Into Unscientific

Chapter 229 One Hundred Ways to Eat an Ax

within the station.

Looking at some heavy badges in his hands.

Many thoughts flashed through Xu Yun's mind. After a long silence, he said slowly:

"Mr. Thomson, if I'm not mistaken, this should be the badge of the Cambridge Apostolic Society?"

Thomson nodded. With this fateful friendship, he no longer intends to hide some things from Xu Yun:

"That's right, I am one of the only two 'angels' currently in the Cambridge Apostolic Society, code-named Elijah."


Xu Yun was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously flashed the head portrait of a certain two-dimensional white-haired girl in "Fate/stay night" in his mind.

But soon, he drove this disturbing thought out of his mind.

The Elijah mentioned by Thomson should refer to the prophet in the Bible who lived in the 9th century BC, an era of spiritual decline and rebellion against God.

This is a very important character in the Bible, which means "Jehovah is God".

Think here.

Xu Yun subconsciously touched the texture of the badge with his thumb a few times, and murmured:

"Is the Cambridge Apostolic Society a prophet?"

Friends who often watch Europe and the United States should know it.

In some European campus literary works or film and television works of later generations, there will often be one or even several secret organizations composed of students.

For example, Dumbledore's Army in Harry Potter, the Greek alphabet club in European and American film and television dramas, etc.

And actually.

Many of the student organization settings in these film and television dramas are derived from templates in reality.

For example, 90% of the student clubs in American dramas are secondary creations based on Yale University's Skull and Bones.

Well, the level of promiscuity is also highly reductive.

It was founded by William Huntington Russell in 1832 and is currently one of the most famous student organizations in the world.

In the Skull and Bones, there have been three great commanders across the sea, two justices of the Supreme Court, dozens of cabinet members, hundreds of members of the Senate and House of Representatives, and so on.

Belonging to the real 'hegemony' organization.

But Skull and Bones is not the oldest foreign student association.

For example, there is a student organization in Europe that is older than it, is no less famous than it, and is several times more mysterious.

It is Cambridge Apostles, Cambridge Apostles.

The Cambridge Apostolic Society was a secret society founded in the 1820s by F.D. Morris, Tennyson and Hallam.

The entire society is composed of the best 12 members of Trinity College and King's College, and each session can only have a maximum of 12 people.

Members of undergraduate students are usually called apostles, that is, Apostle.

Graduate students are called angels, that is, Angel.

The purpose of the Apostles Club at the beginning was actually very simple, it was just an offline gathering organized by a few top students.

For a long time, their gatherings were reciting poems and painting, talking about dreams while eating snacks, which belonged to a platform for academic masters to communicate.

But after the first batch of members graduated and entered high positions, some people realized the value of this organization and began to lead it in another way.

Wait until after 1840.

The Cambridge Apostolic Society has become an extremely strict organization, and the identities of its members are kept secret, and many people have never revealed their identities until their death.

Just like later generations, you will never know that some glamorous and successful people are actually members of 91 and Madou in private.

Nearly two hundred years have passed, and there are only fifty or sixty Cambridge apostles who are really known to people.

But the 50 or 60 people exposed alone are enough to shake modern scientific, political and economic history:

For example, among them is the third-generation heir to the title of Baron Rothschild, who is Nathan who holds the right to issue currency throughout the British Empire.

In addition, there are Keynes, Alan Hodgkin, Maxwell, Bertrand Russell, E. M. Foster and so on.

There are even a few famous spies who said they might be 404, and they are all members of the Cambridge Apostolic Society.

Thomson is now about 26 years old and has graduated from Cambridge for three and a half years.

Although his current official position is Professor of Natural Philosophy at the University of Glasgow, he is also a postgraduate student at Cambridge University.

In addition, during his time at Cambridge, he won the second place in the Langler Prize, the first place in the Smith Prize, and published many influential papers.

Regardless of age or experience, they all meet the recruitment requirements of the Cambridge Apostolic Society.

Therefore, in later generations, including Xu Yun, many people believed that he should be one of the members of the Cambridge Apostolic Society during 1840-1850.

It's a pity that there is no real hammer to prove this view, so it has always been just a guess, not a conclusion.

Didn't expect to travel through time now, but unexpectedly solved this mystery?

Well, obsessive-compulsive disorder is much more comfortable

Then Xu Yun returned the badge to Thomson, and said with a little emotion:

"Mr. Thomson, I have long heard that the apostles of Cambridge have extraordinary status and far-reaching influence. I never thought that someone would be willing to spend such a large amount of money just to take your life."

The nature of the Cambridge Apostle is very close to the "Emperor's Talent" in fantasy novels. He is destined to achieve something when he grows up, and he may even become a giant.

In addition, the academic circles in ancient and modern China and abroad are inseparable from political games, especially in European society in the 19th century, where the primitive accumulation of capitalism was even more bloody.

Therefore, in the case of conflicts in political positions or related ideas, it is normal to use some external tricks.

However, Xu Yun was surprised.

Hearing his words, Thomson quickly shook his head and corrected:

"Luo Feng, you are wrong, the target of those people this time is not me."


Xu Yun was taken aback when he heard the words, and subconsciously asked:

"Not you? Who is that?"

Thomson raised his eyelids and glanced at him, then reached out and patted Will's shoulder beside him:

"It's Will."

Xu Yun: "?????"

