Although in the past day.

Xu Yun has proved that he does have some unique abilities, and has a very high practical value.

But it may be due to inherent concepts.

Whenever a new word came out of Xu Yun's mouth, Lao Su would always subconsciously think of Xu Yun's identity as an actor.

After all, there is not much conflict between the male actor and the ancestral medical skills.

These days, it is very common for blood to sit together, and there are many examples of parents Tengda's children being imprisoned and sent to brothels.

Therefore, Lao Su could easily associate some words with male actors.

Who told Xu Yun to just dictate pronunciation instead of directly writing Chinese characters *(ˊˋ*)*

For example, it's really poked.

Such as stem vein injection.

Another example this time

"Micro stem?"

Afterwards, Old Su made up the picture in his brain.


Of course.

This flamboyant thought came and went quickly.

In the next second, Old Su realized that what Xu Yun was talking about was probably a new tool.

Although this is the first time I have heard something new from Xu Yun, but Old Su still looks very curious:

"Xiao Wang, I don't know what kind of object the microscope you are talking about is?"

Xu Yun thought for a while and asked:

"Master, have you heard of Kui?"

Old Su was taken aback when he heard the words, and then his eyes became thoughtful, with a sad expression:

"I've seen it before, when Wen Zhonggong was blind, someone offered this thing.

The old man heard Wen Zhonggong praise the magic of this thing more than once, but unfortunately later Wen Zhonggong contracted an eye disease, and the 叆叇 finally lost its use. "

Xu Yun nodded clearly, he had heard what Old Su said before.


The word may be a mouthful to read, but what it refers to is very common, that is, later generations.

Reading glasses.

That's right.

During the Song Dynasty, reading glasses had already appeared.

For example, in the "Dongtian Qinglu" written by Zhao Xihu in the Southern Song Dynasty, there is a clear record:

"Hey, the old man can't read fine books, so he can see clearly by covering his eyes."

In addition, in the "Xia Diary" of the Song Dynasty, there is also a case:

"Shi Hang broke the prison and took more than a dozen kinds of water essence to enter. It was not clear at the beginning, but those who knew the secrets of the case could see it with the eyes of water essence."

Water essence, that is, crystal.

Shi Hang was a fellow villager and friend of Su Xun in the Northern Song Dynasty. He suffered from presbyopia when he was a law enforcement officer, so he used crystal glasses to read case files.

However, the shape of glasses at this time should not be like the pair of glasses with frames that we are familiar with today.

According to the relevant description.

Ancient reading glasses should be a single lens, no frame exists.

It needs to be held by hand when used, which is somewhat similar to the use of a magnifying glass.

As for the Wen Zhonggong mentioned by Lao Su, it is naturally Ouyang Wenzhong, that is, Ouyang Xiu, one of the eight great masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties.

He is also a good friend of Lao Su, who was deeply affected by visual impairment in his later years, and has passed away almost thirty years ago.

By the way.

In ancient times, there was also a well-known unlucky myopia named Bai Juyi.

He also wrote a poem about it:

In the early years, I was tired and tired of reading books, and in my later years, I was sad and cried a lot.

Eye damage is all self-inflicted, and when the disease is complete, it will be enlightened.

At night, it seems that the lights are about to go out, and in the dark, the mirror has not been polished.

Thousands of medicines and thousands of prescriptions can't cure it, but you should close your eyes and learn from Toutuo.

It can be seen from this.

Lao Bai not only suffers from myopia, but also has a high probability of astigmatism and dry eye syndrome

The line of sight returns to the original place.

With the ancient presbyopic glasses as an example, it is much easier for Xu Yun to explain the concept of microscopes:

"A microscope, as the name suggests, is a 'mirror' that can show tiny things to the eyes.

If you say "叆叇", it is to magnify a word several times.

Then the microscope can magnify small things dozens, hundreds or even thousands of times.

With a microscope, microorganisms are naturally invisible and can be observed. "

After listening to these words, Old Su quietly looked thoughtful.

be honest.

There is nothing wrong with Xu Yun's logic, that is, to explore subtle objects by zooming in.

In fact, many years before Xu Yun appeared, Lao Su thought about the possibility of using crystals to make amplification equipment.

