Into Unscientific

Chapter 164 The Mountain Rain Is Coming

Chapter 164: Mountain Rain Is Coming

In the courtyard.

Looking at the dignified old Su, Wang Ting couldn't help but stepped forward and asked:

"Uncle, but something happened in the palace?"

Except for Xu Yun, the people left behind by Lao Su are all officials in the Song Dynasty system.

It also includes Zong Ze, who is related to Lao Su, but the relationship is not particularly close.

Therefore, if there is no accident, there is a high probability that something happened in the palace—and it is not a particularly high-level secret, which will gradually spread within a few hours or a day or two.

Old Su obviously didn't intend to keep it secret, he was silent for a moment, and slowly uttered a few words:

"The queen mother passed away."


Hearing what Old Su said.

The courtyard was quiet at first, and then boiled up immediately.

I saw that the old man's eyes flickered a few times, and he frowned and asked:

"Su Gong, when did the queen mother die?"

Old Su looked around a few times, made sure there were no idlers around, and then said:

"This is the news from the palace just now, and it won't take more than an hour and a half at most—His Royal Highness King Jian went to pay a visit to the Queen Mother yesterday."

Hearing this, the old species sighed slightly.

Empress Dowager Xiang was five years older than him. She was the great-granddaughter of Xiang Minzhong, Prime Minister of Song Zhenzong, and he was Zhong Shiheng's grandson.

Xiang Minzhong, as the head of the court officials, has always been at odds with Zhong Shiheng.

Therefore, some of the hatred between the two has also been carried on to the next generation, and it is not an exaggeration to say that there is a blood feud.

In Lao Zhong's childhood, he had many childish conflicts with Queen Mother Xiang. (See "Song History Volume 335 Biography Ninety-Fourth")

After both parties become adults.

Empress Dowager Xiang married Song Shenzong Zhao Xu, and Lao Zhong became a teacher of Zhang Zai and became a third-class servant.

Later, Lao Zhong disobeyed Cai Jing's will because of discussing the law of service, and became hostile to Cai Jing. Cai Jing's fellow party falsely accused him of "slandering the martyrs", dismissed him from office and included him in the party.

As a result, the old species was banned for ten years.

The Empress Dowager Xiang is the opposite of the old one, she is extremely close to Cai Jing, and can even be regarded as one of Cai Jing's nobles.

For example, after Song Huizong came to the throne, Cai Jingben was dismissed from office and released to the outside world. It was Xiang Huizong who ordered Huizong to stay in Cai Jing to complete the history work.

Although Cai Jing was dismissed from office by Gong Fu, Chen Shixi and others a few months later, he made acquaintance with Han Zhongyan during his stay in Beijing, which led to his follow-up recovery.

Of course.

At this time, Cai Jing was still in the stage of staying in Beijing to revise history, and many subsequent things had not happened yet.

But this does not affect the bad impression of the old class on Cai Jing - after all, the ten-year enmity that has been suppressed cannot be resolved by Cai Jing's dismissal.

And because of this.

The conflict between the old species and the Queen Mother gradually reached an irreconcilable point.

However, as "monarchs and ministers" who are not so fatuous and extreme, the rivalry between the two parties has always had a prerequisite:

The country is stable.

For example, the Empress Dowager Xiang knew that the Western Army could not lack the old ones, so the suppression was suppressed, but she did not cut off her arms like Zhao Gou or Wan Yan Gou killed Yue Fei.

What the Queen Mother did was to support Wang Hou, Lao Zhe, and even Tong Guan, so that they would gradually replace Lao Zhong's position in the Western Army.

The same is true of the old way, never bringing personal relationships into the battle of the frontier army.

But right now, the Queen Mother is going to die.

The situation became a little more subtle.

After all, everyone knows about this King Duan now.

Don't say anything else.

Just looking at the thirty-one sons and thirty-four daughters he gave birth to before he was captured, one can see what kind of emperor this is.

Then Lao Zhong suddenly thought of something, and said to Lao Su:

"Su Gong, where is Wang Zezhi? Where is he at this moment?"

