Into Unscientific

Chapter 356 Zhao Zhengguo's Intention (Part 2)

in the lab.

He looked at Xu Yun who had the word "jump" coming out of his mouth.

A little surprise flashed across Zhao Zhengguo's eyes.

It is not uncommon for Xu Yun to be able to guess the answer correctly, but it only took him so little time to make a correct judgment, which was somewhat beyond Zhao Zhengguo's expectations.

But Xu Yun was not his student after all, so it was normal for him to make a misjudgment.

Then he pondered for a moment, then nodded slightly:

"That's right."


Xu Yun's hand holding the kettle shook slightly, a small stream of tea flowed out from the spout, and a water stain bloomed on the table.

But as if he didn't notice this situation, he stared blankly at Zhao Zhengguo.

Students who have transformed into Tiga should know.

Among all the existing particle models, there is one particle that is very special.

It is the photon.

The speed of a photon in a vacuum is equal to the speed of light, and other particles cannot be accelerated by this order of magnitude anyway.

The core reason for this situation is not the technical problem of the acceleration equipment, but the particularity of photons:

It has no definition of rest mass.


is the definition of non-existent rest mass, not 0.

Students who have studied high school physics should know it.

If a particle is accelerated to a certain velocity v, Newtonian mechanics defines the particle's momentum p.

The momentum is proportional to the velocity v, and its proportional coefficient is called the mass m of the particle.

And in special relativity.

Lao Ai extended the definition of momentum p in Newtonian mechanics.

Although p and v point in the same direction, they are no longer proportional, they are connected by relativistic mass.

When a particle is at rest, its relativistic mass has its smallest value.

This value is the rest mass.

In the current particle framework, the rest mass can be measured for almost all particles.

For example, based on the electron-positron annihilation reaction and the electron pair effect of high-energy γ-ray photons, the mass of the electron can be calculated to be about 9.10956×10^-31kg and so on.

The only exception is the photon, because the photon will not stand still.

At present, you can often see some articles such as "the photon's rest mass is 0" or "the photon's mass is 10-^55kg", and they all discuss the four-wave vector light in essence.

What is involved is the conserved quantity of translation invariance in the uniform space in Noether's theorem, rather than the real photon rest mass.

The current real interpretation of photons is as follows;

A photon does not have a definition of rest mass, but it has energy.

There is no definition of static mass, which is also one of the supports for action at a distance.

Of course.


There is still a lot of room for supplementation in the existing particle models, and some subversive discoveries may appear at any time.

Like the Higgs particle.

For example, gravitational waves—when I wrote about gravitational waves before, some people said that gravitational waves are concepts, and no one can prove their existence.

Those who say such things either regard gravitational waves as gravitons, or they are the travelers who came 15 years ago.

Another example is the neutrino oscillation that won the Nobel Prize in 2015.

Neutrino oscillations are a proof that neutrinos have mass, but according to the theoretical derivation in the Standard Model, neutrinos are actually massless.

Human technology and theories are perfected through overthrows and repairs time and time again.

and obviously

this time.

Humans have discovered another 'ghost' particle that cannot be touched.


inside the laboratory.

After learning the experimental results from Zhao Zhengguo.

Xu Yun was silent for quite a while, and then slowly exhaled a foul breath.

be honest.

When calculating the particle orbit, what he really cares about is not the particles that can be captured, but the orbit equation.

Because strictly speaking.

The word "particle orbit" is actually misleading in a certain classical mechanics framework.

Many people may think that this track is a fixed slide similar to a four-wheel drive vehicle. After the particles move, they biu and biu on the fixed track like a whirlwind charge.

But actually.

The so-called orbit is just the intrinsic wave function of electron motion of hydrogen-like atoms.

It does not mean that electrons are stuck in a certain orbit, or framed in a certain space region.

Any wave function diffuses to the whole space, but the probability of electrons appearing is different.

So the orbital equation calculated by Xu Yun at that time was a probability result in a sense.

It's just that the probability is relatively high.

In Xu Yun's opinion.

If this orbit can capture particles, it may be helpful to the observation results of other particles in the future - all the "trajectories" that conform to everyone's cognition are actually drawn inversely after the collision results .

And generally.

For a collision of particles costing hundreds of thousands of Huaxia coins, twenty samples of resonance states can be knocked out, which is not bad.

The result was unexpected.

This time the protagonist is not that track, but

Particles found?

Think here.

Xu Yun had some guesses in his heart, looked at Zhao Zhengguo again, and asked him:

"Academician Zhao, that's why you are here today"

Zhao Zhengguo nodded, picked up the water glass and took a sip of water, put down the glass and said:

"Well, there are two main things I want to ask you today."

"The first one is very simple. It is to remind you not to tell this matter."

"Although the lone particle needs to be found with the orbital equation, the actual level of secrecy is not that high—otherwise I wouldn't be chatting with you here, but it's better not to publicize this kind of thing."