Seeing Xu Yun's wtf expression, Thomson couldn't help but smile a little, obviously very pleased with Xu Yun's reaction:

"Luo Feng, have you heard of the Scottish root conjugation encryption method?"

"The root word conjugation encryption method?"

Xu Yun was stunned again when he heard the words, and immediately some content flashed through his mind.


This is a surname encryption method that is an advanced foreign language in reality and often appears in novels. It can be understood as a regular generation of vests.

Take a well-known example.

In the work "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets", there is a classic picture:

In the Chamber of Secrets, Tom Riddle pulled out Harry's wand from his pocket, drew a few times in the air, and wrote three shiny names:

Tom Marvolo Riddle.

Then he waved his wand, and the letters switched places automatically, and it became:

I am Voldemort.

Tom Marvolo Riddle's English is "Tom Marvolo Riddle".

"I am Voldemort" in English is "I Am Lord Voldemort".

Due to the barriers between Chinese and foreign languages, many people thought that the following paragraphs were composed of arbitrary random splicing.

Actually not.

Voldemort is actually a word composed of the French root vol+de+mort, which means "flying over death".

Belongs to the standard root conjugation.

In addition, if you have seen the students of the Shinigami elementary school students, you may also have an impression of Conan's 132 episodes of "The Murder of Magic Lovers":

This episode is about Lan and Yuanzi going to an offline meeting for magician lovers. Conan and Mori Kogoro went home first because of a cold.

As a result, halfway through, the radio in the car said that someone had been killed, and the murderer was a netizen nicknamed "Shadow Master" in Yuanzi's meeting.

So Conan and Maori rushed back to the villa immediately, but the only suspension bridge had already burned.

Conan rushed across the drawbridge desperately, and finally fell outside the house.

The modus operandi in this episode is classic, but what is more impressive is another thing:

Kaitou Kidd changed his name to a fat man named 'Doi Takshu', and his idea of ​​naming it was also an encrypted way of inflecting the word root, but it was partially changed by the old thief Qingshan.

The root conjugation used by the old thief in Qingshan in this episode is to pay tribute to Conan Doyle, which is the classic Scottish root conjugation encryption.

If there are students who have not forgotten the Scottish celebrity mentioned at the beginning of the dungeon, they should remember that the clue was actually given at that time.

Encryption based on Scottish root conjugations.

Suppose a person's name is ABC·DEF·GHIZK

Then first you need to split the surname at the end into two words, such as GHI and ZK.

Then move the first word after segmentation, namely GHI, to the front of the name to form the name GHI·ABC·DEF·ZK.

Finish these.

Then add a letter at will in front of GHI. This letter is a meaningless cover-up word and can be removed when restoring.

For example, if a W is added, then it is WGHI·ABC·DEF·ZK.

Then in the third step, check whether there are X, T, and Z in the WGHI at the beginning.

If there are these three letters, they need to be replaced with other lowercase letters.

Because those three letters are equally meaningless in Scottish root grammar.

For example, X needs to be decomposed into two lowercase ls, that is, ll, which can be regarded as straightening the two intersecting lines of X.

T is replaced with a lowercase f, and Z is a lowercase y—this substitution is limited to the first word.

As for the original word of lfy, it is distinguished by uppercase.

Then comes the last step:

Center-swap the first letter of every word except the first and last two letters.

That is, the first letter of the second word is exchanged with the first letter of the second-to-last word, the third is exchanged with the third-to-last word, and so on.

The initials of ABC and DEF are converted into DBC and AEF.

If the most central word remains because of the odd number, then that word remains as it is.

In this way.

The surname ABC·DEF·GHIZK became WGHI·DBC·AEF·ZK after encryption.

Seeing that Xu Yun seemed to have realized something, Thomson smiled lightly again.

He took out a pen and paper, and wrote Will's full name in front of him:

Small Kames Kirk Weir.

Small Cames Jlerk Well.

Encrypt according to root conjugation.

The initials of Cames and Jlerk are to be exchanged.

Then their original form is.

James and Clerk.

The S at the beginning of Small is a meaningless word, which can be removed directly when restoring.

So Small becomes mall.

Then l is lowercase, and there are two numbers, indicating that it is the decomposition formula of X.

Therefore the original form of the first word should be Max.

Then it is spliced ​​with the final Well, and Will's real name appears:

James Clerk Maxwell.

The moment I saw the name.

Xu Yun's pupils shrank suddenly, as if struck by lightning, his mind was completely blank.

It is.


After a while.

He just took a deep breath and recovered from the shock.

After substituting this identity into the things encountered in the past few days, everything can be perfectly explained:

No wonder, when meeting for the first time, this person wears a square leather toe with a metal button on the upper.

No wonder he knows Mavericks' past clearly, and his life experience comes out of his mouth.

No wonder Thomson was willing to teach such a country boy mathematics in the dead of night.

No wonder the black hand behind the scenes would send troops at such a cost to kill Thomson and the others on the border.

Guy is the second student at Cambridge University after Mavericks, and one of the greatest physicists in history

james clark


at the same time.

A curtain of light suddenly appeared in front of Xu Yun:

[Drip, the mission has been activated! 】

[This task is divided into main and branch tasks, and the branch tasks are being generated]

[Submissions have been created! 】

[Submission name: One hundred ways to eat an axe! 】

Xu Yun: "."

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