After all, in "Xin Yi Xiang Fa Yao", Lao Su drew 14 star maps with his own hand, recording 1464 stars.

This is also the all-day star map collected by later generations, and the earliest star map preserved in China.

It was not until after the Renaissance in the 14th century in Europe that the star map was expanded to 1022, and some basic astrology was recorded.

Not only is it more than two hundred years later than Lao Su, but the number is also much smaller than Lao Su.

Of course.

Another Dunhuang star map of the Tang Dynasty with 1350 engraved stars is a little earlier than the Su Song star map.

But unfortunately.

It was stolen by Stein more than a hundred years ago and is now in the British Museum in London, so it is not included in the star map preserved in China. (This is also a very angry thing. If you are interested, you can find out. I saw some documents in the British Museum at the beginning, and my mood was extremely complicated.)

As a contemporary master who once looked up at the starry sky, Lao Su naturally also thought about whether he could use the magnification effect of the crystal to observe the starry sky.

For example, in Lao Su's study, there is a simple telescope stored at this time.

However, its magnification is only five or six times, and the magnification effect is equal to nothing, and it is difficult to see many things clearly.

The collection value is actually higher than the practical value.

However, with so many objects and past experiences as a base, Lao Su became more interested after hearing Xu Yun's introduction:

"Xiao Wang, the old man can barely understand what you said, and there is not much problem in deduction, but I don't know about microscopes."

Xu Yun blinked, and quickly understood what Old Su was thinking:

"Master, do you want to ask. Can a microscope be made?"

"Of course."

Xu Yun was silent for a moment, then continued:

"It's not difficult to make a simple microscope. It is rumored that in the Fenglingyue Shadow Sect, this is an extremely simple technology, as long as you have hands.

However, like the syringe and the generator, it takes some money and effort to make a microscope in terms of materials.”

Old Su heard the words and hurriedly asked:

"Xiao Wang, what items do you need?"

Xu Yun thought for a while, and announced several names:

"First of all, it is natural to need glass, and it is not just ordinary glass.

One of them needs to be made of ore from the crater, and the other needs to use a silver-gray clay unique to Jiangnan West Road.

The second is glue, boards, nails and other items.

By the way, there is also some alcohol that was made before. "

diy microscope.

This is a very simple matter in the technical nerd circle of later generations.

Of course.

This refers to an optical microscope.

Students who were not mad at the biology teacher should know it.

The principle of the microscope is actually very simple. To put it bluntly, there are only five words:

Convex lens imaging.

Microscope structure is mainly composed of eyepiece, objective lens, stage and mirror.

Both the eyepiece and the objective lens are convex lenses with different focal lengths.

And the focal length of the convex lens of the objective lens is smaller than the focal length of the convex lens of the eyepiece.

The objective lens is equivalent to the lens of the projector, and the object forms an inverted and enlarged real image through the objective lens.

The eyepiece is equivalent to an ordinary magnifying glass, and the real image passes through the eyepiece to form an upright and magnified virtual image.

Therefore, objects that pass through the microscope to the human eye are all upside-down magnified virtual images.

The reflector is used to reflect and illuminate the object to be observed, and generally has two reflective surfaces:

One is a flat mirror, which is used when the light is strong.

The other is a concave mirror, used when light is low, to concentrate the light.

As for the magnification of the microscope, it is also very simple. The value of the eyepiece X objective lens is the method magnification.

Now the highest magnification of optical microscopes is 1600 times. Those optical microscopes that can magnify tens of thousands of times are just fooling people.

The principle of this multiple involves the diffraction limit, that is, a point light source will form a bunch of diffraction spots.

At this magnification, it will become meaningless to increase the refractive index of the lens or to increase the magnification of the superimposed lens—at least in the field of optical microscopy.

Of course.

When it comes to microscopes, the inventor of this thing must be mentioned.

Like the American cockroach, this person is also an old trick.

That's right!

this person is

Robert Hooker.


According to the research of later generations, it should be the Jansen father and son in 1595 who really thought of the operating principle of the microscope and invented the first microscope.

But these two unlucky guys didn't make any important observations with these instruments, and they just burped without doing anything after making them.

Therefore, in the history books, the invention right of the microscope has become a battleground between the other two:

Leeuwenhoek and Robert Hooke.

The degree of confusion between the two was so high that even the biology book of the People's Education Edition was wrong.

