Into Unscientific

Chapter 513 There is no top-secret area on the national map!

July 1939.

Director Zheng Junli once led a film team to a certain grassland in Xihai Province to shoot the documentary film "Long Live the Nation".

At that time, there was an accompanying musician in the crew, a young man.

After arriving at the grassland.

Because his eyes were too hot when he was alone with the local girl, the girl whipped him several times with a shepherd's whip.


He fell in love with this girl named Dolma out of control, and wrote a song for her.


The musician's name is Wang Luobin.

that song is called

"In that distant place".

As for the prairie where Wang Luobin and the girl met, because golden and white wild flowers are often blooming in summer, it was called the grassland by the predecessors.

Gold and Silver Beach.

But in a flash, more than twenty years have passed.

The girl Dolma who once moved Wang Luobin's heart passed away two years ago, and the girl's father also died of illness a year ago.

There are no longer continuous flocks of sheep, Zhuoma's pink smiling face, and Wang Luobin's beautiful singing voice in the Jinyintan Grassland.

This piece of grassland or years, ruthlessly rejected music and love.


It is a huge base that covers an area close to one-third of an ordinary county town and is composed of extremely strong fortifications and factories.

This base has 18 factory areas and 4 living areas, including schools, hospitals, post offices, cultural palaces, libraries, cinemas, sewage treatment stations, bathhouses, barber shops, etc.

Even within the base, there are 40 kilometers of railways connected to the outside world.

Its level is the same as Shanzhou, the capital of Xihai Province, and its official name is [Xihai Comprehensive Machinery Factory].

But in private.

Some people call it a "mine", and they often go from the "mine" to the "mine".

Others call it the .

221 factory.

This moment.

Li Jue, the then general manager of Factory 221, led a group of workers standing at the entrance of the second factory area, seemingly waiting for someone to appear.

after awhile.

Li Jue scratched his hair, turned to Peng Mengxiong, vice president of the Ninth Institute of the Second Ministry of Machinery, and asked:

"Old Peng, what time is it?"

Although Peng Mengxiong's name contains the word "bear", but he looks like a monkey. Hearing this, he glanced at his watch:

"At 3:43 p.m., almost four hours have passed since the comrades in Guide County received the news."

"It's almost four hours"

There was a trace of worry in Li Jue's eyes, and he subconsciously glanced at the sky:

"The comrades from the other three counties have all returned smoothly. Is there anything wrong with Lao Guo and the others?"

Peng Mengxiong thought for a moment, then shook his head:

"It shouldn't be so, most likely it was delayed by the wind and sand on the road, and it should be later."

As soon as Peng Mengxiong spoke halfway, he raised his eyebrows and stretched out his hand to point forward:

"Here, look, here we come!"

Li Jue quickly followed the trend.

as expected.

On the road not far from the entrance of the factory, there was already a train team at this time.

The convoy was led by a Yangtze River 46 Jeep, followed by several CA10 transport vehicles, which was obviously Lao Guo's convoy.

See this situation.

Li Jue breathed a sigh of relief.

The current Factory 221 has more than 10,000 'employees'. As the leader of the factory, Li Jue has to be busy with a lot of things every day. Under normal circumstances, such small things of welcoming people should not alarm him.

However, the task of the convoy this time is really special, it is related to the material handover of the entire factory area, and to put it bluntly, it is related to whether everyone can have enough food.

more importantly.

It is different from the other three locations where materials were diverted.

In addition to conventional materials, Guide County also has a batch of 'new tiles' imported from abroad.

Whether it is Xinwa or Lao Guo and Cai Shaohui who went to extract the new tiles, they are things or people that cannot be lost in the factory.

Therefore, after receiving the news about the departure of Lao Guo and others from Guide County to Yanjing, and then relayed by Yanjing.

Li Jue immediately led people to wait in the second factory area.

It seems that although the time is slightly limited and timed out, the overall situation is not serious.

that's all.

In Li Jue's expectant eyes.

The convoy quickly entered the gate of the factory surrounded by smoke, dust and yellow sand.

Immediately afterwards, the Yangtze River 46 jeep began to slow down, and soon stopped six to seven meters in front of Li Jue.

After a while.


The car door was opened from the inside, and Lao Guo got out of the car first.

See this situation.

Li Jue immediately laughed, and took Peng Mengxiong to meet him:

"Old Guo, you finally returned safely."

As a result, the words were not finished.

Li Jue saw that Lao Guo's back of the head slammed because of his excessive movement, and he slammed the edge of the car hard.

