Listen carefully.

It is rumored that it is a psychic beast lying under the table of the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, who can identify everything in the world by listening.

Its image is an auspicious beast with tiger head, unicorn, dog ears, dragon body, lion tail and unicorn feet.

The appearance looks like a dragon but not a dragon, a tiger but not a tiger, a lion but not a lion, a unicorn but not a unicorn, a dog but not a dog, and the unicorn represents the power of judgment.

In a sense.

Diting and Gravity Gradient have a very high overlap in function:

They all rely on their own abilities to perceive the general trend of the world, to explore the starry sky, and to search for the dark world.

With one sweep, nothing can escape.


Xu Yun gave the project team such a name, which belongs to the oriental romance unique to Chinese people.

This time, Xu Yun's team consisted of fourteen members, ten men and four women.

Two of them are seniors, eight are master students, and four are doctoral students.

As for Lu Chaoyang's identity.

It is the guidance of the research group.

The literal status is a little lower than Xu Yun's, but Xu Yun and Lu Chaoyang don't care much about this difference.

After coming to the console.

Xu Yun and Lu Chaoyang looked at each other, and Lu Chaoyang gave him a look with a tacit understanding, the meaning was quite obvious:

Hold me back, just treat me like a wooden man, what should you do.

It is common sense in scientific research cooperation to force the guest not to overwhelm the master. For example, Academician Pan and Zhao Zhengguo, who have higher standards than the Di Ting research group, will have a similar tacit understanding in their group.

The situation that one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers may be encountered in the teaching and academic fields, but it rarely happens in the front-line project teams.

Seeing this, Xu Yun nodded slightly to Lu Chaoyang, then turned around, cast his eyes on everyone present, and said loudly:

"Students, brothers and sisters, most of you should be joining my research group for the first time, right?"

Everyone in the audience nodded their heads.

Xu Yun said again:

"Since this is the first time for everyone to cooperate, I don't have too high requirements for the degree of running-in, but I hope you can keep in mind one thing."

"That is, you can raise objections or even question my thinking in private, but in the operation stage, you must strictly follow my plan."

"Any questions related to the experimental protocol can only be discussed after taking off the lab coat."

Xu Yun's tone was unusually harsh, after all, it involved a very important concept:

Team execution.

In science experiments, the execution ability of the team is a very critical part.

For example, in Xu Yun's previous life, he encountered a situation where the experiment failed due to team members' hesitation:

At that time, he participated in a joint research project between Jinmen and HKUST to study the chiral characteristics of certain leptons.

During the experiment, there are several links that need to change the imposed conditions according to the real-time situation.

One step in the process is to apply a high-density electric field.

At that time, the entire scientific community did not understand the characteristics of the double-helix icosahedron structure, so the person in charge of the experiment discovered that the preset electric field strength was not enough when the field was approaching.

So he decided to immediately apply an electric field that was more than four times the original amount.

As a result, the operator of the electric field at that time expressed objection and repeated confirmation several times, and finally missed the best time to apply the electric field, and the experiment funding of more than 4,000 yuan was instantly scrapped because of this mistake.

Despite the fact that 4,000 yuan does not seem to be much, in fact, for many project teams, this is already a very high expenditure.

With the lessons learned from the past, Xu Yun naturally would not allow this to happen in his research group.

These project members are almost the same age as him, so they must have some doubts or even slander against Xu Yun in their hearts.

So Xu Yun can only let go of this harsh words first, stand himself at the highest point, and then slowly use his ability to conquer them.

After emphasizing the discipline issue.

Xu Yun talked about some other things, and then asked everyone to take their positions and get ready.

Officially start the project research.

The first research project of the research group is very clear, which is how to make the isolated point particles form a stable ground state as mentioned before.

This is also the basis for all subsequent research.

Therefore, Lu Chaoyang did not separate from Xu Yun immediately, but assisted him in tinkering with related equipment.

The "Eye of the World" experimental cabin can be regarded as a miniature version of the second-generation light source accelerator, equipped with ion guns, pre-accelerators, calorimeters, back-end electronic components and other instruments.

The entire experimental cabin looks a bit like a nuclear magnetic resonance device, but the underground coil is much larger.

Considering that no one has written the specific process of colliding particles at the starting point, but there are many children's boots who are interested, here is a relatively simple related science popularization.

Generally speaking.

There are three main types of particles in the collider:

These are protons, electrons, and heavy ions.

The production method of proton is very simple, and it can be obtained by ionizing hydrogen gas.

Electronics is a bit more complicated, and there are also three main processes:

Thermal emission - for example, if you burn LaB6 red, electrons can be released when an electric field is applied).

Field Emission - With a high field, electrons can be emitted from the tip of the needle.

And light emission-that is, to emit electrons by laser light, the photoelectric effect.

Because the laser is easy to control, it can produce short bunches of 10^-12s level and improve the brightness.

If it is an electron beam device that requires polarization - like the future ILC (International Linear Collider) or EIC (Electron-Proton Collider) - then a special crystal is needed:

gallium arsenide.

When circularly polarized laser light hits this crystal, electrons with consistent spin directions can be generated.

Positrons are generally produced by electron targeting:

After the electron flow of a certain energy bombards the target, high-intensity bremsstrahlung will be generated, and the radiation will excite positrons at the same time.

