Into Unscientific

Chapter 447 There is a thunder on the flat ground, Dr. Xiao Xu makes his debut (Part 2) (Happy Chine

".Pluto in orbit?"

Hear what Witten said.

Even Academician Pan has a wealth of experience in press conferences, and has experienced countless big battles and small battles. At this time, he couldn't help showing a trace of extremely obvious consternation.

what the hell is this tmd

But soon.

Academician Pan quickly came back to his senses, and quickly went through Wei Teng's words in his mind.

The value of flux is too large, but the generator of index mapping is too small?

Anyone who has studied particle physics should know this.

The so-called flux value is a value proposed for the main particle, that is, the ∧4685 hyperon.

This value is somewhat similar to the bulge in particle research, but generally it will be reduced to about 13TeV, at most 20TeV.

That is to say, it belongs to a value that can be directly measured without other processing.

Exponential map generators are a bit different.

It is not directly measured like the flux value, but a mapping obtained through mathematical analysis after sampling.

for example.

well known.

The essence of the exponential function e^t describes a differential equation:


The physical meaning of this equation can be interpreted as your speed, which is always equal to your position.

That is, the derivative of the position is always equal to the size of your position.

in other words.

The length of the curve from any point p to the point Exp_p(v) is equal to the length of the initial tangent vector v.

The point p is reached by walking the length of v along the local geodesic line is the image point of the exponential map.

At the same time.

A compact Lie group has a natural doubly invariant Riemannian metric, and the exponential map determined by this metric is consistent with the exponential map determined by the structure of the Lie group itself.

When the exponential map of Lie group itself is restricted to the matrix group, it has the same infinite series form as the complex exponential map.

At the same time, according to Weinberg's point of view, the particle is the representation of the Poincaré group.

The Poincaré group is obtained by the semidirect product of the space-time translation group R13 and the Lorentz group SO{1, 3}, denoted as ISO{1, 3}.

The Lie algebra of this group is 10-dimensional, and there is a special basis.

are respectively an energy generating element, representing time-translation symmetry.

3 momentum generators, representing spatial translation symmetry.

3 angular momentum generators, representing spatial rotational symmetry.

The inner product on the Lie algebraic space is the algebraic convergence of complex exponential mapping.

That is, in theory.

As long as the mapping between Lie algebra and its dual space is established, all particles can be expressed.

The concept is very simple and easy to understand, isn't it?

In other words.

The isolated point or the exponential mapping generator of the Pangu particle should be the most accurate one among all the data because of the absence of the definition of the rest mass.

To put it bluntly.

Even if all the data is wrong, the index map generator will not fail.

Of course.

The premise of the above sentence is.

In that probabilistic orbit, nothing else affects the Pangu particle.

Think here.

Academician Pan couldn't help but look at Wei Teng under the stage, with a little hesitation on his face.

Although Wei Teng's question did not strictly interfere with the results of the press conference of the Academy of Sciences, academician Pan didn't know what to do when he interrupted him.

Is it to interrupt Witten?

This approach is obviously inappropriate, neither verbal interruption nor physical interruption is very good.

Because Weiteng's problem is not unprovoked dismantling, if we rashly refuse at this time or let the service personnel take Weiteng away, it will be very disrespectful to Weiteng himself, and secondly, it will be easy to give the truth to others.

Especially now that the Academy of Sciences is already in sight of victory, if we do something like this on Wei Teng.

Not to mention Atsuto Suzuki and Millsap, Dabaobei and Kennedy may be able to live happily.

But if you continue to let him talk?

Then the next situation will be completely beyond the control of the Academy of Sciences, and no one knows where it will go.

And just when Academician Pan hesitated.

Hou Xingyuan's voice sounded again in his ears:

"Xiao Pan, let Wei Teng continue."

"I know Wei Teng very well. He's not the kind of person who is stupid enough to tear things apart on such occasions, so he probably really discovered something."

"Anyway, Wei Teng is entangled with the situation near the Pangu particle. No matter what happens, it will not affect our results. Let him continue."

"If he is really making trouble for no reason, these big bosses at the scene will not let him mess around."

Academician Pan was stunned for two seconds, and soon understood what Hou Xingyuan meant.


As the "leader" who can unify string theory in the case of five disputes in the last century, and eventually become superstring theory.

Wei Teng's EQ will never be low.

do not forget.

He started out as a liberal arts student in history and worked on George McGovern's presidential campaign.

At that time, the five factions of string theory were like the current sweet, salty, sour, and spicy tofu nao. It was not just a matter of one or a few people, but five huge factions.

Getting these factions together and ultimately succeeding requires more than just having the right theory.

Therefore, Wei Teng dared to speak on this occasion, he must have discovered some extremely shocking circumstances, so that he could not even take care of basic etiquette.

So Academician Pan tapped his ears twice calmly, indicating that he had made up his mind.

Then he turned his head to look at Wei Teng in the audience, and asked:

"Mr. Witten, your idea is very novel and worth exploring."

"However, making such a conclusion based on two values ​​alone, do you think this lacks some convincing?"

Wei Teng nodded when he heard the words, and did not deny Academician Pan's statement:

"Mr. Pan, what you said is indeed very reasonable, so I would like to take the liberty of making another request."

