Into Unscientific

Chapter 420 Atsuto Suzuki's Ambition!

In fact.

After the initial surprise.

Many scientists also gradually calmed down, and the same idea as Lucas soon appeared in their minds.

That is to say, the supersymmetric properties mentioned by Atsuto Suzuki are mostly bluffing, and there is a high probability that there are certain restrictions or defects.

as expected.

After introducing those attributes.

Atsuto Suzuki paused for a moment, then quickly changed the topic, and said lightly:

"Of course, because strictly speaking, this particle is just a supersymmetric particle."

"For example, its telm value is at least about 10 to the negative 17th power, and decay is a weak interaction in physics."

"In addition, it is temporarily unable to overcome the Coleman-Mandula No go theorem with hierarchical Lie algebras. It needs to introduce R parity conservation to meet the characteristic symmetry."

"So it cannot be regarded as a supersymmetric particle in a broad sense, but I think its value is not inferior to the real supersymmetric particle."


Atsuto Suzuki finished speaking.

The representative from the Cavendish Laboratory beside Lucas let out a cold snort of disdain.

"That's it?"

Lucas also shook his head slightly.

No wonder it was simply brought over.

in the current physics world.

The most commonly used standard model of supersymmetric particles is called MSSM, which is the minimal supersymmetric standard model.

The supersymmetric particles mentioned in popular science originated here.

Follow the framework requirements of MSSM.

The maximum telm value of a Higgs supersymmetric particle cannot exceed 10 to the minus 22 power, which is five orders of magnitude smaller than the minus 17 power mentioned by Atsuto Suzuki.

To know.

The size of a human is 1000 times that of an ant, which means that there is only a difference of three orders of magnitude between a human and an ant.

At the same time, combined with Suzuki Atsuto's mathematical expression.

Isn’t this just the LSP particle on the baryon sound scale?

Of course.

The LSP here does not refer to the old color-skinned readers who yell that I have a friend every day, but the Lightest Susy particle.

This kind of particle is as it should be, and its characteristic is that it is very light.

For example, a neutral neutrino is a standard LSP.

Compared with the Higgs supersymmetric particle, the discovery of LSP is relatively "cheap".

Atsuto Suzuki is obviously aware of this, so after a wave of UC party possession came to Xiaoxiao, he shifted the topic to the dark matter properties of particles:

"According to our color-flavor analysis, this particle is composed of two quarks, similar in structure to mesons, with a g factor of 2.0023."

"In addition, its low-energy excited state near the Fermi surface is very significant, and it can stably emit the scattering of an electron, with an energy scale of 231.2344452"

"At the same time, the potential energy term of the Hamiltonian of this particle in the process of creation and annihilation completely conforms to the Lagrangian function of the closed system, that is, it conforms to the relativistic effect."

Atsuto Suzuki eloquently introduced a lot of data, which is the real dry goods.

Therefore, both inside and outside the scene, all the audience listened very seriously, or pretended to listen very seriously.

After more than ten minutes.

Atsuto Suzuki coughed a few times, calmly took out a piece of paper and wiped the corner of his mouth, and asked the audience:

"Okay, everyone, the relevant properties of the particles are almost the same. Now it's the questioning session. If you have any questions, you are welcome to ask them."

The voice just fell.

A blond man raised his hand in the audience:

"Mr. Suzuki, I have a question."

Atsuto Suzuki nodded and made a gesture of invitation:

"But there's no harm in asking."

The blond man adjusted his glasses, then held the corner of his ID card and raised it:

"Mr. Suzuki, I'm Benji Brandi from IHES Research Institute. It's a great honor to participate in this conference. The question I want to ask is."

"Does the Lagrangian function of the closed system you mentioned before also hold in a steady external field?"

I heard this.

Atsuto Suzuki frowned slightly, cursed inwardly, and shook his head lightly:

"Sorry, we haven't deduced the feasible items for the time being, but we are going all out to try all possibilities."

"I have great confidence in the capabilities of our institution, and perhaps in the near future, this question will be answered in the affirmative."

Seeing this, Benji Brandy curled his lips, spread his hands, and sat back in his seat.

At the scene of the press conference, there was a low voice of discussion.

Even those social news reporters who pretended to understand but were at a loss in their minds and came here for the enthusiasm of the news can see Suzuki Atsuto's guilty conscience.


