Into Unscientific

Chapter 303 History: Why did I fly?

inside the laboratory.

After hearing the sound of Mai Lie.

An extremely simple Chinese character instantly appeared in Xu Yun's heart:


mmp yo.

It's the third time, what is this guy going to do this time?

Wheat's first ah liai liai appeared on the night of Xun Xing, when Pluto's companion star, that is, 'Charon' was drawn out.

As a result, Gauss discovered the deviations in the calculation process, and forcibly promoted the "one-year agreement" between Xu Yun and Gauss.

The second ah liai liai happened a few hours ago, which directly led to the foreshadowing of X-rays, which Xu Yun was supposed to discover more than ten years later.

And this time.

What will it be?

It was Brother Lv who promoted the development of the dungeon in the Northern Song Dynasty. Did Brother Lv co-author this time become an adult?

But then again.

There are so many phenomena related to cathode rays, nothing more than electrons, Lorentz force and the extended X-rays.

Today, when the study of the microcosm has not really begun, wheat should not make any scary remarks.


Think here.

Xu Yun couldn't help but took a deep breath, turned his head to look at Mai not far away, with a forced smile from the corner of his mouth, and asked:

"What's wrong with you, Maxwell?"

At this time, Mai Mai was standing by the console, with his right arm wrapped around his chest, his left elbow resting on the back of his right hand, his thumb lightly resting on his chin, his face looking thoughtful.

After hearing Xu Yun's words.

Mai Mai turned her head and did not answer Xu Yun's question directly, but asked him:

"Mr. Luo Feng, if I remember correctly"

"The calculation principle of the analytical computer designed by Mr. Babbage seems to be stored and operated through a scale?"

Xu Yun nodded and replied:

"That's right."

mentioned earlier.

The Analytical Engine designed by Babbage has three modules:

One is the gear-like "repository", the second part is the so-called "computing room", and the third part is similar to the controller in the computer.

Among them, gears are used for storage, and small hammers and pointers are used for calculation, and the power comes from steam engines.

Then Wheat asked again:

"High-intensity calculations require a large number of scale gears, and the volume is huge, and the combination is very complicated?"

Xu Yun nodded again:

"That's right."

Mai Mai nodded slightly upon seeing this, pointed to the vacuum tube on the table and said:

"In that case, Mr. Luo Feng, I have an idea."

"In order to maintain a high vacuum for Xiao Yan's tube, we filled it with mercury from the beginning, and we just need to pump out the mercury when needed."

"So what if we don't pump the mercury and at the same time give it some sort of delay"

"Theoretically, is it possible to use the electrical signal of Xiao Yan's tube to replace the information reception of the pointer and gear?"

When Xu Yun heard this, the fuck in his heart instantly turned into a scorpion.

A bad premonition faintly rose in his heart.

However, he still kept his face as calm as possible, and said with a dry smile:

"Uh, classmate Maxwell, I don't quite understand what you mean."

After thinking about it for a while, Maimai simply picked up the paper and pen from the table, and drew on the spot:

"This is an idea I just thought of. If we add some indicators, such as acoustic mercury, to the Xiaoyan tube, it will achieve the effect of delaying the transmission of information."

"Then add some small component that controls the current flow from the cathode to the anode, and by controlling the strength of the current to transmit information."

"In this way, is it possible to achieve the same storage and calculation effects of gears?"

Xu Yun:


This moment.

There is only one thought in his mind:

Mai Mai, you with thick eyebrows and big eyes are not also a time traveler, right?

Seeing that there is no gap in the microscopic field for him to drill, this guy actually turned his head and ran to the macroscopic field?

well known.

In the long history of human civilization, the history of science and technology undoubtedly occupies a lot of space.

In the history of science and technology, the computer is one of the well-deserved protagonists, and it can even be regarded as the top card.

The development process of computers can be divided into several periods:

The primitive period, the tube period, the transistor period, the integrated circuit period, the VLSI period, the intelligent computer period and the unknown computer of the future.

Among them, the original period and the electron tube period are only separated by a comma. In history, the two generations have been separated for more than a hundred years!

The beginning of the primitive period is in 1642, when Pascal the Gaul invented the "adding machine".

This tool rotates with gears and can calculate the addition of 8-digit numbers. The Gaul government at that time also purchased fifty units of this device.

Then came the punched paper tape method of Leibniz and Buccio, and Babbage and Ada who really used code as logic—that is, around 1850.

And what about the tube era?

This thing appeared in 1947!

A whole century has passed since 1850!

Whether it is the transistor era or the integrated circuit era in the future.

Even counting the span of the intelligent computer era, the sum is not as long as the gap between the primitive era and the tube era.

The difference between vacuum tubes and electron tubes, especially electronic diodes, is actually not that big.

Not to mention that the current vacuum tube is still a modified version.

Even hard to say.

The difference between a vacuum tube and an electronic triode is actually only a grid - and the grid has appeared as early as 1821.

so how to say

If we simply discuss the degree of coincidence of principles, there is indeed a certain intersection between the vacuum tube and Babbage's analytical machine.

And Mai Mai, who happened to be a bigwig known for his brain holes in history.

Don't say anything else.

