Into Unscientific

Chapter 144 Li Qingzhao: How can writing lyrics be as fun as experimenting?

An hour later.

Accompanied by the man respectfully, Xu Yun walked slowly to the gate of the mansion.

"Okay, let's go here."

Then Xu Yun glanced at the man whose face was still frightened, and continued:

"Did you remember all the words I said?"

The man hurriedly cupped his hands, his waist bent like the neon people of later generations, only a few more mutated heads were needed:

"What the young master said, the villain will keep it in mind, don't do it tomorrow, and make preparations later!"

Xu Yunchao looked around and added:

"That's good, in fact, you are also a smart person, you should be able to judge whether what I said is beneficial or not.

If this matter can be done well, you will be able to become an extremely human minister, and you can say that you will have a lifetime of prosperity and wealth at your fingertips. "

The man hurriedly followed.

A few seconds passed.

He quietly raised his eyelids to look at Xu Yun, and asked tentatively:

"Dare to ask my lord, what is your intention to take care of the villain so much?"

"Don't ask if you shouldn't."

It was rare for Xu Yun to put on a black face, and said in a deep voice:

"Just do what I say first, and I will tell you when necessary. Knowing too much is not necessarily a good thing."

The man was so frightened that he bent over again:

"Yes Yes Yes"

Then Xu Yun briefly explained a few more words, explaining what he said clearly one by one.

Then he turned and left the mansion.

After Xu Yun left.

The man stood alone in the courtyard, looking at the closed gate with an uncertain expression on his face.

be honest.

Even if he thinks about it with his feet, he knows that this retainer in Duke Zhao's mansion has bad intentions, and he must have plans in the future.

But on the other hand.

Although this person has stripped away all his past, the plan he gave is really tempting

that's all.

A full quarter of an hour passed.

The man had just made up his mind when the servants in the opposite courtyard shouted:

"Donghua, look for my famous post, and prepare your pen and ink!"

Two flowers bloom, each representing a branch.

At the same time that Xu Yun was conducting a secret transaction with the man.

The other side of Bianjing City.

The home of Li Gefei, a Chinese servant.

Li Gefei, who had just returned from court, took off his provincial uniform with a tired face, untied his waist, and leaned on the pillar chair, panting.

Among them, after suffering from a serious illness seven or eight years ago, he was left with the sequelae of panting heavily.

With a little physical exertion, you will be out of breath.

Seeing this, the old servant at the side quickly took a porcelain cup from the maid:

"Master, have a sip of roasted pear soup, with rock sugar added."

Li Gefei took the porcelain cup and took a few sips leisurely.

The clear soup entered the stomach, as if the obstacle blocked in the chest was dissolved, and the whole person felt a lot better immediately.

Then he evened his breath and said to the old servant:

"Shang Cai, is there anything important in the mansion today?"

"Master, everything in the mansion is normal, except that Luluo accidentally broke a porcelain bowl."

"It's just a trivial matter, don't blame Luluo, by the way, where is Qingzhao?"

"Go back to the master, Miss asked the villain this morning for a few crickets and ants, and said she wanted to observe something."


Before the old servant finished speaking, Li Gefei put the porcelain cup on the table sullenly, and said in a deep voice:

"Bring her to see. That's all, take me to see her!"

Seeing this, the old servant didn't dare to be negligent, and quickly led Li Gefei to the study room in the backyard, which was the courtyard where Xu Yun and the others took the books before.

See here.

Maybe some students will wonder:

its not right.

Isn't Lao Li just a low-quality foreign official? Why can he buy such a big house in Bianjing?

the reason is simple.

That's the banknote ability of the father-in-law's family

Lao Li's father-in-law is called Wang Gui.

Although the "History of the Song Dynasty" stated that Wang Gui "had nothing to build in sixteen years from the time he was in power to the prime minister", his professional ability can basically be compared with that of Song Huizong.

But ability is one thing, and official position is another.

In short, the fact is that Wang Gui has been prime minister for many years, so his family wealth is quite rich.

By the way.

Later, the daughter of Wang Gui's fourth son, Wang Zhongao, also married Qin Hui as his wife.

That is.

Qin Hui's wife, Wang Shi, is Xiao Li's cousin, and Qin Hui is Xiao Li's cousin-in-law, but there is little contact between the two.

In addition, Wang Gui's eldest granddaughter married Cai Jing, which is quite powerful in a sense.

The line of sight returns to the original place.

When Li Gefei came to the academy, Xiao Li was tinkering with the microscope borrowed from the old Su's house:

This microscope can only magnify more than 20 times. For Lao Su, it is actually just for fun, and no microorganisms can be found.

Therefore, after Xiao Li proposed the idea of ​​leasing, Lao Su agreed to her idea without much hesitation.

"Look at the eyepiece with the left eye, rotate the coarse focus helix, and make the lens barrel rise slowly"

"Turn the fine focus helix"

After entering the courtyard, Li Gefei couldn't help frowning when he saw his daughter muttering:


Xiao Li didn't answer, and was still doing his own thing.

