Into the Immortal Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 854: New Mission Extinction Ancient Repair

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"Wang Qi, I just thought about it. There is a secret mission to kill a voter with the **** plague spell, are you willing to take it?"

When Feng Luoyi said this, Wang Qi's heart suddenly accelerated for a moment.

--This feeling……

——Is this the feeling that someone above you is blatantly breaking the law ...

——Couch is calm and calm ... this is Mr. Feng ... this is Mr. Feng ... he should not give me any genocide mission ...

——Wait a minute, why think of "He is Teacher Feng", I think the possibility of "genocide mission" rises linearly?

Wang Qi blinked and drove out the legend of "Von Neumann suggested that the United States, the United States, and the National Nuclear Scrubber Su Lian" before completing the atomic bomb research in Su Lian, and turned to think about the possibility of this matter seriously. Sex.

Feng Luoyi shook his head: "Relax, no one has that idle time to test you."

"Really, teacher, looking at the posture, I almost thought that as long as I nodded, you would still put me in prison ..." Wang Qi asked haha ​​and asked, "What the **** is this task?"

"Sneak into the place where the ancient Faxu in the far sea is located, and spread the mind-magic curse and the **** plague spell on their side, set up the heart-magic mysterious net-bright and upright." Feng Luoyi fingered the table and the table immediately appeared A picture. That is a topographic map. Wang Qi ’s geography is not good, but the sense of geometric space is very good. It soon became clear that this picture is like a giant underground cave, but it is supported by a spirit array in every aspect—this cave The mechanical structure is not enough to support such a huge space.

All buildings in this law are contracted by Qianji Pavilion and Shanhe City. Both schools are good at transforming natural spiritual flow into the structure of the building. Therefore, there are basically few buildings on the earth of China that need to be specially arranged for the load of the spirit array.

Combined with Feng Luoyi, there is only one place for this picture.

The land of the distant sea owned by ancient Faxiu.

Wang Qi grasped tightly: "Really?"

"I heard that you had a deep grudge with Gu Faxiu when you first entered the Tao. I think you should also want to find an opportunity to eliminate them completely?" Feng Luoyi's expression was calm. But Wang Qi just thought that every word the teacher said now had some kind of magic.

The operators in Wang Qi ’s body arranged the Qingxin mantra again. Clear mind light flashed away on his body. Then he grinned: "This job is fun."

"It looks like you are going to do it." Feng Luoyi nodded. "Since that is the case, then you are."

Wang Qi was a little embarrassed: "Is it so decided?"

"I can take the lead in this matter." Feng Luoyi pointed to himself: "After all, I was launched by Xianmeng Gong to handle the executive."

Wang Qi closed his eyes and thought about it carefully: "Still something is wrong, teacher. According to your previous style, why shouldn't you just look for me? More people are safer at least."

"I'll give you a good idea. First of all, overseas ancient repairs are nothing but clown jumping. As long as I am willing to move my thoughts, there will be thousands of days of swords directly blasting this place, there is no need to waste manpower to kill. The reason for this is just to give them a little value. "

"Value ..." Wang Qi's eyes widened: "You mean ..."?

"Empirical." Feng Luoyi nodded: "The guy who is physiologically human but has no human rights, is the best material on the demon Xuanwang."

"I'm afraid I understand. Because I am an authority in this field, I can go, right."

Feng Luoyi shook his head: "Mo Yao is too confident. In this field, you are a pioneer, but you are not a seeker of the way of life, even if it is a way of learning, you have not put your experience completely The field of probability related to it. So, there are many people who are stronger than you in the period of primordial spirit and the period of refining the imagination. However, they are not suitable for this hidden task. "

The most special part of this mission is that there is the Saint Immortal in the far sea.

Saint Emperor has practiced for thousands of years, and has been infinitely close to the fairy, and most of his memories have been awakened. His skills are by no means comparable to ordinary ancient cultivation. The current Falun Gong above the Yuanshen stepped into his realm and was easily discovered.

Monk Jindan does not have this problem. Wang Qi only needs to temporarily isolate the connection between himself and the breath of heaven and earth, and the shielded gas veins can be disguised as an ancient method.

It's just that there are very few options in the Jindan period. After all, the authority of those Jindan monks in Xianmeng is very low, and it is not enough to know the highest-level tricks of the magic spell of the demon and the spell of the gods.

Feng Luoyi coughed and added another sentence: "In the Jindan period, there are actually three or four candidates. Except for you, the other candidates are all monks in Tianlingling. Tianlingling I do n’t like this kind of empirical evidence. Those monks should think about feathers more-just you ’ll have no problem. Anyway, you are already a “shame of Taoism”, and your reputation in Tianling Mountain will not be stinky anymore.

Wang Qi laughed twice: "Oh ... Your reason is ... really ... persuasive ..."

