Into Unscientific

Chapter 488 The underground palace detection results are released! (It’s still Jiuqian Dazhang!!!)

2 hours and 18 minutes.

The time limit given by Jiang Chenggu was informed by Xu Yun, and quickly spread throughout the scene.

See this situation.

The speed in everyone's hands couldn't help but speed up a lot—the current situation can be described as a real race against the clock.

"Where's the power cord? Xiao Li, pull me another power cord!"

"Stand up the antenna quickly! Have you measured the wind strength?"

"The wind force is level 2, which is still normal!"

"The drone crew is ready, the remote sensing target will go to the sky in five minutes!"

"Everyone check the things in the car again, don't leave anything behind, why is there a fishing rod in the trunk?"

"Oh, I stuffed it in from the headquarters before I left. Brother Huang, I was thinking that there is a lot of water in the underground palace of Yongling. Maybe it will form an ecological circle with fish? Don't throw it away when you encounter a puddle. Is it still called a fisherman with two poles?”


After a while of busy work.

8:15 a.m.

The members of the remote sensing team on the two remote sensing vehicles were notified and released the remote sensing drone first.

There are a total of twelve remote sensing drones in this batch, and they are all equipped with standard remote sensing detection equipment—the kind that can transmit signals back and forth.

Their main purpose is very simple, which is to confuse the public as mentioned earlier.

It can be regarded as a means to confuse those melon-eating parties, and it can also satisfy the psychological needs of the melon-eating parties to watch the excitement.

It's like building roads in reality.

As long as you build a shed, the excavator swings out, and the machine rattles and rattles.

Basically, not many people will go to find out whether it is really building roads or tinkering with other things quietly.

After flying into the sky.

The twelve drones quickly began to fly towards the Chongmen area.

From a geographical point of view, Yongling is located in the west of Deling and the north of Jingling.

In other words.

The three mausoleums of Jingling, Yongling and Deling form a standard L-shape.

Therefore, when the Ming Tombs scenic spot is completely closed, there must be no tourists in Jingling and Deling.

Only the west and north positions of Yongling Zhongmen can treat people.

In fact it is.

This moment.

In the tourist rest spots on both sides of the Yongling Mausoleum's main gate, there are hundreds of tourists who are ready to eat melons and watch the excitement.

After all, as a well-known scenic spot around Yanjing, the Ming Tombs receive a high number of tourists on weekdays, and the average daily number of visitors is in the tens of thousands.

For example, the May Day holiday in 2021.

The total number of tourists received by the Ming Tombs is as high as 96,000, which is only a little less than the 108,000 in the Old Summer Palace, and can be ranked among the top ten in Yanjing.

In addition, Xinhua News Agency has just released news related to the excavation of the Yongling Mausoleum, which abruptly raised the popularity of the Ming Tombs to another level.

Even a man of science and engineering like Wang Tong was moved by the news, let alone other tourists.

Many people simply rushed to Yongling today. Although they now know that the Ming Tombs are not open to the public today because of the inspection of Yongling, these people are more and more interested.

Some people chatted in twos and threes, and some started the live broadcast by themselves, chattering so lively.

"Hey, the last time I came to the Ming Tombs was when I was in college. I haven't seen them for twenty years. The Ming Tombs have changed a lot. I remember that there was a wall there."

"Remote sensing detection should start soon, and I don't know how long it will take to dig the underground palace this time."

"I guess at least two more chapters."

"Thank you Zhang Ying, who loves me the most, for sending me a heart. What? How much is it?"

"Emperor Wanli buried in the Yongling Mausoleum is very controversial in history. He was a licentious man. Do you know the Leopard House? He built it."

"Well, big brother, Zhu Houzhao built the leopard house, and the one buried in the Yongling Mausoleum is Emperor Jiajing"

Just when everyone was chatting.

Suddenly someone pointed to the distance and said loudly:

"Look, drone! Is it remote sensing mapping?"

I heard this.


There was a moment of silence.

