Into Unscientific

Chapter 438 The Sino-US hacker war started again after 22 years!

Ten or twenty years ago.

When Huaxia Internet was not yet fully popularized.

Chat rooms and BBS are two things that netizens just need.

At that time, there was no QQ group or MSN multi-person chat function. If you want to organize a group of people to discuss, you have to go to the "chat room".

But times change.

Penguin, WeChat, Zhihu, the first moderator, Weibo.

The emergence of these chat tools or social media has made the chat room, a product of the times, gradually withdraw from the stage.

But for some people.

The chat room is the place where they first met, storing their lost youth and passion.

There are indelible memories that have been nurtured and fermented by time.


ten years ago.

A retro Internet chat room software was quietly born in a corner of the Internet.

There are only about 30 members in the chat room, and most of the time it is as quiet as the Busan library.

Only on the night of April 30 every year, the chat room will be a bit lively-this day is not an official holiday, so in many cases, affected by life or work, the number of people online is only a dozen or twenty.

but today

The chat room was lively for the first time, and the number of people online was close to thirty.


【A lot of people wow.】


[Hey, hello Brother Tan! 】


[Fuck, Binghe, are you a couple of dogs here too? 】


[Gong Wei, your uncle! Would you like to try again? Convex! 】


【Eat Melon.JPG】

Whether it is the nickname or the chat content in the chat room, it looks ordinary and nothing special.

It seems to be a group of sand sculptures blowing water every day.

However, the nicknames of these users are counted as one, and they are all legends enough to be admired by thousands of people in the network security industry.

For example, King was the first to speak.

He was the former head of the C.H.U. of the China Hacker Union, and the chat room of the "China Hacker Group Meeting Room" during the 5.1 Hacker War was the predecessor of the China Hacker Union.

In the early days of Huaxia Internet.

C.H.U. has been coquettish and youthful for several times.

Later, due to many ups and downs due to various reasons such as harmony, funding, and meetings, it became a semi-entertainment website before it died, and finally shut down completely.

King was once the absolute leader of the hacker community in China, the true soul, and a legend.

If the history of Chinese hackers is a book.

Then KING is the first person to open the book cover.

Another example is the glacier.

Glacier's English name is Glacier, and his real name is Huang Xin, the creator of the Trojan horse "Glacier".

Of course.

The original intention of Binghe to write the Binghe Trojan was to develop a powerful remote control software.

However, once the Ice River Trojan was launched, it became a tool for hackers to launch intrusions relying on its powerful functions.

In terms of nature.

The Glacier Trojan horse ended the dominance of foreign Trojan horses, and became the symbol and synonym of domestic Trojan horses with the later gray pigeons, etc.-although this symbol is not very glamorous.

However, it needs to be explained.

As the creator of the Glacier Trojan, Glacier has never used this Trojan to invade any machine.

Later, Binghe joined the network security system and wrote the widely acclaimed Xscan scanner, which plays an important role in China's network security industry today.

In addition, his wife Juanzi is also a hacker, so the two are also known as the Condor Heroes in the domestic hacker circle.

Another example is that the Glacier couple are goodwells of dogs and men.

At first glance, this hacker whose pronunciation looks like Godv's is also a fat man. His full name is Gong Wei, and he is the founder of the well-known hacker organization "Green Corps".

The rest of Tianxing, Kanxue, Frozen Blood Sealing Love and others are all former top bosses.

It can be said like this.

If you make a 'genetic map' of all the hackers in China.

Then anyone in the chat room is definitely an existence at the apex level of the genetic map.

After about a few minutes.

An account with the ancient avatar of a man with purple hair and glasses and a note called [lion] bubbled up:

[Yo, everyone is here. 】

After seeing this person.

There was a burst of greetings in the chat room.

This person is the founder of the famous Honker Alliance

lion Lin Yong.

Although both he and king belonged to the oldest hackers in the country, one founded the Honker Alliance and the other founded the Hacker Alliance.

But King has never competed with lion for power. Even in the original hacker war, many affairs were arranged by lion on the execution side.

Therefore, in terms of prestige, lion is higher than King.

Then soon.

lion initiated a chat room voice.

"Hello everyone."

lion's mandarin is not standard, it sounds a bit blunt:

"I'm sure you all know the reason for calling everyone online today. Due to time constraints, I'll just mention a few key points here."

"First of all, those who are online now are all small partners who have the conditions to carry out network security defense, that is, as the saying goes, instant combat power."

"Next, I will upload a compressed file. This is a small plug-in similar to our original flood, which can be connected to the system of the Information Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences."

"After the plug-in is activated, the Academy of Sciences will optimize the bandwidth and power resources in your area within 1 minute, but you, Tianxing, who work in the network security center, don't need it."

