Into Unscientific

Chapter 290 Deal with Darwin


be honest.

Facing this big bald head that suddenly appeared in front of him.

Xu Yun's first reaction was nothing else.

Instead, I want to put one on top of the opponent's head.

My brain collapsed.

Fortunately, Xu Yun's consciousness stopped this behavior before his body reacted.

Otherwise, I will be able to achieve the second combo of deceiving the master and destroying the ancestors after smashing the calf:

Darwin is the founder of modern biology, and Xu Yun's major in this life happens to be his disciple and grandson

Then looking at Darwin, who was panting in front of him, obviously not meeting him by chance, Xu Yun subconsciously asked:

"Good morning, Mr. Darwin."

Darwin took two deep breaths, suddenly grabbed Xu Yun's wrist, and said eagerly:

"God, classmate Luo Feng, thank you so much, you know, you saved my whole family! I owe you my life!"

Xu Yun opened his mouth in confusion, and was about to ask what happened.

But when the words were about to come out, he suddenly felt a move in his heart and asked tentatively:

"Mr. Darwin, could it be that those few pills have worked?"

Darwin nodded emphatically, and held Xu Yun's hand a little harder, a trace of strong fear flashed in his eyes:

"That's right, if it weren't for those few pills, Annie would probably be dead now."

When Xu Yun heard this, his heart immediately relaxed.

It was mentioned a long time ago.

Darwin and his wife Emma are cousins, and they are considered close relatives, so the health of their offspring is generally very bad.

Three of their ten children died, and three of the remaining seven were infertile for life.

The death of his eldest daughter Anne pushed Darwin to an extreme:

During Annie's illness.

Darwin almost became the most devout believer, praying and repenting day and night.

But unfortunately, he still couldn't save Annie's life in the end.

So then.

Darwin completely abandoned his belief after Anne's death and began to deny creationism wholeheartedly.

This matter itself is okay to say, everyone's situation is different, and the concept will change from time to time.

But it also led to Darwin's original "Origin of Species", a considerable part of the content of the argument has an extremely obvious extreme emotion.

The arguments caused by these extreme emotions caused many loopholes in the original version of "Origin of Species", and it was once impossible to refute-because it was written by Lao Da himself.

Just like some authors who say that they have three shifts every day but actually always ask for leave, the excuses they leave to others can only bow their heads and accept the ridicule.

So in an initial stage.

The dissemination of "Origin of Species" encountered great resistance, and many people talked about it with loopholes.

It is with this in mind.

After meeting Lao Da in the library.

Xu Yun gave him four tablets of nitroglycerin brought by later generations, hoping to have the effect of a life-saving kit.

Although Xu Yun is not sure whether nitroglycerin is suitable for Annie's condition - because some heart diseases nitroglycerin is useless.

For example, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, etc., the symptoms actually include angina pectoris.

But there were special circumstances at that time, so Xu Yun could only hand over this thing to Lao Da first.

It seems now.

These few tablets of nitroglycerin were indeed suitable for Anne's illness, and successfully saved this life that should have disappeared in a few months.

Then Lao Da took Xu Yun to a stone table and sat down, and slowly introduced the whole thing:

"Last night, Annie was clamoring to see the stars, but as soon as she got to the rooftop, she suffered severe colic in her heart again, and it was worse than usual."

"Emma and I, my wife, tried rubbing, bloodletting, but it didn't work."

"Just before Annie was about to lose consciousness, I suddenly thought of the few pills you gave me, so I ran to the study to get them."

As he spoke, Lao Da couldn't help showing a trace of emotion on his face:

"Student Luo Feng, let me tell you the truth."

"In the beginning, I just took the medicine with the idea of ​​treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor. After all, Annie will die if she doesn't treat her."

"Unexpectedly, within a few minutes after taking the medicine, Anne's symptoms were relieved."

"She's completely back to normal this morning, and she ate an extra piece of bread for breakfast."

While saying this.

Lao Da also had lingering fears in his heart, and he was terrified.


There were two main reasons why he accepted Xu Yun's few pills.

Firstly, it was because Xu Yun had a pleasant communication with him, and that Orochimaru was attracted by him as a confidant.

The second reason is to get closer to Xu Yun and have a chance to rehabilitate his body.

The result was unexpected.

Before Xu Yun's body was checked, his daughter Annie actually continued her life with those few pills.

Then Lao Da thought of the purpose of his trip, rubbed his hands a little embarrassedly, and asked Xu Yun:

"Student Luo Feng, I wonder if you still have that medicine on hand?"

Xu Yun raised his eyelids to look at him, pondered for a moment, nodded and said:

"Of course, as many as you want."

"As much as you want"

Lao Da repeated this sentence, and as he read it, his eyes gradually brightened.

But soon.

He calmed down and said to Xu Yun:

"Student Luo Feng, what you said is true?"

Xu Yun nodded affirmatively:

"Of course it is, Mr. Darwin."

"I can provide you with enough nitroglycerin tablets on a regular basis, at least three years later."

introduced a long time ago.

Due to the change of the timeline, relatively primitive tablets of nitroglycerin have appeared in the dungeon-this is what Faraday ate at the beginning.

Xu Yun can stay in the dungeon for at least a year, and with the preparations he has made in advance, he can basically guarantee that even if he ends the mission and returns to reality, the nitroglycerin tablet can be seamlessly connected.

Refund 10,000.

Even if something really happened to the second hand, he could return to reality and bring back some nitroglycerin tablets.

So the figure of three years is actually Xu Yun's conservative statement.

"Three years?"

Lao Da quietly clenched his left hand on the table, looked up at Xu Yun deeply, and said:

"A long time ago, Mr. Newton once said that there is no free ketchup in the world, so..."

