Into Unscientific

Chapter 176 I have plenty of military virtues in the Great Song Dynasty. Isn't it a matter of c

Chapter 176 I have plenty of military virtues in the Great Song Dynasty. Isn't it a matter of course to have an air force? (7.2K)

months ago.

After Xiao Zhao's coup succeeded.

On the one hand, he handed over the power to Lao Su and Lao Zhong, and asked them to appease the civil servants and generals respectively, and control the situation in Beijing and China.

On the other hand, he adopted Lao Su's suggestion, ran outside the gate of the Great Song Zu Temple, and cried about Zhao Ji's stupidity.

Actually at first.

Some elders of the Zongzheng Temple uphold morality and complain about Xiao Zhao's behavior.

Although they didn't dare to vent their anger publicly, they were quite angry with Xiao Zhao in private, blah blah blah.

But after Xiao Zhao showed the evidence of the person Zhao Ji wanted to attack him, the voice on the surface suddenly dropped a lot.

Because the evidence presented by Xiao Zhao is not fabricated, but genuinely produced by Zhao Ji, which is frank and shocking.

Also worth mentioning.

Behind this part of the evidence, there is really no shadow of a young man surnamed Wang who changes 30,000 a day.

After all, according to the normal trajectory, the prison case of King Cai's Mansion will break out in another year.

At that time, Deng Duo and a large number of Xiao Zhao's staff were killed, and Xiao Zhao was grounded for a time, which led to the complete collapse of Xiao Zhao's interest group.

At present, the Queen Mother Xiang passed away more than four months earlier, and it is reasonable for Zhao Ji to attack Xiao Zhao in advance.

After all, this planting machine is not a person who can bear his temper.

Therefore, after the establishment of the project of mutilating siblings.

Xiao Zhao immediately occupied a relatively high point in terms of morality, and at least got the understanding of many people:

Zhao Ji's knife was clearly waving towards him, so Xiao Zhao couldn't help but resist, right?

Not to mention that Xiao Zhao is the candidate for the throne with the most supporters.

Then, he first rejected Zongzheng's request for him to ascend the throne.

The words said that he had no interest in money, ahem, and the throne.

The happiest time in his life was those days when he was drinking and having fun a few months ago, and he was not greedy for the throne at all.

But on the other hand.

Considering the stability of the state system, Xiao Zhao was still 'forced' to become the supervisor of the country as a prince, but only temporarily.

Another month or so passed.

Xiao Zhao offered a suggestion:

Let my other elder brother, Shen Wang Zhao Bi, the oldest prince in existence, inherit the throne, the elders have priority.

However, although Zhao Bi has eye problems, his brain is still normal.

Therefore, on the second day after learning of the proposal, someone went to Kaifeng Fu Yin to file a complaint.

The person who came claimed to be the fourth son of Liu, crying and complaining that Zhao Bi embezzled his own property and returned his daughter, and asked the governor to uphold justice for democracy.

And the magic is.

The governor of Kaifeng, who usually dare not get involved in royal affairs, suddenly seemed to have just finished listening to Liang Jingru's concert.

In broad daylight, Bao Qingtian possessed his soul and summoned Zhao Bi to the front of the hall.

Then looking at the girl who was 150 in height, 150 in weight, and 80 in measurements, Zhao Yu couldn't help but shed a sad tear from his blind eye, and admitted his bestiality.

Ever since.

Xiao Zhao's first abdication ended in failure.

And in the days that followed.

Zong Zhengsu came forward one after another, boasting one after another, describing the abnormality of Xiao Zhao's birth in a hype.

When various rumors spread to Xu Yun's ears, the scene was almost the same as the finale of Di Jia:

Knowing that there is a peerless emperor coming to the world, the demons came from all over the world to kill Xiao Zhao. Just when the royal family couldn't hold on, Xiao Zhao was finally born, and at that moment the people of Song Dynasty became light

that's all.

Xiao Zhao declined three requests to ascend the throne.

The tone and demeanor are very similar to Van Persie's firmness and sincerity when he said "If anyone is loyal to Arsenal, it is me".

Another month passed.

That is, the end of May in 1101 AD.

Xiao Zhao was finally shaken by the fourth request from the ministers facing him. He was silent for a full hour, but "helplessly" agreed to the proposal of ascending the throne.

Then, through repeated research by Qin Tianjian and the Ministry of Rites, the time for Xiao Zhao's enthronement ceremony was finally set as

On the third day of July in the fourth year of Yuanfu, he ascended the throne at Maoshi.

Of course.

According to the normal history of the native land.

In the Song Dynasty, there was no such thing as the fourth year of Yuanfu.

Because the year name of 1101 was changed by Zhao Ji to the first year of the founding of Yasukuni in the second month after the death of the Queen Mother, many members of the Yuanfeng Party were revived.

