Into Unscientific

Chapter 102: The Bloody Story

Go back in time for another fifteen minutes.


There was only a clear splash, and a figure suddenly fell from the void.

After a while.


Xu Yun raised his head from the water and spit out a mouthful of clear cold water.

After taking a few breaths, he began to look around.

Well, there is actually nothing to look around - he is currently at the bottom of a well that is more than one meter wide and 13 to 14 meters deep, and he can see the exit with a little light when he looks up.

The original depth of the well water was about 80 centimeters. After falling into a person, the height of the well rose about 5 centimeters, barely reaching Xu Yun's waist. A wooden barrel was hung near his neck.

Feeling the moist feeling coming from his lower body, Xu Yun touched his body briefly, and couldn't help but frowned slightly:

The mobile phone still didn't travel with him, so there was no need to worry about the problem of water entering the mobile phone.

However, the compressed biscuits I carried with me were soaked in water, and they had already begun to show signs of foaming, so they probably couldn't be stored for a long time.

As for the most critical gold and silver currency, it is okay to say that it can be used after entering the water, so the situation is relatively not too bad.

But the strange thing is that now that he has regained consciousness, the task reminder of the halo has not appeared.

Could it be that he still had to be shocked by the power of knowledge to activate the mission like Mavericks did back then?

And just as Xu Yun was thinking, he suddenly felt a sliding sensation from his ankle.

Xu Yun's expression moved slightly, and he quickly put several items into the wooden barrel that did not touch the water.

Then bent down and fumbled in the water.

in a minute.

Xu Yun stood up again, with one more in his hand.


Anglers Never Air Force.jpg.

Then he lifted the fish up and observed it carefully.

Through the moonlight shining into the bottom of the well, it can be seen that this is a golden carp with a body length of nearly 30 centimeters.

It is a very common custom to raise fish in well water.

For one thing, most of the wells are open-air, and when it is windy and rainy, there will be more impurities in the well.

In this way, it is easy to breed some algae plants or small insects in the well, which will pollute the water source.

Properly put a few small fish down, these algae plants and small insects will be eaten by the small fish, and the problem of pollution will no longer exist.

The second is to prevent poisoning. I won’t say much about it. The rural children should be more impressed.

It can be said that poisoning well water has been a very common operation since ancient times.

Therefore, what surprised Xu Yun was not the presence of fish in the well, but the species of the fish.

As a Ph.D. in biology, Xu Yun wouldn't exaggerate to the extent of humanoid self-propelled discriminators, but it's not difficult to distinguish some species with more characteristics.

"The sides of the body are flat, the abdomen is round, and the focus is on the 2 pairs of mandibular beards."

Xu Yun frowned while looking at it, and the color of surprise in his eyes became more and more intense:

"This is the Yellow River carp?"

The Yellow River carp is a fish belonging to the genus Cyprinidae of the family Cyprinidae.

The body is plump, the meat is thick, tender and delicious, and rich in nutrition. Cough cough, wrong wrong.

Yellow River carp, as its name suggests, is a special species of carp that lives in the native Yellow River!

That's right!

Except for the Yellow River Basin, you can't see this kind of carp at all.

Even if the Asian carp invaded Europe and the United States in later generations, the Yellow River carp still remained in a relatively narrow territory in the mainland.

At most, it's just that some remote provinces will be covered by breeding.

So it's obvious.

The era that the dungeon came this time was not abroad, but


Thinking of this, Xu Yun's eyes couldn't help but light up:

"According to the characteristics of the halo, is it Song Yingxing this time? Shen Kuo? Sun Simiao? Or a modern scientist?"

Then he put the carp back into the water, and took out a cloth bag from the bucket, which contained two sets of wigs.

One of them has western-style black curly hair, and the other is an ancient hair-beaming headgear bought on Taobao for 54 yuan.

After all, no matter which dynasty you wear in ancient or modern China or foreign countries, the costumes can barely explain the past with exotic clothes, but the hairstyle is a bit unique.

Right now, due to falling into the water, most of the hair hood has been wet, and the wetness is not very beautiful.

But Xu Yun didn't pay too much attention to it, and put it on his head after a few twists.

After doing this, he tried to pull the rope that pulled the barrel.

Well, a little loose.

Students who have fallen into the well should know it.

A person wants to climb up from the well, on the premise that the rope cannot be used, firstly depends on your injury, and secondly depends on the diameter of the well.

If the diameter of the bottom of the well is about one meter, then it is very simple.

For wells within this range, you can use your back against the well wall, and move upwards by pushing forward with your legs and alternately supporting your elbows, which is relatively labor-saving.

But unfortunately, the diameter of the well that Xu Yun fell into was nearly 1.5 meters.

He is not the two-meter-long Qinggang Ying in Douyin, so it is obviously difficult to climb out of the wellhead by himself.

In desperation, Xu Yun could only choose another way.

He cleared his throat and shouted towards the mouth of the well:

"Is anyone there? Help!!!!"

This well is located on the south side of the backyard of the mansion, which is commonly known as the South Wing.

Generally speaking.

Most of the main rooms of the mansion are the North Wing, which is where the owner lives.

The east and west rooms depend on the situation, some are guest rooms, and some are arranged for young masters and ladies to live in.

Most of the people living in the south wing are the servants of the mansion, and basically there are servants with different duties on duty or doing hard work 24 hours a day.

For example, at this moment, the old steward of the mansion is making arrangements for tomorrow's expenses near the South Wing.

