Into Unscientific

Chapter 520 He is not enough


Looking at the few pieces of calculation paper that Lao Guo pushed in front of him.

In Xu Yun's somewhat tired eyes, a fleeting and inexplicable look flashed involuntarily.

If we say that the previous English communication can be regarded as the first wave of 'exploration'.

Then these few questions now should be the second round of tests.

The former explores identity.

The latter is a test of ability.

After all, even graduates from the same university in the same period may have different abilities, some are strong and some are weak.

The two identities of Xueba and Xueba do not only exist in later generations.

If Xu Yun was just a graduate of Cambridge University's Department of Mathematics

Then his value will be like that.

Think here.

Xu Yun took a deep breath and turned his head to look at these pieces of calculation paper.



After a while.

Xu Yun breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it's a very simple topic, as long as you have a hand.

So he raised his head slowly, and said to Lao Guo in a tone that sounded like speculation but was actually firm:

"Comrade Guo, this should be a partial differential equation?"

Lao Guo nodded, the expression on his face did not change much:

"That's right, Comrade Han Li, can you see the specific issues discussed in the equation?"

After Xu Yun heard the words, he observed the paper again, and said slowly:

"If I'm not mistaken, this should be the energy inequality of the one-dimensional initial value problem?"


Hear Xu Yun's answer.

Lao Guo squeezed the finger that counted the paper, and immediately exerted some force.

He really understands!

well known.

The so-called equation refers to an equation involving unknown quantities.

For example, there are algebraic equations, functional equations, and so on.

If the equation consists of the independent variable, the unknown function, and the derivative or differential of the function, then it is a differential equation.

A differential equation with only one independent variable is an ordinary differential equation, or ODE.

A differential equation with multiple independent variables is called a partial differential equation, or PDE.

So for an international student in the Department of Mathematics.

Judging from the form of the formula that this is a partial differential equation, it can only be said that it conforms to his basic "personality", which can be regarded as basic literacy.

However, judging from the content of the equation that it is calculating the initial value problem requires strong academic ability.

After all, the hyperbolic equation is considered a problem with high barriers in this period, because the wave equation it covers is directly related to many frontier research.

It is not an exaggeration to say.

These days, many universities refuse to teach relevant mathematics knowledge to overseas Chinese students.

Seeing Xu Yun give such an accurate answer, Lao Guo suddenly became interested, and asked Xu Yun again:

"Comrade Han Li, if you were asked to do this question, what would you start with?"

As a result, the words were just finished.

Lao Guo realized that this question was a bit too much, and quickly added with a dry smile:

"Of course, think about it if you can. If you can't think of it for a while, don't force it. After all, your injury is not healed yet."

He didn't know Xu Yun's specific major before, so it was naturally impossible to prepare the corresponding "assessment materials" before coming.

The few manuscript papers in his hand are actually calculation papers in a non-core project that he carries with him, and the problems involved have not been resolved yet.

Therefore, the question he raised has a strong element of curiosity, and strictly speaking, it is a bit difficult.

"Problem-solving ideas."

The result surprised Lao Guo.

Xu Yun hesitated for a moment before giving an answer:

"If I were to solve the problem, I would multiply ut on both sides of the wave equation and integrate on Kτ, deform the left side of the equation and apply Green's formula."

"Then analyze the positive and negative of the integral terms along the boundary of Kτ and make scaling, and finally use Gronwall's inequality, and you should be able to have a relevant solution"

"Integral over K, Green's formula?"

Lao Guo blinked, subconsciously began to think about the feasibility of Xu Yun's plan.

As one of the earliest science masters in China, although Lao Guo is not as good as Hua Luogeng and Chen Jingrun in mathematics, his mental arithmetic ability should not be underestimated.

After clarifying Xu Yun's thinking.

His pupils shrank suddenly.

This line of thinking seems

Is it really feasible?

More critically.

The energy method can also prove the uniqueness of the solution in nature, which is the consensus of the wave equation.

That is to say, it must be the only solution!

Think here.

Lao Guo couldn't help turning his head and glanced at Cai Shaohui who was beside him.

This moment.

In the hearts of the old and the young, Qi Qi burst into an impulse:

Go back to the project team and immediately deduce this problem!

If the train of thought given by Xu Yun is correct

The project team can save at least five days of computing time!

And just when Lao Guo was excited, Lin Yu's voice sounded in his ear again:

"Guo Gong, it's almost time, look."

Only then did Lao Guo regain his senses, and turned to look at the clock opposite the hospital bed.

as expected.

It was already eleven thirty in the morning, and twenty minutes had passed since they entered the ward.

See this situation.