"Can the Academy of Sciences publish the relevant formulas for calculating the probability orbit of the Pangu particle, and let me meet that person?"

"The doctor who calculated the probability orbit? I have some questions I want to ask him."

The Academy of Sciences did not impose restrictions on Weiteng's microphones, so Weiteng's words spread throughout the venue in an instant.


The voice just fell.

Lu Chaoyang and Christine beside Xu Yun turned their heads together, and their eyes were fixed on him.

Then soon.

There was also a murmur at the meeting site of thousands of people.

Some people are discussing the possibility of the existence of that unknown particle.

Someone is discussing the probability equation of the Pangu particle.

Some people kept looking at Xu Yun.

After all, the people sitting around the tenth row are industry leaders, and in most cases, the four words of industry leaders are directly proportional to the two attributes:

hairline, and


Therefore, the trio of Xu Yun, Lu Chaoyang, and Christine was out of tune with the surroundings in terms of age, and looked extremely conspicuous.

Not to mention that Academician Pan showed Xu Yun's headshot on the screen in the early stage of the press conference. Many participants around the conference still had some impressions of Xu Yun.

Even during the press conference, several professors kindly exchanged business cards and contact information with Xu Yun. As for Xu Yun's own potential or Academician Pan behind him, this is unknown.

Looking at the big bosses around who turned their heads to look at him from time to time.

Xu Yun suddenly looked confused:


What's going on?

I just wanted to lie down peacefully in the audience and win, and wondered whether I should write an online novel "The Beginning Trains Mentors to Become Nobel Prize Winners", but why did the topic suddenly come to me?

Xu Yun felt as if he was dreaming of Pei Zhuxuan's long legs wrapped around his waist and his dexterous tongue licking his ears, but he suddenly woke up from the dream and found that half of his ear was full of barbed cockroaches. long legs

at the same time.

After a slight pause in the barrage in the live broadcast room, a classic re-enactment came again:

[Fuck, Hina! 】

【Choo Choo Choo! 】

Wei Teng's words were really beyond everyone's expectations. Even Hou Xingyuan in the background was stunned for more than ten seconds before sending instructions:

"Xiao Pan, agree to Wei Teng's request. We will announce the specific probability formula on the big screen. In addition."

"Give the microphone to Xiao Xu."

Hou Xingyuan's meaning is very clear:

The Academy of Sciences did not interrupt Wei Teng before, and now it is even more impossible to refuse Wei Teng's request - it is not difficult for Xu Yun to accept the questioning.


Academician Pan hesitated for half a second before he took a deep breath and said to Wei Teng:

"No problem, Mr. Witten, our background staff is already fetching data, and it will be displayed on the big screen behind me in a while."

After finishing speaking, Academician Pan paused, and his eyes swept over the area where Xu Yun was with some concern:

"Also. Dr. Xu Yun, please stand up."



Xu Yun's hands grasping the edge of the table suddenly exerted force.

After a while.

He took two deep breaths, silently said a few blessings from the old fairy Xudong, and slowly stood up from his seat.

Even though he has been a human in two lifetimes, he has never seen such an exciting battle.


In 1100 copies.

He once brought Xiao Zhao, Lao Su and others into trouble.

In the 1850 copy.

He even showed off his skills in front of wheat, Faraday, Gauss and others.

But Xu Yun in the dungeon knew the direction of history long ago, knew that his coup d'état was an act of benefit to China, and knew that his experiments would be 100% successful.

Therefore, Xu Yun is actually more or less ignorant of the exciting things in the dungeon.

But today is different.

He was facing all the bigwigs in the world except Glashow in 2023, and he didn't have much advanced knowledge in his mind.

In this situation.

Unless Xu Yun is Feng Bujue, he will be somewhat nervous.

But there is no way, at this time, I can only bite the bullet and go on.

Then soon.

A staff member walked quickly to the tenth row and handed a microphone to Xu Yun.

Then, when passing by Lu Chaoyang's side, he quietly stuffed another microphone into Lu Chaoyang's hand.

It is clear.

This is a temporary backup made by the Academy of Sciences. Although it may not be useful, Lu Chaoyang's experience in this area is still much stronger than Xu Yun's.

If the situation really got out of control, Lu Chaoyang would stand up and take Xu Yun's words.

At that time, if we cooperate with Academician Pan on stage, we can somewhat control the situation.

After Xu Yun got up.

The scene suddenly fell silent.

Even Atsuto Suzuki, the 'big villain' who came to make trouble, couldn't help showing a hint of curiosity at this moment.

After all, it is one thing for Suzuki to be bad, and it is undeniable that he is indeed very capable.

As a practitioner of high-energy physics, it is absolutely impossible for you to say that he is not curious at this time.


Even Academician Pan and Hou Xingyuan had a slight expectation in their hearts apart from nervousness and worry.

After Xu Yun stood up.

The camera on the stage quickly split into two.

Half of them were aimed at Xu Yun, and the other half were aimed at Wei Teng.

After a while.

Wei Teng felt that the time was almost up, so he took the initiative to say:

"Dr. Xu Yun, how did you derive this equation?"

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