Xu Yun nodded:

"No problem, I understand."

Then Zhao Zhengguo looked out the window, pondered for a moment, and said again;

"The other thing is related to the particle itself. After discovering this particle, Xiao Pan named it the Lone Point Particle."

"This lone point particle has similar characteristics to photons, but it is much easier to capture, so Xiao Pan is now planning to use it as a source of entanglement for quantum teleportation."

"After all, this kind of particle, like a photon, has no definition of rest mass. Two isolated point particles can be measured differentially with extremely high sensitivity, and the relative accuracy can even reach 26 atm."

"So another thing I came to see you today is to ask you."

"Are you interested in joining Xiaopan and my team to help out?"

Xu Yun was taken aback for a moment.

After recovering.

A warm feeling suddenly rose in my heart.

Not long ago, the 2022 Physics Prize was awarded to quantum physics, and the direction is quantum entanglement. (It’s not that I wrote this concept to catch the heat when I saw the Nobel Prize. I mentioned this concept in the first chapter of this book—that is, chapter 58. The plot of the particles is in chapter 217. It was written in May this year, old Chapters 124-125 of the book describe quantum entanglement in two full chapters, which were published at the end of May last year. At the same time, the principle of the teleportation array in the old book is also the same, and the corresponding chapters have a release time)

Although according to the urine nature of the Nobel Prize, it is difficult to win the same research direction repeatedly, but this is only for most cases.

And the properties of the lone particle.

Obviously not in the category of 'most cases'.

In the current scientific community, the data correction of particles has always been a hot topic.

Just like the 2015 Nobel Prize was awarded to the neutrino oscillation, and the 2013 Higgs was awarded to the creator of the Higgs particle.

Solitary point particles are undoubtedly a Nobel Prize-winning research direction.

If you can join Zhao Zhengguo or Pan Shuai's team, this resume is no longer ordinary gold-plated, it represents an infinitely bright future!


Xu Yun sighed slightly in his heart.

Although Zhao Zhengguo had a good idea, he was not prepared to take this olive branch.

After all, he has a halo, and it may be inconvenient to enter the project team and have long-term contact with others—especially before and after returning to reality after the mission.

in addition

Say something without being arrogant.

Now that Xu Yun has the assistance of Halo, the Nobel Prize is actually not an unattainable dream.

So he pondered for a moment, ready to politely decline Zhao Zhengguo's kindness:

"Academician Zhao, I appreciate your kindness, but the Huadun Biology Department is currently in a..."

As a result, before he finished speaking, Xu Yun suddenly thought of something, and his whole body froze in place.

Then he mechanically turned his head, stared at Zhao Zhengguo, and asked word by word:

"Academician Zhao, you just said that."

"What is the differential measurement accuracy of a lone particle?"

Zhao Zhengguo looked at him in surprise:

"26 Ami, what's wrong?"

"26 Amie"

Xu Yun repeated the number in a murmur. With a seemingly calm expression, his heart beat rapidly to 140+!

After half a minute.

He took a deep breath, straightened his face, and said to Zhao Zhengguo:

"Academician Zhao, can you subcontract part of the project to me regarding the research on the characteristics of isolated point particles? ——The work loss of the instrument can be fully borne by Huadun Biotechnology."

Seeing Xu Yun whose attitudes were completely different before and after, Zhao Zhengguo couldn't help but a question mark appeared in his eyes, and pondered:

"Instrument damage and project subcontracting can be discussed later, it's just Xiao Xu, why are you suddenly?"

"Why did I suddenly change my mind?"

Xu Yun raised a complicated smile at the corner of his mouth, put down the kettle under Zhao Zhengguo's suspicious eyes, walked to his operating table in the laboratory, entered the password, and took out a document.

Then he walked back to his place and handed the document to Zhao Zhengguo:

"Academician Zhao, take a look at this."

Zhao Zhengguo took it, shaking the page like an old doctor, and read it word by word:

"Gradiometer. Measuring module design plan?"

Xu Yun nodded in cooperation and explained:

"That's right, Academician Zhao, to be precise, these are some inspirations I thought of when I was studying the Bose Einstein condensed matter project."

"The first atom to obtain the Bose-Einstein condensate is rubidium, so I followed this direction to screen some applications, and found that the only one that left the laboratory was the gravity gradient instrument on the GOCE satellite."

"The gradiometer broke through the accuracy to 10^12m/s by relying on the ultra-cold rubidium atom cloud. I wondered if there was any chance to achieve higher accuracy."

"However, due to the limitation of static mass, theoretically, even if particles are used as the measurement medium, it is difficult to reach that level of magnitude-so I just kept it aside as a YY brain hole at the beginning."

“Just didn't expect”

Zhao Zhengguo held a design drawing with somewhat scribbled handwriting in his hand, or Xu Yun's 'essay', and said thoughtfully:

"It's just that you didn't expect that the solitary point particle breaks through the definition of conventional static mass, so you want to allocate part of the project equipment to try?"

