Into the Immortal Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 877: The end of an era

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It was late spring and the azaleas bloomed on the outskirts of Leiyang.

But at this time, the new disciples in Leiyang Xianyuan did not have any idea of ​​making friends.

They have just stepped into the world of fairy road, it is time to lay the foundation. In their eyes, everything is so fresh. Every word of those lecturers is scrubbing their worldview.

Today, they will be in touch with a new Tongtian Avenue and will be deeply attracted to them-as long as they are not scared by their new lecturer.

"Today is your first day of contact with mathematics."

"Maybe you will tell me that you have memorized several mortal calculations in Mongolian school. Or, you learned geometry in the pulpit of Xianmeng, you learned elementary algebra, and you learned the Tianyuan style. I feel that I am smart enough. For you, there is no problem even if you calculate the accounts for the Jiajia House or even check the accounts of a country. "

"However, I will tell you today that you are still far from getting started with arithmetic!"

Wu Wenfu, the Grand Master in the early days of refining the virtual power, waved the pointer in his hand and used his power to transform a light curtain.

"Before joining the fairy yard, most of you have read the biography of Master Yuanli and learned of his hand-in-hand book" The Mathematics of the Avenue ". You know about the three methods of Yuanli. Many people will also calculate the reason for the movement of objects based on the formulas of these three methods ... But, do you know where this reason comes from? "

As Wu Wenfu waved the pointer in his hand, there was an operator in the illusion of the light curtain, which showed the familiar or unfamiliar truths of the new disciples.

He is a typical disciple of Falun Dafa, which is in line with all the impressions of other monks on Fafa disciples. Silent, lonely, unsmiling, and do not have companions on weekdays, but when it comes to areas where you are good at, it is like changing a person, telling your understanding with a passion that is about to ignite yourself.

"Now, you are all set!"

"This is the three methods of Yuanli, this is how it came!"

"This method is called calculus! It is divided into differential method and integral method!"

"It started from the exploration of the predecessors of Wanfamen! The quadrature problem of irregular geometric figures, and the problem of arbitrary tangent to arbitrary curves."

"Yuanli Shangren, from the predecessors' search for these two problems, has proved the truth of calculus, and then took the 'first step'!"

"Calculation is the foundation of our way!"

At this time, a new disciple raised his hand timidly. The girl seemed a little afraid of the passionate mentor, but the flash of knowledge in her eyes forced her to raise her hand.

Seeing the little girl asking questions, Wu Wenfu's expression softened. He said: "Is there anything to ask?"

"There is a problem ... I was thinking a long time ago."

"Mr. often said, 'Everything is' arbitrary' ... Why can you be so determined that a method can be applied so widely?" The girl asked her head timidly, "When I was studying math alone, Occasionally I will come up with some tricks. However, some of the ideas I came up with by chance are wrong when applied to other topics ... this ... why ... "

"Very good! You have asked the key question." Wu Wenfu, like issuing combat instructions, waved his arms vigorously, sharply like a knife: "The answer to this question is the key to arithmetic and its charm. "

"The next thing I ’m going to talk about may not be of much use to most of you, and I do n’t expect how many of you will be able to join Wanfa, but please remember what I ’m going to talk about, this will Let you be endless! "

"The reason why mathematics can produce a universal truth is that mathematics and the law are together. It must be a self-consistent and complete system ... don't understand what is perfect? ​​It is perfection and perfection! I give You give an example ... "

Half an hour of a class passed quickly. As if exhausting all his passion, Wu Wenfu took a sigh of relief, his body dissipated without a trace. He rolled up his lesson plan and walked out of the classroom quietly. The moment he stepped out of the door, he beckoned to a base-building assistant who listened to him behind him. A lively and charming young girl ran over: "Uncle Wu, you are really good."

This girl was a monk during the foundation stage of Hong Chen's heart-cultivation period, named Ouyang Wei, but an inner disciple of Wan Fa Men.

"What's the name of the little girl who just asked the question? It's a personal talent. Look back."

"Xiao Enle." Ouyang Weimei's eyes circulated: "She is indeed very spiritual. However, is it too early for her to deal with those in-depth issues? You also changed her teaching plan specifically for her ... "

"A real genius, but it is far more than you and I imagined." Wu Wenfu shook his head: "In the beginning, the true biography of Wan Fa Men Wang Qi, because of physical reasons, no one is optimistic. Who can think that he left the fairy court only one year, Have you made the earth-shattering great achievement of Wang's complete law? "

"You said that she has this talent too?" Ouyang Wei blinked, his face shocked.

The brother named Wang Qi is a peerless genius in the legend!