However, Lao Guo didn't feel any pain at all. He looked at Li Jue anxiously and shouted:

"Old Li, where's the hygienist? Where's the hygienist? Come and help!"


I heard the word "save people" from Lao Guo's mouth.

Li Jue's original smile immediately froze on his face, and his pupils shrank fiercely:

"Save people? Old Guo, who has an accident?"

In an instant, many possibilities flashed through Li Jue's mind.

Is it Cai Shaohui?

Or Battalion Commander Lin?

Or other fighters?

Then, without waiting for Lao Guo to answer, he also came back to his senses - now is not the time to ask the identity of the wounded, the most important thing is to save people.

So he immediately patted Lao Guo on the shoulder twice, turned his head, glanced at the crowd, and waved in a certain direction:

"Comrade Rainbow, come and help!"

"In addition, Xiao Zhao, you should immediately go to the hospital to contact Comrade Wu Jianxin and prepare for the operation!"

Li Jue just finished speaking.

There were two 'yes' from the crowd at the same time.

Afterwards, a young man with a cropped hair quickly left the scene, while another lesbian rushed towards the car with a medical kit.

at the same time.

Li Jue, who had been paying attention to the situation on Lao Guo's side, also saw the wounded man being lifted from the back of a transport vehicle.

However, the moment he saw the wounded.

What came to Li Jue's mind was not grief and tension, but a very strange idea:

How did this thing get hurt?


This person was indeed seriously injured, his whole body was either bandaged or burnt black, he looked like a roast chicken just out of the oven.

It is normal for this kind of injury to appear on the battlefield. Bombs or artillery shells can indeed cause this kind of injury.

but the problem is

Now, neither the vehicle nor anyone else was damaged, how did he get into this state?

In theory, unless the safety pin of the grenade falls off when a person pees, it is absolutely impossible to cause this situation

Think here.

Li Jue couldn't help walking to Lao Guo, and asked him:

"Old Guo, what's the name of this comrade? How did he get injured?"

Old Guo looked up at him:

"I don't know the name yet, people are burned."

Li Jue:


However, Li Jue was also the director of the Ninth Bureau of the Second Machinery Department, and he was a figure who had been on the battlefield in the early years, so he quickly turned the corner:

"Wait, Lao Guo, what do you mean that this is not our comrade?"

Lao Guo nodded and explained to him:

"That's right, he was a passer-by we met in Guide County. At that time, the Wayao factory caught fire and was rescued by the workers who went in to rescue the punching machine."

Then Lao Guo took out the torn piece of paper from his body, and told Li Jue the guess about the Cambridge diploma:

"Abaaaba chirping."

"...Cambridge graduate?"

After listening to Lao Guo's narration.

Li Jue subconsciously glanced at the wounded being carried on a stretcher, touched his chin and said:

"I see."

At first, he was still a little surprised why Lao Guo brought this person back, and it turned out that there was such a secret behind it.

In the case that the other party may be a graduate of Cambridge University, there is really nothing wrong with Lao Guo's approach.

But soon.

Li Jue thought of a question, and the expression on his face became much more serious:

"Old Guo, is it possible that this is a trick specially staged by the enemy agents? Just to let this person lurk into our factory?"

When he said these words, Li Jue's eyes were a little sharp.

The nature of Factory 221 is really special. It can be said that it is the highest-level secret since the founding of the People's Republic of China. Matters concerning confidentiality must be carefully considered.

Lao Guo also thought about this on the way back. In fact, he discussed it with Cai Shaohui. Hearing this, he shook his head:

"To be honest, the probability is not high. After all, even now, whether this person can survive is still a question."

"Our enemies also have loyal subordinates. This cannot be denied, but I don't think anyone would be loyal enough to trade their lives for a chance to sneak into a mine—not to mention that the whole thing requires a strong chance."

"Besides, even if he is really an enemy agent, in terms of our mine's secrecy regulations, he won't get any useful information, let alone pass it on."

Hearing what Lao Guo said.

Li Jue was silent for a moment, then nodded slightly.


Not to mention whether the enemy agents really have such loyal subordinates.

From the occurrence of this incident to the present, there is a very strong chance.

At the time of the incident, the area where Lao Guo and Cai Shaohui were located was the warehouse, and the fire started in the workshop. There was almost no intersection between the two.

