Into Unscientific

Chapter 117 The National Heroes of the Northern Song Dynasty (Big Chapter)

"Treating knife wounds?"

in the pharmacy.

Hearing the words of the old shopkeeper, Xu Yun's pupils shrank suddenly, his expression thoughtful.

Although according to what the old man said, the combination of some drugs is beyond his cognition.

But Chinese medicine has a very distinctive feature.

That is, once the main medicines are determined, not to mention the efficacy of the medicines, at least the general use of the prescription can be determined.

That is to say

The general of the Western Army who came to visit Lao Su had a high probability of being injured himself or among his subordinates!

And if nothing else

This person should have been injured on the Western Front, and the current situation is very critical!

Although Xu Yun is not a liberal arts student majoring in history, thanks to Shui and some related books, he is quite clear about the overall battle line during the end of Song Dynasty.

Because looking at the history of war in the late Northern Song Dynasty, one very distinctive character must be inseparable, namely.

Eunuch Tong Guan!

Xu Yun did not remember the date of his birth, but there is a piece of relevant knowledge that you will never forget if you read it:

He died in the same year as the Northern Song Dynasty, during which he was in charge of military power for more than 20 years.

And his history of power development can be pushed back three to five years, which is almost the time when the Western Front started.

Tong Guan in 1100 AD may not have reached his peak height, but the war on the Western Front in the Song Dynasty has obviously begun.

This is the incident of collecting Qingtang in the Hehuang area. Basically, people who have paid attention to Tongguan will have some impressions.

Of course.

What Xu Yun didn't understand was.

It was also around this time point that Wang Hou was attacked by the old party. When Cai Jing was in Qiantang, he secretly communicated with Tong Guan about the song, and he was grateful to Tong Guan.

So he reciprocated and strongly recommended Tong Guan to become the supervisor of the army. In order to recover, Wang Hou was forced to accept Tong Guan into the Western Army's system.

Since then.

Tong Guan, a well-known eunuch in ancient history and one of the six thieves in the Northern Song Dynasty, began his 20-year career of monopolizing military power.

The gossip about Tong Guan will stop here, let's not show it for the time being.

all in all.

At least judging from the timeline, the current battle in the Hehuang area is in full swing, and it is reasonable for some people to be injured.

As for the critical situation.

The reason is even simpler:

Lao Su is indeed a well-known medical scientist in history, but his main achievement in medicine lies in the publication of "Ben Cao Tu Jing", that is, his ability to lean towards theory.

One's own medical skills are definitely there, but the gap between the first-line and even top doctors is still not small.

After all, there is a very realistic law in the profession of doctors, that is, if you want to have top medical skills, you must first have a lot of medical practice experience and foundation.

Old Su's past resume is very clear, unless he also has a cheat like Xu Yun, otherwise he obviously does not have this kind of practice opportunity.

Not to mention that this is Bianjing, the core heart of the Northern Song Dynasty, and the number of imperial doctors and famous masters is countless.

Let's be objective.

Lao Su's ranking in the top 20 candidates is considered high.

Right now, the other party is begging on Lao Su's head, most likely because the previous visit was fruitless, so he can only come to Lao Su to try his luck and see if he can continue his life.

"The general of the Western Army who has the face to visit under Lao Su's family must at least be a deputy lieutenant Zhenwei?"

Xu Yun stroked his chin, secretly thinking about possible partners:

"Old Zhong is currently serving as a defense envoy in Mingzhou. If I remember correctly, he will go out with Tong Guan in four or five years. Besides, Lao Zhong and Xiao Zhong have never heard of anyone being seriously injured.

Could it be Lao Zhe, Wang Zhan, or Liu Fa, the third injustice in the Northern Song Dynasty? "

After wrinkling his eyebrows and thinking for a while, Xu Yun still gave up the idea of ​​guessing.

After all, his historical reserves are a bit poor, and he knows the names of many famous generals in the late Song Dynasty, and he can barely remember how and where he died.

But no matter how detailed the personal resume is, it is a bit vague to recall.

It can only be said that from the perspective of probability, the possibility of Liu Fa, the god of war, seems a bit high.

In a quarter of an hour.

The shopkeeper put a pack of medicine on the table, and cupped his hands towards Xu Yun:

"The medicine is ready, two hundred and seventy Wen of sincerity."

Yong Zhu came over to settle the bill, and then hurried back to the Su Mansion with Xu Yun and the others.

As a result, as soon as he entered the side door, Xu Yun saw Mr. Duguan Xie waiting here.

The old man didn't say hello, but asked straightforwardly:

"Yong Zhu, where's the medicine?"

Yong Zhu handed him the medicine bag respectfully, and held the change in the other hand:

"Here, and here are the recovered coppers"

"You are rewarded with copper coins!"