The full name of the IHES Institute represented by Benji Brandy is the famous Gaul Institute for Advanced Sciences.

IHES has produced eight Fields Medal winners, and has a very strong foundation in mathematics.

The question asked by Benji Brandy was worthy of his background, and he immediately pointed to the weak point of Suzuki's thick-speaking skills.

Although Atsuto Suzuki's answer was somewhat obscure and inexplicable, the meaning was actually one:

The Lagrangian function of that particle does not hold in a steady external field.

The steady external field is one of the key systems of the dark matter theory field.

The particle whose Lagrangian function does not hold in the steady external field is obviously impossible to be the real cold dark matter.

In other words.

Benji Brandy's question immediately sealed the upper limit of this particle.

Although Atsuto Suzuki and the others did not intend to turn this particle into cold dark matter, their words were far from straightforward.

Think here.

Atsuto Suzuki looked at Benji Brandy with unfriendly eyes.

Damn Europeans!

This young man came to attack him at this time, an old Baga in his seventies, he really didn't talk about martial arts

However, considering the close relationship between IHES and CERN, it is not incomprehensible for the other party to come out to disrupt the situation at this time.

If you can't keep the back of the pair of bluetooth headsets in Benji Brandy's ears, there are a bunch of colleagues offering advice to him right now.

Of course.

There are not many people like Benji Brandy, so soon another representative asked a more normal question:

"Mr. Suzuki, you said that the particle has relativistic effects, so what is its spin index?"

Seeing this, Atsuto Suzuki quickly withdrew his thoughts, and seriously began to answer this new question:

"Its spin index is ±1, which conforms to the time-reversal symmetry, and the diagonalization of the spin can be seen on the big screen"

Then soon.

It was the second reporter and the third reporter who spoke:

"Mr. Suzuki, what is the fermion magnetic moment of this particle?"

"Mr. Suzuki, what is its lifespan?"

"Mr. Suzuki."

Facing the follow-up questions, Atsuto Suzuki answered them one by one.

Since many of the questioners were pre-arranged babysitters, Atsuto Suzuki looked very smooth and calm in the second half of the answering process.

at last.

A reporter from Huaxia Sichuan Observation asked a very critical question in Japanese:

"Mr. Suzuki, does this particle have a name?"

The scene fell silent.

Suzuki Atsuto heard the words, and his expression became more dignified.

I saw him propping his hands on the left and right sides of the podium, his figure was straight, and he looked extremely powerful:

"Name? The answer is of course yes. This is also one of the core themes of our press conference today. The name we named for this particle is"

"Horned horn!"

"A corner?"

Hear this synchronously translated noun.

The European conference site tens of thousands of kilometers away.

Lucas and the others were stunned for a moment.

What does it mean?

Today's particles are generally named from the Greek alphabet, such as Λ, α, β, γ, δ, etc.

But what the hell is this Japanese that the Neon Man popped up today?

Just when Lucas and others were puzzled.

The leader from the Leiden Cryogenic Laboratory beside them suddenly turned his head and asked the person beside him:

"Researcher Hiratsuka, you are a neon person, you should know the meaning of the word 杙杙? Can you explain it to us?"

Only then did Lucas and others notice that among the team members of the Leiden Cryogenic Laboratory, there happened to be a boy with an Asian face.

Judging from his appearance and address, the other party should be a neon man, nothing more than pure blood or mixed blood.

be honest.

This situation is very common in European and American scientific research circles.

The three countries of Huaxia, Neon, and India are basically the top three in Asia's "export" of scientific research talents.

Hearing the question from his team leader, the man named Hiratsuka hurriedly said hello, and then quickly explained in English:

"Mr. Hal, you may not know that in the neon myths, there are many theories about the formation process of the chaotic world."

"The source of everything recorded in the "Ancient Matters" is called Tianyu Zhongzhuzun, also known as Bietian God."

"There are five such Bietian gods, and they are collectively honored as the first generation of gods, that is, the god of five pillars, who hide in Gaotianyuan."

"The scope of authority of the five-pillar gods covers the entire universe, and has a subordinate relationship with the gods of the Neon Continent."

