With Huang Yuting and Xu Yun's two proposals.

The temporary version of the gravity gradiometer does not have any difficult problems in terms of the structure and principle.

However, considering that it was approaching six o'clock in the morning, although Huang Yuting and Lin Chen, who were exhausted by boats and cars, could still persist ideologically, they had already shown obvious fatigue in terms of physical strength and energy.

So at Xu Yun's insistence.

Including Ge Tongyou and Xu Yun himself, everyone went back to the guest house to rest temporarily.

To be honest.

Compared with the Ritz-Carlton in Chengdu, the guest house at Xichang Satellite Launch Base is relatively ordinary.

After all, the nature of the base dictates it.

Since it is an official scientific research institution, the overall style of the guest house must not be too luxurious and flamboyant, and the gold-plated handrails on the crystal ceiling must not exist.

However, although the decoration of the guest house is relatively simple, the indoor facilities are still very good, and the mattresses and quilts are very clean and comfortable.

Not long after Xu Yun went to bed, he fell into a deep sleep.

Before falling asleep.

Suddenly, a thought flashed through his mind:

Speaking of which, the two meals owed to the cockroach lady seem to be skipped again.

Nothing to say all night.

In the next two days.

Xu Yun, Ge Tongyou, Huang Yuting and others have optimized the structure and several major modules many times.

Academician Pan first accompanied Mr. Wang back to Rongcheng—Although Mr. Wang was quite energetic occasionally, he was still relatively sluggish most of the time, and his indicators were not very healthy.

For example, Wang Lao's blood oxygen concentration has been fluctuating between 91 and 93, which is really unhealthy.

Therefore, even though Xichang has good recuperation conditions, Academician Pan accompanied Mr. Wang back to Rongcheng.

Two days later.

Seven o'clock in the morning.

Ge Tongyou and Li Hua waited at the gate of the base early with Xu Yun and others.

Whether it was Xu Yun or Huang Yuting, their faces were a little excited and expectant at this time.

After a while.

Lin Chen, who has been paying attention to the distance, pointed forward and said loudly:

"Sister Huang, the car is here!"

Huang Yuting suddenly raised her head when she heard the words, and looked in the direction Lin Chen pointed.

Only at this moment.

On the avenue outside the launch base, a convoy of six trucks slowly appeared.

The exterior of each vehicle is painted with a green camouflage coating, and the cargo box is also covered with a camouflage net to prevent satellite photography, which is obviously unusual.

Seeing this, everyone got up one after another and waited at the entrance.

A few minutes later.

The convoy stopped about five meters from the entrance.

The car door opened quickly, and a man in his thirties jumped out.

The man was wearing casual clothes at this time, but his whole body exuded a military atmosphere, his face was extremely resolute and calm, and he looked like a reliable and upright person.

After getting off.

Holding a very thin document, the man walked quickly to the crowd and asked:

"Hello everyone, who is Chief Engineer Li Huali?"

Hearing this, Li Hua took a step forward and handed over the work card he had prepared a long time ago:

"Hello comrade, I am Li Hua."

The man took the work card and looked at it carefully for a while, then handed it back to Li Hua:

"Mr. Li, hello, I am Cao Yi, the person in charge of the confidential transport convoy of the XX Department of the 29th Institute, and I am a major."

"I was ordered to come here today to hand over the relevant equipment with you. What I have in hand is the handover list."

"Li Gong, where do you think it would be more suitable for us to unload and hand over the goods?"

Li Hua shook hands with Cao Yi, then pointed to the inside of the base:

"We have prepared the location, it's inside the base, Major Cao, let the driver drive the car in."

Cao Yi nodded upon hearing this, turned around and gestured to the motorcade driver:

"Wei Fan, drive the car in!"

After the car starts.

Xu Yun on the side looked at the team curiously.

The 29 institutes mentioned by Cao Yi refer to the 29th Research Institute of Huaxia Electronics Technology Group Corporation.

It is a very special scientific research unit like the Mianyang Institute of Chinese Physics, that is, the Ninth Academy of Mianyang.

Rao Xu Yun had worked in Chengfei for many years in his previous life, and his understanding of this organization was quite limited.

I only vaguely heard that 29 is engaged in Gundam, Star Destroyer, and artificial Tiga.

Today's meeting was Xu Yun's first formal contact with people from the 29th Institute in his two lifetimes.

Then under the guidance of Li Hua.

The convoy drove into the base one after another, and stopped at the door of a warehouse.

