Into Unscientific

Chapter 136 Not Just Han Gonglian

Han Gonglian?

Hearing this name, Xu Yun's expression froze for a moment.

Did not expect ah did not expect.

The candidate given by Lao Su.

It was him?

Han Gonglian.

This is a mathematician with little information left in the Northern Song Dynasty, and later generations don't even know his name.

Only a little information about his self-named Mr. Yang Huai is briefly mentioned in "Guping County Strange History" where he was born.

After all, the number these days is similar to the nickname of station B in later generations, and anyone can take it.

Except for those well-known users, there are only a few ordinary people who can be recorded.

However, only from the few remaining words, future generations can still easily judge Han Gonglian's ability.

Song Yuanyou first year.

Han Gonglian served as the official of the Ministry of Officials, and his rank was the lowest rank of Zhengjiu.

At that time, Lao Su took office as Minister of the Ministry of Officials, and was ordered to inspect the armillary sphere used by the Taishi Bureau and others, and prepared to make a new one.

As a result, during the visit, Lao Su heard that Han Gonglian was proficient in mathematics and astronomy, and that he was counting everyone in Bianjing.

Lao Su came to the door in person and told the outline of the instrument procedures of the previous generation of astronomers Zhang Heng, Liang Lingzan, Zhang Sixun and others.

I hope he can get to the bottom of it and imitate it accordingly.

For this purpose, Han Gonglian wrote a volume of "Nine Chapters of Pythagorean Examination of Huntian Book" and made a wooden mold of a machine wheel.

After seeing it, Lao Su thought that although it was not quite as the ancients said, the design of the water transport wheel was unique and highly feasible.

Therefore, this plan was selected, and it was submitted to the imperial court and approved.

Yuanyou two years.

Han Gonglian was appointed as the system officer and began to make new instruments.

Yuanyou seven years.

The instrument was finally completed and was named Yuanyou Armillary Sphere.

At the same time, in history, Han Gonglian was also considered to be the most critical figure besides Lao Su in the process of making the Yuanyou armillary sphere.

So it can be seen from this.

Although Han Gonglian's writings in history books are not many, his ability in mathematics is obviously much higher than that of ordinary people.

In a way.

He is actually very similar to a Portuguese player named Eder in later generations.

He was unknown before, and almost no one had heard of his name, and he had never played much.

As a result, he came off the bench in the 2016 European Cup final, sealed his throat with a sword and helped Portugal win the championship, and then fell silent again after the incident.

no way.

Although mathematics in the Song Dynasty developed very rapidly, the feudal dynasty was ultimately dominated by personnel struggles.

Many mathematicians don't have many opportunities to show their skills, let alone be recorded in the history books.

Of course.

Although the truth is such a truth.

But if it is really the kind of top-notch mathematician, more or less should be able to leave some records in the history books.

For example, Qin Jiuzhao.

For example, Yang Hui.

Another example is the man who abducted Nobel's wife, well, this doesn't count.

So to put it more objectively:

Han Gonglian should be the kind of advanced, even close to the top talent in mathematics.

But the distance from the 'ceiling of the times' may still be a little far away.

So Xu Yun thought about it.

I still plan to ask Lao Su again to see if I can find more talents like Han Gonglian.

After all, the calculation workload this time is still quite large, and the eggs can't just be put in one basket:

"Master, according to what you said, Mr. Yang Huai is obviously a pretty good candidate.

However, the calculation steps required by astronomical telescopes are extremely complicated, and it may take time and effort for one person alone.

Therefore, if the master still has candidates, he might as well find a few more capable people to help, which can be regarded as a precautionary measure. "

Old Su nodded while listening, and seemed to accept the suggestion.

He had seen Xu Yun tinkering with generators and electrolytic cells before, and he knew that some knowledge of Fenglingyueyingzong was extraordinary.

I am afraid that it is somewhat different from the existing cognition, and may even need to refresh the inherent cognition.

If only one Han Gonglian was invited, it would be fine if the other party could understand axiom.

But if there is a lag or doubt.

Then the "recovery" process of the entire astronomical telescope is likely to be delayed or even stagnated.

Then he thought carefully about the mathematicians he knew, and after half a minute, his eyes suddenly lit up:

"Xiao Wang, can you roughly describe the arithmetic knowledge you mentioned in words?"

Xu Yun gave him a strange look, and was a little puzzled about Old Su's purpose, but he still nodded:

"This matter is not difficult. After all, the villain has read the content from the book. It is still very easy to outline some key points."

Old Su saw that he waved his hand and said excitedly:

"That's very good, later you will follow me to the study, write a letter, and send it to Ying Tianfu.

