Into Unscientific

Chapter 115 Have You Heard of Science?

Outside the bookstore.

After regretting Xu Yun's "literacy is useless", Xiao Li stopped talking.

After all, in this era, the concept of class concept is still very obvious.

A little more time passed.

Li Guanshi returned to the scene with another book, the title of which was "Partial Records of Nine Cities and Eight Counties in Huangzhou".

Xu Yun checked the contents again, and after confirming that there was no problem, he began to put the books back into the box with Yong Zhu and others.

In a quarter of an hour.

Fifty sets of books, a total of 127 scattered books, have been verified and sealed.

Xu Yun came to Xiao Li and handed Lao Su's borrowed documents to her:

"Miss, this is Master Su's loan document, please have a look."

Xiao Li took the document, reviewed it carefully, and nodded slightly:

"The paperwork is correct, you can go."

After finishing speaking, her eyes stayed on the stick behind Xu Yun and others for a while, and suddenly thought of something:

"Are you waiting this time without a carriage?"

Yong Zhu on the side shook his head, knowing that this young lady might not have had much experience with such handover matters, so he explained:

"Miss, sir, he has retired and is about to return to Jingkou, so there are not many horses and carriages in the mansion.

Besides, there has never been a word about the servants taking things by horses and chariots, and servants do these jobs."

Xiao Li was silent for a moment when he heard the words, then turned to Li Gu and said:

"Guard Li, please arrange a car to deliver a few boxes of books to Duke Zhao's mansion. These books are all orphans, so it's better to be careful."

Li Guanshi immediately cupped his hands and said:

"Understood, little one, let's do it."

Yong Zhu and the others at the side looked at each other, couldn't help but feel happy, and hurriedly saluted:

"Thank you miss!"

Xiao Li still had a businesslike expression and said:

"Wait and go move the bookcase, Wang Lin, follow me."

When Xu Yun heard this, a black line appeared on his forehead.

He was not so narcissistic that Xiao Li fell in love with him at first sight, so if nothing unexpected happened, the next one should be another lecture.

Women are so annoying.jpg.

However, due to his status, he could only obediently follow Xiao Li to the side.

Then Xiao Li glanced at him and said:

"Wang Lin, you and I met by chance, I don't know your parents' family background, where you live, or how much literature you have in your belly.

But one thing is clear to me:

There are quite a few words in those books that even I half understand, but you can identify and recite them one by one.

With such self-cultivation, you also say that you can’t write lyrics, poems, or essays, isn’t it just fooling others for fools? "

Xu Yun: "."

He really wanted to tell this little bean sprout that his language and writing were cheats created by Halo. At the beginning, he used 17th-century English to talk and laugh with Maverick.

Then Xiao Li paused and continued:

"Wang Lin, I just hope that you will not disappoint what you have learned. If you can step into the Wenlin one day, either as an official, or as an individual, this is the way of the world. Have you ever understood?"

Xu Yun was silent.

He wouldn't be so narcissistic that Xiao Li fell in love with him just because of a name check, and he wouldn't go YY because Xiao Li hoped that he could gain a good status, so he came to welcome her.

The reason why Xiao Li can say these words is that she loves to be true and dare to say anything.

Zhao Mingcheng, who was in love with each other at the beginning, abandoned the city and fled. Xiao Li wrote poems like "I miss Xiang Yu so far, but I don't want to cross Jiangdong" to express his emotions, let alone Xu Yun now.

After all, as she said.

Although she didn't know the specifics of Xu Yun's literary quality, judging from his ability to distinguish names, Xu Yun was definitely more than enough to be a small official in the government office.

After all, there is a very important requirement for petty officials these days, that is, 'knowledge of three hundred characters'.

Xu Yun remained silent for a few seconds.

However, I don’t know if it’s because of Xiao Li’s status in history. This time he replied a few words with some personal emotions:

"Wang Lin is extremely grateful to be loved by Miss, but the villain really doesn't understand the meaning, please don't waste any more words.

