Into Unscientific

Chapter 409 Academicians from all directions gather in Tianfu! (Wanzi Dazhang, ask for a monthly pas

"Old Wang!"

After seeing the old man in the wheelchair.

Academician Pan trotted for a few steps and quickly came to the old man.

I saw him half squatting down excitedly, holding the other's hand, the corners of his mouth trembling a little:

"Old Wang, you... why are you here? Your body."

Academician Pan didn't finish his sentence.

The old man in the wheelchair waved his hand lightly.

The old man's skin was a bit haggard, and he couldn't tell his exact age, but he was at least eighty or even ninety years old.

He has protruding ears, slightly protruding cheekbones, extremely obvious nasolabial folds on both sides of the nose, and a pair of thick glass glasses on the bridge of his nose.

After interrupting Academician Pan with a wave of his hand.

The old man named Wang took a few breaths before slowly saying:

"It doesn't matter if you are healthy. I proposed to come to Rongcheng by myself. The plane just landed, and Xiao Ji came to pick me up."

"Compared to me, a dying person, the dark thing you found is the real priority."

Elder Wang's tone of voice was very weak, intermittent from time to time, and his spirit was a little sluggish.

But when he said these words, there was an inexplicable light in his eyes.

Academician Pan originally intended to say some scene words, such as you will live a long life and so on.

However, after meeting the old man's weak eyes who seemed to see through everything.

He suddenly found out.

These words can't be said by themselves anyway.

He could only half-squat on the ground, tightly holding Wang Lao's withered palm like bark, and did not let go for a long time.

Academician Pan's actions attracted the attention of many passers-by, but most of them simply glanced at it and then looked away.

After all, the airport itself is the place where people are greeted and sent off, and it is really normal for old friends and relatives to reunite.

But what these passers-by may never know is that

Without this old man, their seemingly ordinary business trips may be a luxury.

While Academician Pan was talking with the old man.

Zhao Zhengguo also quickly brought Lu Chaoyang and Xu Yun to their side.

Same as Academician Pan.

After recognizing the old man's identity, Zhao Zhengguo also showed a trace of reverence on his face, and bowed solemnly to him:

"Old Wang!"

At this time, Elder Wang's spirit became more and more sluggish. After hearing this, he looked at Zhao Zhengguo for a long time before he recognized who he was:

"Oh, it's Xiao Zhao. Haven't seen you for a few years?"

Zhao Zhengguo nodded emphatically, took the other hand of the old man, and touched the skin that was as inelastic as paper, with tears in his eyes.

Now that he is nearly seventy years old, he is more likely to be sad than ordinary people on this occasion:

"Yes, it's been seven years, Mr. Wang. The last time I saw you was in Jinling in 2015."

Elder Wang let out a soft oh, and then remembered something:

"Xiao Zhao, is your lover okay?"

"I remember your lover was hospitalized at that time, it seems to be a stomach problem?"

"Well, there are some gastrointestinal problems. Thanks to you, the operation was very successful, and they haven't recurred much these years."

While Academician Pan and Zhao Zhengguo were talking with Mr. Wang.

Xu Yun also looked at this somewhat thin old man curiously.

Academician Pan and Zhao Zhengguo were both elected academicians more than ten years ago. They are not high in the sequence of academicians, but they are not low either.

Although there may be many people who can surpass or crush them in terms of power, I want them to show such a respectful expression.

Then it is not simply a question of so-called power.

That is.

This old Wang must be a senior with high morals and great achievements.

At the same time, considering the risk of 404, this person's main field must be in the scientific research circle, not some people who will be sent to the shooting range.

It's just that although Xu Yun vaguely felt that the other party's appearance was somewhat familiar, he still couldn't remember the other party's name.

The only thing he can be sure of is that he has definitely never met the other party in reality.

Think here.

Xu Yun cast his eyes on the man pushing the wheelchair behind Mr. Wang again.

This person called Academician Pan Lao Pan, while Wang Lao called him Xiao Ji.

In addition to the destination of Xu Yun and others' trip, even though Xu Yun also doesn't know this person, the identity of the other party is still ready to be revealed——

Professor Ji Xiangdong is currently the executive director of the Chinese Society of High Energy Physics and the winner of the Hermann Feshbach Prize.

Ji Xiangdong was born in the Physics Department of Tongji University. He studied abroad through the CUSPEA program in his early years, and returned to SJTU to teach in 2009.