Although Lao Guo still had many questions in his heart and wanted to communicate with Xu Yun, he had no choice but to stand up and said to Xu Yun:

"Comrade Han Li, you are just recovering from a serious illness, and your body has not fully recovered yet. You need to recuperate quietly."

"So we won't bother you for now, you just need to rest in peace and recuperate, and I will definitely visit you again in a while."

Seeing this, Xu Yun also nodded:

"Goodbye, Comrade Guo."

After Lao Guo and others left.

The nurse rolled down the back of the hospital bed, re-hung a bottle of injection for Xu Yun, and gave him some medicine.

A few minutes later.

Xu Yunping lay on the bed, and while he still had some energy, he began to think about the problem.

Relying on the broken version of the Cambridge diploma presented by Halo, his identity can be considered barely fooled.

At the same time if he expected well.

He also gave a passable answer to the 'assessment' of the math calculation paper just now, and the first show has been pulled to the fullest.

Judging from the historical situation he knows.

No matter which of the above points, at most it can only make his start relatively calm.

As for relying on this little "talent" to alert the leadership and enter the core layer of the base, that is pure daydream.

In other words.

If he wants to gain the trust of the organization, he must produce one or more big news.

big enough

Enough to make the leadership ignore their "origin".

But the problem is that I can't even move now. Is there any way to break the situation?

With this doubt.

Xu Yun's eyelids became heavier and heavier, and finally he slowly fell asleep.

And just when Xu Yun fell into a deep sleep again.

Lao Guo took Cai Shaohui and Zhou Cai away from the worker's hospital and came to the general office of the base, which is only a few hundred meters away from the hospital.

After checking and registering.

The three soon arrived outside the office of Li Jue, the general manager of Factory 221.

"Old Li!"

Seeing that Li Jue's office was only half covered, Lao Guo left Cai Shaohui and Zhou Cai outside the door, opened the door and broke in:

"Good news, good news!"

At this time, Li Jue was watering flowers on the window sill with a small kettle. Hearing this, he couldn't help but stop, and asked with a smile:

"Good news? Why, Lao Guo, could it be that the research on the reflection of weak shock waves has yielded results?"

"Weak shock wave? Thank you for daring to think!"

Old Guo grinned and waved his hands twice, walked to the desk, picked up a big tea bowl, raised his head and took a big sip, and wiped the corner of his mouth when he was done:

"The project that tmd just launched yesterday, you came up with the results today - it took Laomei more than 80 days to break through."

"You want to see the result today, okay, go out and turn right into the factory director's dormitory, everything in your dream!"

Seeing this, Li Jue couldn't help laughing twice.

As the general manager of the base, he is naturally aware of what Lao Guo said. That project has not yet been written off.

Asking Lao Guo about the so-called weak shock wave results is purely to suppress Lao Guo's arrogance.

Then he strolled to the table with the kettle in his hand, glanced at Lao Guo, and said to him:

"Okay, just kidding, let your stinky mouth say good news. It seems that the wounded comrade is doing well?"

Lao Guo came to the general office to look for Li Jue once before, and he also wanted to leave Zhou Cai, Li Jue's assistant, so Li Jue naturally knew what Lao Guo did just now.

Right now, Lao Guo can come back so refreshed.

It is clear.

The wounded man must have shown some value.

as expected.

After Li Jue mentioned the word wounded.

Lao Guo started his head heavily, and even snapped his fingers cheerfully:

"That's right, the diploma is not stolen, 100% of the international students of Cambridge University - with an authentic London accent, more standard than many comrades say, at least lived abroad for more than ten years."

"As for the family background, it is similar to what we expected before. The family went abroad early, and after the founding of the People's Republic of China, they hesitated to return to China, so they sent him back to China first to find their roots."

"As a result, I met robbers on the road and my property was robbed. After wandering for a while, I had to steal the tiles—he didn't say anything about the last paragraph, but that's basically what he said."

"Oh, by the way, he claimed to be Han Li, but Xiao Zhou told me that there is no such person in the files we found, so it must be a pseudonym."

Li Jue didn't make a sound after Lao Guo started to explain. After listening quietly, his face looked thoughtful.

At this time, more than ten days have passed since Xu Yun was rescued from the Wayao Factory.

Li Jue also discussed Xu Yun's "composition" with Lao Guo after Zhou Cai collected the files of overseas Chinese students at Cambridge University.

For now.

Whether it's Li Jue's judgment, Xu Yun's own statement, or all kinds of realistic evidence, it is basically certain that Xu Yun's statement is correct—at least in general.

