Into Unscientific

Chapter 104 So It Was Him

Xu Yun in his previous life had a relatively random daily schedule due to his freelance work, so over time, he developed a biological clock of the underworld.

That is to go to bed at three or four in the morning and get up at one or two in the afternoon.

Under this kind of work and rest all year round, Xu Yun also suffered from reflux esophagitis, that is, the acid reflux in the stomach will burn the esophagus.

However, after being reborn, he deliberately adjusted his work and rest habits. Although staying up late is necessary for scientific research work, the overall work and rest time is still relatively sunny.

Therefore, when there was a urging sound outside the door at the third quarter of Mao, Xu Yun woke up quickly.

"Hey, people in the room, get up early!"

".Oh, here we come!"

Xu Yun rubbed his sleepy eyes, responded briefly, and then got up and put on his clothes.

The clothes that the old steward gave him yesterday were a set of standard handyman uniforms, extremely simple and plain, without any so-called style of the times.

As for the clothes worn by the old patriarch, they were pretty good. They seemed to be made of silk, and some of the textures in them could easily distinguish the dynasty in the eyes of professionals.

But don't forget.

Xu Yun is a science student.

You ask him to recite Mavericks, Dirac, these big guys have no problem with their resumes, and they can even do it backwards.

But it is a bit difficult for him to analyze the specific age through some clothing details.

After all, there are specializations in the art industry, and human abilities are limited.

After getting dressed.

Xu Yun opened the door and walked into the courtyard.

The room he lived in was located in the middle of the south wing, with a firewood room next to it, and beyond that was the wing where the servants slept.

In the courtyard, there is a large millstone, which is running slowly at this time, grinding away the rice.

In addition, there are several servants who are carrying and chopping firewood in the courtyard, and they seem to be working hard.

Seeing Xu Yun going out, one of the servants immediately stepped forward and handed over a set of items:

"Here, for your washing expenses, there is a channel in the corner, and you can fetch water to wash yourself quickly, and you still have to work in the morning."

Xu Yun subconsciously took this set of objects and found that it was a wooden cup and a small soft wooden brush.

Seeing this, Xu Yun was thoughtful.

Although he lacks knowledge about clothing, the history of the toothbrush is relatively familiar:

The term "toothbrush" officially appeared in the Yuan Dynasty, and Guo Yu's poem said: "The toothbrush in Nanzhou is the first day, and it is worth a gold for removing dirt and trouble."

However, in the Song Dynasty before the Yuan Dynasty, the ancients already had the habit of brushing their teeth, and the title of a toothbrush is also called brushing teeth.

For example, Zhou Mi, a relic of the Southern Song Dynasty, recorded in his book "Meng Liang Lu":

"At the entrance of Lion Alley, there is Ling's toothbrush shop, and at the entrance of Jinzi Alley, there is Fu Guanren's toothbrush shop."

As for the Song Dynasty and the Sui and Tang Dynasties, although there are also records of brushing teeth, people at that time brushed their teeth mostly by chewing willow.

Some people may have created the toothbrush in advance for various reasons, but it is absolutely impossible to popularize it for servants to use.

"The clothing of the Yuan Dynasty is obviously not in this style. The toothbrush of the Ming Dynasty has a long handle. As for the Qing Dynasty, it is impossible just to look at the hairstyle. That is to say, there is a high probability that I came to the Song Dynasty?"

Thinking of this, Xu Yun's eyes couldn't help but light up:

"A scientist in the Song Dynasty. Shen Kuo? Su Song? Qin Jiushao? Or... Yang Hui?"

Just when Xu Yun's mind was fluttering, the man's impatient voice sounded again:

"Hey, let me tell you, what are you doing just staring blankly? With these few steps, we still have to carry you there?"

Only then did Xu Yun come back to his senses, and hastily apologized to the man:

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm obsessed with thinking about things."

After speaking, he took the toothbrush and walked to the side of the ditch, scooped some water from a wooden bucket, and began to brush his teeth.

In fact, Xu Yun still doesn't understand why the owner of the courtyard didn't report him to the government and arranged such a residence for himself.

After all, logically speaking, this is considered breaking into a private house, right?

The words of the old man yesterday seemed to be filled with a little regret, as if he had imagined something weird.

But this is a good thing for Xu Yun.