Although Ji Xiangdong has not returned to China to teach full-time like Duan Luming and Tan Shina, in fact it is basically the same as a full-time teacher - his nationality has always been Chinese and he has not immigrated.

The so-called not returning to China full-time does not mean that he has not returned to Chinese nationality, but that he is still holding a professorship at the school across the sea.

This is generally reflected in the column of the thesis unit. For example, for some big bosses who teach at A school in China and concurrently serve as professors at B school overseas, the thesis unit is usually B.

Except for Ji Xiangdong.

Previously, Wu Yongshi of Fudan University and Niu Qian of University of Science and Technology of China also belonged to the situation of "returning to China part-time".

And Mr. Wang was able to ask Ji Xiangdong to greet him in person, combined with his relatively recognizable accent, and the 15-year Jinling that Zhao Zhengguo mentioned.


Xu Yun's pupils shrank heavily, and a name popped up in his mind.

Could it be that one?

Then he quietly bumped Lu Chaoyang with his elbow, and asked in a low voice:

"Professor Lu, is this old man Wang Yaoping, the chief designer of the Double Star Project?"

Lu Chaoyang looked up and looked forward, and after finding that no one was paying attention, he nodded calmly:



Hearing Lu Chaoyang's hidden reply.

Xu Yun's body was shaken suddenly, and his heart skipped a beat!

Immediately, he looked at Wang Lao's expression, and immediately brought a strong reverence!

It really is him!

Wang Yaoping.

This well-known Wang Lao was born in 1921 and is now 101 years old.

He graduated from Southwest Associated University, and served as the chief engineer of the Eighth Academy of the Seventh Ministry of Machinery, the chief engineer of the Ministry of Aerospace Industry, the vice president of the Huaxia Space Technology Research Institute and the director of the Science and Technology Committee.


Mr. Wang was elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

He is the technical director of China's first liquid fuel sounding rocket, meteorological rocket, biological rocket and high-altitude test rocket. He proposed the technical plan of China's first satellite launch vehicle "Long March No. 1", and presided over this type of launch vehicle The development of the initial sample stage.

Since then, he has served as the chief designer of returnable satellites, the chief expert of small satellites, and the chief designer of the double-star project.

If these resumes are not intuitive enough, there is another angle that can prove Wang Lao’s immortality:

Year 1999.

He became one of the 23 winners of China's "Two Bombs and One Satellite" Meritorious Medal.

At the same time, it is also one of the three "two bombs and one satellite" meritorious service that only exists in the world so far.

To some extent it is wrong, from any extent, Wang Lao is a well-deserved national treasure!

Without Mr. Wang's contribution back then, China's satellite communications would have been greatly affected.

This is a real countryman.

Just as far as Xu Yun knew.

Mr. Wang has not been in good health these years, and his spirit has been a little sluggish. Many times he even sleeps for nearly 20 hours a day.

The result was unexpected.

The hundred-year-old Wang Lao actually appeared in Rongcheng today?

"Xiao Xu."

Just when Xu Yun's thoughts diverged, Academician Pan's voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

Xu Yun quickly came back to his senses, and followed the trend.

At this time, academician Pan was standing beside Mr. Wang, waving at him, motioning him to come closer.

Seeing this, Xu Yun was stunned for less than half a second, then walked quickly to Elder Wang.

"Old Wang."

Academician Pan held Elder Wang's hand while leaning into his ear and softly said:

"This is my student, his name is Xu Yun. He calculated the probability orbit of the lone point particle."

"Xiao Xu, come and say hello to Mr. Wang."

I don't know if it was Xu Yun's illusion.

When he heard the second half of Academician Pan's words, he seemed to see a flash of light in Wang Lao's eyes.

Then he took the initiative to step forward and bowed respectfully to Wang Laoyi:

"Hello, Mr. Wang."


Elder Wang stared at him for a while, then suddenly raised his body, straightened Xu Yun's collar, and patted him on the shoulder.

When Elder Wang made this move.

Ji Xiangdong on the side suddenly noticed that the value of the heart rate detection equipment on Mr. Wang's body had increased slightly.

Although it didn't reach the warning line, it was enough to prove that Wang Lao was a little agitated.

Elder Wang patted Xu Yun's shoulder like this for a long time before leaning back on the wheelchair.