But in this timeline.

Zhao Ji was pulled down by Xiao Zhao at the end of last year, and the first year of the founding of Yasukuni naturally ceased to exist.

On a certain day after the enthronement ceremony was confirmed.

A manor on the outskirts of Bianjing.

This manor located more than ten miles west of Bianjing City covers a very large area, with more than a hundred mu of land by visual estimation.

The buildings in the interior are luxurious and exquisite, with pavilions, pavilions, waterside pavilions and high platforms, and there are even several guards on duty in turn.

This moment.

Xu Yun was following Xiao Zhao and Lao Su, heading in a certain direction.

I don't know if it's an illusion.

Xu Yun felt that he hadn't seen him for a while, and Xiao Zhao's brows were less loose and more majestic.


After walking for a while, Xiao Zhao pointed to the buildings in the manor and said to Xu Yun:

"You have been here for more than ten months, how do you feel?"

Xu Yun stopped and nodded approvingly:

"The manor is comfortable and quiet, facing Jiayi. It is indeed a good place to retire. His Highness repays evil with kindness, and the grass people really admire it."

When Xiao Zhao heard this, he burst out laughing.

Xu Yun's words were not all flattery, just like what he said, there was indeed a lot of admiration.

Because the purpose of building this manor is not to enjoy the summer heat, but to

Imprison Zhao Ji.


This 400 mu manor is the resting place of Zhao Ji for the rest of his life.

Perhaps from Zhao Ji's own point of view, he would not be grateful at all.

After all, let alone a hundred-acre manor, if you magnify it ten thousand times, it is far inferior to the land he originally owned.

In the heart of the former emperor, resentment and grievance are the big ones.

But from the perspective of Xu Yun, a bystander, Xiao Zhao's actions are indeed the best of benevolence.

After all, according to the original trajectory, Xiao Zhao was tortured by Zhao Ji quite badly.

His entourage, friends, and aides were killed, and he could only pretend to be crazy.

Even the final sudden death was inextricably linked to Zhao Ji, the official history was kept secret, and passed away in a hurry.

In addition to this, let alone Zhao Ji's own mistakes.

In Xu Yun's view, it is not an exaggeration for Zhao Ji to say that he is a national war criminal.

As the saying goes, when you give someone away, you have to let the other party reach for it, but Zhao Ji is good, and he sent it to his door.


Xiao Zhao's approach must have some elements of show, which cannot reflect his true feelings.

But even so, it is still worthy of a compliment of repaying grievances with virtue.

However, the current manor has not been officially 'delivered' to Zhao Ji, so Xu Yun and Xiao Zhao Laosu came here today for another purpose.

The three of them walked for a short distance in this way.

Not for a while.

An open grass field appeared in front of him.

The grass covers an area of ​​about three acres, and the grass is very soft.

It looks like it should be prepared for Cuju fun.

However, due to unconstructed reasons at this time, there are no goals and kicks on the grass, but there are

an airplane.

Or to be more precise.

A structurally complete biplane.

That's right.


Seeing this, some students must have guessed it.


The appearance of the airframe that Xu Yun plans to imitate this time is the famous Bo-2! (It is recommended that you search for pictures, it will be more immersive)

Wooden frame, canvas skin, wooden fixed pitch oars.

It is so simple that all the control cables are directly exposed outside the fuselage, which is so rough that it does not conform to modern aesthetics at all.

After learning carpentry for a few days, you can solve the problems of various parts by yourself.

But on the other hand.

This is also the model with the largest number of domestic and foreign sales and self-made models in later generations. Many people can restore the exact coefficients with their eyes closed.

How much do you guess the price of a Bo-2 in later generations?

Huaxia currency is less than 30,000 yuan!

At the same time, there are too many people who play wave-2 by themselves.

Some big hairs have also opened factories to produce Bo-2 engines, ordering phone +7-913-714-4883.

Although this airframe design does not have any defensiveness at all, in this era, aircraft do not need to consider defense issues at all.

Even on the battlefield.

It is impossible for the bow and arrow on the ground to hit the machine.

Besides, don't think that Bo-2 seems a bit low in the eyes of future generations.

But for people in this era, this is undoubtedly an amazing monster.

For example, Xiao Zhao and Lao Su at this time.

After seeing such an object.

Xiao Zhao, the Great Song Emperor Zhun who already possessed a bit of dragon and tiger aura, suddenly became a little surprised, and looked at this big man with great interest.

Old Su couldn't suppress the curiosity in his heart, and walked quickly to the side of Bo 2.

After taking the initiative to touch it a few times, he turned to Xu Yun and asked:

"Xiao Wang, can this thing fly into the sky?"