Everyone turned their heads and looked towards the east that the person was pointing at.

as expected.

At this time, four black drones were leisurely flying out of the heavy gate area in the east, and they were much larger than ordinary drones.

If the vision is good enough, you can also see a device on each drone that is blinking red.

See this situation.

The melon eaters who were sitting in their seats stood up one after another and rushed out of the corridor of the rest point.

Many children excitedly waved their hands at the drone, jumping and jumping, it seemed that the drone was used as a camera.

More people took out their mobile phones and took videos.

"Family bankers, are you watching? That thing is a drone!"

"Mom, do you see the little black dot in the sky? The surveying and mapping has begun!"

"Sons in the dormitory, Dad wishes you a happy Ching Ming Festival at the grave of the emperor of the Ming Dynasty~"

To be honest.

UAVs are not uncommon in our daily life. UAVs can be seen in many places or activities.

But after it was associated with the word Yongling, its nature suddenly became different.

And while the melon-eaters were shooting videos.

in the crowd.

A few ordinary-looking men who carried a small hiking bag like many tourists looked at each other, and walked to a deserted corner in a tacit understanding.

The leader was a tall middle-aged man. He pretended to be a party of smokers and handed a cigarette to a young man in blue clothes with glasses, and asked in a low voice:

"How about it, did the detector get any results?"

The young man in blue tugged the shoulder strap of his mountaineering bag twice, and nodded:

"Well, part of the feedback electromagnetic waves intercepted in the land surface remote sensing, the converted radiation calibration conforms to the RSP remote sensing model, which is the research topic of the Electromagnetic Information Space Laboratory of the University of Science and Technology of China."

"That is to say, there is really nothing abnormal about this detection?"

"I think so, if it is to test the actual combat effect of the RSP remote sensing model, it will be explained in terms of time - prepare to use the results to publish, just like the article on Same."

Hear what your partner said.

The middle-aged man just nodded lightly:

"Very good, then we can go back and make reports, and the rewards will be divided according to the old rules."

Then he raised his head and glanced at the drone not far away, suddenly thought of something, and added to the speaker:

"By the way, Xiao Zhou, we have captured the electromagnetic wave signal of the drone, so those people inside won't find anything, right?"

The blue-clothed youth named Xiao Zhou smiled confidently when he heard the words:

"Don't worry, it's impossible to be found. Unless they are equipped with a work trace recorder, the receiver must only operate in one direction - and the work trace recorder is military equipment, you think it may appear here ?"

"If you ask me, this matter is purely because you and your superiors are being cautious, and it is just an ordinary surveying and mapping from the beginning to the end."

The tall, middle-aged man glanced at Xiao Zhou, and slapped him on the back of the head:

"It's just you who talk too much, well, let's close the team, Pangu Seven Stars help themselves, I treat you!"

And just a few minutes after this group of mysterious 'tourists' left.

Surveying site.

Jiang Chenggu took the engineer Ma who was in charge of network security that he met at the meeting, and quickly came to Academician Pan and Xu Yun:

"Academician Pan, Dr. Xu, you guessed it right."

"According to the detection of the recorder of the work traces, someone outside the heavy door did intercept the feedback signal of the remote sensing detection equipment. Fortunately, we took extra precautions."

Academician Pan glanced at him with a calm expression on his face:

"As expected, this is something that can be done across the sea."

Xu Yun on the side also nodded slightly.

Although due to the need for publicity these days, Across the Sea often presents an ugly and stupid image in China.

But let's be honest.

The ugliness across the sea is really ugly, and all kinds of dirty things are done, such as stealing oil and making fire.

It's stupid.

Many times it is not necessarily true.

If the opposite side of the sea is really stupid, the pressure on the rabbits is far from being so great.

In many matters, the think tank across the sea is not just for nothing,

For example, this Yongling excavation.

Although the project seems to have no sensitive color of half wool from the beginning to the end, it is an ordinary excavation project.

But the project approval document is a red document after all, and it is entirely possible to use some detection methods other than satellites across the sea.