As the founder of Huaxia space science, Mr. Wang once wrote books or papers such as "Space Microgravity Resources" and "Prospecting the Development of Space Technology from the Development of Space Resources".

When he was still healthy, he also kept paying attention to the front-end theory.

For example, among his students, there are many masters who are engaged in quantum physics or high-energy particles. The chief designer of the receiving platform of the Wukong dark matter satellite was also his student back then.

So he knows one thing.

That is in the space technology of the future. That is to say, in the development of the universe, there are four crucial tickets:

gravitational waves,


vacuum quantum fluctuations,

as well as

dark matter.

Whoever holds any ticket will have the admission qualification of space technology.

Among them, gravitational waves have been discovered by LIGO, but confidential data has never been shared.

However, Huaxia's current research on gravitational waves is relatively lagging behind, and it is a lot ahead of others. Seriously speaking, it can even be regarded as a trap.

The graviton belongs to the imaginary particle model.

Let alone found it, even the evidence of its existence could not be found.

The vacuum quantum fluctuation is the Hawking radiation of the black hole, which is also far away.

while dark matter

The previous leading country was Neon.

They built a super-Kamiokande detector to detect neutrinos, and Takaaki Kajita won the Nobel Prize for the results of this thing.

That is, before today.

In the competition for these four tickets, Huaxia not only has no advantage at all, but is also far behind.

These four tickets point to the starry sky

Today's backwardness may lead to the emergence of such a situation in more than ten years or decades:

Country XXX developed a space elevator, established a moon base, and developed Phobos as a "human representative".

What about us at that time?

He could only look at the spaceship whizzing past his head, humming and continuing to study high-efficiency energy. His own spaceship could only ascend to the stratosphere at most, and then he had to apply for a report.

As a pioneer from that era, this is clearly unacceptable for Mr. Wang.

But now they suddenly learned that Academician Pan and the others had discovered particles suspected of dark matter.

How can Mr. Wang sit still?

If the solitary particle is really cold dark matter, then it means that Huaxia has the ticket to the Space 2.0 era!

That's why Wang Lao rushed to Rongcheng desperately, even if it would consume his last trace of vitality, he still wanted to see the result.

Because of the old age.

After chatting for ten minutes.

Wang Lao put on a blanket and fell asleep in the wheelchair.

When Ji Xiangdong saw this, he recruited Chen Sijie, arranged for several assistants, and took Mr. Wang to the state-level lounge at Shuangliu Airport—this is a more advanced special lounge than the VIP lounge. Domestic airports have not yet been fully popularized, but Shuangliu as a One of the eight major regional airports opened such an area very early.

This kind of rest room is a high-ranking official, and with Wang Lao's qualifications, he is fully qualified to enter and rest.

Send off the Queen.

Ji Xiangdong, Academician Pan and others relaxed a lot, found a place at random, and chatted without saying a word.

Ji Xiangdong first took out a pack of cigarettes from his body, and he just remembered that this is the non-smoking area of ​​the airport, so he had to put the cigarettes back on his body, and said to Academician Pan with a smile:

"Old Pan, you guys have made a big news this time, and this time Rongcheng is going to be lively."

"Tsk tsk, dark matter, I didn't expect to see such a day in my lifetime."

Ji Xiangdong is actually a little older than Academician Pan, but because of his good personal relationship, he usually calls Academician Pan Lao Pan.

Therefore, Academician Pan didn't care much about the fact that he was a generation older for no reason, but focused on the second half of Ji Xiangdong's sentence:

"Why, Lao Ji, listen to what you mean. Besides Wang Lao and Dean Hou, is there anyone else coming today?"

Ji Xiangdong nodded, took out a pen from his neckband, and twirled it in his hand:

"Of course, otherwise, why would I stay here with you? Isn't it just to pick up someone?"

Then he took out a memo, pressed the tip of his fingernails on the paper and scratched it:

"For example, academicians Zhang and Wang from the Academy of Atomic Energy will come, and academician Zhou from the Neutrino Special Research Group of the Chinese Academy of Sciences will also be present."

"In addition, when Mr. Wang arrives in Rongcheng, academicians Qian and Chen, who are his students, will definitely not be able to escape."

"Then there is Academician Chai from the Institute of High Energy Physics, and Director Ma from Sheshan Observatory."

Ji Xiangdongyang listed a lot of names, covering nearly ten institutions of various types, including those directly under the Academy of Sciences, as well as cooperative units.