Then Li Jue put the kettle on the table, fiddled with the lid of the enamel cup twice, and asked Lao Guo:

"Old Guo, just being an international student shouldn't make you so happy, even if you can speak English well."

"Let's talk, is his physical condition recovering more ideally, or his professional level is very high?"

"Okay, Lao Li, you can turn your head fast enough."

Old Guo looked at Li Jue in surprise, shook his head and said:

"The body has recovered enough. Although Director Lin is trying his best to stuff him with donkey hair, he is still not completely out of danger."

Li Jue uttered:

"So it means his professional level is very high?"

Lao Guo nodded. Considering that Li Jue is not a professional, he blurred the specific concept:

"That's right, it's very high to be precise."

"Graduated from the Department of Mathematics of Cambridge University, he saw the content of the manuscript paper I gave him as soon as he recovered from his illness, and also gave him a very feasible solution."

He paused, and added:

"From this matter alone, there are no more than ten people in the base who have this kind of thinking ability. Of course, this kind of thing has a lot of chance, and there is definitely no way to compare it in this way."

Li Jue glanced at Lao Guo.

Although he is not a professional scientific research person, he is a professional in trying to figure out human psychology.

He was silent for a moment, then asked Lao Guo thoughtfully:

"Old Guo, you mean to add him to the watch list?"

Lao Guo nodded, glanced outside the house, and said in a low voice:

"That's right, Lao Li, judging from the conversation process, I personally feel that his attitude towards me should be kind, and awareness can also be cultivated."

As a result, the words were not finished.

Li Jue interrupted him:

"Not enough, old Guo."

The second half of Lao Guo's speech was interrupted.

After a while.

Li Jue sighed, took the initiative to pour a glass of water for Lao Guo, and explained:

"Old Guo, you should know the organizational regulations and procedures. It is impossible for us to immediately absorb such a person without a foothold into the system."

"At least what you said alone is not enough."

Old Guo opened his mouth when he heard the words, as if he still wanted to rescue him:

"But Lao Li, Han Li's situation is different, he is leaving now"

"I know he can't leave the base now, Lao Guo!"

Lao Guo still spoke halfway, but was interrupted by Li Jue:

"I also know that even if he is really an enemy agent, he cannot pass the information under the current circumstances."

"I know that our multi-round re-inspection system will not give him the opportunity to destroy the calculation results, but Lao Guo"

"Rules are rules. Our mission is too special and important. Any unstable factors are absolutely not allowed."

"He misunderstood the policy and used a pseudonym, that's okay! It's okay to sneak back to China! Let us treat his injuries for free, it's still okay!"

Said here.

Li Jue put his hand on his friend and colleague, and said word by word:

"If you want him to enter our project, absolutely not."

"Old Guo, this project of ours is about the whole country, and about whether hundreds of millions of compatriots will crawl on their knees or walk on their feet in the future. We must maintain absolute rationality that is irrational or even illogical."

"Maybe he is a talent for you, Lao Guo, and has given you some surprises, but from the perspective of me, the factory manager, he is far from enough."

Looking at Li Jue, who spoke earnestly and earnestly, old Guo Moran.

After a while.

He nodded slightly:

"Old Li, I was the one who was abrupt."

Seeing this, Li Jue's chest relaxed slightly. What he was most afraid of was that Lao Guo would be tough and stubborn with him because of his "cherishing talents".

Then he opened his mouth, ready to speak, but heard Lao Guo say:

"Then Lao Li, if you ask him to calculate some data without revealing the real situation, it shouldn't be a problem?"

Li Jue was slightly taken aback, then nodded after recovering:

"Of course it is possible. Based on pure data calculations, the current base is indeed short of manpower—isn't this also one of our purposes for rescuing him?"

"Do not discuss the watch list and core items, ordinary data can be touched by him."

The expression on Lao Guo's face softened a little.

But soon.

An unstoppable thought popped up in Lao Guo's mind:

"By the way, Old Li, is it really impossible for him to enter the watch list?"

Li Jue glanced at him and said firmly:

"Unless he gives all the information about the three generations of his ancestors and verifies it clearly, then don't even think about it!"

Lao Guo still does not give up:

"Then what if his contribution is big enough?"

"Big contribution? It's impossible to make a big contribution."

Li Jue snorted coldly, then suddenly thought of something, and pointed out the window:

"Let's put it this way, Old Guo."

"If he can enter the watch list without revealing his true situation, I'll go and chew on the ax your teacher gave you on the spot!"


Grandma's situation suddenly became a little bit bad. She wasn't in the ICU so badly, but she was in an emergency, and the indicators were not too optimistic. Today is a bit short, and I will ask for leave tomorrow, sorry.

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