Anyway, it costs some money to be high or low, and the funds are used for this purpose.

Similar examples are not unheard of. People with malicious intentions were caught when the Terracotta Warriors and Horses Pit No. 2 was excavated.

Therefore, after prior discussion, Academician Pan, Jiang Chenggu and others finally made a more reasonable plan:

The remote sensing module of the UAV is equipped with a set of remote sensing models from the Electromagnetic Information Space Laboratory of the University of Science and Technology of China, which is a good trick.

This remote sensing model is relatively advanced in theory, and at the same time, the signal is easy to identify, and it is easy to be captured and intercepted.


The entry of Academician Pan and Xu Yun became reasonable, and the confidentiality of the gravity gradiometer was simultaneously enhanced.

Of course.

It should be noted.

Academician Pan and Jiang Chenggu are not worried that the gravity gradiometer will be imitated after it is leaked - as mentioned before, the real core of the gravity gradiometer lies in the surveying and mapping module and structure, which are breakthroughs obtained by Xu Yun through rewarding blueprints.

That is to say, even if it is known that Pangu particles can be used for instrumental mapping, it is still difficult to imitate them across the sea.

Academician Pan. In other words, what the higher-ups are really worried about is that the existence of the gravity gradiometer itself is known to the outside world.

If the other side of the sea or other big countries know that the rabbits have developed a gravity gradient meter, then they will inevitably increase military expenditures significantly to upgrade nuclear submarines.


Unless the third war breaks out immediately, the deterrent effect of the gravity gradiometer may weaken as the opponent's technology improves over time.

So for the rabbits.

Gravity gradiometer is a crucial killer.

It is just like Da Mao's nuclear submarine that broke the ice and floated up. It is not impossible to make it public, but it must be used at a suitable time, otherwise it will be a waste.

for example.

If someone demonstrates on the grounds of "visiting" a sensitive area, some games are played through diplomacy.

If only the rabbits had a gravity gradiometer

Then there is no need for force deterrence, the rabbits only need to lightly announce the location of the nuclear submarine on the opposite side of the sea in the North Pole, then the result of this matter will probably be different.

After the Da Mao nuclear submarine broke through the ice and surfaced, it withered across the sea for seven full months.


The 4V matter has passed for some days, and there is no need or meaning to discuss it.

But right now the rabbits have the gravity gradiometers, if there is another similar thing in the future, then it will be fun to watch

Anyway, Xu Yun was looking forward to that day.

all in all.

The reason for the secrecy of the gravity gradiometer has nothing to do with technical reproduction, but because the deterrence will decrease after it is made public.

Therefore, until then, it is necessary to strictly prevent the leakage of information.

Then Academician Pan thought for a while, and asked Jiang Chenggu again:

"By the way, Director Jiang, are those who intercepted the signal locked?"

Jiang Chenggu nodded, and patted Engineer Ma on the shoulder beside him:

"Don't worry, in less than a minute, the comrades at Net Security have dug up their genealogy."

"These people are video bloggers or practitioners related to travel, and there are enthusiasts of electronic equipment."

"The leader of them is Chen Weizhi. He has a special occupation. He runs a noodle shop next to Beijing Normal University."

"It's just that the higher-ups were thinking of putting a long line to catch big fish, so they didn't do anything about them for the time being, and let them go back."

Talking and talking.

Jiang Chenggu's mouth suddenly curled into a smile, as if he thought of something very interesting:

"However, although they were not immediately controlled, there must still be some monitoring."

"For example, Chen Weizhi's noodle shop, if there is no accident, his noodle shop will become the cafeteria of the secrecy department in the future - it is said that the comrades in the secrecy department are already making a report, trying to set aside a sum of money, after all, eating noodles has to be added Braised egg small intestine, isn’t it?”

Academician Pan:


Then Academician Pan paused, looked at the time, and asked Jiang Chenggu:

"Director Jiang, it's almost time now, should our equipment be used?"

"Oh, I was just about to tell you."