The number of academicians of the Academy of Sciences or Academy of Engineering he mentioned alone is close to 20, but there are not many high-level researchers.

Even Academician Pan and Zhao Zhengguo were a little surprised when they heard these names:

"Good guy, so many people?"


Ji Xiangdong glanced at him and shook his head:

"This is due to the high threshold set by the Academy of Sciences. Many academicians or members of the academic department have not notified - if you let people come, Rongcheng Airport will have to be closed for you today."

Academician Pan thought for a while, then clicked his tongue:

"Yes, after all, dark matter is involved."

At present, there are nearly 1,700 academicians of the Huaxia Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Engineering, and there are at least five or six hundred people who have business overlaps with astrophysics and microscopic particles.

If all these bigwigs are notified in place

So today, Shuangliu Airport is not as simple as being closed. The security has to be upgraded to a higher level, and even a bunch of leaders have to be present, and it takes three to four hours to shake hands.

Therefore, the Academy of Sciences deliberately set up a high threshold. In addition to ability and character, only academicians who have made significant contributions to the country can receive the notification.

This time, there are people other than Wang Lao.

There are also many veteran academicians like Wang Dingfang and Chen Hesheng, who are in their 70s and 80s.

Almost overnight.

Academicians from all directions gathered in Yizhou.

for the next two hours.

Xu Yun, Lu Chaoyang and Chen Sijie became the sign-raising tools.

Whenever a target flight landed, they greeted people with a sign holding a sign.

Of course.

Different from when Xu Yun and others came, this time they picked up people at a special exit.

After all, although academicians do not have a specific administrative level, they are subject to sub-provincial treatment, which fully meets one of the four major requirements for special access.

This kind of treatment is not necessarily for enjoyment, and it also contains a lot of ideas to avoid the attention of the outside world.

Sometimes it is not a good thing for them to take the regular passage. For example, a well-known deceased academician walked through the regular passage once, and was surrounded to sign autographs and take photos, which took more than an hour.


This is also the first time in Xu Yun's two lifetimes that he has seen so many academicians.

These academicians come from different regions and have different personalities.

Some of them are mild-mannered and even familiar, chatting without airs.

Some are unsmiling, although the tone is polite, but with a clear sense of distance.

There are also some who are quite indifferent, and the word "um" pops out after holding back for a long time.

In addition, some academicians wear regular clothes, while others pay more attention to clothing. For example, Xu Yun saw a little old man who was about seventy years old, but his hair was neatly combed and shiny, and his clothes and trousers added up to no less than five or six thousand. .

This is actually quite normal.

Some academicians are very frugal, such as academician Zhao Zhengguo, and academician Liu Xianlin who has been on the hot search.

There are also some academicians who pay more attention to style and invest more in appearance.

This is a question of consumerism.

Mentioned long ago.

The income of most academicians is not particularly high, but it is not low either.

Generally speaking, it is more than one million and less than ten million.

The biology class may be higher because of the large number of cooperative units, while the physics theory class is relatively less, and the specifics vary from person to person.

But even for the most ordinary academicians, there is no pressure to prepare a decent outfit.

As long as the source of income is regular, a ninety-year-old man can drive a supercar.

during the whole process.

Considering that Lu Chaoyang will select academicians next, Academician Pan also frequently participated in the welcome session.

It was almost like Lu Chaoyang came forward to hand over his business card after the greetings.

that's all.

In the process of welcoming and sending off, the time soon came to the afternoon.

Although the academicians present had different personalities, they had one thing in common:

They did not leave after arriving at the airport pick-up hall, but found a nearby area to gather together.

Except for a small number of old smokers who go to the smoking area to smoke.

Most of the academicians were chatting or taking a nap, and some curiously asked Academician Pan and Zhao Zhengguo about the news about solitary point particles.

In the eyes of outsiders.

This group of little old men looks just like the Sunset Red Senior Tour Group.

In particular, these academicians and their entourage are basically male. Combined with the base buff of Rongcheng, some tourists can't help but feel a little subtle when they look at this place.

Another hour or so passed.

Fu Jiasong, who had been paying attention to the flight information, suddenly raised his brows, pointed at the screen in the lobby and said:

"Teacher, MU5562 has landed!"

I heard this.

Everyone immediately corrected their expressions.

Then follow the pre-arranged distribution.

Academician Pan, Zhao Zhengguo, and Ji Xiangdong brought Xu Yun, Lu Chaoyang, Fu Jiasong, and two other academicians in their fifties to the special exit and waited.

