Into the Immortal Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 849: Hong Yuan's body, the face of the galaxy

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Liu Yi released his mana, wrapped Wang Qi and Yueluo Liuli, and flew quickly to the place designated by Yueluo Liuli.

Wang Qi was puzzled: "Is this really the way?"

"It's not wrong. Although the specific practices of Keyi are different for each god, there are always some similarities." Yueluo Liuli's fast science popularization set the Great Prayers.

"Praying for gratitude is also called" Dazheng Keyi "and" Great Prayer of God ". In short, in different civilizations and different years, there are different names."

Yueluo Liuli's words made Wang Qi a little puzzled: "Shen Dao? But where is Divine Divine ..."

"Isn't there another one in the first two years?" Liu Yi sneered: "Hong Yuan ..."

"If Mei Gemu is Hong Yuan ... He can't be wrong with his own **** body." Wang Qi said: "However, Mei Gemu should understand the power of my god's plague spell and won't choose God When the spell is not removed, is it connected to the **** body? "

Liu Yi said: "He is not connected to the **** body now, and there are nine or nine deaths. If he is connected to the **** body, then he still has a ray of vitality. Put it in the **** body, if it is polluted, it will be polluted."

Yueluo Liuli gave a different explanation: "The function of praying for grace is to pray for the divine power to come, but not to exchange it with incense and faith, but to ask the gods to actively lower the divine power."

Shinto is the force generated by the orderly movement of the cluster. The Shinto system exists in all people, so the gods are in touch with all the congregations. And believers who are extremely pious can even turn their minds into this Shinto system. At this time, the connection between the devoted person and Shinto is particularly close.

Wu Zhu went further. There are signs of gods in their bodies, which means that they are directly connected with the core of the entire Shinto system.

The Great Demon Curse can spread through the connection between that. Wang Qi threw out a big demon curse, which will sooner or later infect the entire civilization. There is no place to escape, except for a small country with few people and old dead places.

Divine plague spell will not work. Its propagation requires a stable channel. The power of ordinary clusters, the characteristics of nonlinearity are too strong and not stable enough.

If the Divine Plague spell infects a believer, it may not be able to infect the gods in the first place.

However, if the Divine Plague spell is infected with Wuzhu, it will be different. This kind of spiritual plague can completely infect the gods along the incense link between Wuzhu and the gods.

Mei Gemu is now practicing this kind of method. Most of them are unable to bear or lose their way. They must use the power of Shinto.

"Praying Zhengyi is not the set of scientific instruments that your human race has conceived. One of its characteristics is that it can also be used by non-believers ... how to say, this scientific instrument is equivalent to drawing a circle on the ground, and then After the corresponding **** feels the circle, he understands 'Oh, this is my code word', and then injects divine power, or divine punishment, or divine grace into this area according to this code word. If the **** who is the object of the prayer is unwilling, it can also not lend divine power. "

In fact, such Taisho ceremonies generally appear only in the heaven and earth where incense shrines are highly developed, and the mainstream ethnicity of the heavens and earth is not the one-god civilization, but the Shinto world where many gods stand side by side. This ceremonial purpose is to help other forces who do not believe in themselves but are friendly to themselves.

In the renewal demon civilization of Shenzhou, this is also the method used by the renewal demon **** master class to reward and punish.

Liu Yidao: "Be careful, the worst situation now is that Hong Yuan and Mei Gemu are two people, and then we have to face two different awakenings at the same time ..."

"It shouldn't be so unlucky. The fairy man behind Zhao Qingfeng is good at Shinto. At first, he took the heart demon mysterious net. How come so many good Shinto fairies come here to kill us!"

Yueluo Liuli made the old and important statement: "In short, Mei Gemu is now mostly in a crippled state. Wang Qi, you and I will kill the parasitic beast, and then Liu Yi, you will deal with the gods ..."

"Not good." Wang Qi categorically refused: "The correct way is to use the lower prince and the upper prince, take the lower prince and the upper prince ... Liuli, you and Mr. Liu went to cut Mei Gemu."

"Absolutely not!" Liu Yi interrupted: "You must not kill him before lifting the Divine Plague spell on him!"

The three had just begun to discuss tactics, and an attack came from the sky. The attack came silently, and was not noticed by Liu Yi until very near. He drank abruptly, his palms stretched out, and the endless palm winds connected successively, even linking up into a reversing waterfall. This palm power waterfall is formed by tens of thousands of palm power, each of which is enough to crack the mountain peaks and flatten the hills. There are tens of thousands of changes in Wandao palm power, no matter how the enemy counterattacks, they can change according to the opportunity and transform the corresponding changes.

However, afterwards, Wang Qi and Yue Luo Liuli drank at the same time: "Don't block it!"

Liu Yi has not yet understood the meaning of Wang Qi and Yueluo Liuli, and the two attacks have already touched. Liu Yi ’s tremendous power is enough to even a small city. It should not be silent in any case. disappear. However, the mysterious attack actually wiped out the attack.