During the period, Mao Xiao went to the workshop to rescue the punching machine, Lao Guo and Cai Shaohui went to the health center to find Huang Weiguo for crucian carp, Yao Fuchuan found the paper and asked Mao Xiao to hand it over to Huang Weiguo and at the same time let Lao Guo see it smoothly

Even if there is a slight mistake in the above links, Lao Guo will not have an intersection with the wounded.

What's more, the mission of Lao Guo and others to Guide County involves foreign "Xinwa", which is a top secret among top secrets.

If the enemy agents can set up such a perfect situation in advance

To be honest.

The rabbit can directly click GG.

Another ten thousand steps back.

Even if the wounded was indeed an enemy agent and survived, he was still useless.

after all

The other side of the sea actually knew that the rabbits were working on the atomic bomb.

When I was in the Mavericks copy, I once mentioned one thing:

The achievement of Mavericks is not simply to discover the existence of gravitation, but to calculate the specific formula of gravitation - before Mavericks, more than one person has discovered that objects will fall freely after losing their support.

So when Xu Yun met Mavericks at that time, he couldn't hold an apple to show off how cute he was, and he could attract Mavericks' attention by saying, "Ah, how could this thing fall to the ground and not go to heaven?"

The same is true now.

The Rabbits' nuclear weapons program began in the mid-1950s. Before 1959, the Rabbits' nuclear program was not very clear across the sea.

But after 1959.

Across the sea, I began to grasp a lot of progress information.

For example, in September 1959.

Across the sea, I got a photo of the Jincheng Gas Diffusion Plant, and roughly guessed some of the progress of the rabbits.

In a few months.

The Corona satellite across the sea will also find the Lop Nur base, but it is still useless.

Then a few more months.

There will also be a big man across the sea yelling "Rabbits will never produce nuclear weapons while I am alive", and then he returns to heaven in a convertible shortly after yelling, fulfilling his promise with his life.


So all in all.

At this point in time.

What is needed on the other side of the sea is not information like [the rabbits are working on the atomic bomb], but more specific content.

For example, where is the rabbit's uranium enrichment plant?

Is the key ingredient plutonium or uranium?

What is the specific material transportation route?

How far is chemical separation going?

These infiltrations are obviously impossible to be done by outsiders, and even a top student who graduated from Cambridge University cannot have access to these secrets.

The correct approach is to let the enemy agents try to corrupt the insiders to obtain information—so the area where the enemy agents operate is mainly in Shanzhou.

Take another 10,000 steps back.

Assuming that the wounded was really absorbed into the core layer because of his amazing talent, then there is even less possibility of him leaving the base.

At this time, there is no Internet or mobile phone signal, and the news cannot be spread even if it wants to.

With the geographical location of Factory 221, there is nothing you can do to get Andy from "The Shawshank Redemption"

From the establishment of the whole project to the present, what the Bureau of Secrecy is really preventing is the corruption of internal personnel, or the coercion of family members when their identities are exposed.

Think here.

Li Jue was also slightly relieved.

at the same time.

The on-site health workers also made a simple bandage for the injured, and with the assistance of everyone, they were sent to the factory hospital on a simple stretcher.

Then Li Jue thought about it, and said to his assistant Zhou Cai:

"Xiao Zhou, next, you should pay more attention to the wounded."

"If the rescue is ineffective, just follow the standard procedure for cremation, and there is no need to set up a funeral committee."

"If you wake up or even recover, let the comrades in the Political Department contact you, and remember to have a better attitude."

"Also contact 'Family' and let them see if they can find some archives of Cambridge international students—well, preferably including overseas Chinese."

Zhou Cai was a young man with long hair, holding a notebook in his arms all the time, and replied quickly after hearing the words:

"Understood! Factory manager, I'll make arrangements now."

See this situation.

Old Guo on the side hesitated for a moment, and added to Zhou Cai:

"Xiao Zhou, if the wounded wakes up, please tell me."

Zhou Cai nodded:

"no problem."


Zhou Cai took the notebook and left the scene quickly.

Wait for Zhou Cai to leave.

Lao Guo also put aside the matter of the wounded for the time being, and was going to talk to Li Jue about other things:

"Lao Li"

The result has not yet been spoken.

Behind Lao Guo came a voice full of air:

"Oh, old Guo, you're back!"

Old Guo turned his head when he heard the words, and when he saw the person coming, his face suddenly had a gleam of joy:



The fan title event has started, and there will be ten places every month, leave a message in the event post in the comment area

The dungeon will be rolled out soon, to be honest, I am very excited, wow~~

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