Into Unscientific

Chapter 185 Tone nemesis and the fetters of thousands of years? (66K)

Chapter 185 Tone nemesis and the fetters of thousands of years? (6.6K)

Qiu Sheng.

Height 186, weight 70 kg, thick hair, handsome.

Ph.D. in biology from HKUST, a school scholarship winner, is the ultimate template that almost every boy dreams of.

But such a seemingly perfect person has an unspeakable hidden secret:

He has breath.

According to statistics from Uptodate.

The incidence rate of local halitosis is about 30%, that is, almost 1 in every 3 people suffers from halitosis.

It's just that in most cases, we have heard the bad breath for a long time, and we have adapted to the bad breath, so we don't feel much.

The cause of bad breath is actually very simple. To put it bluntly, there are two common causes:

20% is due to Helicobacter pylori and 80% is due to microbial metabolism in the oral cavity.

The latter contains a large number of bacteria such as Neisseria and anaerobic streptococcus mentioned before.


There are many types of bacteria in the human oral cavity, and there are about 5,600 common species.

Among them are pathogenic bacteria, non-pathogenic bacteria, and conditional pathogenic bacteria.

In general.

In every gram of tartar of a normal healthy person, 10 billion bacteria can be found.

With the secretion of saliva, these bacteria will decompose the food residue remaining in the teeth gap into organic amines, ammonia, sulfide and so on.

It smells like that after long-term accumulation

Of course.

There is also a less common situation:

It is a problem with a person's rectum, causing the smell of some excrement to flow directly into the mouth.

This kind of situation does exist, but it has to be attributed to the complications of intestinal diseases, which does not belong to the concept of bad breath that is usually mentioned.

"Old Xu, the incidence rate of bad breath is 30%!"

inside the laboratory.

Qiu Sheng propped his hands in front of the stage, leaned forward, his expression was even a little ferocious:

"Think about the whole country, how many people are there in the world? If you can apply this new type of microorganism to clinical practice, your company will be able to walk on two feet!"

As a breath sufferer, Qiu Sheng has tried almost all kinds of treatment methods on the market.

But whether it is toothwash, mouthwash or toothpaste that costs tens or even hundreds of dollars, the effect is not ideal.

It's not that all of these are useless, the key is that their duration is too short.

Take Listerine's Mouthwash, for example.

This should be a relatively representative brand in oral disinfection at present. Objectively speaking, the feeling after rinsing is really okay.

But after a long time, the taste will reappear in the mouth.

Therefore, Qiu Sheng realized the value of this strain the moment he read the experiment report:

Like imidacloprid, the discovery of this strain may not win a high-level award.

But it has unimaginable commercial value!

Compared with Qiu Sheng's excitement, Xu Yun's mood is much calmer, after all, the experience of the previous life is here:

"Calm down first, Lao Qiu, you haven't written off the horoscope yet."

"You are also engaged in scientific research, you should know how difficult it is to go from a laboratory to a popular product."

"Aside from other things, the cultivation of the plants is a big problem. The other is the direction of the finished product. Is it toothpaste, medicine or potion?"

"The direction is different, the positioning is also different, and the difficulty also changes accordingly."

"So in the final analysis, we still have to think about it in the long run. As the saying goes, you can't eat your ears in one breath."

Hearing what Xu Yun said, Qiu Sheng gradually calmed down.


He is not usually irritable and irritable, after all, he is quite stable in scientific research.

However, he is an audience of a new species of microorganisms, and he has been troubled by bad breath for too long, so he lost his composure for a while.

Then he was silent for a moment, and asked Xu Yun:

"Old Xu, what are you going to do then?"

Xu Yun raised his eyelids and glanced at him, took a picture of his card on the table, pointed to the USTC above and said:

"Of course it's shaking people!"

half an hour later.

Life Sciences Building.

director's office.

"What? A new type of microorganism?"

Looking at Xu Yun and Qiu Sheng who looked serious, Tian Liangwei adjusted his black glasses in doubt:

"You can just vote for the new eukaryotic species in "Fungal Diversity". Why are you here looking for me?"

Friends who were microbes in the previous life should know it.

In the field of biology, there are actually certain norms for the submission of papers on new species of microorganisms.