After more than half an hour.

Two figures appeared at the special exit:

One is a man with an elegant face, wearing a gray suit, who looks to be in his fifties.

The other is a middle-aged man in his thirties, dragging a suitcase and walking ahead, while constantly observing the surrounding situation.

It was Hou Xingyuan and his assistant Gao Hongwen.

There were not many people at both ends of the special exit, except for Xu Yun and the others, there was only another group of people holding the pick-up sign.

So Hou Xingyuan didn't need Gao Hongwen's reminder, so he noticed Academician Pan and others standing in front, and waved to them.

Academician Pan and others quickly responded in the same way.

After half a minute.

Hou Xingyuan and Gao Hongwen came to the exit.

He glanced at the other group of people at the side first, then reached out to Academician Pan and Zhao Zhengguo:

"Xiao Pan, brother Zhao, long time no see."

Academician Pan quickly reached out to shake hands with him, his expression a little emotional:

"Yeah, I usually make a lot of phone calls and WeChat, but I haven't seen you offline for two or three years. Dean, everyone misses you very much."

Academician Pan is a witness of Zhu Xshi's era, and has witnessed Zhu Xshi's coquettish operation that forced many top talents away.


Only then did he have a special sense of respect for Hou Xingyuan, the 'Guangwu University of Science and Technology'.

At that time, the University of Science and Technology, let alone a C9 university, almost couldn't even keep the name of 985.

If there is no Hou Xingyuan, the current University of Science and Technology is estimated to be almost three feet high - at least the double first-class will definitely not be awarded.

So not only Academician Pan, Zhao Zhengguo's expression at this time is also quite emotional:

"Xiao Pan is right, Dean Hou, if you are free these days, I will be the host and we will have a hotpot meal—Rongcheng in January, this is the right time and place to eat hotpot."

"It's a pity that this is not Guangdong Province, otherwise I would have to order another dish of braised Fujianese."

Hou Xingyuan smiled when he heard the words, and readily agreed:

"No problem. In two days, some of our old friends from the University of Science and Technology will take the time to have a meal, and we will have a good chat then."

Then he greeted Ji Xiangdong and the others, and turned his attention to Xu Yun and Lu Chaoyang:

"I know Xiao Lu, so this should be Dr. Xu Yun, right?"

Hearing Hou Xingyuan say his name.

Even though Xu Yun had been prepared in his heart, his heartbeat accelerated a little at this time.

Whether it is Hou Xingyuan's resume as the old principal of the University of Science and Technology, or the status of the current president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, it is enough to make him look up at this time.

Not to mention that Hou Xingyuan had helped him too much before, and he owed a lot of favors.

It can be said that without the help of Hou Xingyuan, the fifth-generation imidacloprid is probably still in the patent application period.

So he nodded quickly, and shook hands with Hou Xingyuan with the same reverence on his face:

"Hello, Dean Hou."

Compared with the previous Wang Lao.

Xu Yun's respect for Hou Xingyuan may be more personal and emotional, and it is far from reaching the level of family and country feelings.

But the two kinds of reverence do not conflict with each other, after all, human beings are highly subjective creatures.

Looking at Xu Yun who was a bit cautious, Hou Xingyuan patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile:

"Xiao Xu, don't be too nervous. The trajectory you calculated may have an unimaginable boost to Huaxia's scientific research."

"From the perspective of feedback, I, the dean of the Academy of Sciences, would like to thank you."

"You and Xiao Lu are both very capable young people, although in most cases, youth is often associated with the words 'low qualifications'."

"But as long as your grades are good enough, many so-called boundaries can be broken."

"Do you understand what I mean, Xiao Xu?"

Xu Yun nodded heavily.

Throughout the entire history of human science, no matter ancient or modern, Chinese or foreign, 'qualification' is an unavoidable problem.

But if you are strong enough, many seemingly rigid rules will not limit your development.

Of course.

Seeing this, many people may have doubts:


What did Yan Ning and Ouyang Zhiyun say?

They have been evaluated as academicians so many times in China but have not been selected, and they immediately become academicians across the sea. Isn't this a slap in the face?

This is actually a big misunderstanding. In a sense, it is somewhat similar to the scumbag rhythm that Xu Yun was brought up before.

So what is the truth?

The first thing that needs to be mentioned is.