Li Gefei could not help but increase his voice a little, repeating:


This time, Xiao Li finally responded.

She slowly raised her little head from the microscope, and after seeing the face of the person coming, her expression became a little more serious.

Then he stood up, tidied up his appearance, and saluted Yingying:

"Qingzhao has met the adults."

Li Gefei glanced at the slide in Xiao Li's hand, was silent for a moment, and asked:

"Qingzhao, why are you doing these things again, why don't you take a break and read a book?"

Xiao Li shook his head:

"Father, I'm not tired."

Li Gefei couldn't help but sighed sadly in his heart.

Since returning from Lao Su's residence a few days ago, Xiao Li's temperament seems to have changed.

I've been busy with 'experiments' all day long, and the paintings are written in words that I can't understand, and the poems have been put aside.

In fact, if that's the case, then it's okay.

Li Gefei has always been very tolerant towards Xiao Li, and has no particularly strict tutoring or constraints.

Otherwise, she would not be allowed to go to the wine shop to drink or go to the gambling house to gamble when she has nothing to do.

Therefore, if Xiao Li simply likes some novelty and weird things, Li Gefei is not necessarily angry.

but the problem is

What Xiao Li is involved at the moment is not as simple as a simple interest.

Thinking of this, Li Gefei once again looked at his daughter complicatedly, and beckoned to her:

"Qingzhao, you come with me."

Xiao Li pursed his lips and obediently followed.

Yep, to be preached again.

After taking Xiao Li to the corner of the academy, Li Gefei stepped back and asked:

"Qingzhao, are you still going to the county mansion tomorrow?"

Xiao Li nodded affirmatively, a glimmer of expectation flashed in his eyes:

"Of course, I will learn acceleration tomorrow."

A trace of worry flashed in Li Gefei's eyes, and he asked again:

"Qingzhao, do you know the current situation in Beijing?"

Then without waiting for Xiao Li to answer, he said in an accelerated tone:

"The Empress Dowager is still in a coma and is in a critical situation. There are even rumors that she may not survive for a month.

Right now, His Majesty is already ready to go. Once the Queen Mother goes west, His Majesty will wipe out the remnants with a destructive force.

After the remnants, the next step, the next step."

Li Gefei glanced around quickly, lowered his voice, and said word by word:

"Su! Qing! Jane! King!"

After saying this, Li Gefei stared at Xiao Li closely, observing his daughter's expression.

That's right.

What he worries about is not other problems, but

King Jane!

In the past few days, Xiao Li and King Jian often went to the Su Mansion together, and occasionally went out to discuss issues together.

Seemingly close, inseparable.

If the Empress Dowager Xiang's phoenix body is intact, it's okay to say that with such a big figure in check, it is impossible for Song Huizong to attack Xiao Zhao.

But once the Queen Mother dies, there will inevitably be a large number of party members who will quickly vote for Song Huizong.

Estimated three to five months.

Obstacles on the bright side will be completely swept away.

At that time, the next target of today's emperor will be King Jian!

And if King Jian is overthrown, someone will follow Xiao Li and pour dirty water on Li Gefei if he fails to keep it clean.

Throughout the past and present three thousand years.

But for all disputes involving the throne, which one can end well?

Looking at his father with a serious face, Xiao Li couldn't help retorting:

"But. But King Jian and I just went to class together."

Li Gefei glanced at his daughter, he knew that what Xiao Li said was not a lie.

In the past few days, he also had a brief understanding of the so-called 'science', which is indeed something special and attractive.

No way

He took a deep breath, shook his head and said:

"That's right, maybe you are really just seeking knowledge.

But King Jian is concerned with the stability of the throne. Will His Majesty listen to your explanation?

Just go to the wine shop and see, among those people who spend the whole day with His Royal Highness Jian Wang, who is not hiding now?

As the saying goes, it is better to kill by mistake than to let go, who will listen to your argument on this kind of matter? "

Xiao Li silently.

The father and daughter were silent for a while, then Li Gefei seemed to have made up his mind and said:

"Qingzhao, don't go to Su's house from now on."

"This is absolutely impossible!"

Xiao Li retorted subconsciously. After interrupting her father's words, she thought for a while and continued:

"My lord, if Qingzhao remembers correctly, in the first year of Shaosheng, Zhang Dun was the chancellor, and a bureau was established to compile Zhang Shu, the ministers of Yuanyou, and call for a review.

My lord refused to take up the post, so I was offended, and was sent out to serve as a general judge for the Guangxin Army, right? "

Li Gefei was silent for a moment, then nodded slowly:

"It is true."

Xiao Li continued:

"Qingzhao was ten years old that year, did my father remember what Qingzhao said outside Suicheng?"

Li Gefei nodded again.

