Into Unscientific

Chapter 113 Bianjing Shengjing

When it comes to talented women in Chinese history, three names may pop up in many people's minds:

Xie Daoyun, Lin Huiyin, and .

Li Qingzhao.

Whether it is [flowers drift away and water flows by itself. One kind of lovesickness, two places of worry. There is no way to eliminate this situation. Only under the brow, but our hearts】.

It's still [Things are people and things are not everything, and tears flow first if you want to speak].

Or [Life is a hero, death is a ghost].

These words and sentences are so widely sung in later generations, even if you are just a social boy who has graduated from high school for many years, if you think about it seriously, you can at least read a few sentences vaguely, not to mention reciting the whole text.

Of course.

As a science student, Xu Yun's knowledge of Xiao Li is almost limited to this.

In addition, this girl's name is Yi'an Jushi, her husband's name is Zhao Mingcheng, and she has done a coquettish operation of abandoning the city and fleeing.

Later, Xiao Li's second marriage married another cheater named Zhang Ruzhou, and made the first wife's anti-corruption report in history.

Xu Yun didn't know anything about Xiao Li's age, whether he was married to Zhao Mingcheng, or when he died.

However, Xu Yun had followed a Song Dynasty novel at the beginning, so he vaguely remembered that Xiao Li's father, Lao Li, seemed to be dismissed from office within two years after Su Shi's death, when Xiao Li was still in his twenties.

So based on this estimate, Xiao Li is estimated to be only ten years old now?

That's a pretty girl.

Of course.

The above sentence was just a sigh, Xu Yun didn't have any unreasonable thoughts about this girl just because of Li Qingzhao's name.

Not to mention that he will disappear in the future, even if he can stay in this era forever, will Xiao Li fall in love with him?

After all, this girl is a talented woman, and in future generations she will be a literary and artistic young woman. It is impossible to touch her heart without some ink in her belly.

Xu Yun's research level of poetry is also higher than Jia Qianqian's. Although he has many works that can be "plagiarized", writing poetry and lyrics these days is very complicated.

Antithesis, word meaning, word card, chanting object, these are actually very random and rigid requirements.

Maybe it's shit luck, Xu Yun can happen to run into it once or twice, but if there are too many times, @will definitely show @his feet.

You asked Xu Yun to recite "the Guo family in the ditch has a private wife, and the husband must marry her when she gets married." It's okay to say, but he doesn't have the ability to use that thing to pick up girls, and he is too panicked to respond.

Woman, how can it be fun to discuss the mysteries of the world with Lao Su?

all in all.

With such a heart of "admiring" historical celebrities, Xu Yun set off with Yong Zhu and others.

In the Song Dynasty, Bianjing was known as the most prosperous city in history with a population of one million.

But actually.

The million here includes the ten chambers around Bianjing, which are similar to satellite cities.

The population of the entire Bianjing urban area is about 500,000, which is less than that of Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty.

But don't look at this number as it seems small, in ancient society, this is almost one of the peak population.

There are not too many high-rise buildings in Bianjing right now, the tallest in the city is the famous Fanlou.

At that time, Wang Anshi could "overlook Bianjing" standing on the top of the fifth floor of Fanlou. It can be seen that the main body of Bianjing's buildings are low and small buildings.

However, in stark contrast to these low-rise building complexes, it is the bustling market life in Bianjing City.

mentioned earlier.

Song people in this era are basically not used to firing in the morning. The rich families hand over their servants to buy morning snacks, while ordinary civilians like to go to the street to find a small stall to eat their stomachs.

Therefore, in Bianjing at this time, almost the streets and alleys are filled with the sound of early morning hawkers.

"The new wine is here, the new wine is here!"

"Here is a mouth-watering drink, the guest officer can sit down and have a rest, a big bowl for a penny!"

"Hot mutton, the best mutton, six yuan each, and two for eleven yuan!"

"Fried jelly, does anyone want fried jelly? It only costs five cents a piece!"

Prices in the Northern Song Dynasty have always been a very controversial and interesting topic in later generations, because as the Song Dynasty changed over time, the purchasing power of the same currency was completely different.

How big is this volatility?