When it comes to business, Jiang Chenggu's expression is solemn:

"Is the pre-commissioning of the gravity gradiometer finished?"

The debugging of the equipment is the link that Xu Yun is in charge of, so he quickly gave a reply:

"Director Jiang, the gravity gradiometer was ready five minutes ago and is ready to take off at any time."

Jiang Chenggu nodded, glanced at Zhang Ziang who was surveying and mapping the exterior buildings of Yongling Mausoleum, and said:

"In that case, Dr. Xu, let's begin."


Xu Yun said yes to Jiang Chenggu, then turned to look at Zhang Han beside him:

"Sister Zhang, you can send the device to the sky now."

Zhang Han was ready when the few people were talking, and now he received Xu Yun's instruction, and immediately pressed a key.

After a while.

Two F-500 mid-axis drones took to the sky at the same time.

Same as previous small drones.

One of the two F-500 mid-axis UAVs also had normal remote sensing equipment used to confuse the line of sight.

At the same time, its height is more than 300 meters higher than the one carrying the gravity gradiometer.

Other than that.

The gravity gradiometer this time also has a simple packaging on the outside, which looks like an area-array push-broom scanner—an area-array push-broom scanner is a relatively large type of optical remote sensing instrument. Popularity is also high.

For example, in the documentary "Hundred Mountains and Hundred Rivers" filmed by the CCTV Documentary Channel, a considerable part of the screen was shot with an area array push-broom scanner.

You can say that this thing is used for data detection, or it can be said to collect material for documentaries.

After all, Yongling excavated such a special project, it is normal to shoot a documentary from beginning to end, and it would be abnormal not to shoot it.

Other than that.

In the last remote sensing vehicle, there is also a five-person information team constantly observing the changes in the signals of various bands in the surrounding area.

Assisting them is a satellite located above Yanjing called Cangqiong-3.

This is a geostationary electronic reconnaissance satellite, and its performance benchmark is the Mentor, or advisor satellite, across the sea.

It has a space-based wide-area surveillance system that can simultaneously monitor thousands of ground signal sources.

If necessary, it can also search for electronic signals such as radar, missile telemetry, mobile phone signals, and communication broadcasts in low northern latitude areas.

What, you ask why is it a low northern latitude?

Want to watch the Vietnam Football League?

no way.

Although the rabbits are all steady

Then under the gaze of everyone.

The two F-500 mid-axis drones flew higher and higher.

After reaching a height of one hundred meters.

Among them, the UAV carrying the real-area push-broom scanner began to change direction and gradually moved to the outside, while continuing to increase in height.

After a while.

There was a faint shouting sound near the heavy door.

Obviously, the melon eaters are excited again.

The drone equipped with a gravity gradiometer stopped at a hundred meters away and began to circle around Baocheng.

Of course.

The data and specific procedures required for the entire surveying and mapping process have been rigorously calculated by Xu Yun and others in advance.

There are strict and clear plans for the drone's altitude, flight speed, and which area to stay in for a longer or shorter time.

For example, the accurate height of the drone is 114.514 meters, and the speed when it circles is only 15 kilometers per hour, etc.

Two minutes later.

The drone was equipped with a gravity gradient meter, stopped at the first area marked in advance, and began to survey and map.

Taking advantage of the gap between surveying and mapping.

Xu Yun also introduced Jiang Chenggu and Zhang Ziang who had just finished collecting ground data:

"Director Jiang, academician Zhang, both of you should know that, in fact, the state has conducted many microgravity remote sensing surveys and mapping of Yongling Mausoleum a long time ago."

"Although the accuracy of the relevant surveying and mapping is very low, and no information has been collected in the tomb, two things are certain."

"One is the accumulation of water in the Yongling Underground Palace. The height of the accumulation of water is about 6.5 meters, which is close to the top of the tomb."

"Secondly, although Yongling's underground palace is the second largest among the Ming Tombs in terms of organizational system, its layout is almost the same as Dingling's."

Jiang Chenggu and Zhang Ziang nodded at the same time.