"As for your respective tasks, they will also be displayed in the background of the plugin."

"at last."

Lion's voice paused, and his tone was faintly ethereal:

"The battle 22 years ago, it's time for a break."

"Although our battlefield this time is not as well-known as it was back then, I think it's not bad to end our fate in this quiet corner."


finish talking.

An installation package was uploaded in the chat room.

After a second.

29 people online downloaded successfully at the same time.

A few minutes later.


In a well-decorated district.

A middle-aged man in his forties with a slightly dark complexion but rather handsome looks was concentrating on typing on the keyboard while saying to another virtuous woman beside him:

"Honey, what's your mission?"

The woman's fingers crackled on the keyboard a few times, looking very skilled:

"Patch an Accellion vulnerability on an FTA server, how about you?"

The middle-aged man raised his eyebrows and spoke concisely:

"Stealing a house, there is a high probability of 1V2 or even 1V3."

The woman was slightly taken aback:

"Only you?"

The middle-aged man shrugged towards her, a small dimple appeared on his slightly dark face:

"Fly and Spring will also attack with me, but they also have their own opponents, so there should not be many opportunities to cooperate."

"I don't know which acquaintances I will meet this time."

The tone of the man who spoke seemed casual, but his eyes were full of fighting spirit

This person is none other than Binghe!

The woman next to him is his wife, whose English name and Weibo name are Juanzi of Wollf.

However, although Juanzi is also a hacker, her technical skills are obviously not top-notch, and it is impossible to be the main attacker in this kind of battlefield.

So the Academy of Sciences arranged for her a patching task that was difficult but not considered a front-line battle.

As for the glacier.

The founder of this famous glacier Trojan horse is naturally going to be used to attack and kill.

Although the main purpose of Huaxia this time is to defend, harassing the enemy's rear has been one of Huaxia's standard tactics since ancient times.

So it was no surprise that Binghe was sent out to steal a house.

Academy of Sciences and Binghe knew very well that it was wishful thinking to break through The Pentagon's defense with only three players on the field.

But as long as Glacier can contain part of the opponent's manpower, it can relieve a large part of the pressure on the main battlefield.

In the battle of that year.

Binghe, Tianxing, and Xiaorong are also the three 'warriors' who have breached the most websites across the sea.

clap clap -

Binghe's fingers tapped on the keyboard quickly. For the Binghe couple who were still working in 360 a few years ago, the network conditions at home were very good even without the Academy of Sciences optimization.

So soon.

Binghe then drove the Trojan horse program on the 1,400 computers he had prepared a long time ago.

At the same time, open the nett terminal program to set the parameters and IP, and then test the connection.

Then set up the server and change the IP

After everything is over.

The glacier began to infiltrate.

The Chinese Academy of Sciences equipped Glacier with 12TFLOPS computing resources and a CUV secret network code-named "Taishang".


The glacier broke through The Pentagon's basic protective barrier.

Gradually, some form components begin to transmit data to the backend host, and then some input items whose inputtype is text pass parameters through the path specified by formanet.

But not long.

The glacier had originally penetrated smoothly, but encountered a powerful counterattack.

The if judgment formula he had already solved began to encounter a loop again. The rootid variable was like Teacher Fan Wei in a wheelchair, and his IQ regained the high ground.

So soon.

Binghe had no room to resist and was kicked out.

The other party also coquettishly sent a photo of Glacier in "Saint Seiya" to the first-level broiler.

It is clear.

The other party is telling Binghe, I know who you are.

Seeing this situation, Binghe couldn't help but click his tongue softly:


Hearing her husband's self-talk, Juanzi, who was not under much pressure, couldn't help raising her head, and asked curiously:

"Meet someone you know?"

Binghe nodded, and patted both sides of the waist behind him with both hands:

"Use a small hammer to dig the seam first, and then use a sledgehammer to fix it. I got kicked on both sides of the buttocks."

"This kind of old combo can only be used by Hayward and Godzilla."

The Hayward in the mouth of the glacier, whose full name is Bilson Hayward, is a hacker who immigrated from Slovakia to the other side of the sea.

His method of obtaining immigration eligibility is very special:

He directly hacked into the official website of the Immigration Bureau across the sea, left his phone number, and then voluntarily ran to surrender. He can be regarded as the first generation of Muyang dogs.

Godzilla is a hacker who is very active on the Internet, and is also a well-known old two-dimensional character. His avatars are all Yukinoshita Yukino

At the beginning, this product originally wanted to change its name to Tiga—that is, Ultraman Tiga, but the social media was smashed the next day.

There is also a neon hacker who stole his account and made a lot of self-deprecating remarks, which can be regarded as a joke in the international hacker community.

Of course.

Godzilla being hacked does not prove that his skills are bad, after all, this is a problem of a certain platform.

