Into Unscientific

Chapter 466 Particle's true identity! (Down)

"This is actually two particles that are very close together, as if"

"Holding hands?"

Due to the long participation time.

Elder Yang's energy was almost exhausted at this time, so when he spoke, his tone sounded a little weak.

But with the assistance of radio equipment.

Yang Lao's words spread throughout the venue in an instant. No, it should be the entire network.

Even people who don't know much about particle physics can understand what Mr. Yang said:

that signal

Actually two particles?

After a while.

In the rooms of the major live broadcast platforms, I don’t know how many times a row of question marks appeared:

[? ? ? ? ? 】

There was a huge commotion at the scene.

at the same time.

tenth row.

Surprised, Lu Chaoyang suddenly thought of something.

He quickly turned out his original calculation manuscript paper, picked up the pen, and bowed his head to calculate.

"If it's two particles if it's two particles."

"Then there is no need to expand the parallel vector, and the vacuum quantum number doubles."

Since the final form of the entire formula has been determined.

So at this time, Lu Chaoyang only needs to modify some of the parameters to complete the calculation quickly.

More than half a minute later.

The quantum ghost dropped the pen with a snap, took a deep breath, and murmured:

"To the fourth power of .3.188, the energy scale is aligned, exactly two orders of magnitude."

Then he looked at Christine beside him, and said in a daze:

"Ms. Christine, if the signal is two particles, then all the data anomalies we encountered before... can be explained smoothly."

I heard this.

Christine, who had been waiting for the result, couldn't help opening her mouth:

"My God, but is this possible?"

well known.

in particle physics.

A particle may have partners, or isotopes with different mass numbers, or even dozens of them.

However, due to the non-degeneracy of the energy levels caused by the one-dimensional infinitely deep symmetric square potential well, theoretically only one particle exists near a certain energy level in an experiment.

Because the same kind of charged particles will be bounced away by the electromagnetic force, the electromagnetic force is stronger than the gravitational force at this time.

There are two cases for non-identical charged particles:

Either form a chemical bond.

Or, like electrons and protons, they turn into neutrons under extreme pressure, and a nuclear reaction occurs, and the boom turns this place into Hao Ren's happy house.

On the quantum scale, it is impossible for two particles to form the current almost one-body equilibrium state at this level of "intimacy".

Another analogy.

The handsome reader has a Mercedes-Benz C-class car, and bought a parking space in the community.

In the community, you can see cars of various brands, such as Buick, Volkswagen, BYD, etc., and occasionally E-class or S-class that belong to Mercedes-Benz.

But no matter what kind of car, they have no intersection with you in terms of ownership.

You can't drive those cars, and the only one that can fit in your space at the same time is your own, and all cars obey this rule.

As a result, one day when you passed the parking space of your neighbor's house, you suddenly found two cars parked on top of each other in the same parking space, and when you were traveling, one was on top of the other, and the traffic police let it drive casually.

This tmd is outrageous.

The current situation is almost like this, which obviously shocks the three views.

That's why no one, including Mr. Yang and Wei Teng, thought that the signal was sent by two particles.

But on the other hand.

It is indeed established in the data.

That is, two particles holding hands appear in the community (particle energy level), avoiding the supervision of microscopic rules (traffic police), and whizzing past you.

Of course.

The premise here is the same experiment.

If the number of experiments is different, it is possible for two different particles to show similar energy levels:

For example, both ∧2350 and ∧2150 hyperons have collision magnitudes around 1.9GeV, but only one of them will be generated in one experiment, and it is impossible to appear at the same time.

"It's not over yet."

While Christine was shocked, Lu Chaoyang glanced at the girl again:

"Don't forget that after the energy scale is aligned, it not only means that the shape of the two particles is mathematically consistent, but more importantly."

"The model we talked about before is probably true now."

Christine was taken aback again.

After recovering.

A tingling sensation instantly rushed from the tailbone to the top of her head.

"Oh my god. It's so exciting"

Elder Yang and the others in the first row were not aware of the conversation between Lu Chaoyang and Christine. At this moment, they were sitting together, verifying the feasibility of the simultaneous existence of two particles from more detailed data.

"Topological Susceptibility is OK"

"The decay factor was successfully balanced."

"It is no wonder that the eigenvalues ​​are normal, but the expression of the scalar field is such a situation, because one of the two particles is a fermion, and the other is a boson."

With the model of the two particles substituted.

All the data anomalies that plagued everyone earlier have been answered.

After more than ten minutes.

Hou Xingyuan's assistant Gao Hongwen hurriedly found Academician Pan and handed him a document that was still hot:

"Academician Pan, CERN has conducted a verification of the additional mechanism of splitting, and confirmed that signs of two kinds of particles were found in the final state of Σ3!"

"However, their energy level splitting range is very small, only about 520 eV."

Academician Pan took the report and glanced at it, then nodded at him:

"I understand, thank you for your hard work, Xiao Gao."


This is an unconventional verification method rarely seen in particle collision experiments.

It is a beam energy scan of the heavy ion collision process, and the experimental phenomenon is explained by different average field potentials.