There is a man who counts everyone living in a hut in the countryside of Fuzhong. If he can be persuaded to come to Bianjing to help, the mirror accuracy will be counted! "

Seeing Lao Su who showed such excitement and admiration for the first time, Xu Yun suddenly became interested:

"I don't know who it is?"

Old Su was silent for a moment, organized his words, and said with a little reverence on his face:

"This person's surname is Jia Mingxian, and he studied under Chu Yan, the master of Jiuzhang Pushing Steps."

Before Lao Su could finish his words, Xu Yun's eyelids twitched violently.


It was Jia Xian?

This monumental figure in the history of ancient mathematics is still alive at this time?

Talk about a well-known mathematician in ancient China.

The first thing that comes to many people's minds is probably Zu Chongzhi.

That is to say, the first man in the world to actuarially calculate pi to the seventh decimal place, more than a thousand years earlier than Europe.

But besides Zu Chong, Huaxia still has many good people in mathematics.

And they can be divided into many categories according to their contribution and direction.

For example, in terms of influence on modern mathematics, Qin Jiushao is undoubtedly the most recommended.

Because in local mathematics, only his Da Yanqiuyi technique and Chinese remainder theorem are still preserved by modern mathematics.

The remaining various ancient Chinese mathematical techniques and mathematical tools were re-invented by Western mathematicians.

In terms of epoch-making groundbreaking.

Then there is no doubt that Liu Hui and Zhu Shijie are the first to be promoted, because they correspond to two huge leaps in China's two mathematical peaks:

Liu Hui sorted out the mathematical knowledge of the entire Qin and Han Dynasties, established the overall framework of ancient Chinese mathematics, and summarized the overall calculation framework of linear algebra.

Roughly similar to Euclid in Greek mathematics.

Zhu Shijie sorted out the mathematics from the Tang and Song Dynasties, standardized the mathematical framework of Tianyuanshu, and brought Huaxia's algebra from unsigned calculations to signed calculations.

In the triangle field, Jia Xian is undoubtedly the best of the best.

Remember the Yang Hui triangle mentioned in the 1665 copy?

The Yang Hui Triangle was actually proposed by Jia Xian, so some people call it the Jia Xian Triangle.

However, due to the loss of his works, his excellent ideas were recorded by Yang Hui, another great mathematician.

Therefore, later generations defined this law under the name of Yang-Hui Triangle.

The reason given by the Asian Mathematical Congress in 2011 is that Yang Hui's record has physical evidence, and there is nothing wrong with this logic.

in addition.

Jia Xian also created the square rooting methods of "Zengyi Kaiping Method" and "Zengyi Kaiping Method\

,"That is, a class of efficient methods for finding numerical solutions of higher degree equations.

That's right.

Find the numerical value of the higher degree equation.

To know?

In Europe these days, "Roman numerals" are still being used.

That's right, numbers, even table numbers are very difficult, let alone such complicated square root calculations.

The calculation procedure of Jia Xianzeng’s multiplication and opening method is roughly the same as that of the European mathematician Horner (1819 AD), but it is 770 years earlier than the other party.

And this is precisely an important link in the calculation of mirror surface precision, and there are still many derivative calculation formulas to be solved.

That is.

Whether it is from the perspective of ability or professionalism, Jia Xian is a much more suitable candidate than Han Gonglian.

But at the same time.

He was also someone outside of Xu Yun's plan, and Xu Yun never considered him at all from the beginning.

Because the time of Jia Xian's birth and death is also unknown to later generations, but most people think that he died before Song Huizong came to the throne.

According to the records of "Song History·Yiwenzhi".

Jia Xian completed the "Nine Chapters of the Yellow Emperor's Computing Classics and Fine Grass" around 1050, when he was in the position of Zuoban Dianzhi.

Zuoban Dianzhi is one of the three classes, and he is a ninth-rank official.

According to the comparison table of Song Dynasty official positions and ages collected by later generations, Zuoban Dianzhi is generally held by adult men aged 25-35.

At the same time, Wang Zhu wrote a sentence in "National Court Meeting":

"The constitution is now Zuoban Dianzhi, Jili Taishi. The constitutional calculation is also wonderful, and there are books handed down to the world."

Wang Zhu wrote "Guochaohuiyao" in 1043 and completed it in the autumn of 1045.

That is.

In 1045 AD, Jia Xian was at least 25 years old.

It is now AD 1100, and exactly 55 years have passed.

If Jia Xian is still alive, he is guaranteed to be 80 years old, maybe even 90 years old or older.

Although Lao Su is also eighty years old, who is he?

The former prime minister!