At present, there are more than 2,500 academicians of the Academy of Sciences, more than 2,600 academicians of the Academy of Engineering, and 2,400 academicians of the Academy of Medicine, adding up to about 7,500. (Visible on the National Academy of Sciences official website)

And Huaxia.

The medical academicians are affiliated to the Faculty of Medicine, and they are included in the Academy of Sciences but not independent. There are only more than 1,700 people in the Academy of Engineering + Academy of Sciences.

This is the difference in the number of places-if you consider the difference in the population base of the two countries, this ratio will be even more outrageous.


The academician across the sea is more of a title.

The academicians across the sea even need to raise their own investment, so you can even see academicians across the sea crowdfunding their own projects on tiktok.

However, domestic academicians can be regarded as a professional title.

At present, academicians in China are treated as standard deputy ministers. If they go to a local area, the top leaders of the local area will respectfully accompany them to the last seat.

So in China, when you become an academician, the country will give you various resources, and you will be a proper leader. The country will let you lead a group of people to rush in this direction.

Therefore, a lot of resource allocation is involved here, so if you check carefully, you will find a situation:

At present, the main research directions of most academicians in China do not overlap.

Properly one direction, one core, and a few more important directions may have multiple academicians.

For example Yan Ning.

Yan Ning studied under Shi Xgong, and the two have the same research direction, both engaged in the research of structural biology.

There are currently three academicians in the field of structural biology in my country.

They are Shi Xgong (elected in 2013), Zhang Mingjie (elected in 2011) and Chang Wenrui (elected in 2005).

Shi X is mainly engaged in the molecular mechanism of apoptosis, important membrane proteins, and the structure and function of biological macromolecular machinery in cells.

Zhang Mingjie is mainly engaged in the research of structural biology, biochemistry and molecular biology.

Chang Wenrui is mainly engaged in the research on the structure and function of biological macromolecules.

What about Yan Ning?

She is mainly engaged in research on the structure and working mechanism of important membrane transport proteins related to diseases, voltage-gated ion channels, and the molecular mechanism of membrane proteins regulating cholesterol metabolism pathways.

Take a closer look to see if these directions are in her teacher's research direction—it's just more specific, and also slightly overlaps with the directions of the other two academicians.

And this corresponding direction is not a core focus direction, and there are not so many resources to support the two academicians.

This is the root cause of her not being selected as an academician.

The same is true for Ouyang Zhiyun.

The Eco-Environmental Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences where he works now has 7 academicians, 6 of whom are Huaxia academicians.

His research direction overlaps with Academician Fu Bojie, Academician Zhu Yongguan and other academicians.

Moreover, Ouyang was about the same age as Academician Fu and Academician Zhu, younger than Fu and older than Zhu.

So it doesn't make any sense to compare the academician across the sea with China, otherwise Yan Ning would not have announced his return to China not long ago.

For example, Musk across the sea was also elected as an academician of the Academy of Sciences, but if Brother Ma and Rebs were elected academicians in China, guess what will happen to public opinion?

There is also the behind-the-scenes tearing of the 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, which is wonderful.

So it's still the same sentence.

The problems in China's scientific research circle are not small, and they exist objectively. For example, the reason why Xu Yun left Chengfei in his previous life was largely because he couldn't afford to do scientific research.

But on the other hand.

This problem is far from reaching the height of being linked to the system, or [this country is hopeless].

There is no such thing as saying that foreign countries are more enlightened.

A lot of people do it like this now:

Lead tool people in China to do research, publish some top journals, and accumulate the so-called background.

Then use this as a springboard to go abroad and work as a professor abroad, and after a few years, return to China with this resume to get a higher salary.

Alright, back to reality.

After chatting with Hou Xingyuan.

Xu Yun followed the big guys back to the hall, and greeted the dozen or so academicians who had been waiting here for a long time.

Then under the leadership of Ji Xiangdong.

Everyone came to the VIP parking lot from the special passage, and got on the car one by one.

After that, it's a boring journey:

The bus first sent everyone to the train station, and everyone took the train to PZH, and then said that PZH had a rest for the night.

Early the next morning.

Then another bus waiting here drove to Muli County.

After more than ten hours.

The bus stopped near a tunnel.

Looking at the misty sky, Ji Xiangdong suddenly turned his head and smiled at Xu Yun and the others:

"Welcome everyone."

"Jiping Underground Laboratory."

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