Mr. Xie took the medicine bag, waved his hand casually, then hurriedly turned and left.

As a result, after walking a few steps, he suddenly thought of something, turned his head and said to Xu Yun:

"Wang Mazi, you have served men before, let me help you!"

Xu Yun: "????"

Although there seems to be something wrong with what Lao Duguan said, it sounds a bit irritating.

But forced by the situation, Xu Yun didn't have much time to think, so he turned around obediently and followed.

Worth mentioning.

Just be weird.

Anyway, it is a good thing to be able to go to the medical scene to see the situation.

"Wang Mazi, you must be careful, otherwise we won't be able to explain it to you."

Maybe it was due to the pressure, but the old man didn't even call Xu Yun by his real name anymore, and told him as he walked:

"Today's guests in the mansion are in a special situation, and the maids can't bear it. In desperation, they can only call you and a few other fine men to help.

After you enter the house, no matter what you see or smell, don't lose your composure. If you are beaten and punished by guests, bear with me. After that, the mansion will have its own subsidies. "

Xu Yun nodded clearly.

There are two kinds of scenes where maids are not suitable to come forward.

Either the location of the other person's injury is more sensitive, and the injury has a strong self-esteem, just like many men in later generations like to hire male nurses.


The wounds are extremely horrific and can easily cause visual impact on women, thus affecting the service work.

Then he took a look at Mr. Xie and said:

"The old man cares what he says, the villain will keep it in mind, and he will never embarrass the old man.

It's just that I don't care, I don't know what the origin of that distinguished guest is? How is your family background?

Can you disclose it, so that the villain can be mentally prepared. "

Lao Du Guan slowed down his pace slightly, as if he was considering his measures.

After a while, he sighed slightly and said:

"Forget it, this matter is not really a secret, you have the right to listen carefully:

Today's distinguished guest in the mansion is the seventh grandson of Mr. Zhaoyi, the only grandson of the Duke of Lijun in Daizhou.

Now he is the captain of Zhiguo, with a great reputation in the army.

I came to visit the master today, mainly to seek medical treatment for his elder brother, have you remembered it? "

Xu Yun nodded subconsciously, but his heart was suddenly turned upside down.

Wang Bao!

Did not expect ah did not expect.

This time, the general of the Western Army who came to Lao Su's residence turned out to be him? !

In China, the first time Xu Yun came into contact with this name dates back to the "Water Margin" he read in junior high school.

In "Water Margin".

Wang Ting first followed Tong Guan to fight Liangshan, and after Liangshan Zhao'an, he also played in the battle of Wulongling.

At that time, he fought with Jingde, the commander of the southern army, and the two fought more than ten times, and Wang Zhi cut Jingde off his horse.

Later, when counting the trophies, Wang Tian and Zhao Tan became enemies with Ruan Xiaoqi, and the two brought it up in front of Tong Guan.

Later, Tong Guan defended his weaknesses, and asked for an imperial decree, and moved the official documents there to pursue Ruan Xiaoqi's own official decree and return to common people.

At that time, Ruan Xiaoqi's popularity was still very high, so Xu Yun once regarded Wang Ting as a villain.

But after more than ten years, when Xu Yun had a lot of experience, he realized:

"Water Margin" is not a historical fact, and there are a lot of fabricated plots in it.

For example, in history, there were only thirty-six real righteous leaders in Shuibo Liangshan, and they were wiped out by Zhang Shuye. They couldn't compare with Fang La's scale at all.

Another example is that the prototype of Lin Chong in "Water Margin" is generally recognized as Zhang Shuye.

The two are equally superb in martial arts, have the same rank in the military, and have similar experiences and personalities.

In other words, in the world of Water Margin, there are actually two Zhang Shuye.

One falls into the grass and the other becomes an official.

Lin Chong and others are fictional characters, and the same is true of Wang Ting.

It's just that unlike Lin Chong, who is completely fictitious, Wang Ting's experience has only been changed. In fact, there was such a person in the late Song Dynasty in history.

And what kind of person is the real Wang Ting?

One sentence can perfectly describe him:

For the National Day of Death, a national hero!

Before the Jingkang disaster, Wang Ting was just a general of the Western Army who came from a military family.

His great-great-grandfather was also the prime minister of the Tang Dynasty who was gifted to death.

Wang Ting followed Tong Guan to the west for more than ten years, during which there were victories and defeats, and his record was far inferior to that of the old and small species Liu Fa.

If I have to say it, it means that he has superb personal martial arts skills. He has won the first prize in the internal competitions of the commanders of the Western Army many times, and he has single-handedly killed enemy generals on the battlefield many times. If not for this, "Water Margin" would not have chosen him As the person who attacked Liangshan.

Before 1125 A.D., his most prominent achievement was to capture Fang La alive.

