Into Unscientific

Chapter 169 A question that may never have an answer (46K)

Chapter 169 A question that may never have an answer (4.6K)

"Why did you do this?"

Hearing Lao Su's question, Xu Yun couldn't answer for a while.



Suddenly, a strange emotion appeared in Xu Yun's heart.

There is anger.

There are puzzling.

There is also stigma.

Maybe in later generations, in that era when the sky changed.

Every Chinese compatriot who has his own general situation, after coming to this dynasty, will choose to do the same as himself.

maybe say yes

The national plot of an ordinary Chinese?

Then Xu Yun glanced at Old Su, his gaze stayed on his withered left hand for a while, and said to Old Su:

"Master, would you like to hear a story?"

Old Su was silent for a moment, then replied:

"Say it."

Xu Yun nodded to him, took a deep breath, and said slowly:

"A few years ago, the villain had a dream."

"My name in the dream is Wu Fan, and I am an ordinary person who sells milk more than a thousand years later."

"After more than a thousand years?"

When Old Su heard this, he immediately became interested:

In ancient times, due to technological productivity, most people's thinking was relatively limited and their vision was relatively narrow.

But that doesn't mean they haven't fantasized about the future.

A very typical one is Shen Kuo, who was in the same era as Lao Su.

Although Shen Kuo's character is a bit bad, he was the one who reported Su Shi's Wutai poetry case, but in terms of ability, Shen Kuo is undoubtedly a master.

In his "Mengxi Bi Tan", he recorded many conjectures about the future.

For example, he believes that oil will be of great use in later generations, and even speculates that it has something to do with 'turbines':

"This thing will be popular in the world in the future, and it will be done from the beginning. It is covered with oil, and it is born in the ground endlessly, not like pine wood that is sometimes exhausted."

Of course.

The turbine here does not refer to the machinery of later generations, but wooden equipment such as water turbines.

In addition, Liu Bowen of the Ming Dynasty also wrote a poem:

"Thousands of waters in the south of the Yangtze River, and thousands of mountains in Yunnan and Guizhou. Looking at it five hundred years later, Yungui is better than Jiangnan."

In a sense, it can be regarded as a guess about hundreds of years later:

He believes that after 500 years, the resources in the Ten Thousand Mountains in Yunnan and Guizhou will be exploited and utilized by future generations, and by then Yungui will become richer than Jiangnan.

There is also "New Era" by the owner of the Bihe Pavilion in the Qing Dynasty, which belongs to some fantasies of letting go:

It guesses that in 1999, the Qing Dynasty had a population of one thousand trillion and an army of six million—who knows how this ratio came about.

In short, the strong market of the Qing Dynasty aroused suspicion and joint resistance from all countries of the white race.

At this time, in the territory of the Huns in Europe, there was a dispute between the yellow race descended from the Huns and the white race of European origin, which led to civil strife.

So the yellow Xiongwang turned to the Qing emperor for help, and the Qing Dynasty immediately sent troops to Europe to challenge the white powers, and finally forced the white nations to sign an alliance under the city.

So far, the war is over.

The Qing Dynasty entered the "new era" as a victor.


Four years after "New Era" was written, the Qing Dynasty hiccupped.

True New Era.

Therefore, in the face of Xu Yun's "future", Lao Su did have some interest:

"What have you seen?"

Xu Yun was silent for a moment, then said:

"Some memories in the dream are not clear. It seems that there are many high-rise buildings that go deep into the clouds, as well as all kinds of strange equipment."

"There are also many men and women in strange clothes, the sea is clear and the river is Yan, and the country is stable."

"However, what impresses me the most is a history book I have read called "Shao Song."


Old Su seemed to have guessed what Xu Yun was going to say, straightened his body, and asked:

"What's written in the book?"

"The book says don't wait tonight. It's wrong. It records my history towards the end."

Xu Yun raised his eyelids and looked at Old Su, wondering if he should prepare some nitroglycerin for Old Su, and continued:

"According to the records in the book, our dynasty will perish in more than twenty years."

Old Su was taken aback when he heard the words, then shook his head immediately:

"Twenty years? The old man doesn't believe it."

Xu Yunqian laughed twice and explained:

"It's just a dream after all. In short, according to the book, although there are many reasons for my dynasty's demise, the most direct reason is because of some stupid and confusing operations by the officials."

"For example, he purchased the 'Hua Shi Gang' in the south and built the 'Gen Yue' in Bianjing, which made the people miserable and caused rebellions everywhere."

"Then the foreign enemy attacked and pushed them all the way to Bianjing. General Lao Zhong and Captain Wang fought bloody battles."

".Later, before King Qin's army arrived in the capital, the officials opened the gates of the city and voluntarily surrendered to the foreign enemies. Afterwards, they were taken captive to the enemy's camp, and our dynasty fell."


Old Su frowned more and more when he heard it, and finally he slapped the desk suddenly and stopped Xu Yun.

After all, he was a former prime minister. He heard about the outrageous fate of his country from Xu Yun, but he could not restrain himself in words, which is already considered a high level of self-cultivation:

"Xiao Wang, do you know what will happen to you once these remarks go out of the house?"

"To tell you the truth, car cracks are light!"

"Besides, this is just what you saw in your dream. You made such a change based on this baseless guess? Are you a three-year-old old man?"

Xu Yun was silent.

In fact, he wanted to tell Lao Su very much.

What I said was not a fantasy, let alone a dream, but a history that actually happened.

He is not a descendant who arrived in a dream, but a real person from the 21st century.

However, due to the limitations of the system, he couldn't say these words at all, and could only briefly summarize the history with the help of the so-called dreams.

