wisdom and spirituality as a weapon to kill the enemy. This world is a bit terrifying ... and it is also very interesting ..."

"He" began to be incapable of distinguishing which thoughts belonged to himself and which thoughts belonged outside.

Reluctant thinking now is just to keep the consciousness complete.

As for the things that are mixed with others in the consciousness ... For the time being, I will not consider it.

"The wisdom and spirituality of the other is like poison to me. Presumably the same is true in reverse? I hold my heart, and most of them are outsiders."

"If there is no gap between people, everyone has to face the soul of others ... that's really terrifying."

"Sure enough ... Xian Lu needs to be poisonous ... The other is fiercely poisonous ..."

"He" held his head and shook his head with a wry smile: "This is definitely ... a rational idea ..."

After confirming that his thoughts were in order, Mei Gemu stood up.

At this time, the ancient tree behind him had produced earth-shaking changes. Its root system curled up, pulled out the soil, and then swiped on the ground like an octopus' arm and foot.

For the grass demon, being able to get rid of the constraints of the cell wall and move freely is to open the spirit and complete the state of Qi and consummation.

There are few trees here that have been mined. Thousand-year spirit trees abound. A lot of spiritual power has continued among these spirit trees, but there is only one opportunity for demonization.

The power of Mei Gemu through the world and the transformation of Dafa to graft into these trees is the essence of his power as a fairy, and there is also the **** plague spell based on Wang Qi ’s consciousness.

To the intelligent creatures, the Divine Mantra is a poison that harms the mind. But for non-living creatures that are lifeless and asexual, this is to add wisdom directly to them-although this wisdom is crazy.

The power of Meige Mu's division is extracted from the remnants of the fairy. This is equivalent to self-defeating the source and spreading power for those trees. What is the quality of the fairy soul? The mortal won, as long as he is not dead, he can step into the fairy road and go straight to Jindan.

The tree demon who has the cleverness of the human race and the origin of the fairy can not break through in a few breaths. That is a strange thing!

Mei Gemu glanced at the tree demon. I saw that the tree demon stumbled and moved, and the canopy constantly wiped other trees, occasionally hitting the trunks of other trees. In a series of impacts, the grass demon element with the **** plague spell and a trace of fairy air infiltrated into other trees.

The new demonization began.

"Is erosion your nature ... no wonder. This characteristic comes from the outside curse ... no, it's the guy who made that outside curse ... that lunatic ..."

Mei Gemu smiled and left.

Whether it is a tree demon who was directly enlightened by Mei Gemu because of the easy transformation of heaven and earth, or whether he was infected with the tree demon twice, it has his mana spirit.

In the view of monks Gao Shen, there is basically no difference between the two.

This will be the best way to block the eyes.

Along the way, he has cast a dozen times, the world is easy to transform and rob Dafa. There are more than ten such horrible monsters, spreading this unknown power in this mysterious realm.

These monsters are also being promoted at a speed unmatched by ordinary monsters. That speed is only slightly weaker than the speed of his Meige Mu cultivation.

At this point, Wang Qi did not know that he had brewed a biohazard plot again. At this time, he was struggling to fight against the plague he created.

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