At this time, several forklifts and equipment to assist in unloading were already on standby at the door of the warehouse. After the tailgate of the truck was lowered, the workers quickly unloaded the boxes sealed with metal or wood.

After half an hour or so.

All the unloaded boxes were placed in the warehouse, which were divided into left and right areas according to the wood and metal shells.

Wait until the cargo is unloaded.

Cao Yi first took Li Hua to the wood area, pointed to this area and introduced:

"Gong Li, according to the previous classification in the institute, the wooden boxes are filled with relatively basic and solid equipment."

"For example, landing gear, gyroscopes, trident slides, windshields, etc."

"So I have a suggestion, let's start from here to check and check, and get the simple links done first."

Li Hua nodded:

"no problem."

There are 13 or 14 wooden boxes in total, and they are neatly stacked on the left side of everyone.

The small one is about the size of an urn, the large one is about the size of a coffin, and the largest one is almost as tall as the incinerator.

With the assistance of Cao Yi's technical staff.

These wooden boxes were quickly opened intact.

Li Hua and Ge Tongyou took their assistants and divided them into two, checking them one by one.

These modules loaded in the wooden box are very simple, and belong to the basic structure that Xichang Satellite Launch Center itself can create.

The reason why these modules have been forged by the 29th Institute is because the processing plants inside the base are always in a state of combat readiness, and some procedures and procedures need to be followed to start up.

It takes a long time to go back and forth, far more than asking the 29th Institute to help polish it.

This part is also the easiest part to count, just check whether there is any serious depression on the outside.

So less than ten minutes.

Li Hua and Ge Tongyou finished counting and returned to Cao Yi:

"Major Cao, there is nothing wrong with these devices."

Cao Yi still showed no fluctuations in his expression, and turned to look at the other metal box:

"In that case. Li Gong, let's start counting the key equipment next. Li Gong, I will not get involved in this part, and I will leave the details to you."

Li Hua nodded to him again, and led Tongyou Ge to the front of a metal box.

Ge Tongyou bent down first, found a serial number on the box, and reported it:


Li Hua took out a tablet-like device from his body, fiddled with it a few times, and soon a string of numbers appeared on the screen:


This is the electronic code sent by Office 29 in advance. After all, the gravity gradiometer has a lot to do with it—even the beggar version.

In order to avoid wrangling and suspicion, this method is necessary.

Ge Tongyou quickly entered the numbers.

After a while.

The metal box made a low clicking sound, and a small opening of about one centimeter slowly opened at the top.

Li Hua inserted his finger into the opening and lifted it up vigorously.

The scene inside the metal box immediately appeared in front of everyone.

This box numbered A12 is loaded with a precision device similar to the head of a sewing machine, the whole body is silver-white, and there is a digital display directly above it.

This is a remote sensing balancer, which is one of the lifeline parts of the gravity gradiometer.

The accuracy of the remote sensing balancer will be directly related to the effect of the balance module, which is somewhat similar to the chicken head stabilizer in the photography industry.

Then Li Hua carefully took it out and put it on a moving pallet beside him.

A tool similar to a microscope is installed on the moving platform, but it does not have eyepieces or objective lenses, and its size is much larger than ordinary microscopes.

This thing has a name that sounds weird to non-industry people, it's called a three-coordinate measuring instrument.

This is a high-precision equipment for shape and position tolerance detection of workpieces. It has high technical content and is extremely expensive.

For example, the three-coordinate measuring instrument next to Li Hua cost more than 1.7 million yuan.

Don't feel that the price is exaggerated. The price of some non-military CMM brands is not much lower than this.

For example, for brands such as Hexagon or Faro, the price of a better three-coordinate measuring instrument is close to one million.

In many car factories, workers with a monthly salary of less than 20,000 yuan can often see a three-coordinate measuring instrument with a price of one million yuan for testing. This thing belongs to the situation where the basic price is ridiculously expensive.

Two minutes later.

A 3D CAD digital model and wire frame model appeared on the screen of the coordinate measuring machine, as well as an IGES file column showing the relevant results.

"Bearing span error 0"

"Ability to resist angular swing 4/1000"

"Z axis accuracy 0, 0, 100, 0, 1, 0"

"Tiny Gap 122.500, 182.550, 8.040"

Li Hua carefully read the values ​​line by line,

Then he raised his head and looked at Ge Tongyou. Seeing that Ge Tongyou did not raise any objections, he said to Cao Yi:

"Major Cao, the accuracy of the A12 is intact, there is no sign of wear and tear, and it fully meets our requirements."

