"The abnormal data comes from Academician Zhou and his group."

With the export of Wei Teng's words.

The entire press conference site was instantly silent, and needles could be heard in the audience.

on the podium.

Academician Pan's originally polite smile became stiff in an instant.

After a while.

buzz buzz --

From all directions on the scene, a low-pitched murmur sounded without warning, and it looked like two thousand vibrating eggs vibrating.

Someone was surprised.

Some people questioned.

Some people eat melons to watch the show.

Some people were overjoyed.

Christine whistled playfully, Lu Chaoyang clenched his fists tightly, and for the first time a trace of anxiety appeared in Hou Xingyuan's eyes.

at the same time.

In the live broadcast room where [666] barrage had been swiped before, a question mark floated again:

[? ? ? ? ? 】

Some extreme users even couldn't help but began to spray unfriendly words.

If it is not the platform's own filter.

At this time, some people started to swear if the guarantee was not complete.

mentioned earlier.

Since the dark matter achievement of the Pangu particle is used as a backing, the Academy of Sciences can basically sit firmly on the Diaoyutai during the calculation process of the "Pluto" particle, without worrying about overturning the car.

But beware.

The description used in this sentence is only 'basically', not 'completely' or '100 percent'.

In other words, in terms of probability, the Academy of Sciences has a certain possibility of accidents.

And this possibility is.

Everyone at the scene deduced the result correctly, and only the Academy of Sciences made a major mistake.

It's just that the probability of this happening is very small, and it can even be said to be infinitely close to zero-because the derivation of this magnitude requires a large number of preset parameters in many aspects.

If there is a calculation error in one or even several parameters, it is indeed possible.

But the problem is that if these parameters are wrong, Zhou Shaoping will not be able to generate a self-consistent result.

That is to say, in the whole experimental process, there are only two situations in theory:

Either there is a problem with the parameters, two people have been tinkering for a long time and can't figure out anything, and the screen with data interruption shows 404 or error.

Either a result was successfully obtained, and everyone watched the final verification with great joy.

Let's take another example that is easier to understand.

It's as if you gave ten people the exact same computer accessories and had them sit in rows to build the computer.

during assembly.

Due to unskilled reasons, some people may not fix the memory module, or some people may connect the wrong data cable or power supply.

But no matter what kind of mistake it is, the consequence is that the computer cannot be turned on normally.

But what about Zhou Shaoping's current situation?

It’s like the power is turned on normally, and the computer starts up normally, but what pops up is not the Windows system, but the host screen of Xiaobawang, with a Super Mario bouncing around in front of you.

This is quite outrageous, and it can even be said to challenge cognition a bit.

Think here.

Zhou Shaoping beside Xu Yun could not help but step forward and asked Wei Teng:

"Mr. Witten, are you sure you read the data correctly?"

Wei Teng shook his head when he heard the words, pointed to the data terminal in front of him and said:

"Mr. Zhou, I would like to guarantee with my reputation and personality that I have not misread any symbols."

"Mr. Zhou, if you disagree with my judgment, you can come and check it yourself."

Although the tone of Wei Teng's denial was quite firm, his face was not very good-looking.

After all, this is the home field of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the group representing the Academy of Sciences has another incident.

Although Wei Teng dared to swear that this matter had nothing to do with him, and the Academy of Sciences could not be stupid enough to put a hat on himself, but human beings are social and emotional creatures.

Even if Witten himself has nothing to do with the calculation process, if something happens right now, he will be somewhat affected.

Over the years, the status of Huaxia's physics community has been rising year by year. If it offends the Chinese Academy of Sciences like this, it will obviously be a big loss.

Of course.

Now that things have happened, we can only take one step at a time.

At this moment, Zhou Shaoping's complexion was much uglier than Wei Teng's, but he was a person who had seen strong winds and waves after all, so he could still keep awake.

He walked quickly to Wei Teng, put his head in front of the data terminal, and looked at the data seriously.

Although Wei Teng dared to say the above words, it basically represented certain results, but for Zhou Shaoping, it was obviously impossible to surrender directly without looking at everything - he was from Gaoyou, not Gaul.

at the same time.

Elder Yang, Higgs and others also stood beside Zhou Shaoping, and checked the data with him.

As for Xu Yun.

In front of these Nobel Prize winners and even Nobel Prize-level bosses, he, the little transparent, can only stand aside and act as a mascot.

However, although no specific data can be seen, Xu Yun has a vague guess in his heart at this time.

At this time, Dirichlet's thinking card has not yet expired, and under the blessing of the big man's vision, Xu Yun's mind is spinning again quickly.

Could it be that.

Is my premonition true?


A total of eight tabs are displayed on the data terminal, corresponding to the calculation results of the eight groups.

These calculation results are not scattered formulas, but Fermi surface information constructed through parameters.

After all, Feimi noodles are said to be 'noodles', but just like there is no wife in wife cakes, there is no husband and wife in husband and wife lung slices, and there is no change in 30,000 miles per day, Feimi noodles are not a real noodle.

