Into Unscientific

Chapter 562 U2 Sajia is worth it in this life

After a few minutes.

Looking at Xu Yun who was just being lifted up from the ground, grinning wildly with the pain on his face, Fifth Master Qian couldn't help asking with concern:

"Comrade Han Li, are you really alright?"

"Do you want me to contact the staff hospital now and ask Dr. Lin Yu or Comrade Caihong to come and show you?"


I heard this.

Xu Yun in the wheelchair was about to burst into tears from the pain, but he shook his head quickly:

"Director Qian, no need, no need, I really have nothing to do."

"Look, I'm kneeling down. Cough cough, the knee I knocked down happened to be uninjured, and it's a healthy bone."

"The hoarseness is a bit painful, but it's all flawed, and it will be fine after a while."

Seeing this, Fifth Master Qian was still a little worried, so he bent down and took a few glances himself.

After confirming that there is no wound on Xu Yun's knee.

He pondered for a moment just now, and reluctantly agreed with Xu Yun's idea of ​​staying at the scene:

"Okay, then don't contact the hospital for now."

"However, Comrade Han Li, once you feel uncomfortable, please don't hold back, you must speak up, understand?"

It is not an exaggeration to say.

At present, Xu Yun's importance can be called a national treasure, even more than that of Gun Gun. If Xu Yun is a mummy, then his rarity is equivalent to that of Ramses III of Egypt.

Oh, Cleopatra VII is also possible

That's all.

Fifth Master Qian couldn't help looking at Xu Yun again, and asked with a strange expression:

"By the way, Comrade Han Li, you sit in this wheelchair well, why did you suddenly fall down?"

"...Stop talking."

Xu Yun shook his head with a wry smile, and said out of focus like Mrs. Xianglin's wife possessed her:

"I deserve it, I'm stupid, really."

What Xu Yun said was not self-deprecating.

He felt really stupid.

221 base,

round-faced middle-aged man,

math group,

Nicknamed 'greater than',

plus the current point in time

With these key words in front of him, Xu Yun has not realized the true identity of this greater

Then he really deserved it for falling.

This is Yu Min

In Xu Yunlai's later life.

There is a saying that has always had a market on the Internet:

China's local physics circles have never produced giants, and the mathematics circles are even worse than the physics circles.

This sentence is actually not correct.

For example, in the current era, a double genius of mathematics and physics appeared in China.

He is Yu Min.

That is legendary.

The father of the Chinese hydrogen bomb!

If Yu Min's life is described in an online novel, it can be summed up in this sentence:

He is the heaven-sent son who was born when the fate of the country gathered after the founding of China.

Yu Min is a native of Lutai Town, Jinmen City. He studied in the Physics Department of Peking University and only received domestic related education from the beginning to the end.

After graduation.

Yu Min joined the newly established Institute of Modern Physics of the Huaxia Academy of Sciences, and officially started his life that was even more outrageous than cheating.

First, he co-founded my country's first nuclear physics training course with Professor Yang Liming of Peking University, and published my country's first monograph on nuclear theory.

This work has far-reaching influence. Until 2023, many nuclear theory majors are still using this book for teaching.

Then in the process of developing nuclear weapons.

Yu Min was ordered in the face of danger and undertook the hydrogen bomb research.

To know.

Unlike the atomic bomb.

Although the manufacture of the atomic bomb is relatively difficult, there are still some data for reference at the beginning, which can be regarded as more or less traceable.

For example, the obvious formula of the chain reaction is not a secret, but the difficulty is the detailed derivation.

But the hydrogen bomb is different.

There was no information on the hydrogen bomb at that time - not a single letter of the English language.

So Yu Min's difficult opening is hell.

for example.

Now here is a piece of information for the readers:

Cool, there is a thing called a hydrogen bomb in the world. The principle is roughly nuclear fusion, that is, atomic nuclei are twisted together at high temperature to release energy.

Well, that's all there is to it - then I'll leave you to figure this thing out.


Yu Min actually agreed.

What's even more outrageous is that Yu Min finally made the hydrogen bomb under such circumstances

Students who have studied hydrogen bombs should know it.