"Student Luo Feng, what is the price?"

Xu Yunjian said that he snapped his fingers lightly, and it was comfortable to talk to smart people, and he said straight to the point:

"Mr. Darwin, I want to make a deal with you."

Lao Da blinked his eyes and his expression became condensed:

"What deal?"

Xu Yun tapped his fingers rhythmically on the table a few times, and instead of answering directly, he asked:

"Mr. Darwin, I've heard you say that you seem to be writing about biomorphic changes?"

Lao Da was slightly taken aback, but quickly nodded:

"That's right, Luo Feng, what you said that day gave me a lot of inspiration."

"To tell you the truth, in the few days before Annie's illness, I had already started writing related reports."

Xu Yun pondered for a while, then continued:

"In that case, Mr. Darwin, I hope you can promise me one thing."

"What's up?"

"You must go to the East when you have time, and write some reports on the Eastern race from an objective perspective, and the whole work will not be published until there are no obvious loopholes."

Lao Da originally thought that Xu Yun was going to make some exorbitant demands, so he was ready to dedicate himself and become a Daxie Dagen.

The result was unexpected.

That's it?

In astonishment, I saw Lao Da's neck stretching forward in a funny way:


Looking at Lao Da with a blank face, Xu Yun also sighed secretly.

There is one thing to say, a pure passerby.

In reality, he is still Lao Da's apprentice and grandson, and many knowledge achievements are contributed by Lao Da. It is definitely impossible to blackmail Lao Da with this.

But on the other hand.

There has always been a more realistic situation in later generations:

That is, in many cases, ethnography often brings some negative views or pressure to the East.

Maybe you can ignore it, you can refute it, you can throw your hands up and say I don't care.

But no matter how you deny ethnology from an idealistic point of view, it has indeed had a bad and substantial impact on Orientals from a practical point of view.

There are many factors that lead to the appearance of ethnography, such as modern history, international situation and so on.

However, one of them is quite important, that is, the "body shape view" formed based on the theory of evolution:

Europeans and Americans are tall and big, while Orientals are sallow and thin.

Therefore, in the eyes of Europeans and Americans, they are naturally divided into different race levels.

This is also a certain kind of necessity caused by the "happy education" in Europe and the United States-they don't care about your historical factors and energy intake. Those people's brains are so simple that it is unimaginable.

In the concept of many Europeans and Americans.

The theory of evolution. Or the modern theory of evolution, is the reason that directly determines the differences between races.

It's like memorizing numbers.

In later generations, countries such as Huaxia, Asan, and Portugal all memorized the 99 number multiplication table.

Many European countries represented by the United Kingdom learn the 12x12 or 20x20 number tables.

At first glance, the latter seems to have learned more than us, right?


Our 99 number multiplication table is the foundation. After learning these, we will perform deeper multi-digit addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, such as 267x33 calculations.

But the number table in the UK is the upper limit of their learning.

That is to say, after they have learned these, they will not learn basic calculations very much.

So in many stores in the UK, you can often see people using calculators to calculate how much 124-36 is equal to.

These countries pursue elite education, and the cognitive gap between elites and civilians is beyond your imagination.

While it is the elites who ultimately make the decisions, it is the commoners who represent the general ideas.

in this case.

Xu Yun thought of Lao Da—if the founder of modern biology can use the mouth and pen to make a correct definition of the Oriental race, maybe some concepts can be slightly corrected in later generations in this timeline?

be honest.

He couldn't guarantee that this would happen.

But many times, doing is better than not doing.

Just like Mavericks proved for Yang Hui's triangle at the beginning:

Mavericks memorized the book for it, and Yang Hui's triangle finally succeeded in replacing Pascal's triangle, and has its own name.

As long as Lao Da's articles can influence the opinions of a very small number of people, Xu Yun's wave of transactions will be a big profit.

As for the latter "wait until there are no loopholes in the work before publishing", it is purely a partial correction made by Xu Yun for Lao Da himself.

In the original history, Lao Da had encountered a lot of objections and refutations because of the loopholes in the early days of "Origin of Species".

As a result, the theory of evolution has not fully demonstrated its value and influence in the early stages.

This is actually a very regrettable thing.

mentioned earlier.

Strictly speaking, today's theory of evolution and Lao Da's theory of evolution are not the same thing anymore.

Whether it is true "evolution" or "evolution", there is still a lack of evidence that can be used as the core.

But on the other hand.

When you look at the theory of evolution from a perspective spanning two hundred years.

You will find that its real value is not to refute creationism, but to open up a new path of modern biological science.

This is where it is at its most important and far-reaching.

And if Lao Da hadn't been in a hurry to seal the roadbed at the beginning, this road might have achieved better vehicle carrying effect.

Therefore, as a descendant, as a living creature.

Xu Yun thinks it is necessary to revise this period of history.


Well, not for the final score.

cough cough

His gaze returned to the stone table.

Although Xu Yun's intentions are not very clear, Lao Da himself is very interested in Dongfang.

In addition, now that Anne has not passed away, he has not considered releasing "Origin of Species" in advance.

Therefore, without much hesitation, he nodded heavily and stretched out his hand:

"No problem, classmate Luo Feng, I accept this deal!"

Xu Yun smiled slightly, and firmly held his hands together.

Then Xu Yun took Lao Da back to the dormitory, and gave Lao Da about ten of the nitroglycerin tablets he brought.

And made an appointment for the next meeting, and the two sides said goodbye.

It's a coincidence.

I don't know if it's because I have done too many things these days.

In the next week or two, Xu Yun hardly encountered any emergencies.

Two weeks passed in one turn.

Time soon came to Christmas.

It is also the date of an exclusive event at Cambridge University in this timeline.

it's called.

This sub selection.

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