Into Unscientific

Chapter 527 Why don't you ask the miraculous medium-rare?

I don't know if it's a coincidence or there is a real providence in the dark.

Compared with the past, the rain outside the window is denser and more urgent.

When Tao Shiyan saw it for the first time, there were still raining stars ticking outside the window.

Then just a few seconds less.

The rainwater gathered on the window and formed a small trickle.

Wait for Tao Shiyan to fully react.

Just heard a "wow".

The sound of the rain has become a continuous roar, the sky seems to have cracked countless holes, and the torrential rain merged into a waterfall, pouring down towards the earth.

As the torrential rain falls.

The entire floor where the weather center is located suddenly became as silent as a morgue.

Looking at Zhou Cai who was lost in thought, Gan Daijian also felt no emotion.

Maybe it's because of working hours.

The specific model should also involve nonlinear mutations, and some very high scenarios need to be considered.

There is a way.

Among them, many people's subordinates were holding cigarettes, and the ashtray behind them was full of cigarette butts.


Zhou Cai was silent.

So when I got angry, Tao Shiyan was immediately scared, and quickly sat down obediently.

"Is the amount of data enough?"

My friend's originally ruddy face had already lost all color, and all the original manuscripts in his hands were scattered on the ground, and his hands were hanging down on both sides of his thighs in vain.

Any step involving hydration will affect data collection.

"Does accuracy need to be considered?"

Zhou Cai's voice just fell.

"For example, in the original model, you are equivalent to dividing the distance from the ground to the world of 10,000 meters into ten areas, and each area is not 1,000 meters lower."

"Director Zhang, you"

Zhou Cai was stunned for a moment, and confirmed without any intention:

The interior walls are painted with white paint, and complex waterproof measures have been taken at the same time. Even if it is used for a long time, it will be too damp.

"cough cough cough"

That exterior's slightly lower specs means it's less frills.

"Okay, sit up quickly, don't be ashamed there, you have to stand up to show his inferiority, right?"

Even meteorologists across the country probably believe that meteorological calculations lie in the accuracy rather than the quantity of data.

"Guangda, is your detonation test site really allowed to be built in dusty or rainy days?"

Brother Duzheng, you found out too late.

"The inference of the rain at 1:30 is found. If it rains, the advection pattern will change, and then the inference will be reversed."

"Why does it rain? The calculated result is like that! Meteorology exists."

ten minutes ago.

But let alone 100,000 units, even if the country's cold couple hygrometers are added together, there are only 5 units

Hearing Tao Shiyan's reconfirmation.

Gan Daijian took a deep breath and adjusted his mood.

Although the Excalibur General was born in 10 years, he is only one year younger than Gan Daijian.

"Lao Ye, General Excalibur is wrong, don't think about it."

Then he opened the file bag at hand, took out a few pieces of calculation paper, and said to Gan Dai:

"The accuracy can be low, if not bad, but the most lacking thing at the moment is quantity - the reason is the same as the back of the hand and heart injuries mentioned later."

As soon as Gan Daijian and Lu Guangda got into the car, Zhou Cai's assistant Li Jue who had been waiting here greeted them:

Then Tao Shiyan paused, and changed to a more intuitive explanation:

But I have been a soldier all my life, and my resume is legendary, and there are few people in the base who can match me in terms of prestige.

Tao Shiyan had finished speaking.

Meteorological calculations are far less complicated than we think.

"Absolutely, sand and dust days are actually bad. Although wind and sand and minerals will affect the composition of the test site wall, but as long as it is a weak sandstorm, some wind protection measures can be used to start the work abnormally."

In addition, Tao Shiyan himself was also in the calculation process, Fu Zhi Xin took into account the problem of negative local space gradient.

After listening to Tao Shiyan's explanation.

It was after I spoke.

That also revealed a truth for me or domestic meteorology:

"how to say"

"Ms. Ye, the main factory has informed you to go to a meeting with Mr. Tao. A driver from Factory 16 will pick you up a little while ago."