Whether it is the material standard of living or the level of medical treatment enjoyed, it can be said that there is no one in ten thousand, or even one in a million.

But Jia Xian was just an ordinary official, and he resigned not long after.

In terms of material standard of living, it is far lower than that of Lao Su, at most the level of a small landlord, maybe not so rich.

Therefore, in the later generations of mathematics, most people believed that Jia Xian had passed away when Song Huizong came to the throne.

Even the entry encyclopedia defines him as "an outstanding mathematician in the first half of the eleventh century".

But right now it seems.

Jia Xian is still alive?

And according to what Old Su said.

If Jia Xian can be persuaded, he may even rush over from Yingtian Mansion!

Ying Tianfu is the Baixia of later generations, and Bianjing is Junyi.

It is more than 600 kilometers from Baixia to Bianjing, and it will take three hours by train in later generations. In ancient times, it was considered a long distance.

So it can be judged from this.

At present, Jia Xian's physical condition may be quite good, otherwise he would not be able to withstand such a long journey.

how to say

Although surprising, this is undoubtedly good news.

After all, Xu Yun's goal is not just as simple as an astronomical telescope.

Some things are not like astronomical telescopes. They say they can't calculate it, but in fact they can calculate it easily with their own ability.

Even in terms of Xu Yun's personal ability, the computing power of those things is completely difficult, and it must be done with external help.

Therefore, facing Lao Su's proposal, Xu Yun agreed on the spot:

"Mr. Tongyu has been friends with a villain for a long time. If he can help him, the telescope can be done!"

Afterwards, Lao Su and Xu Yun mentioned several names, all mathematicians who were unemployed and stayed in Bianjing or around 20 or 30 miles away.

One or two of them, Xu Yun, had heard of their names before, and they were much inferior to Jia Xian and Han Gonglian in terms of ability, and they were regarded as high-level talents.

And more are the names of people who have never been heard of in later generations. The ability is unknown, but it is estimated that it will not be very high:

After all, Lao Su needed a lot of mathematical calculation support when he was making the new instrument. At that time, he basically searched for mathematicians from all over Bianjing, and he still had a deep understanding of the entire Bianjing mathematics circle.

Unless it is some rising star, otherwise the ability is obviously impossible to be too strong.

Now that things have come to this point, today's course is naturally almost over.

Afterwards, Old Su thought about it, and happily said to Xiao Zhao and Xiao Li:

"His Royal Highness Jian Wang, Qingzhao, why don't you go after the dinner at the residence?"

Xiao Li and Xiao Zhao looked at each other, and declined aloud:

"Young master is loved, but I still need to go back to the palace as soon as possible to find the master craftsman. After all, you know my elder brother, so let's do it next time, definitely next time."

Looking at the riddleman with the face of "you understand", Xu Yun blinked in confusion.

As a Science Wang who is not a history major, he naturally doesn't understand.

In the short period of time since he took the throne, Song Huizong has already shown a little fan of the emperor of flowers and birds:

Spend at least three hours a day drawing and writing, and occasionally it may be changed to kicking Cuju or having sex.

My younger brothers wanted to see him, but they could only be granted at Shen Shi in the afternoon.

Of course.

What he said to Queen Mother Xiang was that he liked to review memorials alone, and that Queen Mother Xiang died early, so he was really deceived by Song Huizong before his death.

Zhao Ji dared to do this when the Empress Dowager Xiang, the low-profile version of Cixi, was still alive, but when Jin Jun came, he was discouraged, which is quite ironic.

Afterwards, Lao Su went back to his study and prepared a letter for Jia Xian, while Xiao Li and Xiao Zhao handed it to Xu Yun to send them off.

After all, Xu Yun is both a "teacher" and a guest at the moment, and his personality is enough to send Xiao Li and Xiao Zhao off.

Lao Su's mansion is not very big, and several people attend classes in the front yard, only a short distance from the gate.

After walking for a while, the three arrived at the door.


When they were about to part, Xiao Zhao took the initiative to bow his hands to Xu Yun:

"The ancients said that listening to your words is better than reading ten years of books.

What the prince said today really made me suddenly enlightened. I am afraid that I will never forget the theory of gravity and planets in this life. "

Xiao Zhao's expression and tone were very sincere, and what he said was from his heart, not polite words.

After all, if he hadn't been interested in science, he wouldn't have followed Xiao Li to Lao Su's mansion to meet Xu Yun—at that time, Xiao Li didn't know that Xu Yun had been promoted, and the prince met the servants. Submit the concept.

And the other side.