"Xiao San'er, you get a hundred and twenty coins, and you can go to Hongyuji to buy some pastries tomorrow at Maoshi. Don't ask for sweet tofu nao."

"Yong Zhu, bring three hundred wen tomorrow, and go to Huang Butcher's shop to cut some lean meat, not a little fat, but finely chop it into simmered meat."

"Ah Ping."

Just as the old steward was explaining the arrangements for the next day with everyone in detail, there was a faint shout in his ears.

"anyone there"

The old steward thought it was because he was getting old and had some auditory hallucinations, so he didn't care.

But gradually.

That voice became clearer and clearer in the dark night, and even had an echo.

The old steward couldn't help frowning, and asked the few people in front of him:

"Did you hear any noise?"

Several servants nodded quickly:

"I heard it, I heard it!"

Among them, the middle-aged man named Yongzhu looked around for a while, his eyes suddenly locked on a certain direction, pointed there and said:

"Old Du Guan, the sound seems to come from the well behind the wall?"

Then he suddenly thought of something, his face turned blue:

"Howling in the middle of the night, could it be a ghost?"

As soon as Yongzhu's words came out, the atmosphere at the scene was suddenly tense.

Ghost sacrifices were popular in the Song Dynasty. Even in the bureaucratic class, many officials believed in ghosts.

One of the most representative is Bao Qingtian who judges the sun every day and breaks the moon at night. Many images of female ghosts in later generations also originated from the Song Dynasty.

Therefore, among ordinary people, many things are unconsciously brought up on ghosts and gods.

"Give me some calm!"

The old steward used to be a governor when he was in the army, and after he joined his master, the servants in the mansion still respected him in the name of the governor. Hearing this, he immediately shouted:

"We are full of yang, the head of the family is upright, Xiaosan and Aping are children, even if there are ghosts, there is no need to be frightened, what are you making a fuss about?

Old Qitou, you go to the front yard to look for the master, if you haven't undressed, invite him to come over.

The rest of the people waited and took their guns and sticks, and followed me to explore, maybe they were some rascals playing around late at night. "

As he spoke, he first picked up a simple knife and lit a torch.

Lead people to the wellhead behind the wall.

The mouth of the well is only thirty or fifty steps away from where everyone was before, so every time you take a step, the voice in your ears will become louder.


"anyone there"

After a while.

The old steward and others walked to the mouth of the well.

Then the old steward held the simple knife in one hand and the torch in the other, stood at the mouth of the well and shouted:

"Is there anyone down here?"

Seeing the appearance of the torch, Xu Yun down the well felt certain.

Although the halo once again translated the language of the person above into semantics that he could understand.

But Xu Yun is sure that this language is not the English that Xiao Niu spoke before, but the authentic ancient mandarin.

As for which dynasty's official language it was, he didn't know, but he could vaguely hear the shadow of a Zhongzhou accent.

This is good news, after all, the country of Manchu Qing is not in Zhongzhou, which avoids some bad situations.

Then he arched his hands into a trumpet and shouted upwards:

"The old man above, Xiao Ke is a traveler who stumbled and fell into the well pit. I feel guilty for disturbing you in the middle of the night, and I hope you can help me!"

Hearing the words, the old steward by the well mouth couldn't help but look at the surrounding courtyard walls more than ten feet high, with a strange expression on his face:

Which traveler can walk over a courtyard wall that is more than ten feet high, and run to someone else's house?

Did this person think that he stumbled in a village in the wilderness?

Of course.

Demons and ghosts have been very eloquent since ancient times, so they can't rely on this person's one-sided words.

Then he thought for a while, and summoned two servants to give some instructions, and the two servants left in response.

After a while.

One of the servants came back with a thick rope, and the old steward asked Yongzhu and others to fix one end, and shouted into the well:

"Wu Na man! You and I will talk about other matters later, and I will drag you up from the well first, what do you want?"

Soon, Xu Yun's reply came from the well:

"Thank you, old man!"

Seeing this, the old steward stepped back a few steps, beckoned and threw the rope into the well.

A few more breaths passed.

The outside of the rope suddenly tightened, and it was obvious that someone pulled the rope from below and exerted force.

With the help of a fixed rope, Xu Yun climbed up the well head along the well wall without much effort, like climbing a rock.

As soon as he emerged from the well, everyone around him, including the old steward, all took a big step back.

As a modern person, Xu Yun's complexion is obviously fair to the ancients, not to mention that he stayed underwater for a while.

This moment.

Under the light of the torches at night, his face was as white as a ghost's face, bloodless.

Coupled with the black down jacket he was wearing, this scene still had some impact on the old steward and the others.

Seeing this situation, Xu Yun couldn't help but a wry smile appeared on his face.

Then he arched his hands and was about to speak:

"This old man, Xiao Ke."

However, before he finished speaking, he felt a splash of liquid being thrown on his back.

This liquid is extremely sticky and has a slight smell of blood.

Xu Yun subconsciously touched it with his hand, and found that the place where he touched it was bright red.

At the same time, a surprised voice came from behind him:

"Huh? The black dog's blood hidden in the ice cellar for ten years is useless? Is it really human?"

Xu Yun turned his head in bewilderment, and found a little boy in his teens standing behind him, holding a red wooden basin in his hand.

True dog blood plot

at the same time.

Seeing that the blood of the black dog didn't work, the old steward gained courage instead.

Immediately he shouted loudly, Pu Dao stood up:

"Come on, take this thief down for me!"


After a few seconds.

Looking at the stick on his neck, Xu Yun sighed slightly:

Why is it the beginning of hell difficulty again?

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