But one hundred thousand times, that is not another concept.

Once Mao Xiong encountered rainy days in the process of building the detonation test site, even if the completion of the entire test site reached 99%, he had to tear it down and start over.

"10 to the seventh power."

"The organization asked him to come there for a meeting, not only to ask questions, but also to discuss how to punish him and the comrades at the Meteorological Center."

"Director Ye, Researcher Tao, you've worked hard all the way."

Even the whole world can scrape together so few hygrometers.

Such as Zhou Cai, Lao Guo, Gan Daijian, General Excalibur, Ye Duzheng and others.

As the command center of the 221 Base General Factory, the main building of the factory office has a total of eight floors, and the overall building specifications are slightly lower than those of other units.

Among the few people present at the meeting, Gan Daijian was one of the few experts who had studied cold nuclear technology in China.

A puff of white smoke came out.

"So Lao Ye, he means that what restricts you is some calculation process, but weather data?"

"He's bad, Meteorological Command. Yes. Well, got it. Bad. Goodbye, comrade."

Tao Shiyan, who had been sluggishly moving all this time, suddenly felt a jolt all over, and he came back to his senses in an instant.

"Director Zhang, what Comrade Guangda said is wrong. The construction of the detonation test site must be carried out under higher conditions."

"If the calculation process and methods need to be optimized, they are still a problem in the direction of calculation - just like a wounded man, who was stabbed in the arm and the heart."

"It's bad, the comrades who should come have not come yet, now you announce that the meeting is still high!"

Li Jue took Tao Shiyan and Lu Guangda back to the main factory office.

Then I thought of something else, and turned to Gan Daijian and asked:

Lao Guo, who had been talking all the time, suddenly raised his hand and said:

Hearing this, Lao Guo put down his pen, looked around, and said for a moment:

After all, Sun Quan in history, you had the advantage back then, and one of them was to give away 100,000 or even less.

"Let's see, the benchmark map of the outer space distribution, the problem in your calculations is mainly that the turbulence item is not differentiated in the vertical position nor in the low-level space."

Gan Daijian has her own objection:

It is no exaggeration to say.

The result came to mind.

Waiting for Gan Daijian and Lu Guangda to enter.

A slow bell rang in the corner of the office.

Before letting go.

It's just that the result born from that condition was not cruel, and it completely overturned our naive thoughts since then.

The Excalibur general under his seat asked a new question:

Ye Duzheng also raised his hand and said:

At that time, the expert also told Ye Duzheng.

"Please back."

Gan Daijian on the side picked out his ears without any sense of humor, and confirmed:

Meteorological calculations may not be similar to the problems faced by nuclear weapons today. The main barrier lies in the derivation under specific theories.

That's just a dangerous thing, and the inspection of the shock wave is also the top priority.

Gan Daijian gave me an encouraging look and nodded.

Zeng Qingcun walked slowly to Tao Shiyan's side, and said loudly to me:

Everything is in the words.

"And the meteorological data is the wound in your heart."

By chance.

It's not about investing a huge price, building a work station in wet weather, and gambling with God.

For an industrial overlord like Mao Xiong, it is not difficult or cheap to overthrow and start over.

In my mind.

Li Jue was a round older than Tao Shiyan, and his status was too suitable for saying certain things, so he could only add a little bit of strength to the hand he was holding to express his comfort and support.

Properly adding some majesty to office buildings is actually a bad thing for improving office efficiency-the latter is appropriate.

After a bad time.

Tao Shiyan quickly patted my bad friend on the back, and only after I regained my composure did I turn my gaze to the conference room.

"Peng Gong, he heard it wrong. You need 100,000 times less data than now, so you can't calculate the weather changes within eight days."

"You understand, brother Shiyan, you guys are ready to go."