There are only two configurations of hydrogen bombs today.

One is Taylor Ulam. That is the T-U configuration.

The other is the sensitive configuration.

Of course.

No one has ever seen real data on the above two configurations, and no country has disclosed any principles about hydrogen bombs.

But one thing is certain.

That is, the first hydrogen bomb test device across the sea weighed more than 80 tons, and the first dropable hydrogen bomb weighed 21 tons.

Basically, only the plane can move across the sea.

And guess how much the rabbits' first hydrogen bomb weighed?

The answer is only 1 ton.

Moreover, in the first hydrogen bomb test of the rabbits at that time, they dared to use airdrops to directly realize miniaturization.

That alone.

It is enough to prove that the principles of the rabbits are completely different from those on the other side of the sea.

in 2014.

Yu Min won the highest national science and technology award.

However, it is not his honor to receive this award, but the honor of the highest national science and technology award.

Yu Min kept his name incognito for decades, and led the team to make great contributions to the development of Huaxia's nuclear technology.

It not only freed New China from the haze of nuclear blackmail, but also enabled the Chinese people to manufacture advanced nuclear weapons by themselves, making an incomparable achievement.

But all this was not known to the world until he was 72 years old.


By the way.

In Hearts of Iron 2, the best World War II grand strategy simulation game on Earth.

If you successfully unify China, you will still face the mainland China with poor nuclear technology capabilities.

At this time, the nuclear technology team across the sea has Oppenheimer,

The German technology group includes Heisenberg,

Even Neon has Yoshio Nishina.

So who is there in Huaxia?

p agency told everyone an answer:

Yu Min.

And according to time.

At this time, Yu Min is in a relatively [unemployed] state:

He was transferred to the light nuclear team not long ago, but he will not be formally appointed by Qian Bingqiong until November this year.

So during this period.

Yu Min then worked as a temporary worker in the calculation team of the base.

That's right.

Arithmetic groups, not other physical groups.

How strong is Yu Min's math ability?

When he was studying, Peking University once organized a math test.

At that time, the students in the physics department scored an average of 20 points, the top students in the mathematics department barely scored 60 points, and Yu Min scored 100 points in the test.

In fact, Xu Yun knew all this information, after all, Yu Min's position in the entire nuclear weapons research process was really too important.

Nai He knew it was the same thing.

Being aware of it is another matter.

Ever since.

After Yu Min's identity was revealed, the defenseless Xu Yun was so surprised by 'Greater than'.

Just like Wang Lang, he fell off the horse. Ahem, he fell off the wheelchair.

At the same time, at the moment of returning to God.

The first thought that popped into Xu Yun's mind was not whether there was any fracture, but whether his kneeling posture was standard

After all, this guy is a real boss, and he wouldn't be embarrassed at all to kneel down.


After a while.

Xu Yun took a deep breath, turned his head, and said to Yu Min in front of him:

"Great than Comrade, right? I've read your derivation, and it's indeed very subtle and reasonable."

"Thank you very much for your reminder, so that our equation fitting can continue."

Hearing Xu Yun's words.

Greater Than scratched his hair shyly, and he could vaguely see the shadow of the humble old man later:

"It's good if you can help, it's good if you can help."

"Actually, Comrade Han Li, I'll tell you the truth."

"After seeing the weather Doppler radar you designed, I've always wanted to get to know you—its principle is so subtle."

"So if I have a chance in the future, can I ask you a few questions? ——Don't worry, I'll leave every time before the meal time, and I will never let you have a meal."

I heard the word "ask for advice".

Suddenly Xu Yun was shocked like an electric shock, and his scalp was numb and he waved his hands:

"Don't dare to ask for advice. You are better than comrades. Your math level is much better than mine."

"If you don't mind, let's discuss it normally, maybe I should ask you a question."


Don't talk about Xu Yun.

Even in the scientific research community in China in 2023, there are not many people who can afford Yu Min's advice - this is still considering the situation of meritorious generations like Yang Lao Wang Lao.

If you put aside these single academic abilities, I'm afraid you can only find that kind of person on b-hustle.