"Not necessarily, but there is no harm in looking after one or two." Wu Wenfu said with a smile: "He has already asked the core question of mathematics. Why can mathematics be universally applicable? I might be able to talk to her alone Speaking of the principle of completeness-Wang's complete law may be a good breakthrough ... "

"Fart!" Another voice interrupted Wu Wenfu's words, and a sound was unreasonably inserted: "You rarely use your theory that is equivalent to talking empty words in circles. It hurts talent!"

At this time they just walked to the quiet room where the lecturer rested, and it was the other lecturer who spoke. Ouyang Wei had a headache. The person who is speaking now is called Wu Weijun, and he is also a lecturer in mathematics here.

This fairy yard has only five or six million master lecturers. These five or six people are divided into Lizong and Lianzong. It's also because the others aren't there, otherwise it will be noisy again.

"Huh, I'm too lazy to argue with you. I have to look at the new research recently." Wu Wenfu ignored each other. They have been teaching in the same fairy yard for three years and have fought countless times. He still wants to take advantage of the noon effort to see what new papers he has recently, and he is simply too lazy to ignore this guy.

"You ..." Wu Weijun glanced at each other bitterly, then sat down.

Ouyang Wei stood quietly here, waiting for the orders of several seniors. This is also part of the teaching assistant work.

"Well," The Trial & Ten Thousand Counts & Volumes; Volume One Arithmetic Statements and Related Systems in Arithmetic ", how? The young people are so impetuous now? How about directing the sword to the master? What do you think? The author ... Wang Qi ... "

Ouyang Wei heard Wang Qi ’s name and wanted to join in and take a look. But at this time, she heard Wu Wenfu moaning: "Why ... how could this be ... how could this be ..."

Ouyang Wei burst into his heart, a kind of depression and fear from the heart came out for no reason. She was trembling, trying to escape. The unknown force shocked him and made her feel like the air around her was like glue.

"Ah!" Wu Wenfu suddenly screamed, and a blue torrent of torrents rushed out of him. It was the mana of the Grandmaster's riots in the refining period, even if it was a real torrent, even a tsunami, it was in front of it Just a weak ripple. Ouyang Wei was stunned, closing his eyes and waiting to die. But at this time, another force protected her and forcibly suppressed this terrifying mana torrent.

Wu Weijun shouted: "Wu Wenfu! What are you crazy about?"

Wu Wenfu did not answer, but passed out directly. Wu Weijun snatched his calculator and fiddled with it for a while, and saw the last paper he read.

Then, the eyes of the master of Lianzong froze.

"Why ..." He felt his voice ambiguous before he realized that the blood clot was falling to the ground from his mouth.

"Why is this ..."


"Why is this!" The same roar sounded simultaneously in many places in China.

A new paper appeared in Xianmeng's paper library. Somehow, its search sequence is abnormally high. As long as your search keywords involve "arithmetic logic", you can definitely see it.

Then, many mathematicians read it.

The monks of Jindan period and below were only hit, but they were not injured yet, and there was no danger to their lives. They are not enough to understand the meaning behind this incompleteness.

Most of the masters who are biased towards Lizong have suffered a lot. Incompleteness fundamentally shakes their beliefs. The higher the cultivation level, the more severe the damage.

The master of Lianzong is also not safe. Except for the most thorough Lian clan, which counts the princes and sisters, ordinary disciples cannot ignore this theory completely.

The mathematics in the eyes of Lizong and the mathematics in the eyes of Lianzong are the same. Lizong is considered incomplete, and even Zongzong cannot be considered complete.

Only a handful of monks who do n’t care and prefer practical methods have escaped. However, their confidence has also been greatly shaken.

"It reminds me of the cry of the monks of the Yuanli system when the Ten Thousand Fas became a unity." At the Ten Thousand Fas, Lord Bai Ze stared blankly at the damaged report on his hand: "Also, the Tao of Taoism At the time of the rise, the people of the Tao of Yuan Magnets were so screaming, right? "

"It's different." Opposite him, Chen Jingyun said in a sad tone: "The rise of Yuanci and ethereal, there are always a group of winners. But this time, there are no winners, but the loser is the whole way. "

"There are similarities too. When all the methods were put together, the thoughts of nature, which specializes in the logistics of natural logistics, were thought to have been explored by them. When I learned about humility, I learned to be humble. Today, It ’s also our turn to know the distance between ourselves and the Avenue of Mathematics—the road is still very long! ”Said King Shirasawa, who is famous for his arrogance:“ The age of darkness, blur, and hopelessness begins. ”

Chen Jingyun lamented: "Wan Famen counts the world's confidence, should I never see it again ..."

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