Xu Yun nodded and was about to speak when he caught something out of the corner of his eye and pointed to the sky with a smile:

"Your Highness, Master, look over there."

Xiao Zhao and Lao Su subconsciously turned their heads and looked in the direction Xu Yun pointed.

After seeing the situation clearly, both of them took a deep breath at the same time, and their pupils shrank!

I saw a Bo-2 leisurely flying towards here in the original blind spot on the side of the two.

That's right, another wave 2:

For the sake of fault tolerance, Xu Yun built a total of two Bo-2s and three engines this time.

After all, it's a rabbit, I'm so steady.

The height of the wave-2 flight is not high, and the visual inspection may only look like more than two hundred meters, beeping like three jumpers.

Within minutes.

The Bo-2 slowly landed on the grass, and the wheels left a long scratch on the grass.

A little while later.

The side door of the plane opened, and two men wearing iron helmets stepped out of the front and rear driver's seats.

I saw them jumping on the spot first to loosen their muscles and bones, and then took off their helmets, revealing @the faces of Wang Ting and Wang Yue.

More than a month ago, after passing multiple screenings, the two brothers Wang and Ti finally became the first batch of drivers to be trained.

Seeing this, someone may ask:

its not right.

Shouldn't pilot training take a long time?

Why did the two brothers Wang Ting get started so quickly?

the reason is simple.

One thing has been mentioned repeatedly before, and it is also the core of the whole session:

The main purpose of the aircraft designed by Xu Yun is for Xiao Zhao's enthronement ceremony, and there is no need to consider battery life and mass production.

Not only is the life of the engine shorter, but the flight altitude setting is also much lower than that of later generations of aircraft.

After all, if you fly too high, the people on the ground can't see clearly, and it will affect the propaganda effect of Feitian.

Xu Yun's expected flight altitude is only about 300-500 meters, and the sky-high will not exceed 800 meters.

So when designing the aircraft, he referred to the Wright brothers' approach:

Only a stopwatch, an anemometer and a tachometer are placed on the console, and the ignition method is infinitely similar to the starting mode of a car.

The equipment is simple and limited in height.

The practical part is naturally much easier.

Friends who have passed the test for a private jet driver's license should know this.

The domestic private jet driver's license is only three to six months in the case of full-time study, and the time to actually get started is even less.

Generally, it is 40 hours of flight training + 20 hours of piloting.

Then add a couple of hours of transitions, night flights and instrumentation.

The end is a 10-hour solo flight.

Maybe more in some places, less in others, but that's about it overall.

Not to mention the performance of the wave 2's own body.

At that time, a group of female gray pilots from Big Brother used this machine to harass the German army every night, and directly created a group of super female paper gray pilots with more than 1,000 combat sorties.

Therefore, after simplifying the operation process.

Skydiving training has become the most difficult link.

Of course.

Simple and simple, Wang Bao and Wang Yue must be talented if they can be selected from the candidate soldiers.

You must know that among the candidates, Zhang Shuye, the prototype of Lin Chong, is included.

After getting off the plane.

The two Wang Ting brothers walked quickly to the side of several people, and solemnly saluted Xiao Zhao:

"The last general, Wang Zhi (Wang Yue), pays homage to Your Highness!"

Xiao Zhao hastily made a gesture of lifting him up. It could be seen that he hadn't fully adapted to the status of an emperor, and then he asked curiously:

"Lieutenant Wang, I wonder if the plane is still stable?"

Wang Ting had just got off the plane at this time, and his face was still flushed. Hearing this, he nodded quickly and said:

"Returning to Your Highness, the last general and others have conducted six test flights, and no abnormalities have been found yet!"

Seeing this, Old Su couldn't help interjecting and asked:

"Right, can you see the ground scene from the sky?"

A trace of shock flashed in Wang Ting's eyes, and he exclaimed with emotion:

"When you look down on the ground from the sky, everything is as insignificant as sand and stone."

"You can see to infinity at a glance on the plane, and you can have a panoramic view of the mountains and rivers!"

When Old Su heard this, a strong envy suddenly appeared on his face.

Then he looked at Xu Yun and tentatively asked:

"Xiao Wang, I don't know if the old man can do it"

As a result, before he could finish speaking, Xu Yun shook his head and said:

"Master, please be patient for a few more days, it won't be too late for you to go up after everything is adjusted."


Old Su sighed quietly, only to see him muttering like a child:

"Well, it's still not the old man's turn."

Xu Yun shook his head slightly in his heart.


As early as two weeks ago, he adjusted all the data of wave 2.

After all, there are templates for future generations in the airframe, and there are not many places to correct the actual machine parameters, and Siegfried's craftsmanship is also quite reliable.