After all, this is the ultimate giant who can simulate a nuclear explosion in his mind.

And the other side.

Looking at Xu Yun's cramped reaction that he had never had before.

Fifth Master Qian couldn't help but glanced at Yu Min who was at the side again, with a thoughtful look on his face

Afterwards, Xu Yun and Yu Min forcibly dragged each other, and finally finally persuaded the boss, and proceeded to the next step with a relatively equal attitude.

A few minutes later.

Xu Yun and Yu Min returned to their original positions, and Fifth Master Qian went aside to continue his deduction.

"Comrade Greater than, since the expression of the cross-section state has been solved, it is time to carry out the numerical calculation of the fitted flow field."

Xu Yun took a pen and thought for a moment, then said to Min:

"Greater than Comrade, do you have any thoughts on this part?"

Yu Min has a relatively humble personality in life, but now that it involves technical discussions, he doesn't hide his clumsiness.

Yu Min quickly picked up a pen and wrote down several parameters on the paper:




Then he put down the pen with a click, pushed the piece of paper in front of Xu Yun, and said:

"Comrade Han Li, these are the experimental parameters I calculated myself just now, why don't you substitute them in and have a look?"

See this situation.

Xu Yun instantly had a question mark on his face:


This moment.

A strong desire to complain suddenly appeared in Xu Yun's heart:

Who the hell is the time traveler?

To know.

Since Synge published an article titled "Aerodynamic symmetry of projectiles" in 1949, the physics community has begun to deduce the mathematical expression of aerodynamic parameters.

That is to say, the aerodynamic coefficient can be expanded into a series expression form, and the low-order terms can be retained by truncating the high-order terms to make it practical for engineering.

As for the so-called fit.

It refers to the specific expression of series expansion, that is, the important thing is to determine the coefficients.

Then use the state quantity to solve the aerodynamic parameters of the unknown state, which is a high-resolution process and is very complicated.

To describe the above in human terms is

First use a series of equations to derive another equation, and then solve the equations to obtain the final answer for the three variables XYZ.

And what about the current situation.

It is equivalent to the first step.

That is to say, Xu Yun finally deduced the expression of another equation, and asked Yu Min about his idea of ​​solving this equation.

Follow the development of the traditional story.

Both parties should come up with a variety of ideas for solving the equation, and then discuss their feasibility one by one, and the relationship between each other is slowly increasing during the discussion.

Finally, determine a direction, and work together to start solving.

Then stop writing at the same time after a period of time, and gently push the answer in front of the other party for an exchange test.

In the end, they found that the answer was exactly the same. They looked at each other, and laughed as if they were meeting their confidants.

But at this moment.

What Yu Min did was equivalent to yelling and discussing der.

Then he threw several solutions of the equation on the table, and said to Xu Yun, you can verify it by reverse derivation.

If I'm right, I'll go play basketball, and everyone else is on the court in a hurry.

(╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!!!

Is this tmd kidding?

I didn't even make up my mind on my own side, yet Yu Min actually came up with the answer directly.

To know.

Qian Bingqiong's experimental report was regarded as the top secret of the state before, and was guarded by special personnel. Even if Qian Bingqiong wanted to check it, he had to declare it in advance.

In other words.

It is only possible for Yu Min to know the existence of the report and see the details for the first time after grouping.

And in this short period of ten or twenty minutes.

He not only clarified the specific ideas, but also listed the equations and solved the answers.

In the end, there was even time to watch a play next to Xu Yun?

This tmd is not hanging.

But considering that Yu Min can make out of Min's configuration, these things don't seem so unacceptable?

After all, compared with Yu Min's configuration, the difficulty of this situation is far less.

Then Xu Yun thought of U2 across the sea.

I don’t know which U2 will be so unofficial. Or in other words, Ouhuang, who is lucky to die in the hands of so many Tongtian generations.

It's really worth it in this life.


After a while.

Xu Yun put away the surprise in his heart, and turned his attention back to reality.

After all, surprises are surprises, and things that should be done still have to be done.

So soon.

Xu Yun picked up a pen and calculated the three sets of values ​​given by Min.