First, let's make a definition from the point of time:

In the microscope, Robert Hooke's invention preceded Leeuwenhoek by twenty years.

However, the magnification of the microscope invented by Hooke was only 20 times, while that of Hooke was as high as 270 times.

Therefore, the real statement should be that Hooke invented the microscope, and Hooke invented, or improved, the high-power microscope.

In addition, in terms of biological contributions, although Hooke discovered cells, he observed slices of cork.

After zooming in, Hooker found a grid of small spaces, and named them after the English cell.

But in fact.

What he saw were dead cells, all he saw were remnants of plant cell walls.

And Leeuwenhoek observed living microbial bacteria, so he is considered the founder of microbiology.

It's as if both Hooke and Hooke have tinkered with the space-time machine. Hooke traveled to 4 million years ago and found the skeleton of a creature. He named the creature a dinosaur.

Hooke's technology is better than Hooke's. He traveled to 65 million years ago and saw real and living dinosaurs.

The discovery of the latter is obviously more complete, but because the former is one step ahead, the discoverers of dinosaurs can only be attributed to the former.

all in all.

Hooke discovered the cell wall and named the cell.

Hooke discovered bacteria and observed the complete cell structure, thus defining microorganisms.

At the same time the former invented the microscope.

The latter invented the high power microscope.

This is the historical truth that cannot be clearly explained in biology books.

The line of sight returns to the original place.

According to Xu Yun's design, there are two key points in the whole microscope DIY process:

One is to ensure that the image of the objective lens is at the focal point of the object side of the eyepiece, which can be calculated by f′(x)=$\\frac{1}{3}$.

The second is the problem of multiples.

The first person in the world to discover the limit multiple of the optical microscope was Ernst Abbe, who invented the 1500 optical microscope in 1874.

The resolution is about 200 nanometers, or half the wavelength of the shortest visible light.

Therefore, if you want to rub an optical microscope by hand, you don't actually need too much assistance from modern technology and equipment.

As a technical geek who has used double-digit microscopes, Xu Yun is naturally very clear about one thing:

In ancient society, there were two types of materials that could perfectly achieve the matching combination of refractive index and dispersion rate.

That is crown glass and flint glass.

In the 21st century, crown glass is basically tied to Zeiss glasses.

But actually.

It is a type of glass with an Abbe number greater than 50, that is, lanthanide glass.

Local lanthanum mining sites are mainly in Inner Mongolia and Jiangxi, that is, Jiangnan West Road in the Tang Dynasty, Jiangnan West Road in the Song Dynasty, where pepper water flows from the taps of later generations.

Coupled with the distinctive characteristics of the lanthanide rare earths, it is not difficult to find them with Lao Su's ability.

As for volcanic glass, it's even simpler.

As the name suggests.

This is a type of ore derivative that can be found in craters.

Although the above two have a more troublesome place, that is, if they are not handled properly, there may be relatively terrifying radioactive elements such as thorium remaining.

But if the process is right, these can be easily avoided.

After the raw materials are assembled, excellent achromatic lenses can be prepared by a series of techniques such as stirring the glass solution and plano-convex lenses.

At that time, let alone the limit magnification of the finished product, at least 900 times magnification is not difficult.

During the observation process of the microscope, red blood cells can be seen with a low-magnification lens of 100, and it can be seen clearly with a magnification of 400.

As for the detailed structure of bacteria, a 1000x lens is needed, and its field of view is very small, so it needs medicine to expand the field of view.

In addition, it needs to be stained, otherwise the shadow of bacteria cannot be seen.

Therefore, a 900x microscope is already considered a very practical instrument.

Say something that doesn't sound good.

With a microscope of this magnification, Lao Su might not have discovered its full use until the day he hiccupped his fart.

Of course.

Considering that the raw materials of the microscope are relatively special, even simple transfer is troublesome.

Xu Yun conservatively estimated that it would be rare for the materials to be ready within a week.

Therefore, the specific hand rubbing matters have to be postponed for the time being, and we will talk about it later.

more importantly.

There is one more priority right now.

That is.

Wang Yue's intravenous injection.

After all, if the allicin solution is not injected, it is hard to say when Lao Su will burp.

This Lord Zhonghou is probably really cold.

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