Even Bo 2's first ascension to heaven was done by him alone.

If not, he wouldn't have let Wang Ting and Wang Yue go for a test drive—letting two national heroes do high-risk experiments, wouldn't their spine be broken?

There is one and only one reason why Xu Yun prevented Lao Su from getting on the plane:

He was worried that after Lao Su experienced flying, the mission would be settled on the spot.

This is not his imagination.

When the 1665 dungeon was settled, Xu Yun, the vegetable leaf of Maverick Yagen, was still fresh in his memory.

If so.

He will miss Xiao Zhao's enthronement ceremony.

And he has done so many things in this era, if he returns to reality without seeing Xiao Zhao ascending the throne, even if there is a halo to deduce and compensate, he will feel that something is missing in his heart.

Therefore, he didn't dare to gamble on the urine of the halo, but chose to postpone the time when Lao Su got on the plane.

Then Xu Yun thought of something again, corrected his expression, and asked Wang Ting:

"Master Captain, is the debugging of the equipment normal?"

Hearing these words, Wang Ting remembered his mission and said quickly:

"Everything went well. Zhengchen and I followed what you said, and the loudspeaker successfully amplified the sound by more than several times."


Hearing this word, Xiao Zhao at the side suddenly thought of something, and said to Xu Yun:

"My lord, is this the artifact you said earlier that can amplify my king's voice several times?"

Xu Yun nodded slightly, affirming:


in his previous plan.

In addition to "walking in the sky", Xiao Zhao will also perform another "immortal art" at the enthronement ceremony:

The tongue burst into spring thunder.

And if you want to do this, you must use a loudspeaker, or a speaker.

The loudspeaker is simple and simple, but it is also complicated.

It first converts human voice signals into electrical signals, and this step can be completed in the microphone.

But on the other hand.

Microphones are generally not powered.

That is to say, the energy of the output electrical signal is completely converted by the energy of the received air vibration.

And this energy is usually very, very limited, so the electrical signal output by the microphone is very weak.

So at this time, we need to use something to amplify, and it is also the soul of the amplifier:


Speaking of triodes, we must first talk about diodes, that is, electron tubes.

There is usually a filament inside the diode, and when the filament is heated, it will emit some electrons.

The speed of these electrons varies from fast to slow, and a metal plate is placed as an "anode" away from the filament.

So it is clear that when an electric field is created between the filament and the anode, this electric field either accelerates or decelerates the electrons emitted by the filament:

Macroscopically, when the reverse voltage is applied, the electrons are "sent" back to the filament by the electric field.

Then there is no current between the filament and the anode, which is equivalent to an open circuit state.

While adding forward voltage.

Electrons are accelerated by the electric field and can reach the anode more smoothly.

This is the "electronic diode".

On the basis of the electronic diode, continue to add a metal mesh between the "filament" and "anode", and then apply a voltage between the filament and the metal mesh.

Then, when the electric field established by this voltage weakens the kinetic energy of electrons, the anode cannot receive current.

And when this electric field accelerates the electrons, more electrons reach the anode.

Because the distance between the filament and the metal mesh is closer, the electric field strength generated by the same voltage is higher.

Therefore, a small voltage change between the two can greatly affect the anode current, which is the amplification principle of the electronic triode.


Of course.

The real triode has a difficulty:

It is necessary to pull the semiconductor material into a "single crystal" material to make it.

The PN junction in the transistor is a special process that is the molecular diffusion method, and it is impossible to make it by hand.

But still that sentence.

Xu Yun doesn't need to consider mass production this time, only short-term.

So he added a simple control to the two poles of the diode.

The structure of the grid is very simple, just use the stress feedback of the glass in the annealing furnace to finely press the nickel, which is the element he mentioned when he showed the dagger to the old man.

As for the light pulling force required by the annealing furnace.

Of course it was supplied by donkey brother.

Nickel wire is coated with barium carbonate on the outer layer after the hydrogen produced by electrolysis is burnt with hydrogen. Don’t ask where this thing comes from. Barium and barium carbonate are naturally within reach. (See the second half of Chapter 123)

In this way, a temporary material called an 'oxide cathode' is formed.

By winding it on a copper wire, it can act as a triode for a short time.

The triode produced by this kind can be used for about one hour. If it is replaced continuously, it is not difficult for three to five hours.

After confirming that the loudspeaker is effective, there is only one last thing left in the whole process:

Waiting for the start of the enthronement ceremony.

Therefore, in the next period of time, the pressure on Xu Yun's shoulders suddenly eased a lot.

I also have time to relax every day, watch the ball, and go to Fanlou Yunyun, where green vegetables are very expensive.

that's all.

A month flies by.

The time has finally come.

The day when Xiao Zhao ascended the throne.

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