Yes, erase. It was as if the spell had been flying ten miles and hundreds of miles away, and it naturally dissipated.

Liu Yi didn't expect this important change anyway, and was beaten upright as a surprise. As soon as the colorless and phaseless attack came into contact with his escape light, his escape light collapsed. Wang Qi rolled on the spot in advance to avoid the blow.

"Innate and unlucky way ..." Wang Qi's eyes flashed with anger. This is also regarded as the power of his disgust.

An extremely familiar power, one of congenital luck and one of five luck.

The so-called congenital five-luck movement is a state in which five things change from prosperity to decline, from order to disorder.

Congenital and unlucky, the ceremony collapsed and the music was broken.

Its characteristic is such a seemingly unreasonable elimination spell.

Unexpectedly, Liu Yi ate the strength of this blow from nowhere and suddenly lost most of his mana. He was only in the period of primordial spirit, not in the period of refining the void, and he was unable to generate mana from the void, and a large amount of combat power was wiped out.

Not only that, but after the invisible and colorless move, Liu Yi's body flew with black air, and even his vitality was cut off.

"Innate murder ..."

Regardless of the three, seventy-one and twenty-one, Wang Qi's flame of destiny is fully opened, and the white negative entropy fire is burning, protecting Wang Qi like armor. The surrounding heaven and earth aura sensed the individuals with the highest degree of order in this neighborhood, and they all poured in.

Wang Qi knew that the goal of the previous move was Liu Yi, so he was able to escape. If the first move was to call yourself, you are already dead in all likelihood.

"Where did the attack come from?"

As soon as Wang Qi looked up, he saw the answer.

It was a strange door. The door was boxy and there was a black lotus in each corner. That black lotus seems to be the support of this door. At first, the door was only three feet away. Pulling up in mid-air, the door spun quickly, expanding at an amazing speed, and occupied half of the sky in the blink of an eye.

Then, a vise clamped on the door frame of the door. Immediately afterwards, the crowd only heard the sound of a collision of iron, and a shadow-covered figure shrouded in black robes appeared in front of the three Wang Qi. There was an iron chain attached to the bottom of the pliers. The iron chain was connected to the bottom of the black robe. The figure of the black robe seemed to use the pliers as flying claws, and came out of the door by pulling force.

No ... no ...

In this guy's black robe, I am afraid there is no human flesh at all, only iron chains and torture tools.

This is one of the images of Hong Yuanshen.

Wang Qi vaguely remembers the teachings of the Hongyuan God he studied a year or two ago. When Hong Yuan Shen was kind and eye-catching, Bao Xiang was solemn, like a man in the middle age, and when Hong Yuan Shen wanted to punish the world, he would transform into such a horrible gesture.

At this time, the figure of Hong Yuanshen covered the sky. He was suspended in mid-air, and the endless torture tools fell from the black robe, like a steel waterfall. These chain-attached torture tools, or the elimination of spells, or the loss of human life, or cut off the road, or the destruction of the clean, have shown the characteristics of one of the innate five luck.

This is the scene of deity fighting!

But Liu Yi did not sit still. Although he was extinguished by more than half of his mana and nearly half of his life, he was still the Grand Priest of Yuanshen after all. The hoarse gas of the vast sea spewed out from his hole. In an instant, his whole body was like a sword box, and countless sword qi flew out of it.

Wang Qi asked in a low voice: "Li Liu, how much strength do you have now?"

"Forty percent of the peak period."

"You and Liu Yi will destroy Hong Yuanshen, at least one doppelganger. I will personally capture Mei Gemu."

This is the best way Wang Qi thought of.

Wang Qi now has more than one magic spell. Under the premise of the same approach, there is a stable channel between him and Mei Gemu. He can instill a new Divine Plague spell into Mei Gemu's body anytime, anywhere.

However, a burst of laughter came from not far away: "Wang Qi ... How can I make you wish?"

This voice is hoarse and unpleasant. Wang Qi raised his head and could hardly recognize Mei Gemu in front of him. In front of him, it was not Mei Gemu, who was a teenager, but a drooping old man with a black skin. He didn't lose half of his original mana energy, and his life was exhausted, only his eyes were bright.

"This guy, actually allowed Hong Yuanshen's innate five-luck method to penetrate his body and constantly eliminate his own power. The Divine Plague spell doesn't only rely on mana to operate, but mana is its best support."

"He is to eliminate the influence of the Divine Plague spell!"

Wang Qi thought so, it was already a stab.

For this sword, he did not use the sword of indefinite cause, because the power of the sword of indeterminate nature could not be controlled by himself. If it was not possible, he would send a soul with a magic spell to turn it around. Countless black qi poured out from Mei Gemu, offsetting Wang Qi's sword qi. He pointed to the top and smiled, "Is the Dragon Clan? I have prepared opponents for you too."

As his finger pointed out, Yueluo Liuli exclaimed: "This is impossible!"

Wang Qi looked up and found that he saw Xinghe.

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