Then it is accelerated under the action of electric field.

The final particle is the heavy ion, a particle that is heavily used in colliders.

For example, hadron colliders need heavy ions with high charge states.

Heavy ions are generally produced by first ionizing atoms, accelerating them, and then stripping the atoms of their inner electrons.

Then, under the action of high electric field in the ion gun, plasma is generated.

Then the heavy ions are drawn out through the electric field, and after being accelerated by the pre-accelerator, the electron flow bombards the carbon film or the gas strips the inner layer of electrons.

Finally, these heavy ions are put into the main accelerator for acceleration.

As long as you have your hands.JPG.

And what Xu Yun and the others used this time was lead ions.

The acceleration line of the "Eye of the World" experimental cabin is much shorter than that of the main research room of synchrotron radiation, but since the trajectory of the lone point particle is already known—or the probability, it does not need such a long line for acceleration in practice up.

After everyone takes their seats.


A young man sitting in front of the monitoring screen raised his hand and said:

"Dr. Xu, the beam pipeline is ready."

Xu Yun followed the trend.

As the monitoring screen is an important part of the whole experiment, it is naturally impossible for him to casually arrange for strangers to be in charge. The somewhat handsome young man who raised his hand at this time is called Liang Haoran, who is Xu Yun's fellow apprentice. reading.

However, Liang Haoran did not call himself a senior brother at this time, but formally called Xu Yun's degree, looking like a passerby.

Xu Yun nodded slightly towards him, as a greeting:

"What is the distance between two adjacent bundles?"

Liang Haoran clicked on the keyboard a few times:

"About 75 nanoseconds."

Xu Yun rubbed his chin and quickly calculated in his mind.

Multiply 75 nanoseconds by the speed of light, and the final answer is about 22.5 meters.

That is to say, when the clusters are completely filled, there will be a cluster of lead ions every 22.5 meters.

The spacing is perfect.

Then Xu Yun asked again:

"What about the total number of particles?"

"Probably more than 200 billion."

Hearing the number of 'more than 200 billion', the expressions of everyone at the scene did not fluctuate much.

after all

This number is pretty normal in particle physics.

For example, take the European collider LHC as an example.

The LHC has two beam ducts, with an average of about 250 trillion particles in each beam.

Every four hours, particle collisions in the LHC consume a tenth.

So when the LHC is running, the beam needs to be replenished every ten or twenty hours.

no way.

Such is the case with the microcosm.

Some values ​​or magnitudes that sound outrageous are extremely normal in the microscopic field.

Another example.


Neutrinos are very penetrating and dense, about 100 per cubic centimeter, which is about half the size of your thumb-seems like everything is normal here, right?

Then add another premise:

The speed of neutrinos is close to the speed of light of 300,000 km/s, that is, 30 billion cm/s.

So every 30 billionths of a second, 100 neutrinos pass through your thumb.

In other words.

In 1 second, 3 trillion neutrinos pass through your thumb.

If you spread this volume to your whole body, the magnitude will be 10^16 power.

Xu Yun's later generations once read a saying that the author is the bus Yunyun, but in fact, in front of neutrinos, the reader is also the bus.

This is microphysics, the mysterious and attractive 'Abyss'.


The topic returns to reality.

After getting relevant data from Liang Haoran.

Xu Yun pondered for a moment, then waved his hand:

"Then start it!"

The voice fell.

Not far away, a female doctor who was responsible for the calibration of the vacuum tunnel put her middle finger and index finger together, and gently slid across the temple, and made a salute very sassyly:


buzz buzz --

With the activation of the equipment, the atmosphere in the laboratory gradually became dignified.

Various values ​​were reported from the crowd following observation or calculation.

"Lb1 value 13638.28!"

"K position calibration, reporting points are T, T, T, F, T, T, T!" (T is true, F is False)

"The design index has reached the order of 10 to the 21st power!"

"Jinxi, report the brightness!"

"Wait a minute, the computer is still calculating. It came out, 10 to the 28th power!"

"Sit down!"

call out--

In a tunnel invisible to the naked eye.

One after another, thick beams jetted out from the long black and hard tube, rushed in both directions, and finally completed the collision at a super-high speed.


With the collision of lead ions.

Countless finer particles exploded, and the images in the electron cloud room became clearer and clearer.

at the same time.

The energy of the exploded particles is quickly deposited in the calorimeter, and the electrons appear as the final product of the collision, which is read by the back-end electronic components and converted into electrical signals to enter the next processing stage.

The boy in charge of reading the back-end electronic components is called Lin Zixu, a thin and small boy, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses.

After the experiment started, he nervously watched the digital display in front of him.


I saw a reminder sounded.

The indication of a certain energy level suddenly began to stretch upwards like an upside-down A-share index.

See this situation.

Lin Zixu pulled off the earphones and said to Xu Yun:

"Dr. Xu, we have observed a large number of energy remnants of isolated point particles, and the orbital probability you calculated is at least 80%!"

Xu Yun's expression didn't change much upon hearing this.

After all, that formula is a product of Halo. Although the derivation process is somewhat difficult, the accuracy after deciphering is still very high.

Then he was silent for a moment, took a deep breath, and ordered:

"Then begin."

"Go to the magneto-optic trap."

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