Xu Yun also has a good impression of this handsome man, every time he sees him, he seems to see the same handsome reader:

"His Royal Highness Jian Wang is too famous, the villain is just recounting the contents of the manuscripts written by the sages.

Just like the teaching of elementary school, preaching the books of sages and sages can be done by another person.

What should really be admired is the wisdom of the sages, which is as vast as the sea of ​​stars, but I don't know how many of them have been buried in the time. "

Xu Yun's words seemed to touch Xiao Zhao's heart, and he also sighed, saying:

"That's true. If the prince hadn't mentioned it, I'm afraid I wouldn't know until my death that there is such a mysterious sect as Fenglingyueyingzong in the world.

By the way, Prince Wang, you are the only one left in the Fenglingyue Shadow Sect? "

When Xu Yun heard this, a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes, and his face showed bitterness and heartache:

"The Fenglingyue Shadow Sect has long since dissipated in the years, and the villain is just lucky, and by chance, he has been passed down from generation to generation.

Just like an astronomical telescope, many inheritances have long been fragmented, and my descendants only hear their names, but have not seen their objects, alas."

Xiao Zhao shook his head sadly, then he coughed lightly, comfortingly said:

"My lord, people have to look forward, don't talk about sentimental words anymore,

As for the artisans and property matters, I will definitely take care of it after returning to the palace, and strive to restore such a miracle as the astronomical telescope as soon as possible! "

Xu Yun nodded, subconsciously trying to persuade His Highness King Jian to move out of the palace.

However, considering that it is not appropriate to talk lightly and deeply, in the end, he could only turn into a cloud of turbidity in depression.

Then he looked at Xiao Li at the side again, and smiled a little:

"Miss Li, let's say goodbye for today."

At this time, Xiao Li was drooping his brows, and waved to him with some depression:

"I'm sorry Wang Lin, I can't help you with the astronomical telescope this time."

"Hey, what is this?"

Xu Yun made an indifferent gesture towards her, and said with a smile:

"Miss Li, don't worry, we have a lot of time, maybe the next chapter. Ahem, I will trouble you next time!"

Xiao Li still nodded his head in a daze, and soon thought of something.

With some expectation and nervousness, he said to Xu Yun:

"Wang Lin, when the astronomical telescope starts to be built, can I still come and watch?"

Xu Yun nodded heavily and readily agreed:


Seeing that Xiao Li regained his energy, he breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, although the status of women in the Song Dynasty was not low, a girl who was not out of the cabinet was mixed with a bunch of old men, which still challenges the inherent concepts.

Xiao Li herself is not worried, but her father, Comrade Lao Li, has already resigned to his fate.

Therefore, the biggest obstacle came from Xu Yun and Lao Su.

After all, scholars think of themselves as noble, and people like Lao Su are more afraid that they will not be safe at the end of the year, and they may find ways to reject themselves.

Seeing that Xu Yun personally agreed to let him watch a wave of telescope production, it also represented the removal of the biggest obstacle.

Afterwards, the three of them said a few simple words of courtesy, and then they parted outside the door.

Xu Yun followed the courtyard and returned to the East Wing.

He planned to take a rest for a while, and by the way, summarize the knowledge points he was going to write to Jia Xian.

If there is still time.

Then think about how to go next.

As a result, he walked to the edge of his own courtyard, but hadn't entered the courtyard gate yet.

Then he saw Wang Zhi, a cold-faced man, embracing his hands, standing at the gate of his courtyard like an iron tower.

See this situation.

Xu Yun was subconsciously shocked:

Could it be that Wang Yue is in trouble again?

After all, it was only through the period when the possibility of accidents was the greatest, and it was far from being completely out of risk.

In the Song Dynasty, where the medical environment was not complete, accidents could happen at any time after the injection of antibiotics.

So he quickly stepped forward, bowed his hands to Wang Ting, and said eagerly:

"Lord Colonel, have you come to the villain? Could it be that Zhonghou's condition has changed?"

Seeing that Xu Yun was worried about Wang Yue, Wang Bao's heart suddenly warmed up, and he waved his hand with a smile:

"Xiao Wang, don't worry, your brother is in good health, and Wang is here mainly for you."

Xu Yun was taken aback, and pointed at himself with his index finger:


Wang Ting nodded, and took out a few thread-bound books from his body:

"If it wasn't for you, Xiao Wang, Wang and his elder brother must have been separated from Yin and Yang at this time, and there is no way to repay the grace of saving lives."

"Wang Mou thought about it in the morning, and suddenly felt that your figure seemed a little thin, so..."

"Here are a few martial arts cheat books. Although they are not high-level martial arts, they can be quickly mastered in a short time. Are you interested?"

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