The first point Xu Yun said is a cliché, so there is no need to repeat it.

As for the second point?

This can be regarded as the information learned after entering the project team.

Jiajing was the second longest reigning monarch among all Ming emperors, and he had enough time to repair his own mausoleum.

Therefore, Yongling is also the second largest among the Ming Tombs in terms of organizational scale.

However, according to remote sensing mapping display.

The underground palace of Yongling Mausoleum is big, but its layout is similar to that of Dingling Mausoleum:

It is a pattern of [A] with the lowermost horizontal line removed.

Among them, the left, upper, and right after removing a horizontal line from the word [A] are all palaces, the upper one is called the apse, and the left and right sides are called the left and right side halls.

At the same time, there is a small hall behind the side halls on the left and right sides.

The horizontal one in the middle is the aisle, and the vertical one is divided into three chambers.

"According to the earliest microgravity detection results, the left side hall is the closest to us."

on the ground.

Xu Yun pointed to the real scene of Baocheng in front of him and said:

"The apse is on our east side, which is on the left, and the front hall is on everyone's right."

"Among them, the coffins of Emperor Jiajing and the three empresses Chen, Fang, and Du are located in the apse—this is a rule of the 'ritual system', and it doesn't even need to be supported by detection results."

Then he paused, took a floor plan from Zhang Han, and continued to gesture and say:

"So we made nine surveying and mapping stop points based on the distribution of the nine tombs, so as to ensure that the first floor of the Yongling Underground Palace is clearly detected first."

Hearing the words 'first floor'.

Jiang Chenggu looked up at Xu Yun, but didn't speak.

Mentioned long ago.

At present, people in the world have two different opinions on whether "Yongle Dadian" exists in Yongling.

In support of the view that "Yongle Dadian" exists in Yongling, it is divided into three sub-groups:

The first is that Jiajing did not separate the tomb chambers separately, and the "Yongle Dadian" is in the nine or eight tomb chambers except the apse. Let's call it the Adventist School.

The second is that Jiajing opened a secret room on the same floor of the underground palace to store "Yongle Dadian" separately, so let's call it the Salvation School.

The third is.

Jiajing did not dare to destroy the established system, so a second floor was dug under the underground palace to accommodate the "Yongle Dadian"-this part is considered to be the survivor.

be honest.

All three factions make sense.

The total number of "Yongle Dadian" is 10,000 volumes. According to the records of Ming Dynasty, each volume is 50 cm long and 30 cm wide, but the thickness is unknown.

Assume each volume is two centimeters thick.

Then 333 volumes of "Yongle Dadian" can be placed per cubic meter, and only about 30 cubic meters are needed to store 10,000 volumes.

And a modern two-bedroom, one-living room has an area of ​​almost 100 square meters.

In other words.

Theoretically, as long as it is piled up to a quarter of the height of Pandora, this room can hold more than 10,000 volumes of the Yongle Canon.

Although if buried according to the standard system, Yongling Underground Palace does not have such a large vacant room.

However, during the excavation of Dingling, there was an unusual discovery:

The interior of the left side hall of the entire underground palace in Dingling Mausoleum is completely empty.

This issue is still very controversial so far, and the Adventist Party explains it like this:

Zuo Peidian was originally used as the tomb of the concubine who was buried. After Ming Yingzong Zhu Qizhen abolished the burial, although there were no more concubines to be buried, in order to ensure the continuity of the ritual system, the later emperors still kept this empty tomb.

if so

Then the tomb of Yongling must also be empty, and it is indeed possible that the "Yongle Dadian" is stored.

However, not many people agree with this concept, after all, there is no concrete evidence to support it.

At the same time, if the "Yongle Canon" exists in the Zuopian Hall, then it must have lost the meaning of rescue, so it is called the Adventist School.

Even fewer people agree with the second concept.

Because the layout of the underground palace is an absolute forbidden zone.

The restrictions on the upper and lower floors are better, but if you dare to open a small door on the same floor, Zhu Yuanzhang will be angry and beat you to death during the construction.