"For example, the father god Izanagi in the neon mythology was sent by the master of Tianyu to repair the Neon Continent, and then there was the later Amaterasu and so on."

Hiratsuka paused after speaking, and glanced at Lucas and the others.

After everyone digested the information, he said again:

"After the gods of Tianjin were separated, Gao Tianyuan successively produced seven generations of twelve gods, which are called the seven generations of gods in the neon mythology."

"The horned god is one of the twelve gods, and he is the god who indicates that the roots of plants are beginning to sprout."

"In mythology, he caused the plants of the earth to sprout, which eventually formed white stems that supported the earth and became the center of the world."

After listening to the other party's introduction quietly, Lucas nodded slightly:

"I see."

Hiratsuka explained in great detail. As a high IQ talent, Lucas immediately understood the thoughts of those Neon people.

mentioned earlier.

Today, visible matter in the universe only accounts for a little over 4%, and the rest is dark matter and dark energy.

So from the observational results.

Dark matter is equivalent to the stem supporting the 'earth' of the universe.

Therefore, the name given to this particle of horn 杙 is tenable in its metaphorical meaning.


Atsuto Suzuki or Kamioka Laboratory used this name to call this warm dark matter, and there is another deeper meaning:

That is, the dark matter in the future can develop and break through, but it can only bear fruit in the framework or branches of the neon myth.

Because the first dark matter was discovered by Neon people.

They want to become the cornerstones of the dark matter field, and make the whole land their subordinate.


One day, I will become the master of all physics or all sciences, that is.

God of Creation!

In fact.

Atsuto Suzuki's thoughts were exactly as Lucas expected.

At this moment, the little old man, who was already dying of illness, was holding his head proudly, looking down at the audience with sharp eyes.

Up to now.

In the field of particle physics, Neon scientists have won 7 Nobel Prizes in Physics.

Since Hideki Yukawa won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1949, the neon people have almost been on the fence with mesons and neutrinos.

Except for Tomonaga Shinichiro who won the Nobel Prize in 1965 for his renormalization technology.

The Nobel Prizes won by Neon people in the field of particle physics are all related to mesons and neutrinos.

But in the 1990s, Neon people suddenly discovered a problem:

Research on existing particles may win prizes, but they do not get the absolute right to define the field.

So in the era of the Great Depression when the economic bubble burst in all Neon, the Neon people took out a US knife of 100 million and established the Kamiokande Detector.

Their purpose is to find dark matter, and neutrinos are just a manifestation of one direction.

In 2015, Takaaki Kajita won the Nobel Prize for his neutrino oscillations and at the same time excluded neutrinos from the list of cold dark matter.

Atsuto Suzuki and others set their goals on warm dark matter.

Hard work pays off.

Eight years later, they finally found this warm dark matter particle.

A chance to be a branch of the earth.

As for Atsuto Suzuki personally, this is also his final ascension to God.

Think here.

Atsuto Suzuki's left hand trembled involuntarily.

He is the leader of the Angle Particle project. In terms of contribution, no one in the project team can match him.

After missing out on the Nobel Prize in 2015.

Atsuto Suzuki's greatest wish is to win a Nobel Prize before his death.

According to the doctor's diagnosis, he can only live for another two years due to tuberculosis, and at most three years.

As the grand-nephew of Suzuki Keihisa, a well-known war criminal who killed 5,470 Chinese people during the invasion of China, Atsuto Suzuki is not afraid of death. (I feel that some things are really amazing. The reason why I chose Atsuto Suzuki as the clown is only because he is the person in charge of the dark matter project of the Kamioka detector. When I went to Kamioka’s official website to continue to check the information, I suddenly found that his uncle was Suzuki Keihisa. After checking the birth and death dates, he was sure that it was the same person. It is really a bad line.)

What he was afraid of was that before he died, he would still have regrets.

And this time.

It is his last chance.

It's early February, eight to nine months before the Nobel Prize is announced.

According to the current level of medical treatment, even in the worst case, his body should still be able to handle it back then.

So the only thing he has to worry about is

What is the level of the results at CERN?

If it's similar, maybe some things can be manipulated.

Just like the flash of swords in 2020.

And just as Suzuki Atsuto's mood spread.

In the distant CERN conference center.

Lucas also asked his friend this question:

"Lars, can CERN's results in this round surpass those neon people?"

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