For example, bacteria should be selected for "IJSEM", the full name is "International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology", and other journals cannot be selected.

The new eukaryotic species is "Fungal Diversity", which is an international journal sponsored by the Kunzhi Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

It ranks second among global journals in the field of mycology, and ranks third among all 188 SCI journals sponsored by relevant local academic institutions.

Of course.

If you encounter a very valuable new type of microorganism, you may make an exception and appear on "pnas", but basically it is rare for several years.

The University of Science and Technology and the Kunzhi Institute are both subordinate units of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, so if Xu Yun wants to deliver relevant results, he only needs to contact the other party directly.

At least in terms of situation, there was no need to go to the dean's office to notify Tian Liangwei with such a big fanfare.

Seeing Tian Liangwei with a puzzled expression, Xu Yun couldn't help but turned his head and looked at Qiu Sheng.

Then he took out a report from his body and handed it to Tian Liangwei:

"Teacher, take a look at this first."

Tian Liangwei didn't speak, took the report and read it:

"A new species of Arthroplexia. Oval shape with a width of 1.5 μm."

The content at the front of the report is mainly graphic data of the new species, which appears to be purely a new type of fungus.

But as the line of sight moves down.

His gaze sharpened suddenly.

A few minutes later.

Tian Liangwei raised his head solemnly, and said to Xu Yun:

"Xiao Xu, is this data accurate?"

Xu Yun nodded heavily, affirming:

"It's accurate. Before coming here, we collected multiple saliva samples and conducted multiple control experiments."

"In the end, it was found that the disinfecting effect of the new species of microorganisms is extremely amazing and stable, especially in the saliva sample of a friend of mine, the efficiency is even faster than other ordinary samples."

Qiu Sheng:


Tian Liangwei looked at the report again, was silent for a moment, and said:

"If the new species is really as the report says, then its commercial value will be astonishingly high. Xiao Xu, do you have any ideas?"

Xu Yun picked up the teacup and moistened his throat, then pointed to Qiu Sheng:

"Old Qiu and I had a brief discussion on the way here, and finally we discussed a direction."

Tian Liangwei straightened his body and became interested:

"Oh? Which way? Mouthwash or spray?"

"No, it's toothpaste."


Tian Liangwei was taken aback when he heard the words, but he quickly realized:

"A product like lysozyme toothpaste?"

Xu Yun nodded and said:

"That's right, it's somewhat similar to lysozyme toothpaste, but it's just an idea at the moment, and further experiments are needed on how to operate it."


This is the prototype of a product discussed by Xu Yun and Qiu Sheng.

The concept of biological toothpaste can be traced back to 20 years ago, but the current development of this field is not fast.

As of 2022, there is only one type of biological toothpaste that is most common on the market:

Plant lysozyme toothpaste.

Plant lysozyme can hydrolyze bacterial cell walls and dissolve a variety of oral bacteria. Plant lysozyme currently on the market is mainly extracted from figs.

But it's the same as the mouthwash mentioned above.

Although lysozyme toothpaste has a good disinfecting effect in the laboratory, the duration of the practice session is also limited.

If I have to say it, I can only say that it is a little better than the IQ tax of enzyme toothpaste, but I am also sorry for its price.

So it can be said.

In the field of toothpaste, there is not yet a truly effective biological toothpaste.

This is a huge and blank market.

At the same time, compared with the previous imidacloprid, there is only one barrier in the preparation process of biological toothpaste:


The so-called inactivation refers to a kind of beneficial bacteria that retains the original structure and characteristics of beneficial bacteria through special inactivation technology, but no longer has the ability to grow and reproduce.

For example, in all the probiotic yogurts that everyone drinks, the technology of inactivating bacteria is used.

You can imagine:

If there is a toothpaste that can be used for three months on the market, it can still implant beneficial flora in the oral cavity while cleaning the mouth. This beneficial flora will not only kill various pathogenic bacteria, but also decompose the bacteria in the teeth food scraps, producing calorie-free metabolites,

Moreover, the taste of this metabolite is particularly pleasant. You can choose mint flavor, lemon flavor, etc. according to your preferences.