The same penny, the difference between the low value and the peak value of purchasing power is 50 times!

However, a large part of the reason for this situation is due to the Jingkang incident. In the current year 1100, although the purchasing power of copper coins has shrunk compared to the early Song Dynasty, it is also within a relatively normal range.

Readers who have gone to elementary school should know a formula:

A consistent copper coin = one thousand Wen.

At the beginning, Zhang San once told Xu Yun that his salary was four pennies per month, which would be four thousand cash when converted into copper coins.

The wages of other servants in the house are three guan, which is three thousand Wen.

Therefore, the price level of Bianjing at this time is almost similar to that of ordinary local prefecture-level cities around 2008-the monthly salary is generally 3,000 yuan, 6 yuan for a meat bun, and 5 yuan for a bowl of fried noodles.

The salary of a servant like Zhang San is about 4,000 yuan, which is about the same as that of a civil servant.

However, there are mothers and elder sisters in the family who need subsidies to support them, so they are relatively less generous.

Of course.

This is just a very, very simple analogy, and it certainly cannot be converted in this way.

After all, the productivity of each era is different, and the cheap dead salt in later generations can be compared with meat in ancient times.

By the way.

At this time, the salary of the prime minister is now about 3.6 million Huaxia coins.

The line of sight returns to reality.

In addition to the bustling food stalls, the streets at this time are also filled with a large number of other vendors:

For example, those who play tricks, tell fortunes, carry poles and other goods, sell raw medicinal materials, etc.

Looking at the luxuriant and ancient scene in front of him, Xu Yun couldn't help feeling deeply moved.

In fact, it is not that he has not seen more lively occasions in later generations:

A few years ago, he had been to the Shanghai Bund during the National Day, and the scene was much more lively than Bianjing.

It is said that millions of people gathered at the same time on the Bund a few kilometers away.

But it is different from the noise of cars in Shanghai or in later generations.

The current Bianjing City is filled with an atmosphere unique to ancient China.

Scholars in green shirts, civilians in common clothes, old men in fine clothes, and women in colorful decorations.

All kinds of ancient Chinese ancestors came and went, which brought a shock and baptism to Xu Yun in terms of blood and spirit.

This is his first real contact with Bianjing and this era.

The first time I witnessed what is called.

The most prosperous era.

Afterwards, everyone walked for a while like this. Seeing the sun rising gradually, Xu Yun and the others began to sweat unconsciously.

When passing by a stall, Xu Yun suddenly rolled his eyes:

"Brother Yongzhu, the weather is hot right now, and we still have plenty of time.

Why don't you treat me to the guests, let's go to the store to rest and have a cup of sour plum soup. "

Li's residence and Su's residence were separated by more than ten miles, including the consumption of verification books, Lao Su specially gave them three hours to handle affairs, so the time was indeed sufficient.

As for the money for the treat?

Although Xu Yun hasn't received his 'salary' yet, he did bring some small pieces of gold and silver with him when he traveled through time.

If you insist on converting it, it is almost enough to make Zhang Sanqiu's profit for 20 years.

At that time, Old Su generously returned the gold and silver to him, so Xu Yun was very confident in inviting guests.

The leader, Yongzhu, stood still when he heard the words, looked up at the sky, and said with some emotion:

"Forget it, let's just rest for a while, Wang Mazi, it's your expense."

"Hey, what's the cost? It's only a matter of a few pennies."

Xu Yun walked into the shop while smiling, and said to the boss:

"Shopkeeper, please bring me four bowls of sour plum soup!"

The owner of the soup shop is a dark and thin old man, upon hearing this he hurriedly greeted him:

"Okay, please come to the guest shop!"

Another moment passed.

The old man came up with a wooden tray in his hand, on which were placed four bowls of sour plum soup, and placed in front of the four of them one by one.

Xu Yun's act of treating guests was partly for the purpose of building relationships, and the other part was because he was really thirsty.

So when he saw the sour plum soup on the table, he quickly picked up the earthenware bowl and Gulu took a big gulp.

The fruity taste of sour plum exploded in the mouth, and there was another burst of it.

Cool feeling.

That's right.

Sour plum soup is ice!

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