In fact, there are several reasons for choosing Wang Qi. For example, he took the old grandfather with him-Zhen Jiezi as a ring grandfather, although he was born a little out of time, but his experience as an ancient Faxi cannot be faked.

For another example, Wang Qi is also one of the very few practitioners of the "three-tier spirit body" who passed the ancient method of "gugu, guangguang, and xuanzhao". The third-order spiritual body differs from the third-order spiritual practice in the world, and finally reflects on the human body, leaving slight traces.

In addition, Wang Qi does indeed have the heritage of Luofu Xuanqing Palace, an ancient school of law. When necessary, he can also expose his identity as the "Luofu Xuanqing Palace Descendant" and cover up his identity as the current Faxiu.

After comprehensive consideration, Wang Qi is indeed the most suitable candidate.

Wang Qi narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Teacher, I will do this job."

Feng Luoyi coughed: "Tell you in advance, because it is such a thing as the empirical Divine Mantra and the Heart Demon Big Curse, so the abnormal empirical test was carried out with the sky sword hanging high. 108 handles The Heavenly Sword is always in formation, and the sword refers to the ancient immortal gate of the far sea. As long as the situation there is out of control, the sword may turn you, as well as the ancient Faxiu, into gray.

Wang Qi smiled and said: "Teacher, you are more worried that the God Spell spell will get out of control, you might as well worry about whether the Sky Sword you control will escape."

Once born and ripe again. Now Wang Qi's understanding of the Divine Plague Mantra has far surpassed others.

Besides, the time he spent with the mind and space is not in vain.

This time, he has accumulated enough experience. He is confident that his next Divine Mantra is absolutely stable and controllable

"Then go home and wait. As fast as one month, as slow as three months, there will be news." Feng Luoyi waved his hand and drove Wang Qi out of this illusion.

As soon as Wang Qi left, Baizawa Shenjun came out of the dark: "Why, do you really want that kid to destroy the ancient dharma?"

Feng Luoyi nodded: "This is completely reasonable."

"He is a genius, a jealous genius." Baize Divine Sovereign said: "You should see his value? If it is consumed meaninglessly in the battle ..."

"Are you worried about him?" Feng Luoyi shook his head with a smile: "Senior, I think you might as well worry about ourselves. That kid is more dangerous than being an enemy. I bet, just send him Entering the hinterland of ancient Faxiu, he will be able to completely kill the ancient Faxiu within three months. "

"No gamble, no gamble. This game is unfair in probability." Baize Shenjun shook his head and sighed: "Ancient Faxiu ... When I first entered the Dao, they were still fighting against the Faxian Dao. Now , The path of Yuanying is completely cut off. "

"It's a stumbling block to put things out of the pile of paper."

Baize Shenjun smiled and said: "Speaking of it, after going through the 100,000 mountains, you really don't consider using a seal to lock him up? This kind of **** needs to be well educated."

"There are always some people who are born madmen. You can't look at them with ordinary people's thinking." Feng Luoyi shook his head: "I never expect the king of **** to listen to people's words, naturally, neither do I I hope Wang Qi will one day be able to become cautious and follow the rules. But, it is undeniable that we need this kind of escaped and free madman. If there is no madman like Wang Qi who penetrates into his bones, it may be difficult to appear incomplete. "

"Say,‘ fast one month, slow three months ’? Should we do this as soon as possible?”

"Before the war, everything is under our control. I must take advantage of this opportunity to solve the incomplete and undecidable things. Otherwise, once the war with the Dragons is frightened, things are prone to errors." Feng Luo Yi pressed his forehead: "If any guy accidentally poke the message to the fortune-teller ... I can't say anything."

"I don't dare to talk about all things in order to study these things now." When Shiraizawa said this, his tone was a bit sullen: "But in terms of my personal feelings, Wang Qi's incomplete law seems to need more Strong proof ... "

"Strong and powerful proof?" Feng Luoyi frowned slightly. "Do you have any questions about Wang Qi's proof? For that impeccable proof?"

"Imperfect? ​​It's not worth it." Shen Zejun denied: "If it was hundreds of years ago, I wouldn't even think it was a study."

"It's not hundreds of years ago. Collection has changed mathematics! Logic is part of mathematics. There is nothing to say."

Lord Shirasawa shook his head: "The foundation of set theory is vulnerable-this is also proved by Wang Qi."

"Wang Qi's denial is not the set theory itself, but some ideas." On this issue, Feng Luoyi insisted: "You can't ignore the glorious results we have achieved through sets!"

Lord Bai Ze has no intention of arguing with the country's players in this respect. He changed the subject: "To what extent does Wan Fa Men accept incomplete and undecidable?"

"Among the people who participated in our training, the concept of self-sufficiency and completeness has begun to shake. A small number of people have begun to doubt this. However, no one has yet proved the law of incompleteness." Feng Luoyi said: "Moreover, a part of Dao heart shaking phenomenon has appeared ..."

Baize Shenjun sighed: "The Ten Thousand Famens are about to change again."

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