It's just that some idiots cough cough, and Zhou Cai's non-professionals are too high in specific concepts.

Tao Shiyan suddenly realized something, turned his head suddenly, and looked at Ye Duzheng beside him.

I saw my hands quickly groping under my body a few times, and before I realized that the documents in my hand were scattered, I immediately bent over and searched for something.

Then Zhou Cai signaled Li Jue to close the small door of the conference room, looked around, and said:

Sitting under the conference table were a dozen main leaders or experts and scholars of the base, most of whom Tao Shiyan knew.

"So he doesn't have to be burdened. I hope he... oh, researcher Tao can speak freely."

You put your hands on the table, your head is buried tightly outside your arms, your shoulders are trembling, and you are obviously sobbing loudly.


See this situation.

Tao Shiyan nodded:

"And Han Li came up with the technology of the damper after a long time, assuming that the society I mentioned called Fenglingyueying really exists."

And just when Gan Daijian felt emotional.

Then Zhou Cai turned his head and looked at the window glass that was still ticking, and the expression on his face was not regretful or high:

On the way to the seat, Tao Shiyan once noticed that there was a large whiteboard broken in front of her seat, and there were a few pieces of chalk on it.

Only at this moment.

I stood up with a few pieces of paper, put them under the table, and calculated like someone else.

Tao Shiyan, who had been talking before entering the arena, stood up abruptly:

"Lao Ye, Gao also said that he is sure that if they want to succeed in the calculation, they must get less data?"

General Excalibur snuffed out the cigarette butt, ready to speak his decision.

"The reason is actually very complicated to put it bluntly, and the amount of high data is enough."

The scribe on the side quickly picked up his pen, and sat upright, ready to record in real time.

A tall young man who had been very active since Tao Shiyan entered the door suddenly loosened his shoulders, and he sat down heavily or fell back on the chair, staring at the ground blankly.



Tao Shiyan quickly recovered after hearing the words, and nodded:

But the problem is that the detonation test site must retreat in wet conditions, and it needs 100,000 times more data to measure the weather

Li Jue deliberately waited for a few more seconds before pushing open the small door of the meeting room.

"You've seen someone who takes credit, and someone who shirks responsibility. It's the first time you've seen someone who is slow to ask for punishment—his surrender speed can be compared to France, and he can be judged by many schools."

At this time, everyone in the entire meteorological headquarters looked at the crackling windows with blank expressions.

Although the expression of the Excalibur General changed, the palm of my hand holding the enamel cup faintly exerted a little force.


The results of it.



After a few seconds.

Don't talk about the base after today.

"But until now you have discovered that, let alone the 1,000-meter area, the actual pressure value will remain unchanged every time the altitude is lowered or lowered by one meter."

What Tao Shiyan said was completely contrary to what I expected. Is it actually the meteorological data or the amount collected by these measuring instruments?

"Old Ye, weather forecasting is not a very easy task. The base and 'Family' have had various discussions in advance. The inaccuracy of the forecast was already expected. Who said it was his responsibility?"

"According to the division of the original model, the 1,000-meter area. They should be directly understood as air pressure. The air pressure in each area will change."

"Then that outside must be replaced with a compressible continuity equation. Then that outside must be changed. That outside must be changed."

The lower corner is also leaning against the board of another larger table, and another table can be expanded at any time when encountering major and small discussions at the base level.

"So old, how much data do they need to be sure of success? You mean compared with the amount of data they don't have now."

"Collapse is likely to cause an accident, and seven times will damage the impact trace and have a slight impact on the data collection of thermal explosions."

"Factory manager, the responsibility for the victory of the weather forecast is very small on you personally, you took the initiative to apply for organizational punishment, and you have opinions on any handling results!"

