Into Unscientific

Chapter 111 Naturalization

be honest.

Although Xu Yun didn't like Hu Ke very much, since he left the 1665 dungeon, he didn't think about going to Black Hook on purpose.

It never occurred to him to bring Hooker's invention to the world ahead of time, and to use the giant under the calf as a sheep.

However, God seems to have his own plans, and he is not going to act according to Xu Yun's ideas.

On the second day after he came to this world, he was allowed to meet one of Hooker's most proud inventions.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, this is quite reasonable:

The armillary sphere rotating device and the "Tianheng" system that Old Su worked on at the beginning were the prototypes of modern observatory transfer clocks and modern mechanical clocks. Joseph Needham personally commented on Old Su:

"Su Song combined the clock mechanism with the armillary sphere for observation, and has achieved complete success in principle. He was 6 centuries ahead of the European Robert Hooke, and Hefei was 7 centuries ahead of him."

As the core of the core of mechanical clocks and watches, the balance spring was co-created by Lao Su. This is something that can stand up to scrutiny.

To some extent, this is even inevitable.

It's like Lao Su tinkered with a car, so it's not surprising to find an engine in his house, right?

Maybe the balance spring made by Lao Su is different from the later generations in appearance, but the principle and function are definitely the same or similar.

Only in this way, Comrade Hooker of later generations will have to be unlucky:

If Xu Yun didn't see this device, it's okay, but now that Lao Su has made the balance spring, do you think Xu Yun can still watch it being taken away for nothing?

Although there is no Mavericks in this era as a guarantee, China is not a foreign country like Great Britain.

It is too simple to leave enough strong evidence in history.

Of course.

This is still a relatively late goal.

Right now, Xu Yun had to find a way to make himself officially on the stage as soon as possible.

As for the way to go on stage?

Do you want to develop a new dish?

Xu Yun pondered for a moment, but finally gave up the idea.

be honest.

This idea is feasible, after all, Su's residence is not an imperial dining room, so if the opportunity is right, it's not difficult to show off.

Although Bianjing is located inland, it cannot cook Xu Yun's best steamed Hokkien.

But looking at his recipes, it is not difficult to choose a few delicacies that can conquer this era.

Because China's "cooking history" officially opened in the Song Dynasty:

Due to the increase in iron ore production in the Song Dynasty, iron pots gradually became popular during this period. Although there are records of cooking in the Southern and Northern Dynasties and Tang Dynasties, it is basically the treatment that only dignitaries can enjoy.

Broad-spectrum frying and cooking only became popular after the Song Dynasty.

Therefore, at this point in time, it can be said that cooking is in its infancy, and many dishes have not yet been developed.

Therefore, in theory, cooking is indeed a way to get in touch with Lao Su.

but the problem is

Although this method seems to be feasible, and Lao Su may even summon Xu Yun on a whim, it will not let Lao Su Gao take a look at Xu Yun.

The situation is likely to be as follows:

"Oh? I didn't expect a person of your background to cook good dishes? Then stay at the house and be a cook. In the first year, take him down."

Then there is no more.

In addition, it is impossible to engage in barrows.

Not to mention that the cycle of this method is too long, compared with cooking, the ending is nothing more than changing from a cook to a pigger.

The entry point Xu Yun needs must show the value related to scientific research.

Don't talk about communicating with old Su on an equal footing.

At least let him feel that there is something in this person that can be dug up.

But where is this opportunity?

Just as Xu Yun was thinking, a voice suddenly sounded in his ear:

"Hey, Wang Mazi, Wang Mazi!"

Xu Yun came back to his senses, and found that Old Duguan had already stood by his side at some point.

He hurriedly bowed his hands to the old man:

"Take care of everything."

The old man nodded slightly to him, and pouted his chin in a secluded area:

"Wang Mazi, come with me."

Xu Yun blinked and followed quickly.

Afterwards, the old Duguan led him through a courtyard wall, and came to a shed where the servants rested, and found a place to sit down at random.

Then I only heard the old man cough lightly, and said:

"Wang Mazi, yesterday you broke into the Su residence at night, according to the laws of this dynasty, you should have been sent to the government for conviction and sentencing.

The light ranges from being imprisoned, and the severe ranges from being sent to prison.

However, the master regretted your poor background, and kept you in the mansion out of pity.

You and I both know the cause and effect, is what the old man said right? "

Xu Yun nodded and replied:

"Of course."

The old man stroked his long beard and continued:

"If that's the case, the old man will just say it straight, are you willing to become a citizen of the Su Mansion?"

well known.

There are two kinds of official birth certificates in the Song Dynasty.

One is an identity document, and the other is an identity badge.

As for the domicile mentioned by Lao Duguan, it does not refer to the registration of domicile, but refers to an agreement similar to an employment contract.

Entering the residence of any family means becoming a servant of this family, and there is a contractual benefit between the two parties.

A servant is to serve the master's house.

The host needs to provide the agreed remuneration.

The purpose of signing this kind of agreement is mainly for the statistics of the main account, and it is also a proof of a contract.

Another important thing to explain is that naturalization is not selling one's body.

In the most prosperous period of many dynasties, naturalization is actually no different from the current employment company.

For example, Junyi once unearthed a naturalization contract from the Tang Xuanzong period—that is, the Kaiyuan prosperous period.

There are even as many as 47 descriptions of the rights and interests of servants in the contract, almost using the exhaustive method.

Even in China today, not many companies can do this.

At that time, this matter was still on the hot search, and many people complained about "I don't know whether it is the hired servant or the ancestor".

Of course.

The so-called protection of the rights and interests of servants here is based on the premise of "the most prosperous period".

It depends on the situation in remote areas or ordinary times. Feudal society is not a good word, and there are many dead bones in the graves.

The line of sight returns to the original place.

Not to mention that Bianjing's protection of servants is excellent at present, just from the perspective of missions, Xu Yun must also sign this agreement.

Therefore, facing the old Duguan's question, he hardly hesitated, and immediately bowed his hand:

"Thanks to the great love of the master, if the villain refuses, wouldn't he become a person who doesn't know good and bad?"

Seeing his sincerity, Old Duguan couldn't help showing a little satisfaction in his eyes:

"It's so good, it's not in vain for the lord's sympathy for you.

You have the right to listen carefully, the servants in the mansion are divided into four classes: Qing Dai Li Yi, each class has different responsibilities and status.

For example, the little San'er who fetched water with you before is a substitute servant, the man who bound you yesterday is Li servant, the old man and Yue Lian are Yi servants.

If you are naturalized, you need to start as a young servant, and you will get three regular money every month, and you can get a little old money at the end of the year.

Food and clothing are provided by the government, even minor illnesses.

But if you are seriously ill, you have to bear the medical expenses yourself, do you understand? "

Xu Yun cupped his hands again:


Then Old Duguan took out a contract from his body and handed it to Xu Yun:

"This is a document from the government. There are servant duties on it. You can read it yourself. If you have any doubts, just raise it."

Xu Yun took the contract and looked at it carefully.

be honest.

The content of this contract is actually very simple, and the content is quite formulaic.

It basically explained the benefits and responsibilities of the servants, and there were no major faults on the surface.

The contract documents of all dynasties and dynasties actually look like this, even the contract of prostitution is very humane.

What treats them like family, treats them like their own, etc.


This kind of statement is like many starting point readers saying "I'm sorry for you, I have ordered all of this book", but the fan value seen by the author in the background is still 0 after a few months.

Just look at it for fun, but it can’t be real.

After reading the full text.

Without much hesitation, Xu Yun signed his name on it:

Wang Lin, whose name is Xiaochun.

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