Into Unscientific

Chapter 174 To Those Who Give Brilliance (Part 2) (56K)

Chapter 174 To Those Who Are Brilliant (Part 2) (5.6K)

over a week ago.

After confirming the construction of the aircraft.

Xiao Zhao quickly fulfilled his promise:

While preparing various ore materials.

Also quickly organized a large team.

The total number of this team is over 700, about half of which are craftsmen, a total of more than 300 people.

One of the top technicians is Siegfried.

There are also three super-class craftsmen from all over the world, that is, the "eighth-level workers" of the Song Dynasty.

This ratio is actually quite normal.

Take 1959, for example.

At that time, there were more than 70 million skilled laborers in the country, among which there were more than 1,300 eighth-level workers recorded by the Ministry of Machinery.

The first-generation submarine, the first missile, the first atomic bomb, and the first space satellite are all inseparable from the hard work of the eighth-level workers.

The current population of the Song Dynasty is about 100 million, which is far from the billions of later generations.

Moreover, the number of laborers engaged in handicraft industry is not as large as that of later generations, but it is still normal to produce three or five high-level workers.

After all, the key to an eighth-level worker still comes down to manual ability.

There is definitely a correlation with machinery and technological foundations, but it is not particularly close.

Some ancient skills, such as Laisi, such as Diancui, are not at all lower than the requirements of eighth-level workers in terms of difficulty.

According to Xu Yun's plan.

in the second half of the production process.

These craftsmen will take on important casting tasks, which will directly determine the yield of the aircraft.

And except for the artisan module.

The remaining half of the team members were all recruited by Xiao Zhao.

Numeracy expert.

As said before.

Scientific research will never be done by one person alone.

Due to his previous life experience, Xu Yun can design the engine parameters on his own—or in other words, he can only rely on himself.

Because in this era, apart from him, there is no second person who has the ability to design engines.

But beyond engine design.

The calculation of a lot of data must rely on the assistance of others.

This batch of calculation teams was recruited from all over the country, and the person in charge was mainly Lao Jia.

At the same time, Han Gonglian, Liu Yi and others also held middle and high-level positions in the team.

Although they also do not have knowledge reserves related to engines and fluids, their computing power is at the top in this era.

In some cases, Xu Yun only needs to give the conditions and equations.

Even if the concept is a bit out of line, results can still be obtained by a group of dozens or even more people.

After all, during the three or four months from the death of the Queen Mother to the coup, Xu Yun had instilled new knowledge to Lao Jia and others.

In the recent period, it even involved some - note that it is part of the calculus knowledge.

This calculation team was also placed in the Device Manufacturing Bureau, and Xiao Zhao planned a huge courtyard for them.

When Xu Yun came to the entrance of the courtyard, the courtyard was very lively:

Maybe it's because of the limited space.

At this time, it was already night, but there were still a large number of tables in the courtyard, and hundreds of people were doing mathematical calculations among them.

Some of them calculated the data silently by themselves.

There are also divisions of labor in twos and threes.

There are also some who seem to have encountered certain problems and are discussing quietly in a corner.

For example, the side near the entrance at this time.

There were seven or eight mathematicians who looked like scribes gathered together, as if they were communicating about something.

Seeing this, Xu Yun walked over to them and listened with great interest.

The first person to speak was a middle-aged man in yellow clothes. He pointed to the two pieces of paper on the table and said:

"Brother Ou, the thickness of the valve plate is one hundredth of an inch, and the section of the nozzle is set to Tianyuan."

"The volume has been determined, but why are the results of your calculations different from mine?"

Another black and thin man stretched out his finger upon hearing this, and drew a horizontal line on a certain column:

"Brother Zou, from my point of view, you must have miscalculated the value called 'axial force'."

"Its predecessor should be one-third, not one-fourth."

The scholar surnamed Zou in yellow clothes shook his head and said:

"No, no, I started with the curve-shaped gradient equation taught by Mr. Tongyu. The value must be one-fourth. You are the one who is wrong."

After listening for a while, Xu Yun almost understood the problems these scribes were struggling with:

In simple terms, this is a thrust calculation per unit section defined by the same thrust-to-drag ratio.

It involves the thickness of the valve plate and the section of the nozzle, as well as the reflection and the speed of sound.

When organizing the calculation team before.

Considering some conceptual issues, Xu Yun and Lao Jia specially produced an instruction manual.

Some hyperdimensional concepts are defined in the manual,

For example, the gravitational constant is 6.67259×10N·m/kg, the speed of light is 300,000 kilometers per second, and so on.