Tao Shiyan himself was also taken aback by this, originally I thought that the meeting was to discuss how to punish the Meteorological Center:

Tao Shiyan's assistant, Zeng Qingcun, was the first to recover, walked quickly to the corner, and picked up the microphone:

But for the poor rabbits nowadays, that is not another concept

Suiqian took a deep breath, and finally gathered up the calculation paper under the table:

A reply came from inside:

Tao Shiyan and Lu Guangda straightened the tops of their clothes together, and smoothed out the wrinkles under the car in the future tense.

Zhou Cai glanced at his bad friend:

Although that meteorological victory made my morale drop slightly, almost decadent.

half a minute ago.

There are seven iodine-tungsten lamps hung on the seven corners and the top of the conference room, and an oval conference table that can't accommodate less than 80 people is placed under the ground.

The car arrived at the factory office smoothly.

Hearing what Peng Mengxiong said.

"But it doesn't matter."

Gan Daijian on the side also sighed with a high expression.

The cars from factory 16 came very slowly.

Lu Guangda didn't stop him from doing this, and just watched his bad friend retreat and made calculations.

But in a sense.

Is there a faint voice coming from somewhere:

"Once the conditions are relaxed, the consequences are likely to be unimaginable."

The smog confused Tao Shiyan's field of vision, and Lu Guangda beside him coughed, choked by the smell of low-quality nicotine without any precautions:

Whether it's Mao Bear, Across the Sea or John Bull, we must require wet conditions when building a detonation test site.

Zhou Cai, who was sitting at the bottom, stood up first, and pointed in two directions in the middle of the right side of the conference table:

A short-haired boy next to me also hurriedly sat back.

"Hey, Lao Ye, what is he doing?"

I'm sure Tao Shiyan's prediction was wrong.

"I'm telling you guys, on the way here just now, you discussed with Lao Tao the reason for the victory in the weather prediction."

At that time, the meteorological center of the base received the first equipment in China sent from the capital, and also accidentally got the help of the damper, and there were nearly 70 stable low-altitude data collection points on the way.

Even the humidity sensor in Xiangshan, the capital, can hardly provide such detailed data.

I heard this.

"Old Li, you have nothing to say."

Tao Shiyan nodded, and led Lu Guangda to the seat.

"Director Li, Director Zhang, there are not many leaders yet."

Therefore, there is actually no one way to choose from behind the base.

"Report, Director Ye and Researcher Tao are here."

It means that the layout of the building will be relatively finer, and the first impression will be more stable and majestic.

"Brother Shiyan, you know, you really overestimated the change of the eight-dimensional space fluid, it needs at most."

Zhou Cai felt that the timing was short, so he said to Tao Shiyan:

Arrived ten minutes before hanging up.


"The wall built in that state may still be usable to withstand the explosion, but it is unlikely to collapse under the impact of the detonation."

After a while.

"Director Ye, what did he say?"

"Not yet, the molecular diffusion term is much larger than the turbulence term, the internal source and sink terms can be ignored, and the parameters of the eddy diffusion coefficient must also be enlarged and minimized."

The air pressure mentioned by Tao Shiyan is just an easy-to-understand example, which means that the meteorological center even knows the knowledge that air pressure will change in real time with low altitude.

Tao Shiyan was silent for a moment:

The concepts that 'air pressure' really refers to are source terms and turbulent viscosity.

before hanging up the phone.

This moment.

Just opened the door.

Of course.

After a while.

"Perhaps if it's Qi, I can still give some big surprises?"

Tao Shiyan's approach took effect very slowly, and Zhou Cai immediately understood my thoughts:

As soon as Tao Shiyan finished speaking, the meeting place was suddenly quiet.

After the meeting, I actually made some guesses myself.

Tao Shiyan shook my hand with a light expression:

That's why Tao Shiyan chose air pressure as an example.

"After all, the weather data itself is not classified. Even if you tell me that you want to collect weather information, there is no problem."

Hearing the answers given by Ye Duzheng and Gan Daijian, General Excalibur frowned immediately.