Seeing this, Xiao Li saluted his father again:

"At the beginning, my father used "Li Sao" to express his aspirations, saying, "Those who die in accordance with reason, even though they died nine times, especially without regret."

The reasoner is also the reasoner.

My father was willing to die for his beliefs, why did he stop Qingzhao now?

Even if Qingzhao was implicated by King Jian, he would at most cut off his hair and be imprisoned.

Could it be that a few years have passed, and my father is no longer the same as before, he does not seek reason and trust, but only vainly pursues the way of a monarch and a minister? "

Li Gefei was taken aback for a moment.

When talking about the imperial court at the end of the Northern Song Dynasty, one type of people has to be mentioned:

Member of Yuanyou Party.

Members of the Yuanyou Party, also known as Yuanyou Party Members.

Its origin can be traced back to Wang Anshi's reform.

The right and wrong of Wang Anshi's reform is quite complicated, and it has been widely discussed even in later generations, let alone the Northern Song Dynasty.

Therefore, during the reform process, naturally many people supported it, and many people opposed it.

Among them, the political factions that supported the reform were called "Yuanfeng party members" by the people at that time.

Those who opposed the reform were called "Yuanyou Party members".

And Li Gefei is a standard Yuanyou Party member.


Zhang Dun imposed cruel punishments and relegation on Yuanyou party members, and ordered Li Gefei to be recruited to make statistics on this matter.

Li Gefei resolutely refused, so he was convicted and released.

At that time, in Li Gefei's letter to his friends, he also quoted the allusion that although he died nine times, especially without regret, he expressed his determination to die for his persistence.

This release lasted for more than a year and almost two years before he was called to be the school secretary and returned to his official career.


Follow the historical trajectory.

In another two years or so, the imperial court will once again exclude the old officials of Yuanyou, and Li Gefei will be dismissed because of his membership in the "Yuanyou Party".

Therefore, Xiao Li's rhetorical question really stopped Li Gefei:

Even if Xiao Li was implicated because he was close to Xiao Zhao, at most Li Gefei was demoted or dismissed from office, Xiao Li was imprisoned, and his relatives cut off contact.

It must be miserable, but life is not lost.

After all, the six thieves haven't controlled the government yet, and there are still some good officials in the court who are in control of the power.

As for the things that Li Gefei insisted on at the beginning, it was a bit exaggerated to say that the nine clans were punished, but there were not a few people who were labeled as "party traitors" and executed.

To know.

At that time, Xiao Li was only ten years old, and he was a bean sprout among bean sprouts.

Naive and ignorant, ignorant.

If Li Gefei was convicted of what he did back then, Xiao Li would be called innocent.

Therefore, after hearing Xiao Li's words, Li Gefei fell silent immediately, and gradually remembered a memory fragment in his mind:

When he was sent to Xushui Suicheng that year, it happened to be a snowstorm in winter, and the world was vast.

He hugged Xiao Li and snuggled up to each other in the cold wind.

In addition to the annoyance of being released, my heart is also full of guilt towards my daughter.

However, just as he sighed that he had hurt his daughter, he secretly wept.

Xiao Li, who was only eight years old, stuck tightly to his chest, and said to himself in a childish and firm voice:

"My lord, there is no complaint in the clear light."

Think here.

Li Gefei couldn't help closing his eyes.


Compared with the life-and-death party struggle at the beginning, what happened to Xiao Li and Xiao Zhao?

If it is really pursued, it will be demoted again at best.

Although I am a little tired from climbing the officialdom these years, if I really lose my official title, I will definitely feel a little distressed.

But no matter how heavy the official hat is, it is far inferior to family affection.

Worth mentioning.

If something happens to Xiao Li, he will take it on himself.

When Li Gefei opened his eyes again, his eyes were already clear.

He pondered for a moment, then said:

"Forget it, Qingzhao, if you want to go to the class, don't worry about it.

However, there is a requirement for being a father, that is, under the existing premise, you cannot go any further with His Royal Highness Jian Wang, do you understand? "

The meaning of Lao Li's words is actually very straightforward:

If it's just for classmates, then it's okay to pursue it, but at worst, your father will throw away his official hat and go back to the field.

But if the friendship of classmates turns into friendship of sharing the same bed, the life of the family will be in danger.

Xiao Li was a little caught off guard by his father's sudden driving, but considering that Lao Li had retreated a lot, he obediently replied:

"Clear and clear."

Then Lao Li thought for a while and continued:

"By the way, the old man has an old story, and now he is the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, and he is upright and selfless.

This person has a son named Zhao Mingcheng, who is quite well-educated and writes beautiful poems. Tomorrow, I will invite the two of you to meet and have a chat. Would you like to talk about poetry? "

"Quite well-educated?"

Hearing this, Xiao Li glanced at his own father lightly, and asked back:

"Then can he calculate the sliding friction force? Can he adjust the magnification of the eyepiece and objective lens? Do you know how much force the object placed on the inclined surface will receive?"

Li Gefei: "????"

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