The main purpose is to distinguish the refinement properties of adjacent particles in the segment.

Even CERN may use one or two split verifications throughout the year, so no one has thought of this before.

And at this very moment.

The release of the splitting result also formally represented the correctness of Yang Lao's conjecture.

In other words.

This 923.8GeV signal is indeed jointly emitted by the two particles.

To know.

Under the prerequisite of the same number of rounds.

At present, the particles with the closest collision energy level are Σ1580 baryons and B mesons, and the energy level signals of the two have a difference of 57 MeV.

At present, the difference between the two particles is only 520eV, which cannot be explained by normal theory.

Therefore, after the existence of two particles is determined mathematically.

A question on the physical level was placed in front of everyone:

How did this 'state' come about?

Then Wei Teng thought about it, and asked Mr. Yang:

"Yang, do you have any other opinions?"

Upon hearing the words, Mr. Yang quickly glanced at Xu Yun beside him, and seeing Xu Yun's obedient .JPG expression, he shook his head:

"there is none left."

Wei Teng followed Xu Yun with his eyes, and his tone was not obviously disappointed. After all, his greatest pressure has been relieved:

"In this case, let's follow the old rules and start with the particle structure first."

"At present, judging from the magnitude, at least it, or they, should conform to the existing mechanism in terms of structure."

Polyakov and the others looked at each other and nodded slightly.

Then everyone picked up another trajectory report in front of the table one by one, and read it carefully.

Mentioned earlier.

For the relevant properties of a composite particle, that is, to judge which kind of particle it is in the model, it can be judged from the cross-section of the generation path, the branch ratio of the decay path and other data.

But if you want to determine the composition structure and deep-level physical properties of a certain particle, it is much, much more complicated.

Because this involves real 'fundamental' physics.

"From the perspective of collision magnitude, these two particles should be hadrons."

Polyakov, who looked like a brown bear, looked at the report and took a sip of vodka:

"However, its chirality is a bit strange. Could it be that the η meson has modified it?"

Nima next to him quickly shook his head, turned sideways and pointed to a certain line of data:

"Mr. Polyakov, look here, the error of the magnetic distance deviation is 1.4/10,000."

"According to the 3X3 matrix analysis of the static particle model of classical electron dynamics, the correction effect of the η meson is obviously impossible to be so high."

Polyakov quickly did some mental calculations, and finally nodded with his lips pursed:

"You're right, Nima."

Then he thought for a while, and took another sip of vodka:

"If it's not because of the η meson correction, then it can only be a matter of degrees of freedom."

this time.

Nima didn't raise any doubts.

well known.

The physics community refers to the particles participating in the strong interaction as hadrons. Hadrons include mesons, baryons and Liu Huaqiang, cough cough

Among them, the first hadrons discovered were protons and neutrons, because the atomic nucleus is composed of protons and neutrons.

Then, since the beginning of the last century, scientists have successively observed various hadrons from cosmic rays.

The properties of these hadrons vary, including properties such as mass, decay period, spin, and parity.

Slowly, as more and more hadrons were discovered, everyone began to wonder whether these hadrons could be classified.

And since it is necessary to classify, there must be a standard.

For example, we divide human beings into children, young people, middle-aged, old people, etc. according to their age—the mathematical expression is the specific age number.

In theoretical physics, they have a technical term:

degrees of freedom.

Thanks to the efforts of the physics community, the baryon was finally separated into the baryon octet state-now it has developed into the decaite state.

Although these two words read like the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, they are actually very profound and important concepts in particle physics.

Particles in the baryon octet state have the same spin and parity, but different masses, protons and neutrons can also be attributed to this.

And the degree-of-freedom model to divide the quality is.


This is also a very critical model of basic physics after World War II.

In 1964.

Gell-Mann and Zweig independently proposed the quark model in order to study and explain the strong interaction.

Point out that quarks are the more basic level, and 3 quarks can form a baryon.

At that time, Gell-Mann believed that there were 3 kinds of quarks, namely:

u (up) quark, d (down) quark, s (strange) quark.

Chinese translation as "up quark", "down quark", "strange quark".

When the "quark" model came out, like many great ideas in history, it was doubted and ignored.

Even Gell-Mann himself was a little skeptical that quarks really existed, preferring to explain them as a useful mathematical concept rather than a real particle.

Gell-Mann's attitude towards the question of the reality of quarks is to hide and hide.

On the one hand, he explained the advantages of the quark model, on the other hand, he only said that the quark model is mathematical and fictitious, never mentioning that quarks are real particles.

Gell-Mann once famously said:

"If quarks are not found, remember that I never said they existed; if they are found, remember that I thought of them in the first place."

all in all.

Until the 1970s, the quark model was questioned both theoretically and experimentally.

In 1970.

Glashow, who was just out of danger yesterday, proposed a fourth type of quark, namely the charm quark, or c quark for short.

After the news came out.

Like Gell-Mann, Glashow's theory was criticized.

At that time, a large number of physicists opposed the quark model. They thought that 3 quarks were bad enough, and who needed a 4th quark.