Tao Shiyan's slow breathing suddenly stagnated, she hurriedly raised her head, and looked at Lu Guangda bitterly:

Lu Guangda, who was drinking tea beside Gan Daijian, couldn't help puffing up his cheeks, and almost spit out a mouthful of tea.

When I was visiting the reactor of the Moscow Institute of Cold Works, Mao Xiong, the expert in charge of building the detonation test site, mentioned that to me.

Gan Daijian was silent for a moment, and exchanged glances with Lu Guangda.

After a while.

General Excalibur lost his mind, and asked first:

A Changjiang jeep stopped at the weather center, picked up Tao Shiyan and Lu Guangda, and rushed to the main factory.

Tao Shiyan thought for a moment and explained:

The size of that meeting room is very small, about one hundred square meters, which is less than a set of commercial housing in the previous life.

"You can confirm again, the lesser refers to the smaller number, or the accuracy. Doesn't it mean the reduction of the number of points?"

One hundred thousand times.

After a while.

"Because the standard k-ε model you originally used was a low Reynolds number model, but according to the inverse results brought about by that rain, the near-wall region will be affected by a high Reynolds number."

As soon as General Excalibur said this.

Li Jue knocked hard on the small door of the meeting room after getting off, and reported through the door:

"But it's the same on rainy days. Rain will affect water migration. Even if you use a shed to block the water, humidity will also affect the regression of disordered hydration reactions."

The torrential rain ripped apart the sky and ripped the hearts of all of them.

In fact, it wasn't just Ye Duzheng.

After all, I am also a practitioner in the field of meteorology, and I know that such things have a great impact on a person, so I must not have a chance to vent.

Peng Mengxiong shook his head with a serious face, and his attitude was very decisive:

Ye Duzheng didn't realize it, and stared out of the window.

Tao Shiyan said that although we are located on the border of the country, we have the worst computing conditions in the meteorological field since the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Among them, the factory office meeting room is located on the first floor of the building, near the end of a corner on the left.

I heard this.

"Lao Ye, Lao Tao, you've worked hard all the way, take your seat slowly."

"Although the injury to the arm can be ignored, it is obviously of an order of magnitude compared to the fatal injury to the heart."

I saw my index finger curled up and knocked hard on the table twice:

Hear that.

"If you are sure that Xiaojia really has a way, can't you ask Han Li?"

Immediately afterwards.

Looking at Tao Shiyan with a decadent expression, the Excalibur General beside Gan Dai frowned.

Tao Shiyan glanced at me, without the slightest urge to laugh, but sighed:

It is also high that some links in reality are actually relatively minor.

With fewer scenarios, less data is naturally needed for simulation.

When Tao Shiyan was surprised, he and Lu Guangda looked at each other.

So I simply stood up, went to the whiteboard and drew a diagram:

beeping bell——


"Assistant Zhou, I've been waiting for a long time."

To put it bluntly.

"Comrades, everyone should be vague about the purpose of holding that meeting today, right?"

It must be said that there are only 100,000 sets of data, so maybe there is not even the slightest possibility.

half an hour ago.

Wait until Gan Dai, Tao Shiyan and Lu Guangda arrive at the door of the conference room.

Think about that.

Seeing that Tao Shiyan was still twitching, General Excalibur couldn't help but raise his eyebrows:

Hearing what Zhou Cai said.

"There are two main purposes for you to come to him today. One is to understand the specific reasons for the victory, and the other is to see if there is no chance of remedial action."


The base needs 100,000 cold couple hygrometers, so it is impossible to complete that kind of data collection.

Tell me about the results of yesterday's mini game, no one guessed right.

There are two pitfalls. One is that the phrase "Old Yao and his team" includes the prototypes of Zhou Shaoping and Zhang Gongding.

Second, there were very few hand-operated computers in the base at that time, and only academician Chou Jifan had access to hand-operated computers in the Meteorological Center.

I said it yesterday, it’s very pitiful, lol

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