In the battle that year, Godzilla and Hayward were the absolute main force against China's attack.

They fought against Binghe many times, and Binghe won less and lost more, and his winning rate was about 30% - after all, Huaxia's network resources were poor at that time, and Binghe still had 1V2, and a winning rate of more than 30% was already very good.

Unexpectedly, 22 years later.

The three actually had another chance to fight against each other.

Perhaps somewhere in the dark, there really is fate.

As an attacker, Glacier's fault tolerance rate is relatively higher, so he quickly reorganized a round of attacks.


He failed again.

Godzilla sent a photo of King Billy this time, with a few Chinese characters written on it:

Don't eat sour radish!

This is the transliteration of Bilibili's words from son of a bitch, which is obviously a provocation on this occasion.

But Binghe didn't care, but continued to attack.

After all, the stronger the offensive on his side, the less pressure on the main battlefield.

While Binghe was trying to attack The Pentagon, the main battlefield that Wang Qingchen and others were in charge of was also fierce.

"Dean Hou!"

A very young clerk walked into the network security department quickly, with his hands on his thighs, panting, he said to Hou Xingyuan who had already rushed to the scene:

"Dean Hou, the problematic converter node has been found, and the master of the engineering department of the conference center is debugging it!"

"The whole process will take about eight minutes, that is, the live broadcast screen will be black for eight minutes."

"At present, we have contacted several major platforms, and we will start to broadcast advertisements in three minutes until the converter is installed and unloaded. The advertisers are Changan Automobile, Nanfu Battery, Shadow Elf and Rokid."

"If there is no accident, the effect of the live broadcast will definitely be affected."

"Xiao Gao, don't think about the effect of the live broadcast at this time, the most important thing is to solve the problem."

Hou Xingyuan waved his hand at Gao Hongwen, interrupted his words, and looked at Wang Qingchen beside him:

"Xiao Wang, how is your bug fix going?"

"If the converter can be replaced, will it help your defense?"

Wang Qingchen's face was still a little dignified, but after the arrival of the reinforcements, his mental state was obviously boosted a lot:

"The current situation is still at a stalemate. The opponent was only one step away from intercepting the live broadcast signal several times, but we beat them back."

"As for the help of the converter, it must be somewhat helpful, but the other side of the sea has already spread a lot of breaches through the previous loopholes."

"So even if the converter is replaced, it won't have much effect on the immediate battle situation."

Hou Xingyuan nodded thoughtfully.

Then he looked around, and the sound of crackling keyboards filled his surroundings.

The tense atmosphere at the scene made him, the dean of the Academy of Sciences, feel a little depressed.

So he took a deep breath, walked to the window, and looked into the distance with misty eyes.

While looking at the scenery in the distance, he relieved the pressure and ensured that he could think normally.

be honest.

From the start of the press conference to the present, both China and the other side of the sea have come up with killer moves that are beyond the opponent's expectations.

Huaxia is prepared, and the other side is not stupid.

With the absolute advantage at the front desk of the press conference, the offense and defense of the Internet Security Center are particularly important.

If the other party's intrusion can be prevented, the press conference can proceed as usual.

At that time, the Chinese physics community will gain the coveted right to define particle physics—unless other countries can immediately discover a new dark matter, they will inevitably give up part of the benefits to China.

But if the intrusion cannot be prevented

The influence of the press conference can only be limited to the scene, losing the "big trend" of the public in one fell swoop.

Think here.

Hou Xingyuan couldn't help clenching his fists:

"The battle of national destiny"


Hou Xingyuan is not the only one paying attention here.

Academician Pan in the background

Many old academicians who have been informed of the situation.

Wang Lao, who was recuperating at Jinniu Hotel far away.

Everyone's hearts are sent to this battlefield without gunpowder.

at the same time.

Yanjing thousands of kilometers away.

State Administration of Cultural Heritage.

A middle-aged man with a crew cut walked out of the gate with a smile on his face, holding a document that was still warm in his hand.

Then he took out his phone, thought about it, and sent a post:

[Thanks to the country, the project has finally landed. This year, I didn’t go home to run the project. My baby girl still spent the Spring Festival in other places (crying), but if this can make other projects in the future come to fruition, I want to say, daughter, New Year’s Eve Just don’t come back (smile)]

Then the wechat user with the note [daughter] was set to be invisible in the dynamics, and the middle-aged man pressed send fluently.

Finish these.

He stuffed his phone back into his pocket, and was about to think about where to go for a good meal.

As a result, I didn't walk a few steps.

Suddenly, there was a very soft and moist feeling on his face.

The middle-aged man subconsciously touched it with his hand, was stunned for two seconds, and looked up at the sky:

"Hey, is it raining?"

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