Among the parameters given by Yu Min.

Ma refers to the Mach number,

AoA is the angle of attack,

Rec is

critical Reynolds number.

Among them, the Reynolds number is as it should be, a numerical value named after Reynolds.

At that time, Reynolds discovered according to a large number of experiments that the transition process from laminar flow to turbulent flow was very complicated.

This process is not only related to the flow velocity v.

It is also related to the fluid density ρ, the viscosity coefficient μ, and a certain characteristic length d of the object—for example, the diameter of the pipe, the width of the wing, the radius of the sphere in the fluid, and so on.

In the end, he integrated the above factors and introduced a dimensionless quantity ρvd/μ.

Later generations named this dimensionless parameter "Reynolds number".

The flow state of the fluid is determined by the Reynolds number. When the Reynolds number is small, it is laminar flow, and when the Reynolds number is large, it is turbulent flow.

That is.

The greater the flow velocity, the longer the distance across the surface of the object, and the greater the density, the easier it is for the laminar boundary layer to become a turbulent boundary layer.

on the contrary.

The greater the viscosity, the more stable the flow and the less likely it is to become a turbulent boundary layer. (Recently, there are more readers because of anti-theft. Let me explain here. This kind of throwing concept is really not hydrology, but will be used later, but if it is thrown out later, then the whole chapter does not need to write the text, so every few days Chapter toss one.)

Then soon.

Xu Yun substituted these parameters into the equation.


"Then the Freeflow parameter is 288.15"

"Boundary conditions refer to the second-to-last formula in Chapter 559, and the general parameter is 0.61"

"Finally substituting the convergence criterion, the surface pressure distribution is 6.66632"

"The first formula is correct, and the energy between the sections is conserved, so the calculated L0 should be 0.231."

write here.

Xu Yun stopped the pen in his hand and began to compare the form of Fifth Master Qian.

The actual sample of Qian Wushi's form came from the ballistic wind tunnel across the sea. In this era, there are only three countries in the world that have ballistic wind tunnels, and Huaxia is not included.

This is why this material is listed as such a high-profile file.

Then soon.

Xu Yun found the corresponding L0 value of MA=0.7 on the file.

It certainly is.


no doubt.

The three values ​​that Yu Min gave are indeed accurate solutions.

Xu Yun:


Live in vain.jpg.

Then in the following time.

Xu Yun's group has a very strange style of painting, and the content of the conversation is almost like this:

"Greater than that, the B and C areas of the medium gap need to do a pen calculation of the Kolmogorov scale energy spectrum, so the dissipation rate must be calculated first."

"No need to calculate, 17.63%, Comrade Han Li, please check the calculation."

". Greater than, the wave number is accumulated by all the large-scale components of the velocity, and v^k is the Fourier coefficient of the velocity, so it needs to be scaled many times"

"No need, Comrade Han Li, we just assume that for any fixed K, the cumulative dissipation of all scales greater than 1/K should be 2νΩK≤2νK, where E→0, when ν→0, ΩK can be directly absorbed It's figured out, look."

"Then this irregular hourly velocity field."

"It's also simple. Assume the shear stress of a solid wall on the fluid, and then write out the product of the contact area and then derivate it?"

be honest.

From the first crossing to the present.

For the first time, Xu Yun felt a subtle emotion of doubting life:

He seemed to be transformed into the native who was being carried away, and Yu Min beside him was the traverser.

Almost as soon as Xu Yun mentioned his thoughts.

Yu Min can quickly give the corresponding answer, and the accuracy is very high, even if there is a mistake, it can be corrected quickly.

Ever since.

With Yu Min's 'assistance'.

Xu Yun solved the problem he was responsible for with little effort.

No wonder so many people like to lie down and win, this feeling is really cool.

Ten minutes after Xu Yun's team completed the calculation task.

The back pressure ratio that Fifth Master Qian was personally responsible for also had results.

back pressure ratio.

Anyone in the military circle or aerospace enthusiasts should know this.

Regardless of large aerospace liquid rockets, or some modern tactical missiles, or even modern fighter jets after the third generation.