After all, no matter which dynasty enters the game, it is very troublesome, but I feel that the eyes of everyone looking at me seem a little weird.

how to say.

It's like the feeling when I went to the hospital to register on the registration machine in my previous life, and suddenly caught a glimpse of the buddy next to me who registered for urology

A few minutes later.

After washing up, Xu Yun returned to the scene, the bells on his feet clanging along with him all the way.

After coming in front of the man, he lightly arched his hands:

"Dare to ask brother, what can I do next?"

This man was one of the servants who detained Xu Yun yesterday. After returning to his room, he heard the old man relay his master's guess. At this time, he didn't know what he thought of, and looked at Xu Yun's lower body with some pity:

"You can neither chop firewood nor push a mill with your bones. How about it, little San'er!"

As soon as the man finished speaking, a boy in his teens appeared beside him:

"Brother Yongzhu, where are you?"

The man nodded and said to Xu Yun:

"You follow Xiaosan to fetch water, there are more than forty mouths in the mansion, and the daily water consumption is also a big one.

You. By the way, what's your name? "

Xu Yun thought for a while and said:

"I'm Wang Lin, nicknamed Wang Mazi."

"Wang Mazi?"

The little San'er on the side heard the words, and his eyes stayed on his face for a few seconds:

"I see that your face is fair and clean, how can you look like a pockmark?"

Xu Yun sighed:

"It's easy to make a living with a cheap name."

Hearing Xu Yun's last words, the tall man thought that Xu Yun was thinking of his past tragic experience, so he was silent for a moment, and urged:

"Mazi, let the past be over, you broke into the mansion by accident, it's your fate.

When the master returns to his hometown to make a roster for you, you can be regarded as an individual, at least you don't have to be someone else's plaything. "

Xu Yun: ".?"

I understand every word you said, but why does it feel weird when you put it together?

Then, led by Xiao San'er, Xu Yun came to another well in the south wing.

While holding the hoop, Xiao San'er said to Xu Yun:

"There are two wells in the south wing of the mansion, the well yesterday was lost, and it needs to be put on hold for a few days before it can be reused.

In the past few days, you and I have been talking about this, understand? "

Looking at Xiao San'er who looked like a young adult, Xu Yun nodded obediently:


Little San'er continued:

"It's good to understand, there are nine members of the master's family in our house, thirty-one maids, servants, and guards, and thirty-two including you.

The water drawn every day must be sent to the main room first, if there are guests staying overnight, it will be sent to the east wing, if there are no guests, it will be sent to the west wing, and finally to the south wing. "

Xu Yun nodded again:

"I remember that too."

Xiao San'er was originally a teenager at heart, seeing Xu Yun's correct attitude, he started talking more:

"Wang Mazi, don't be sullen, do you know where you are?

Let me tell you, in our Bianjing city, the monthly salary of a servant in an ordinary mansion is no more than three guan.

But our master is a big man, not to mention the monthly money, and the year-end money at the end of the year, Wang Mazi, guess how much I got last year? "

Xu Yun smiled and guessed a number at random:

"Three strokes?"

Xiao San'er shook his head quickly, and spread five fingers with a flying face:

"A total of five guans! My mother said, when I have saved enough money, I will go to Dongxiang to find a marriage for me!"

Then Xiao San'er didn't know what to think of, and there was a trace of expectation in his eyes:

"Last year, there were five pennies for the year's money. I'm afraid we can get more than ten pennies this year?"

Xu Yun blinked, this time he was really surprised:

"Ten guan? So much increase? Double the salary for one year of service?"

"What bird's length of service?"

Xiaosan glanced at him inexplicably, and said:

"Last month today, the world was amnesty. Master's friend Dongpo Layman was reinstated as Emperor Fenglang in Yongzhou. With such a happy event, wouldn't the master give out more old age money?"

Amnesty to the world.

Lay Dongpo.

Chao Fenglang.

These three words were like three bolts of lightning piercing the night sky, striking Xu Yun's heart heavily, and even made him lose his mind temporarily.


After a few breaths.

Xu Yun swallowed heavily, staring at Xiao San'er solemnly:

"Third brother, may I ask what the master's name is?"

Little San'er slapped his head:

"Hey, I forgot to tell you about this matter. Our master's surname is Su, with a single name of Song, and the word Zirong. In the entire Great Song Dynasty, he is also a famous big shot!"

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