Therefore, among all viewpoints, the survivors are the majority.

Now it seems

Xu Yun seems to be a survivor too?

A few more minutes passed.

Zhang Han raised his head from the console, and said to Xu Yun:

"Dr. Xu, the data collection of the apse has been completed, do you want to enter the next point?"

Xu Yun nodded decisively:

"Change your position."


After getting new instructions.

Zhang Han quickly took the communication equipment and confirmed the new point information:

"Coordinates 132,544, inclination 14.5°, horizontal movement from left to right 8.85 meters, expanded parallax 29.954, action!"

Hoo hoo -

The drone in the sky quickly adjusted its position and circled to the right side of Baocheng to measure the data.

A few minutes later.

"Coordinates 137,602, inclination 8.5°, horizontal movement from left to right 59.5 meters, expanded parallax 5.677, action!"

that's all.

Every seven minutes or so, the gradiometer completes its measurements and changes position.

After more than an hour.

The time came to 9:27 am.

Zhang Han raised her head from the console again, but this time she stopped reporting the location and asked:

"Dr. Xu, all the data under the underground palace have been collected, and the results are being analyzed and generated. Should the drone land first and stand by?"

at the same time.

Ka Ka Ka——

The printer on the console began to automatically generate a test report.

Seeing this, Xu Yun exchanged a glance with Academician Pan, pondered for a moment, and said:

"Okay, let the drone come down first."


After more than a minute.

The drone landed successfully.

Almost at the same time as the plane landed, the printer also output the last report result.

It was introduced earlier.

The gravity gradiometer surveys and maps very fine data, and the corresponding actual information cannot be seen when a certain segment is taken out alone.

All its detection data can only be analyzed and summarized by computer after the surveying and mapping is completed. Before that, no one knows the specific results.

Therefore, even Zhang Han, who has been paying attention to the screen, does not know what the result of this report is.

After the report comes out.

Zhang Han handed the thick stack of documents to Xu Yun again, and then stood aside with a curious look on his face.

She is not a star fan—to be precise, she is not a fan of any dynasty, but it is related to "Yongle Dadian", so this matter is not just a matter of fan orientation.


Xu Yun first opened the first page of the file, and it was impressively displayed

The condition of the apse.

After all, it was the first tomb to be detected.

Then Xu Yun checked the gradient database while looking at the report:

"There are four coffins stored in the tomb. The decoration is unknown, the material is unknown, and the structure is high at the front and low at the back, wide at the front and narrow at the back."

"The four coffins present a layout with one at the top and three at the bottom. The lid of the top coffin is 3.34 meters long, the head is 1.48 meters wide and 0.22 meters thick, the foot is 1.35 meters wide and 0.19 meters thick. 3.33 meters long, 1.7 meters wide at the head end, 0.22 meters thick, 1.5 meters wide at the foot end, and 0.21 meters thick.”

Jiang Chenggu on the side listened quietly, touched his chin and said:

"These four coffins should be the coffins of Emperor Jiajing and the three empresses. The layout, orientation and size are similar to what we know. Dr. Xu, are there any more?"

Xu Yun glanced at the data again, and was about to turn the page when he noticed a strange measurement result:

"Hey this is"

Then he stopped and looked up the data carefully.

Then I checked the database on the computer again, and a trace of astonishment suddenly flashed in my eyes:

"Director Jiang, according to the scan results, there is a gradient shadow of 0.003E level in the upper part of the apse, which is the inside of Jiajing's coffin."

"I briefly simulated this data, and the restored result should be a small closed jar of about ten centimeters, with the existence inside"

"Three three-centimeter-diameter round pellets with a strong mercury reaction"


9,000 words for three consecutive days, asking for a monthly pass! ! !

I will ask for a day off tomorrow. A high school teacher with a good relationship passed away in Ningbo. I have survived all the hardships in December. Hey, things are really impermanent

The explosion will continue the day after tomorrow, and a new copy will be opened after writing this paragraph! ! !

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