The corners of Cao Yi's eyes twitched slightly when he heard this, but he still didn't show a look of overjoy, but said calmly:

"Okay, Li Gong, let's proceed with the docking of the next box."

Li Hua nodded, and led Tongyou Ge to another box.




The box opens quickly.

This time, the equipment contained in the box is three metal arms, each with two obvious connecting grooves.

Each mechanical arm is folded in half, the length after folding is about 50 centimeters, and the width is only a few centimeters.

Li Hua's assistant quickly took out the robotic arms one by one, spread them out, and put them on the pallet as well.

But this time it was not Li Hua who was in charge of checking the equipment, but Huang Yuting instead—these three mechanical arms are the measuring arms of the gravity gradiometer, and the groove is where the measuring module is placed.

"Length 95.28"

"width 6.666"

"The pressure at the conjoined body is 28.7psi"

"Pitch circle diameter 0.833"

A few more minutes passed.

Huang Yuting looked away from the CMM, turned around and nodded to Li Hua:

"Mr. Li, the parts meet the requirements."

Li Hua suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

After the measurement module has been completed by Xu Yun or the Di Ting project team of HKUST.

There are three most important parts of the gravity gradiometer:

Remote sensing balancer, measuring arm and power module.

Among them, the power module is solved by the Xichang base itself. After all, as one of the domestic rocket launch hubs, it is impossible for the Xichang base to lack power equipment.

Therefore, what they really need to test are naturally the two components of the remote sensing balancer and the measuring arm.

Of course.

Seeing this, some students may ask, what about the 50x50 lattice?

This involves the issue of process stability.


Although the 50x50 lattice is very important in the entire gravity gradiometer, the manufacturing process is also quite complicated, and it is difficult for general mechanisms to produce it.

But for 29 such units, high-density lattice is a very mature process.

It does not need detailed data provided by the Xichang base to go through the customization process like the remote sensing balancer and the measuring arm, as long as the arrangement of the lattice is calculated.

That is to say, there are not many institutions that master the corresponding preparation process, but as long as you find the right institution, it is very easy to produce.

In a way it is similar to nuclear weapons:

A few nuclear-free countries are not counted. More than 200 countries around the world have nuclear weapons for the five major rogues. The technology is absolutely high-end.

But for the five hooligans, it is not difficult to produce nuclear weapons, and they can make a neon happy bomb with just a flick of their fingers.

50x50 lattice panels are more or less the case.

Then Li Hua took Ge Tongyou to unpack the other boxes for inspection.


Falling Prism

ion pump.

servo coil

Surround sensitive twisted wire

One by one, the parts have passed the inspection and handover.

After more than an hour.

Li Hua wiped the sweat from his forehead, and stretched out his hand to Cao Yi:

"Major Cao, all items have been handed over without any problems."

I heard this.

Cao Yi, who had been keeping a straight face all this time, finally breathed a sigh of relief, his face showed a sense of relief, and he stretched out his hand to give Li Hua a firm grip.

After letting go.

Li Hua thought for a while and asked Cao Yi:

"Major Cao, do you have a tight schedule for the escort mission today?"

Cao Yi was taken aback when he heard the words. Although he was puzzled, he still said honestly:

"It's not very tight. Since these goods are of great importance, the time given by the superior is sufficient."

"No matter how long we stay here at the base, we just need to report to the XX troops stationed in the suburbs of Xichang at six o'clock tonight."

"It's not convenient for me to disclose the location of the troops, but it's only an hour or two away from here."

Li Hua nodded slightly when he heard the words, and suddenly invited:

"In that case, Major Cao, are you interested in watching the assembly process of the gravity gradiometer?"

"To tell you the truth, although our structural parts are a bit simple, the precision is considered to be top-notch in the world."

"It is not an exaggeration to say that today is likely to be a day when domestic measurement, not national defense, is enough to be a milestone."

Cao Yi was stunned again, and looked around in astonishment:

"Li Gong, you mean assemble here?"

Li Hua glanced at Tongyou Ge beside him, and they both nodded in unison:

"That's right, it's assembled here."

This chapter is a bit short, because I suddenly found that the original description of the appearance of the gravity gradiometer may be a bit risky—it’s not that there must be problems or leaks, and I have no access to the ability to keep secrets. The main thing is that some things are written and cannot be written. The delicate area between writing is the risk mentioned in the previous sentence.

So I temporarily found a 13-year-old gradiometer structure to replace it, and it took me more than two hours to check the information

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