But no matter how true the dream you say, it is still just an illusion after all, and it is difficult to completely convince a person.

Unless you let Lao Su come to the 21st century in person and take him to the library to read the thick "History of the Song Dynasty", it is possible to prove everything.

And this is obviously impossible.

Therefore, the question raised by Lao Su may never be answered.

But on the other hand.

Xu Yun didn't expect to be able to convince Lao Su just like this, he just tried his best to let Lao Su accept the reality within the scope of his ability.

The current general situation is set, the rye Erguotou, or Guo Jing's side, has completely ignited the boiler.

No matter whether Lao Su believed his statement or not, he could not affect the direction of certain events.

On the opposite side of him, Lao Su who stopped him from continuing to speak, also had a look of surprise at this moment.

Because he suddenly found out.

After Xu Yun's 'dream' finished.

The absolute rationality in my heart is still there, but emotionally, I believe these words a little bit.

Is it because Xu Yun showed too many strange things before, so that the credibility of his words in his heart has reached a very high level without knowing it?

Or is this in line with the character of King Duan that I know, and it is indeed something he can do?

Or both?

This is like the krypton gold prize pool of later generations. The burst rate of a certain ssr is only one in 100,000. In theory, it is impossible for normal people to win it.

But many people are very clear about this rationally, but they can't help but imagine in that direction emotionally. This is a human instinct.

all in all.

When this faint suspicion appeared, Old Su would unconsciously have a thought:

If it's just if, if what Xu Yun said is true, what should Da Song do?

This thought is like a wooden thorn pierced into the flesh, it is so subtle that it can be ignored from the overall perspective.

But from the perspective of individual feelings, it makes people itchy.

Then Lao Su thought of the current situation in Bianjing, and felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

He is like a flat boat in a vast ocean. It seems to be able to 'control the water', but in fact he is controlled by the water and cannot change the overall situation.

Why is this so.

It's only been half a year.

But after thinking about it, Old Su suddenly felt something was wrong.

Although Xu Yun described his dream and mentioned that the Song Dynasty would perish, he did not directly explain why he deliberately framed Lao Li.

Not to mention there are Heaven and Earthquake and King Jian.


King Jane?

In an instant.

A clear vein diagram suddenly appeared in Lao Su's mind.

The initial position of the vein map is written with the imperial palace, which represents the seed of Guo Jing planted by Xu Yun through the theory of gods and ghosts that Emperor Huizong of Song Dynasty believed in most.

Then two lines separated below the palace.

The first line is slanted to the lower left, and the name of the person at the end is Lao Li:

The thread passed through the backhand of the microscope, and he was charged with treason and imprisoned.

Then a vertical line appeared under Lao Li's name, and at the end it read

Members of the Yuanyou Party:

This started from the identity of the old Li Yuanyou Party member. Through the correspondence of several officials, the whole incident was extended to the Yuanyou Party group that Zhao Ji did not like very much.

The palace-Lao Li-Yuanyou party members, let's call it the line of officials.

Then go back to the original palace, and another line is vertically downward, connecting the stars and the earthquake.

Continue to draw the line below the two words, and the end is .

King Jane.

Through celestial phenomena and earthquakes, he was labeled immoral, and the counselor Deng Duo was imprisoned in the name of treason, and King Jian was pushed to the edge of the cliff.

It sounds good to call the situation passive, and the bad point is that life and death are all in Song Huizong's thought.

The Imperial Palace—Xingbo Earthquake—King Jian.

This is called the Prince Line.

Then Old Su thought of Wang Hou and Lao Zhong whom Xu Yun had met before.

mentioned earlier.

Lao Zhong and Wang Hou have always been at odds with Cai Jing. Not long ago, Xu Yun claimed to be ill and handed over the steelmaking method to Lao Zhong through Jian Wang

If Xu Yun made a fuss about it. No, he would definitely make a fuss about it.

This is the third line, call it the border handsome line.

To know.

At this time, the Western Army was returning in triumph, and there were more than 100,000 soldiers of the Western Army waiting for their rewards, but most of the Forbidden Army in Beijing were guarding the imperial tomb.

Then this way.

A formula appears:

Officials + Royal Family + Marshal =?

No, no.

Thinking of this, Old Su shook his head again:

Now half of the officials of the Yuanyou Party are in prison, Sima Guang, Wen Yanbo, Lu Gongzhu and others are all dead, and there is no leader in the line of ministers.

The thread wasn't cohesive enough, and a little too loose to balance out with the other two.

This thread is incomplete and lacks an axis.


Could it be that.

Is it Zhang Dun who resigned outside the temple in the city?

No, Zhang Dun is not a member of the Yuanyou Party, on the contrary, he is a member of the Yuanfeng Party.

Or Fan Wenzheng's second son, Fan Chunren?

Just as Old Su was thinking.

The voice of Mr. Xie Guan hurriedly came from outside the house:

"Master, a general came from outside the gate, holding the prince's badge of His Royal Highness Prince Jian, saying that he was ordered by King Jian to invite you to visit the mansion with Brother Wang, and to discuss important matters!"


Hear this.

Old Su in the house didn't pay attention, and dropped the teacup to the ground by mistake.

After a while.

He looked at Xu Yun with a wry smile, his expression was more complicated than ever.


In today's Northern Song Dynasty, there is another candidate.

This person is a veteran of the four dynasties. He has never been involved in party disputes, but he has been a prime minister.

He has great prestige in the court, and he is the prime minister with the highest reputation in the past century except Sima Guang and Lu Gong.

he is

Su Song.

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