Xu Yun nodded slightly.

That's right.

At this time, the design drawing that Xu Yun took out was part of the design plan of the gravity gradiometer!

It was said earlier.

The gravity gradiometer is different from other technologies, and this thing is really far behind the current research methods of Huadun Biotechnology.

Xu Yun had to find a reasonable logic in order to bring it into reality slowly.

So in the past month, he has been thinking about a suitable entry point.

First of all, this entry point must actually involve the research and development process of the gravity gradiometer, and secondly, it is best to be able to affect the whole body with a single hair.

At the same time, the gap between post-breakthrough technology and existing technology should not be too large, and ten years at the theoretical level is considered a limit.

After final thinking, Xu Yun locked on three entry points:

The launch platform of the gravity gradiometer, the measurement module of the feedback data, and the elimination module of the resonance variable.

One, three, and two of them all involve aviation and engineering. It cannot be said that it has nothing to do with Xu Yun's major, at least it is very difficult.

Therefore, the most suitable of the three entry points is the measurement module.

in conventional gravity gradiometers.

The measurement module is mainly based on gyroscope-like equipment, and the accuracy is basically limited to within 10^6.

As for the way to measure it.

That has already broken away from classical physics and involved the microcosmic field.

For example, the GOCE satellite mentioned earlier.

It uses two ultra-cold rubidium atom clouds vertically separated by one meter to perform differential measurements to obtain high-precision data.

Only the scale of particles can guarantee a higher level of precision.

and it so happens that

Differential Measurement of Rubidium Atoms

It happens to be the category of Bose-Einstein condensates.

What is a Bose Einstein condensate?

It is abbreviated as BEC and is one of the most classical models in quantum physics.

Around 1924-1925.

Based on the principles of quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics, Lao Ai deduced that when the temperature is lower than a critical temperature Tc, a bunch of bosons without interaction will slowly occupy the same "orbit" and form a "condensed" ".

To translate in human terms:

When the weather is cold, animals know to huddle together to keep warm.

After all, it's cold, so it's more comfortable to squeeze together.

The same is true for bosons, one of the elementary particles.

You can run around when the temperature is high, but when the temperature is low, your own energy is also low. If you can't run anymore, you will huddle together in places with low energy to keep warm.

When the temperature is so low that it can’t get any lower, no matter if you’re an honest person or a prodigal boson, no matter what your original composition is, no one will dislike anyone, and everyone will gather together, not reject each other, and face the extreme crisis together with love and love. cold.

This is the Bose Einstein condensate.

This model has bright application prospects in the fields of chip technology, precision measurement and nanotechnology. After the 1990s, the research on BEC developed rapidly, and a series of new phenomena were observed.

Such as coherence in BEC, Josephson effect, vortex, ultracold Fermi atomic gas, etc.

Until 2022.

Dozens of laboratories around the world have realized the BEC of 8 elements, and 6 people have won the Nobel Prize in Physics for related work.

That's right!

Seeing this, smart students must have remembered:

The mathematical model of BEC is exactly the research direction of Xu Yun in physics!

This direction is not even an elective topic, but his main field.

And the first Bose-Einstein condensate in history

It is done by rubidium atoms.

From this perspective, Xu Yun can perfectly link to the design of the gravity gradiometer.

That is to say [Boss, I discovered XX atoms/particles, and the measurement level in the Bose Einstein condensate is higher than that of rubidium atoms. At present, the only use of rubidium atoms outside the laboratory is the gravity gradient meter, so we are Can’t try to use it in the gravity gradiometer] Yunyun.



Although the idea is smooth, it is very difficult to practice.


Xu Yun tmd can't find the corresponding particles.

The reason why rubidium atom can be used as the measurement material of the gravity gradiometer is mainly because it belongs to an atomic frequency standard:

Both this thing and cesium can be regarded as hydrogen-like atoms, that is, the structure of one electron plus one atom, and the energy level structure is relatively simple.

At the same time, the selection and preparation of their quantum states are relatively easy to realize with the current technology.

Otherwise, Europe would not choose rubidium as the measurement particle.

In other words.

It is very difficult to find particles with the same magnitude as rubidium, let alone particles with four orders of magnitude higher precision than rubidium atoms.

Because particles other than photons have rest mass, this rest mass limits their own influence on the effect.

According to Xu Yun's idea.

At present, the most suitable particles should be neutrinos, but if this thing can be captured stably, the gravity gradient meter rewarded by science and technology has long been advanced.

So after coming up with this idea, the practical link fell into a closed loop.

The result was unexpected.

Little Heizi, who had been looking for nothing, actually showed his little chicken feet on the side of the solitary point particle?


Thanks to the lord of Mars Giant Reward, I feel like selling myself QAQ

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