That is to say, don't worry about how the number came from, in short, use this number to set it up, and finally report the answer.

The instruction manual is like an instruction booklet,

Ordinary mathematics scholars can directly calculate the data assigned to them through relevant formulas.

However, although the formula is fixed, it is difficult to judge which one to use in some situations.

So it is not so surprising that some controversy has arisen.

The argument between the two seemed reasonable, and the scribes around them also seemed a little uncertain.

Just when the two of them refused to accept each other.

The black and thin scholar surnamed Ou suddenly noticed Xu Yun who was eating melons.

At this time, Xu Yun was wearing ordinary clothes, and the scribe named Ou thought that he was also a member of the calculation team, so he asked:

"Brother, I wonder what your opinion is?"


Xu Yun was slightly taken aback, and after confirming that the other party was asking himself a question, he was silent for a moment, then murmured:

"I don't dare to take it for a high opinion, but my younger brother can barely judge whether the direction of solving the problem is right or wrong."

The scribes surnamed Ou and the scribes surnamed Zou looked at each other, and they didn't despise Xu Yun because of his age. After all, no one can come to this courtyard.

"The direction of solving the problem? Please tell me about it in detail, brother."

Xu Yun thought for a while, and stretched out his hand to draw the shape of a combustion chamber:

"According to the design drawing of the engine, it can be known that the inlet and the interface are horizontal."

"It can be seen from this that the temperature in the combustion chamber must be different, that is, the temperature near the fire zone is higher than the front pressure wave front."

"According to the 39 formulas in the handbook, the pressure wave is a kind of sound wave, and the speed of sound has a functional relationship with temperature."

"Therefore, when the cross-section rebound is touched, there will inevitably be a situation where the back wave catches up with the front wave, and we can only start with the gradual change of the curve."

Speaking of this, Xu Yun couldn't help looking at the scholar surnamed Zou:

"So I dare not say that Brother Zou's data is not wrong, but at least he can be sure that his thinking is correct."

"Everyone repeats the calculation a few times, and you must be able to get an accurate value."

clap clap -

As soon as Xu Yun finished speaking, a burst of applause suddenly sounded from the side.

Xu Yun followed the trend.

At some point, Liu Yi had quietly come to his side.

I saw Liu Yi applauding and laughing at the same time:

"Prince Wang is clear-headed, and his words are concise and clear. Liu really admires him."

Seeing Liu Yi appearing, the scribes quickly straightened their expressions and said respectfully:

"Hello, team leader."

Xu Yun also cupped his hands:

"Mr. Jinqu, long time no see."

Liu Yi returned the salute to everyone one by one, then pointed to Xu Yun and said to everyone:

"A few comrades may not know something, but this is the well-known '30,000 daily shift' Wang Xiaochun, Mr. Nong."

"The "Handbook of Fixed Styles" that several people have been studying day and night these days is from the hands of Mr. Ma Nong and Mr. Tongyu."

Hearing Liu Yi's introduction, the scribes surnamed Ou were shocked and respectful:

"It turned out to be Mr. Thirty Thousand Yard Farmer, Xiao Ke has long admired his name, so I'm rude, I'm rude."

Xu Yun also cupped his hands towards him, his expression very calm.


It is Wang Lin who changes 30,000 a day, so what does it have to do with Xu Yun?

Afterwards, he bid farewell to everyone and started wandering around the courtyard with Liu Yi.

"Mr. Qu Qu."

Looking at the scribes who were lighting candles to calculate the data in the courtyard, Xu Yun took the initiative to ask:

"Is everything going well these days?"

Liu Yi nodded, pointed to an area where the most arithmeticians gathered, and said with a smile:

"Everything is going well. The team members come from all corners of the country. They are not low-minded officials, ordinary teachers, and some are hermits who live in seclusion in the mountains."

"If it weren't for His Highness's kindness, it would be difficult for everyone to see such a magnificent scene in this lifetime, so naturally they would cherish it all the more."

"Now we have calculated and verified more than 50 sets of data, with an average of seven sets a day, which is much higher than the expected five sets."

Liu Yi's expression was a little emotional, and what he said was from the bottom of his heart.

Although there were many well-known mathematicians in ancient China, there are not many who can truly leave their names in history.

With few exceptions.

Most mathematics scholars are just ordinary small officials, or ordinary teachers in elementary school.

Even Lao Jia, who counted everyone at that time, can only leave an unknown record in the history books.

Let alone other ordinary people.

Therefore, after learning that the emperor, to be precise, the imperial court has invited, and there is also a high subsidy.

Almost all the math scholars who received the letter accepted the recruitment.

to some extent.