Old Su raised his eyelids to look at him, and soon realized what Lao Zhong was worried about, and said:

"Don't worry, according to Yuan Nian, Su Wei's side is only on guard, and there is no sign of mobilization."

The real name of Wang Zezhi in Lao Zhong's mouth is Wang En, and he is currently the commander of the front of the palace, which is one of the standard "Nine Taiweis".

To use a modern metaphor, Wang En is the head of the security regiment, the confidant of his confidants.

Hearing that Wang En didn't move much, the old man couldn't help but let out a deep breath:

It seems that the death of the Empress Dowager did not happen in secret, it was indeed a natural death

Then he thought for a while, then turned his head and said kindly to Wang:

"Chu Dao, the empress dowager is dead, our identities are a little sensitive, let's go back to the Wuxin Army and stay."

Wang Hou nodded and agreed:


The old man said that he bowed his hands to Lao Su and Xu Yun again, and said:

"Su Gong, Xiao Wang, something happened suddenly, Chu Dao and I, as border commanders, have some things beyond our control, so we can only leave first."

"Xiao Wang, after the affairs of the Empress Dowager have been dealt with, the old man will come to talk to you about skills in detail."

At this time, Xu Yun was still in astonishment, and when he heard the words, he quickly saluted subconsciously:

"It's okay to be an envoy, but it's okay to send someone to talk to you when you need it."

Old Su looked around a few people, pondered for a moment, and said:

"Xiaowang, Rulin, Zhengchen, Zhengru, you are either white or not high-ranking, so go back to your house first, and I will send off the envoy Zhong Chengxuan and General Wang."

Wang Ting and the others looked at each other and took orders at the same time:


Afterwards, everyone parted ways, and Xu Yun returned to the house with a calm expression.

After closing the door.

With his back against the door and the back of his head on the door, he sighed with complicated emotions.

If it was just speculation before.

So now she is sure that Queen Mother Xiang really fell for Old Su.

Otherwise follow the normal trajectory.

Although the Empress Dowager Xiang's health is not good, she can survive for at least four more months, and she will not die until the beginning of next spring.

In other words, his little butterfly did affect the direction of the historical trajectory in some dungeons.

Think here.

He turned around involuntarily, arched his body slightly in a certain direction, and saluted.

Although he and the queen mother never met.

But in a sense, the Empress Dowager Xiang's death four months earlier has nothing to do with his arrival, but a causal relationship.

Therefore, Xu Yun's salute is not considered big, nor is it a pretentious act, but a salute out of the bottom line.

Then he went to the desk, picked up a pen and paper, and wrote a letter in Morse code:

"Rye Erguotou Kai."

".The Empress Dowager is dead, and the plan code-named 'Unheard by Readers' can be officially implemented."

"So so. So so"

An hour passed.

Xu Yun sealed the written letter with oil wax and put it in his cuff.

When I went out, I found Mr. Duguan Xie and asked:

"The boss is in charge, is the third brother in the house at the moment?"

Mr. Xie was concerned about the fact that he was preparing a sacrificial speech for Lao Su at the moment. Hearing this, he wiped the sweat from his forehead and said:

"Yes, I saw him in the South Wing Room just now, the old man will send someone to find him now?"

"Then Lao Lao will take care of it."

"It's a small matter, just wait."

Mr. Xie Guan bowed his hands to Xu Yun, stopped a servant, and gave him the task of finding Zhang San.

The servant answered yes, and hurriedly took his orders and left.

Xu Yun and Mr. Xie parted ways and returned to the small courtyard alone.

About a quarter of an hour passed.

Zhang San appeared outside Xu Yun's courtyard:

"Brother Wang, I heard you were looking for me?"

Xu Yun nodded, handed him the envelope in his hand, and instructed:

"Third brother, please go out and deliver this letter to the family in Hewang Lane that we visited before, and say that Niao Jiulian gave it to him."

Zhang San nodded and patted his chest:

"Understood, leave this to me!"

After Zhang San left.