In this way, the prospect of this product can be described in three words:

Who else?

Of course.

This is only a vision of the future.

In order to make new species into finished products, in addition to the barriers in the preparation of finished products, there are also many technical difficulties:

For example, unit density as mentioned before.

Not to mention a million doses of penicillin, at least 500,000 units.

At the same time, how to ensure the timeliness of the flora is also a subject that requires careful research:

It is definitely okay for you to ask people with bad breath to brush their teeth twice a day, and they can barely persist if they brush their teeth three times a day.

But if you want to brush five or six times, seven or eight times or even more?

Then this kind of toothpaste will lose its actual value.

Think here.

Tian Liangwei couldn't help looking at Xu Yun, and asked:

"Tell me, Xiao Xu, how can the courtyard or the academy cooperate with you?"

Xu Yun shook the palms under the table slightly, but he was still calm on the surface:

"The first is the collection of samples. We found that this microorganism will excite green fluorescence when exposed to a wavelength of 365nm, so we hope to collect all-round bacteria from the underground pipelines in the school."

Tian Liangwei nodded when he heard the words:

"That's no problem. I can directly apply to the school board. It's just a laser inspection added to the hardware inspection process. It's not difficult."


It is not difficult to see from the rewards given by the halo that this type of new species only exists in the sewer pipe under the basketball court with a high probability.

But Tian Liangwei and the others didn't know the news. From the perspective of an outsider, it was normal to start a blanket search.

That's why Xu Yun came up with this idea, trying to make his discovery seem more accidental.

Then Tian Liangwei paused, and continued:

"Aside from all-round inspection, what else?"

"There is also support in terms of equipment and funding."

Xu Yun leaned forward slightly, and naturally asked for a ticket:

"Theoretically, the new species of microorganisms have high commercial value, which just fits the business scope of our Huadun Biological Sciences, so shouldn't the school be here?"

Tian Liangwei glanced at Xu Yun and said:

"No, isn't there still a lot of money in the company's account?"

In the previous financing process, HKUST Innovation Fund, as the leading party, invested a total of 8 million Huaxia coins in cash flow.

HKUST School of Physics and HKUST School of Life Sciences each invested 2 million yuan, totaling 4 million yuan.

Xu Yun injected 100 cash by signing the entrepreneurship support of HKUST.

After deducting the rent of 1,314,222 yuan for the factory building, the company still has more than 10 million yuan on its books.

Facing his teacher's questioning, Xu Yun scratched his head hey, and said calmly:

"I don't want to save some money. Our company will have a lot of expenses in the future, and the money is all reserves."

"Not to mention anything else, logistics, product costs, and production equipment are not small numbers."

"When the company is on the right track, we will definitely set up laboratories and even R\u0026D centers to gradually establish our own R\u0026D system."

"But now I haven't sold a single cockroach medicine. I'm as poor as an Internet writer. Look."

"Go, go, young poor you."

Tian Liangwei waved his hand at him, then pondered for a moment, and said:

"Well, a few Micro-Matrix 36-well micro-bioreactors have just been installed in the yard not long ago, and the box has not been disassembled, and there is also a 350RPM orbital shaker. I will find someone to take you to the laboratory after a while. "

"Honey, Micro-Matrix?"

Xu Yun raised his eyelids and looked at his teacher in surprise:

"There is also a 350RPM orbital shaker? Teacher, when did you become so generous? Don't you have any conspiracy?"

Facing Xu Yun's suspicious gaze, Tian Liangwei slightly dodged his eyes a few times, and took a sip of water tactically:

"Don't think too much, there is no conspiracy, I just want you to try a new microfluidic interface nanoliter injection technology and high polymer feeding method by the way."

"This is a new project that Professor Huang Qian's research group in the academy just completed a week ago. It just happens to be short of Xiaobai. Ahem, the actual combat report in the laboratory, I just thought of you."

"To paraphrase Ren Danza, an old friend of mine who is engaged in blasting and a super blasting expert of the Academy of Engineering, it's like, no money anyway, just try a little bit."

Xu Yun saw that the corners of his mouth twitched a few times, and finally heaved a sigh:

"Okay, just do as you say."