Mathematicians of this scale concentrated on calculations, not to mention the Song Dynasty, which has never been seen in history.

Therefore, Liu Yi called it a grand scene, but it really came from his heart.

Then Xu Yun thought about it and asked:

"Mr. Jinqu, where is Mr. Tongyu?"

The night was a little dark at this time, Liu Yi looked around, and then pointed to a small corner corner and said:

"Mr. Tongyu is in that room, Mr. Wang, let's go and have a look?"

Xu Yun nodded:

"It's time to work."

Then, under the leadership of Liu Yi, the two quickly came to the door of this room.

But Xu Yun didn't rush to knock on the door.

Instead, go to the window and look in through carefully placed glass windows.

As a result, as soon as he saw the situation in the house clearly, he was a little stunned:

At this moment, this room with an area of ​​about 40 square meters is impressively filled with stacks of calculation papers.

Some complete packages of calculation paper are placed in a corner.

Some are messy and scattered on the ground.

On the only two tables in the room, Lao Jia and Han Gonglian were sitting respectively, both bowing their heads and calculating something.

From time to time, they would yawn and rub their eyes.

But soon he will cheer up and continue to work.

From the state of mind, it can be easily judged that the energy consumed by these two is much higher than that of ordinary calculators.

Seeing this, Xu Yun couldn't help looking at Liu Yi, and asked:

"Mr. Jinqu, this is?"

Liu Yi was silent for a moment when he heard the words, then sighed quietly, and said:

"Prince Wang, although the handbook written by you and Mr. Tongyu is good, it is a dead thing after all."

"As you've seen before, there are situations where differences of opinion are bound to arise in practice."

"Therefore, Mr. Tongyu came up with a method to assign each task to three groups for calculation. Each group will conduct calculation and discussion first, and determine a unified value to report."

"If the numbers reported by the three groups are the same, they will be temporarily aggregated to wait for the actual verification by Master Qi."

"However, if any of the three groups has a different result, it will be handed over to Mr. Tong Yu and Mr. Yang Huai, and they will be responsible for the re-examination."

"Admittedly, this approach is bound to have some mistakes and omissions, but this is the best way we can do it."

Xu Yun was silent when he heard the words.

after awhile.

He looked at Liu Yi thoughtfully, You Qi lingered on his eye bags for a few seconds, and a flash of understanding flashed in his heart:

"Mr. Jinqu, I'm afraid you are also one of the people in charge of the re-inspection?"

Liu Yi pulled a smile from the corner of his mouth, and said:

"I can't help it. The six scribes who attended the lectures in the Su Mansion back then are the only six who can do the re-inspection."

"Prince Wang, do you know that Mr. Tongyu left a suicide note on the day the team was formed?"

"Mr. Yang Huai had a baby at home yesterday, and he never asked for leave to go home."

Then he turned around and looked at the face illuminated by candles on the piece of paper in the yard:

"My lord, it's actually not just the six of us. The entire team has a total of 313 calculations. Some people may make mistakes due to ability problems, but no one is slacking off."

"We all know the truth, who is not tired? Who wants to be tired? But that is Feitian!

"Every one-ten-thousandth value we calculate may be able to raise the plane by one foot."

"China has been majestic for thousands of years. Since the Yanhuang generation, no one has been able to conquer the sky, but now, we have the opportunity to do so."

As he spoke, Liu Yi looked at Xu Yun again, with brilliance flashing in his eyes:

"My lord, Su Gong once told us in private that your talent is unsurpassed in the past and present, and is rare in the world. If you say you can, then you really can."

"We may not be able to catch up with you, but we will give you a push as much as we can."

"We don't want to be famous in history, but we want to be able to witness China's first trip to the sky in thousands of years, just like what Mr. Tongyu said when he wrote his suicide note, there is no regret in death !"

After Xu Yun listened to Liu Yi's words quietly, a special emotion surged up in his mind inexplicably.

He wanted to tell Liu Yi very much.

In fact, I am just a traveler from later generations, and what I possess is relatively complete knowledge of later generations.

It is not I who is really great and great,

But you great sages

In future generations, we not only conquered the sky, but also touched the universe.

The Mozi satellite and the Zhurong Mars rover are all respect and praise to the ancestors

Think here.

He involuntarily looked towards the sky.

Tonight's starry sky, not a trace of dark clouds can be seen.

The bright moon hangs high and the stars are shining brightly.

But in Xu Yun's view.

The starlight tonight is not in the sky, but in this world.

December 8, 1100 AD.

When there is heavy snow and no snow, it is the time when the stars in China shine.

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