Therefore, what the data terminal simulates is naturally not a 3D image, but a statistical column similar to an atlas, which contains some data that can be fed back to the Fermi surface.

For example, the Landau energy level.

This is the decomposition of electronic energy into unidirectional kinetic energy plus a simple harmonic energy, and it is only related to two quantum numbers kz and v.

In this energy level framework, the energy of free electrons can be divided into magnetic sub-energy bands by continuous curves, which is a very important data.

Another example is the cross-sectional positive value.

This is also one of the few common concepts of the particle physics Fermi surface and the semiconductor Fermi surface, which is related to the degree of degeneracy.

However, a macroscopic property change occurs at the Fermi surface of semiconductors, called the De Haas-van Alphen effect, while particle physics is limited to the density range.

Other than that.

There are also particle occupancy states, particle distribution functions, peaks of spectral functions, etc.

Still using the previous computer assembly as an example.

The formulas calculated by Xu Yun and Zhou Shaoping before are equivalent to the hardware used in the assembly process, that is, data cables, power cables, solid-state drives and so on.

At this time, the Fermi surface data displayed on the terminal is equivalent to the computer configuration analyzed by Master Lu or 360.

For example, the graphics card is 750ti, the hard disk is 120G, etc.

Both feed back the performance of the computer, but compared to the previous assembly process, the content on the data terminal is obviously more intuitive.

"Phase transition constant 53.456"

"M point is above"

"with tie covariate 2.55554 ± 0.004"

As he looked at the data line by line, Zhou Shaoping's brows gradually frowned.

as expected.

Compared with other eight groups of data (including Weiteng).

Let's call the group he and Xu Yun the Academy of Sciences group. The data fed back by the Academy of Sciences group does have obvious discrepancies.

However, these discrepancies in the data, in Zhou Shaoping's view, are a bit weird.

Because some of the data are normal and consistent with the data of the same name in the other eight groups.

For example, phase transition constants, particle distribution functions, etc.

But some of the data can be said to be very different, completely of two types. It can even be said to be two orders of magnitude.

The concept of magnitude may sound a bit rotten, but if it is explained with an example in life, the perception may be a little different:

The mathematical expression of magnitude is a certain power of 10, that is, at least ten times.

Generally speaking.

An adult and a mobile phone, if the height is considered without considering the volume, they are exactly an order of magnitude different.

In reality, the common height of ordinary adults is only 150-190. Occasionally, some tall or short people like Yao Ming or Pandora will be as tall as the sky, and it is impossible for people with a height of more than ten centimeters to appear.

In other words.

Normally, an error of this magnitude cannot occur within a certain framework.

At the same time, what puzzled Zhou Shaoping was that

In addition to the obvious difference in magnitude.

The derivation of these errors or abnormal data is both Xu Yun and himself, which means that the difference is not caused by the mistakes of one party.

But the probability that both of them make mistakes at the same time

To be honest, it's not that big - the reason has been explained above, if there is a problem with the data, theoretically this 'computer' should not be able to run.

And just when Zhou Shaoping was a little puzzled.

Anton Segelin next to him suddenly gave a light snort, pointed to a certain line on the screen and said:

"Huh? Look, what's going on here?"

".Zhou, didn't you perform calculations from vector rotations of limited angles?"

Zhou Shaoping had studied abroad in the early years, and his English proficiency was very high. Hearing this, he subconsciously nodded and replied in fluent English:

"That's right, our group did not consider vector rotations with limited angles, the entry point is the matrix of rotation operators around the y-axis"

As a result, the last metaword has not been finished yet.

Zhou Shaoping suddenly realized something, his expression froze.

After recovering.

He hastily said sorry to Salinger, and returned to the screen of the data terminal to look at the data.

"matrix element matrix element."

After more than ten seconds.

There was a flash of surprise in Zhou Shaoping's eyes.

I see

He just felt a little strange.

Why does the abnormal data cover both him and Xu Yun, and it is mainly distributed in some intervals containing operators.

It turned out that when they selected the coupling base and prepared to do vector connection, the direction they chose was not vector rotation with a limited angle.


Matrix elements of the rotation operator around the y-axis.

well known.

Vector rotation of finite angles.

This is a very common concept in particle physics. Or its application involves the relationship between angular momentum and rotation.

For the rotation of the scalar function in a general sense, the angular momentum operator plays the role of the generator, and then it is only necessary to use the group theory to consider the rotation function field.

Just like QQ and Wechat are commonly used for voice instead of YY or TT, it is a choice after multiple group optimizations.

It is much more difficult to rotate the matrix elements of the operator around the y-axis, or around a certain limited axis.

Because it contains not only small angular displacements, but also angular displacements of other scenarios.

While the tiny angular displacement is a vector, the angular displacement space is a connected subgroup of the orthogonal matrix Lie group, that is, the angular displacement does not satisfy vector addition.

In other words.