It is not an easy task to conduct actual combat for others. Which link succeeds and which link fails, the failure situation, and data all need to be collected and summarized.

Like the two technologies mentioned by Tian Liangwei, if they are practiced alone, including equipment loss, each 150,000 to 200,000 yuan is basically not worth it.

Seeing that Xu Yun agreed to his request, Tian Liangwei nodded in satisfaction.

Then he thought of something, and took out a fax from the drawer:

"By the way, Dean Hou's internal referral of the patent has been answered yesterday, and the patent has been officially approved. The patent number is 20221"

"However, considering the problem that the paper has not yet been published, the patent number has not been announced yet."

"I've inquired about the paper for you. It will be published in about one to two weeks. After all, it's a draft form. Anyway, just wait patiently for a few days."

"By the way, Dean Hou asked me to tell you that the young man has a bright future, work hard, and you can find him if you encounter any problems."

"Dean Hou"

Xu Yun took the fax and read the time, silently remembering Hou Xingyuan's favor in his heart.

I may not have enough ability to help Hou Xingyuan at present, after all, he is a single-digit boss standing at the top of the scientific research pyramid of the Republic.

Their figures went straight into the clouds, and Xu Yun could only look up for the time being.

But with the completion of the halo mission, he believed that one day, he would be able to return this favor to Hou Xingyuan.

Even one step closer, to help the country.

This is not conjecture.

mentioned earlier.

Before the dungeon mission appeared, Xu Yun's education was about to graduate with a doctorate, and his ability was probably at the sub-high level.

At that time, his goal was to recreate the footsteps of Academician Cao Xuetao, the president of Nankai University, and was selected as a senior professional title at the age of 28, that is, full professor.

However, with the use of the Mavericks experience card, Xu Yun's biological cognition has broken through to a new level.

The ability is already infinitely close to the top level of popular majors, what is missing is only a job title selection process.

If there are more rewards similar to thinking cards in the future, Xu Yun firmly believes that it will not be too long before he reaches the top of the pyramid.

Then he chatted with Tian Liangwei about some other topics, and learned about the recent trends and arrangements in the school.

after an hour.

Tian Liangwei received a fax from the school board:

Agreed to carry out scanning of groundwater pipes in the school to try to find brand new new microbial plants.

Among them, the area of ​​the basketball court was handed over to Xu Yun, and he was assisted by the direct line of the University of Science and Technology——the school security team that accompanied him into Building 14 to collect cockroach corpses.

ten minutes later.

Xu Yun and Qiu Sheng bid farewell to Tian Liangwei and left the office.

And just when the two had just walked out of the medical building, Qiu Sheng suddenly let out a sigh, pointed in a certain direction and said:

"Old Xu, look over there."

Xu Yun followed the trend.

Only at this moment.

A group of people were gathered under a tree not far away, as if they were watching something, and some people were taking pictures with their mobile phones.

Eating melons is an instinct that everyone has, even doctors are no exception. Xu Yun immediately patted Qiu Sheng on the shoulder:

"Let's go and have a look!"

In less than two minutes, the two reached the edge of the crowd.

As a result, as soon as they got close to the crowd, there was a bunch of chirping discussions in their ears:

"It's so strange, why do wild animals come in these days?"

"It's not wild, our school is in the city center."

"What happened to the city center, did you forget the wild boar from the year before last?"

"The wild boar thing is not a concept to cut down. It was sneaked in from the mountain when the whole country was closed."

"It's only estimated that he escaped from some restaurant."

wild animals?

When Xu Yun heard this, a trace of curiosity flashed in his eyes.

Is it a snake or a sheep?

After all, if I remember correctly, there is a snake meat side furnace near the West District.

Just at this time, a boy in front of Xu Yun gave up his seat, and he took advantage of the opportunity to get into the front row.

Only at this moment.

Several security personnel were standing in the center of the crowd, pressing down with concerted efforts.

a donkey.

Looking at this black donkey, for some reason, Xu Yun suddenly had a strange idea:

Why does this donkey seem familiar?

Just when he was wondering.

The donkey that was crushed on the ground suddenly caught a glimpse of Xu Yun's face, and suddenly became excited, and its four hooves flapped quickly:


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