He can deduce Maxwell's equations, and calculate its speed and properties before the discovery of electromagnetic waves. In terms of brain holes, it basically belongs to the level of a circle around the neck.

Therefore, it seems reasonable that wheat can discover the connection between the vacuum tube and the analysis machine?

But why did Xu Yun feel panicked?

be honest.

He can barely control the current situation, after all, it is difficult to change qualitatively in one day, two days, one year, two years.

But once the task is completed, return to reality.


Think about it.

Mavericks has corrected the wrong view of absolute space-time, and proposed the wave-particle duality of light, which is the basis of everything.

Then this era re-measured the speed of light, discovered the photoelectric effect and electromagnetic waves, and then detected the charge-to-mass ratio of electrons, and “encountered” X-rays.

If you add another computer


In this future timeline, there will be no spiritual ascension, right?

But no matter how panicked Xu Yun was, at this moment he no longer has the ability to correct history:

These bigwigs present are all the top figures of today and the future. They have a strong sense of understanding and self-analysis, and can independently make various accurate judgments.

This ability can be said to be a double-edged sword.

When Xu Yun was doing experiments.

It can help these bigwigs quickly understand the essence of the phenomenon, and it can be understood in one click, without step-by-step detailed explanations.

But outside of the experiment, especially when someone proposed a certain idea, it was difficult for Xu Yun to find some flimsy excuses to fool them.

So after Mai said this idea.

Faraday, Gauss and the others quickly went through the words of Mai Mai in their minds, and their eyes became brighter and brighter.

After half a minute.

Faraday put down the bottles and cans in his hand, and asked Xu Yun:

"Student Luo Feng, I heard that Babbage and Ada have settled down?"

Xu Yun sighed as if accepting his fate, and obediently replied:

"Well, Mr. Charles and the others moved to Cambridge half a month ago, and they officially started the research on the analytical machine last week."

Faraday nodded slightly.

He has a good relationship with Ada's teacher, Mary Sommerwei, and there are even some lace stories about Faraday and Mary Sommerwei in later generations, so his relationship with Ada has always been good.

in the original history.

Faraday has also written to the British government many times, hoping that the government can invest in Babbage and Ada again.

However, the British government has already stumbled once on Babbage, and the British government has lost trust in Babbage.

For example, then British Prime Minister John Russell once wrote back to Faraday, saying:

"If you are willing to be the person in charge of the project, the government can guarantee a capital investment of no less than 20,000 pounds, but if you are just a lobbyist for someone (referring to Babbage), then my answer may surprise you. disappointed."

Later, Faraday also assisted Ada and Babbage with two hundred pounds, but the effect was only a drop in the bucket.

Some time ago, he learned about Cambridge University’s investment in Babbage from Gauss, and he also wrote to Ada to congratulate him.

It's just that he has been preparing papers on the photoelectric effect these days, so he hasn't had time to meet with Ada.

Then Faraday pondered for a moment, bowed his head to discuss with Gauss and Weber, and then said to Kirchhoff:

"Gustav, it seems that you have to work hard again."

Kirchhoff hastily bowed slightly and replied:

"It is a great honor to be able to contribute to the professor."

Xu Yun noticed that Kirchhoff's eyes were also shining with excitement when he said this.

After all, in history.

This young man with a strong German accent is also a master of electrical circuits.

He often tinkers with relays in his spare time, and actually has deep theoretical achievements in the study of binary algorithms.

It is a pity that he has not found the right direction, resulting in a pile of theory but no practical direction.

In the end, those manuscripts can only lie alone in the display cabinet for future generations to look up to with regret.

But now that Kirchhoff has stayed at Cambridge as an assistant teacher, perhaps his life trajectory will change accordingly.

The line of sight returns to reality.

After receiving Faraday's instructions, Kirchhoff hurriedly left the laboratory.

Xu Yun took advantage of this free time to take another eel that had not been irradiated by the mysterious rays, and made a steamed eel with squid sauce for everyone.

The method of this dish is relatively simple, just three steps:

First cut the eel until the bone is broken and the skin is broken, add salt and soy sauce to taste, and fry to remove the fishy smell.

Then let the skin shape, lock the moisture and umami taste, roast the meat, garlic and oil to enhance the aroma, then simmer until the flesh and bones are just separated from the pot, carefully pull out the fish bones and replace them with ham.

Finally, add lard, roasted pork, shiitake mushrooms, and tangerine peel, and steam for 30 minutes before serving.

Of course.

Due to material problems, Xu Yun used lemon peel instead of tangerine peel, and Iberian ham instead of Jinhua ham, so the taste would not vary much.

The delicious eel meat served with the bread from the cafeteria, even an old man in his 70s like Gao Si could eat it happily.

after an hour.

A hungry Kirchhoff returned to the laboratory with Babbage and Ada.

than when we first met.

Whether it's Babbage or Ada, the skin and mental state of the two are much better.

When seeing Ada, Xu Yun had another thought in his mind:

What Liszt is doing over there, I should take the time to go over and have a look

And the other side.

After entering the laboratory.

Babbage came up to Xu Yun with one stride, and asked:

"Student Luo Feng, where is the tube that Mr. Gustav said can optimize calculations? I want to mess with it!"

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