That's right.

Fang La was captured alive by him.

It sounds awesome, but that's about it.

However, after the Jinren went south, Wang Ting ushered in the most glorious chapter of his life.

At that time Jin attacked the Northern Song Dynasty, Wanyan Zonghan led troops to attack Taiyuan, Tong Guan abandoned the city and returned to Beijing, leaving only Wang Ti and Zhang Xiaochun to defend the city.

Wang Ting commanded the soldiers of the Xuanfu Division, and Zhang Xiaochun, who was then the prefect of Taiyuan, led the army and civilians in the city to defend the city with all their might.

Wanyan Zonghan attacked Taiyuan for more than 250 days and did not break through.

that's all.

Wang Zhi led the soldiers and civilians of Taiyuan to guard the city from the beginning of spring to summer, and from summer to the end of autumn.

The Jin soldiers attacked the city nine times before and after, and were repelled by Wang Zhi nine times.

But alas.

At that time, Song Qinzong was greedy for life and afraid of death, so he directly ceded Taiyuan to the Jin people, so he gave up here directly.

True pig teammates.

For nearly nine months, Taiyuan had neither reinforcements nor food, the food in the city was cut off, and the defenders were so hungry that they couldn't even support their weapons.

All the cattle, horses, donkeys and mules in the city were eaten up, and Wang Chi stewed the tendon of the bow and part of the cowhide on the armor to satisfy his hunger.

The green leaves on all the trees in the city and the chaff in the grain depot were all eaten up, and gradually even the bark and grass were used as rations.

On September 13th of the first year of Jingkang, the isolated and helpless Taiyuan City was broken by the Jin army after holding on for nine months.

Wang Zhi led the remaining dozens of personal soldiers to start a street battle with the golden soldiers, and the worn-out robes on his body were almost stained red with blood.

Some lost an arm, others a broken leg.

But they still supported themselves with weapons, and no one survived.

Dozens of shots were shot in Wang Zhi's body, and he escaped from the siege, carrying the portrait of Song Taizong Zhao Guangyi enshrined in the Taiyuan Temple on his back, and threw his son Wang Xun into the Fen River to die.

How magnificent!

At that time, Wang Tin's grandson, Wang Hang, was still young. Fortunately, thanks to the loyal and old servant of the palace, Tongchuan Fugu, Qingzhou, Shandong Province, went south to beg for money, and he was able to preserve a trace of the hero's blood.

Later, Wang Hang lived in Changping Township, Yanguan County, Lin'an. Wang Guowei, a famous modern Chinese master, is the twenty-ninth grandson of Wang Hang.

The national hero who threw himself into the river and died spent the last remaining light of his life in trying to turn the tide, but lit up the rather bleak and humiliating history between the Song Dynasty and the Song Dynasty.

The most brilliant poem in his life was written with his own blood when the building was about to collapse.

If it is said that Xu Yun's feelings for Lao Su are respect, and his feelings for Xiao Li are curiosity.

Then he undoubtedly has a strong and respectful respect for Wang Tie!

Anyone who is dedicated to the National Day of Death deserves this kind of reverence!

Think here.

He couldn't help but want to see this national hero more and more urgently.

And according to what Mr. Xie said, this time he took his brother to seek medical treatment.

But there are almost no records about his elder brother in history. Could it be that he was unfortunate because of this serious injury?

Afterwards, Mr. Xie took Xu Yun through several courtyards and came to the East Wing, which was specially used for guests to rest.

Compared with the simple and complicated South Wing, the decoration of the East Wing is obviously much higher, and the overall layout is also very simple:

A square-shaped compound, three sides of which are houses, and the fourth side is the entrance.

Only at this moment.

At the entrance of the courtyard stood a few personal soldiers, their figures were straight, with a murderous look that had just come down from the battlefield.

After verifying their identities, they put Lao Duguan Xie and Xu Yun into the courtyard.

The two came to a north-facing guest room, and Mr. Xie knocked on the door lightly:

"Master, the medicine is back."

After a while, Old Su's voice came from inside the house:

"come in."

After getting the answer, Mr. Xie opened the door and walked in, and Xu Yun took advantage of the trend to follow.

Only at this moment.

The room of about 30 square meters was filled with a mixed smell of herbs, blood and pus.

A beautiful wooden bed was placed in a corner of the room, on which lay a man whose face could not be seen clearly, with his chest heaving faintly.

Sitting beside the bed were Old Su and a middle-aged man in ordinary clothes.

This person has straight eyebrows, slender and sharp black eyes, and a square-shaped face with sharp edges and corners. His figure is burly but not rough, just like an eagle in the dark night.

Cold and arrogant, but also domineering, solitary and independent, exuding a strength that disdains the world.

no doubt.

this person is

Wang Bao!

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