As for the young lady's saying that the literary way is the only way in this world, the villain can't agree with it. "

After hearing Xu Yun's words, Xiao Li couldn't help raising his eyebrows:

"My court values ​​literature over martial arts. There is a saying in Zhenzong. There is a golden house in the book, and there is Yan Ruyu in the book. Apart from the literary way, what other ways can we go in this world?"

Xu Yun sighed, pondered for a moment, and said:

"Miss, please borrow the master's documents."

Previously, Xiao Li had been holding on to the loan document after getting it, so he stretched out his hand immediately:

"take it."

Xu Yun thanked him, took the document and spread it out.

Then he pinched a corner of the document, and the rest naturally drooped.

Then he said to Xiao Li:

"Miss, what do you think will happen if the villain blows air on this piece of paper in the direction of his thumb?"

Xiao Li glanced at the document in Xu Yun's hand, and said without hesitation:

"Do you even need to ask? Naturally, the sagging is more obvious, and it finally fits on your hand."

Xu Yun smiled, did not speak, and blew lightly on the document.

At the beginning, Xiao Li was still thinking that Xu Yun was pretending to be a ghost, but after a few seconds, the eyes of this little bean sprout suddenly widened:

I saw that as Xu Yun breathed out, the piece of paper actually slowly floated up! (Here, popular science, this has nothing to do with Bernoulli's principle)

Xiao Li's eyes widened and he finally took the document from Xu Yun's hand.

She turned the document over first, then her cheeks bulged like a hamster, and the wind blew.

After a while.

The document floated up again!

Little Bean Sprout put down the paperwork in a daze, and looked at Xu Yun in shock:

"Wang Lin, why is this?"

Xu Yun spread his hands towards her:

"The villain doesn't know, but the master said that everything in the world has its own reason, so the villain firmly believes that there must be some amazing reasons behind this situation."

"Your master? Duke Zhao?"

Xu Yun nodded confidently, because Lao Su did say something related to physics:

"Of course."

Xiao Li has a playful personality, but now he can't help but become more curious:

"Wang Lin, are there any other miracles like this?"

Xu Yun thought for a while and asked:

"Miss, when you are drinking tea, have you ever accidentally knocked over the teacup and spilled tea stains on the table?"

Xiao Li was silent for a moment, then shook his head:

"No, but there can be."


Xu Yun was speechless for a few seconds, then said:

"Miss, you might as well try it. Then you will find that it is the same tea, but the edge of the tea stain will form a dark ring that is much darker than the middle."

The voice just fell.

Xiao Li turned around and walked into the side room where he was resting earlier.

after awhile.

The girl came out with a pot of tea.

After coming to Xu Yun's side, she tilted the teapot directly and poured out the tea in it.

The temperature in summer is very high, so it didn't take long for the tea stains to show signs of drying up.

Xiao Li stretched out his head and saw that the tea stains on the ground were as Xu Yun said, the color of the edge was much darker than that in the middle!

Xiao Li's little mind became more and more confused:

Before she took out the kettle, she deliberately drained all the tea leaves in it, and all the tea was poured out was the same. Why did this happen?

Seeing Xiao Li looking at him again, Xu Yun still spread his hands:

"Don't ask me, the villain really doesn't know, but whenever he explores the mystery, the villain's happiness is no less than that of reciting poems.


"Or what?"

"In other words, this is also a couplet about the mysteries of the world. What we see is the upper part, and the inner truth is the lower part. The fun in it is not enough for outsiders."

Looking at the tea stains on the ground, Xiao Li did not insist on his opinion for the first time.

Another moment passed.

Li Gu came over again, he first glanced at the tea stains on the ground, and then said:

"Miss, the car is ready."

Seeing this, Xu Yun hurriedly cupped his hands:

"In that case, the villain will leave first."

As he spoke, he turned around and prepared to leave with Li Gu.

As a result, after walking a few steps, Xiao Li's voice suddenly came from behind:

"Wang Lin, what is the name of that road?"

Xu Yun stood still and replied without thinking:


After Xu Yun left.

Xiao Li looked at the tea stains on the ground, then at the paperwork in his hand, and couldn't help but fell into deep thought.


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