Xu Yun put his hands behind his back and sighed faintly.

Then in the next half day.

Xu Yun, who was free, gradually witnessed a process of information dissemination:

In the first few hours of the Queen Mother's death, only Lao Su and other officials in the system knew the situation.

But half a day passed.

Yue Lian and other high-ranking servants in the mansion also vaguely got the news, whispering in whispers.

Later, Xu Yun took a stroll around the street and found that many people on the road were like the Riddlers of the later generations. When meeting acquaintances, they said, "Hey, have you heard?"

When the other person sees this, he will point to the sky mysteriously, and they will all smile without saying a word.

Waited until the night of the day.

Zhang San, who delivered the letter, looked like a peddler selling electronic watches in the 1990s. He pulled Xu Yun's cuff thugly, and opened his mouth, "Brother Wang, the queen mother is dead.".

Another night passed.

Early the next morning.


On Suzaku Street, the servants of Jingzhao Mansion rang the death knell, and the Queen Mother's death was officially announced to the world.

According to the rules of "Book of Rites King System".

After the death of the emperor, he had to be buried in seven days and buried in July.

The feudal lords were buried on five days and in the fifth month, while the officials, scholars, and common people were buried in three days and in the third month.

Among them, the queen mother's treatment is somewhat similar to that of the emperor. She will be buried on the seventh day and buried in May.

However, Zhou Li has such a requirement, mainly because of the selection of the cemetery and the auspicious day of divination for burial.

In addition to the time for the princes from all over the country to come to the funeral, it will be relatively lengthy.

Of course.

There is also a rumor that the ancients wanted to use this to see if the dead would be resurrected. This statement belongs to the situation that the benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees wisdom.

Wait until the Song Dynasty.

The emperor's burial time was shortened to 3-5 months.

The Queen Mother's burial custom was changed to a small burial on the third day, and a large burial in the coffin on the fifth day. She can be buried one to two months later.


You ask why the body doesn't stink and rot when it's so hot in summer?

the reason is simple.

When the remains of the empress dowager or the emperor are not buried, ice cubes should be placed under the corpse bed, and ice should be continuously replenished.

In addition, before the Zigong was consecrated, both the funeral hall and the mausoleum were surrounded by layers of plant ash, charcoal, and bamboo mats.

These materials play the role of isolating air and moisture to a certain extent.

at the same time.

The embalmers in charge of funerals in the palace would also soak the body in special essential oil for a period of time, and then wax it or something.

After the official encoffining, 49 layers of paint will be painted on the outside of the coffin—of course, the 49 layers are the emperor's treatment, and the empress dowager's treatment is due to reasons that some idiot author can't find out, so let's pay attention to it.

If you encounter some crazy people, you will fill the coffin with mercury, which looks like a thief.

Although Lao Su has already retired from his official position, he only needs to be present on the day of the funeral and offer a sacrificial speech.

But this is a very sensitive matter after all, so Lao Su didn't dare to neglect it at all.

Therefore, in the three-person class on the second day, for the first time, only Xiao Li was present.

in the classroom.

Seeing Xiao Li obediently listening, Xu Yun wrote a few words on the blackboard:

"Miss Li, what we are going to learn today is a geographical concept called terrain rain."

Xiao Li blinked:

"Terrain rain?"

Xu Yun nodded and said:

"Yes, orographic rain is one of the four major precipitation forms in the world, and the other three are frontal rain, convective rain, and typhoon rain."

"The reason why orographic rain has this name is because it is a type of rain caused by the blocking effect of terrain."

"When the humid air flow is forced to rise when it is blocked by high places such as mountains, the temperature will drop, and precipitation will eventually form."

"The hillside where precipitation occurs happens to be on the windward side, so this mountainside is the windward side."

"The image of this kind of rain before it is formed is generally very impressive, as if the sky is falling. For example, Xu Hun in the Tang Dynasty wrote a poem describing terrain rain in "Xianyang City East Tower"."

"Rising Sun at the Beginning of Stream Clouds"

"The mountain rain is coming. The wind is full of the building."

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