Moreover, in order to explain a phenomenon, it seems too far-fetched to forcefully expand the quark blindly.

But what everyone didn't expect was.

In November 1974, Mr. Ding Zhaozhong discovered a new particle and named it J/ψ.

At that time, a large amount of evidence showed that the J/ψ particle was composed of the c quark predicted by Glashow.

Later, the particle physics community called the discovery of J/ψ the "November Revolution", which was a victory for the quark model and a series of gauge theories closely related to quarks.

Since then, the concept of quarks has gradually become popular, and new quarks have been discovered one after another, and finally fixed at a number:


That is to say, all hadronic matter is composed of six kinds of quarks.

Of course.

The determination of 6-flavored quarks does not mean that fundamental physics has come to an end, but has raised a new question:

How many combinations of quarks are there?

Although due to the existence of quark confinement, quarks cannot form matter alone.

But over the years, various multiquark particles have been discovered.

For example, in 2014, LHCb discovered the tetraquark state particle Z (4430), which caused a shock in the particle physics world.

Then this end has not yet been shaken. In 2015, LHCb announced the discovery of pentaquark particles-or two kinds, called Pc (4450) and Pc (4380).

And you thought it would be all right?


Within two weeks, they discovered that the particle Pc(4450) is actually composed of two independent pentaquark particles Pc(4440) and Pc(4457)

It is said that during that time, CERN invited more than a dozen psychologists to give psychological counseling to the researchers of the LHCb laboratory.

Of course.

Even the two particles Pc(4440) and Pc(4457) are far larger in the interdomain than the group of particles currently being analyzed by Wei Teng et al.

Then Witten flipped through the experiment report and focused on the quark structure of the target particle.

After all, Nima has already ruled out the correction effect of the η meson, which means that these two particles cannot be a baryon and a meson sticking together to form a loosely bonded structure.

Then the abnormal place must be in their internal configuration.

That is.

Strange Hadron.

The report given by CERN is very detailed, a thick stack of no less than three or four centimeters, and the report related to quarks alone is no less than one centimeter.

The report on quark events differs from that on subatomic particles, showing mainly low-momentum but high-purity data, with the main analysis focused on mass peaks and broad structures near threshold.

Swipe la la——

Wei Teng quickly consulted the mass spectrum of the double J/ψ channel in the fitting signal area, and his focus was only on the obvious layered α signal.

However, when turning over a certain page like an assembly line, Wei Teng's index finger suddenly paused.

Then he turned the page again, and turned it back in front of him again.

Wei Teng's eyes lingered on a certain line of data for a long time, and there was no sign of horror in his calm eyes.

I saw him put the report aside independently, like a teacher calling out the students who were handing in their homework in class, and frantically searched for the data.

ten minutes later.

A stack of dozens of small documents piled up on the desktop.

Wei Teng held the stack of documents tightly, and carefully checked the contents one by one.

Another few minutes passed.

Wei Teng suddenly let out a long breath, looked at the people in front of him with complicated eyes, and said:

"Everyone, I seem to know the reason for the abnormality of these two particles."

I heard this.

Including Mr. Yang and Xu Yun, everyone raised their heads at the same time and looked at this top theoretical physicist.

at the same time.

The camera also tightly locked on Wei Teng's face.

Wei Teng didn't hide it, after all, it's not good to ask for a day off, cough cough, after all, it's not very easy to show off at this time.

I saw him wave the report in his hand lightly, and said to everyone:

"Everyone should have discovered that in the previous decay process of the Pangu particle, we have observed the signal of the double charm quark jet."

Everyone nodded in unison.

Double Charm Quark Spray.

This is a signal discovered during the verification process of dark matter, but at that time, because the case had nothing to do with dark matter, many people did not take it to heart.

After all, although double charm quarks are extremely rare and have only been observed eleven times so far, they are still far behind dark matter. (It was only three times when I wrote Chapter 216, and now the result iteration is too fast)

Then Wei Teng looked around the crowd and continued:

"Everyone should know that to produce a double-charmed particle, two pairs of positive and anti-charm quark pairs must be produced simultaneously in the collision, that is, a total of four heavy-flavored quarks."

"Everyone, please pay attention here, this is the strange spectrum of hadrons before the formation of particles, one two three four."

"That is, at the beginning of the particle formation, two pairs of positive and anti-charm quarks appeared in the collision area, and there were double charm particles."

"However, according to the energy level structure, after the particle was formed, the traces of the double charm particle disappeared, and at the same time, a charm quark appeared inside each particle on both sides."

Then Witten paused, and changed another report:

"Let's take a look at this again."

"This is the source constant of the strong nuclear force measured with strange quarks, and it can be clearly seen that the value is extremely abnormal."

"The only particle that 'bonds' the strong nuclear force is the gluon."

"Although the principle is not clear for the time being, is it possible to think so?"

"During the collision process, a certain double charm quark particle divided its 'body' into two particles, as for the 'soul'."

"Then 'reincarnated' into a gluon in some unknown way, and merged with the original gluon forever?"

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