The small angular displacement is the Lie algebra of the angular displacement, and the range to be discussed is different.

Therefore, although the matrix element of the rotation operator around a certain limited axis will be more accurate in many conditions, most people will still choose the simpler vector rotation of a limited angle-because of all known particles, the latter are all Be applicable.

That is, the so-called precision of the former is actually meaningless.

Actually at the very beginning.

Zhou Shaoping also considers the limited angle vector rotation as the starting point, after all, this is a very routine operation.

But to Zhou Shaoping's surprise, Xu Yun proposed the idea of ​​rotating the matrix elements of the operator around the y-axis.

Since their conversation was broadcast live to the outside world, and Xu Yun's idea was in another direction but it was also feasible, so Zhou Shaoping also chose to push the boat along.

The result was unexpected.

Is this change in the cutting direction that actually caused such a huge error in the whole result?

Think here.

The next thought that came to Zhou Shaoping's mind was not that he lost face, but that

How can we keep Xu Yun?

After all, once this happened, Xu Yun would definitely be pushed to the forefront.

At that time, the degree of oppression of public opinion will even far exceed the previous smear incidents.

This is not Zhou Shaoping's random thinking, but there are precedents to follow.

The last one who had a highlight performance like Xu Yun today, and then had an accident at home was an athlete called


This is a familiar figure who does not need any introduction, and it is also a case that cannot be ignored in China's "Internet Explosion History".

The Internet in 2023 will be much, much more developed than it was in 2008. Any character may collapse in an instant, and the filter will be completely broken.

Zhou Shaoping himself is not worried about cyberbullying.

Firstly, his information is very confidential, secondly, he doesn’t go online often, and thirdly, he is a person from that special era, and the pressure of public opinion is nothing to him.

But Xu Yun is different.

Xu Yun is still young, and Zhou Shaoping is amazed by his high potential.

If the state of mind is affected by public opinion.

To know.

Even Madame Curie, who was honored at the beginning, couldn't bear the pressure of public opinion after her love affair with Lang Zhiwan was exposed. She ran to a monastery in Gaul and hid for 14 months. A mental illness that lasts a lifetime.

And Teacher Zhu Jun.

Because of the deliberate slander of certain forces, in just a few years, he looked as haggard as a different person.

He was wronged not long ago, but no one cared how many bowls he ate.

These are examples of big figures in their respective fields, let alone Xu Yun.

But the question is how can I keep Xu Yun?

Take all the responsibility on yourself?

If this approach can be trusted by the public, it will definitely work.

But at that time, the content of Xu Yun's communication with himself was public, and he didn't show much guiding awareness in the process.

Or simply say that this is a preset script?

Feasibility does not seem high

And just when Zhou Shaoping was a little irritable.

Suddenly, a sound like a broken blower sounded beside him:

"Zhou Sang, it seems that this time the Chinese Academy of Sciences has some problems in the selection of candidates. It's really a pity that it fell to the ground."

Zhou Shaoping followed the trend and looked.

as expected.

At this moment Suzuki Atsuto was holding his hands behind his back, shaking his head while looking at the screen of the data terminal with 'regret'.

Seeing Zhou Shaoping looking at him, Atsuto Suzuki grinned at him again:

"Zhou Sang, you don't have to be too sad. After all, the most important quality for us scientific researchers is to be able to accept reality."

"For example, there is an old saying among you, Guo, called Xixiwu Wei Junjie, am I right?"

Atsuto Suzuki's last words were in Chinese, and his smile was so bright that he could clearly see a vegetable leaf on his back molars.

After all, this old Baga was depressed for the entire press conference, thinking that today's old face would be completely lost.

The result was unexpected.

Zhou Shaoping and Xu Yun, the young and old, actually gave him such a good chance to fight back at the end of the press conference.


What he said was a bit of an insult, and he might receive a lot of criticism after the meeting, even from Neon China.

But he is a person who is about to go to the earth to meet Da Baobei, and even acted as a clown at the press conference, so why care about these things now?

The sarcasm is over.

Think here.

Atsuto Suzuki realized something again, and turned his head to look at it.

Xu Yun on the side.

In a sense, Zhou Shaoping's situation is somewhat similar to his own, to the point where he doesn't need to care too much about public opinion.

But Xu Yun is different.

Judging from the ability he has shown today, his potential is comparable to Masahiro Ueda of Nihong Dongda University.

No, even several times taller than Masahiro Ueda!

At Xu Yun's age, Ueda Masahiro was far from being so outstanding.

If this young man can be kicked hard, then he can at least stop the loss as much as possible.

So Atsuto Suzuki coughed lightly and asked Xu Yun:

"Xu Sang, have you read the result yourself?"

Xu Yun nodded:

"I read part of it."

"how do you feel?"

"I removed most of the operators that are not rich items, but kept some of them. I think you only know that you are calculating vector connections by keeping some of the operators that contain rich items."

"Was it intentional or was it careless?"

"on purpose."

Atsuto Suzuki:


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