The tongues of flame they spew out after the afterburner is turned on, that is, the tail flame, most of them have a segmented appearance.

This is a physical phenomenon in which the speed of the jet exceeds the speed of sound when the engine power of the aircraft is fully turned on.

This phenomenon is professionally called Mach disk or Mach ring, which is a translation discrepancy and a very common problem of interpretation.

It is caused by the shock wave generated by the tail jet, forming a continuous expansion wave and compression wave system in the air.

The mathematical derivation of these expansion waves or compression waves is related to the back pressure ratio.


The concept of back pressure ratio is commonly used in the nozzles of jet aircraft and in the field of missiles. Especially for small missiles, there are not many cases where the back pressure ratio is considered.

But don't forget.

The missile designed by Qian Wushi and the others this time requires an extremely fine aerodynamic structure, and the back pressure ratio is related to the positioning of supersonic axisymmetric in real scenarios-the specific equation has been mentioned before.

Therefore, the calculation of the back pressure ratio has become a very critical part.

Then Fifth Master Qian put his calculation results and Xu Yunyu Min's results side by side in front of him, and began to make a summary.

"R(l)/l = 0.1V/l^3 = 0.02"

"Flow field parameter distribution and leading edge surface shock interval are 0.4, 2.6, 2.9"

"The total shrink ratio of the front intake port is 6.2, which includes the front compression part, the total shrink ratio of the intake port is 5.2, and the inner shrink ratio is 1.6"

"The distribution of the mass-weighted Mach number is around 3.0, the pressure rise coefficient is basically above 20, the total pressure recovery coefficient is the largest when the angle of attack is equal to 2°, and the rest of the states are close to 0.6"

Fifth Master Qian's eyes quickly flicked over these parameters, and his slender and callused right hand quickly sketched on the calculation paper.

Each parameter is scanned.

His right hand will draw the corresponding graphics within five seconds.

This is the extraordinary ability he has spent thirty years accumulating. If he has no ability, how can Fifth Master Qian be valued so highly by the opposite side of the sea?

If Yu Min is a human computer.

Then Fifth Master Qian is a human shape analyzer.

From the moment each parameter enters the retina and is imaged in the rear, it has been analyzed by Qian Wushi's brain at a high speed.

Watching Qian Wushi's pen tip jumping quickly on the paper.

Xu Yun, who was on the sidelines, suddenly had another emotion in his heart.

This sentiment is a little subtle.

It wasn't a desire to complain, nor was it an ethereal touch——Xu Yun hadn't reached that level of sensibility yet.

What about this emotion?

Smart students should still remember it.

In the past three dungeons, Xu Yun had organized one or more rounds of mathematical operations.

For example in Mavericks copy.

He and Xiao Niu deduced the simplification of binomial and discussed the problem of infinitesimal.

In the copy of Lao Su.

Together with Jia Xian and others, he calculated the parameters of the telescope, and after Xiao Zhao took the throne, he found hundreds of ancient people who were proficient in numbers to calculate the design parameters of the aircraft.

In the wheat copy.

Xu Yun calculated the orbit of Pluto together with Gauss, Riemann, Dirichlet and others, and calculated the orbit of Pluto a year later.

But no matter which one of the above calculations.

Xu Yun wouldn't say that he carried alone, but almost all of them were in a leading or guiding position.

in these processes.

Xu Yun is like the jade seal that was rewarded in the 1850 dungeon, but he is actually a little lonely in his heart.

There is no one around him who can really match the frequency with him, not even Gauss Riemann and Wheat.

But this time it was different.

Although Xu Yun still pointed out certain directions, there were people around him who could keep up with his thinking and even optimize his thinking.

When the identities of these people are added with the attributive [New Chinese ancestors]

Xu Yun suddenly found that there was some warmth around him, instead of the noisy cold wind and the lonely starry sky.

Maybe this is it.

Collective power?

Twenty minutes later.

A sketch with simple lines but complex structure suddenly appeared in front of the three of them.

This is a very special structure.

It uses the streamline tracing method to obtain the minimum wave resistance cone wave-guiding wave-rider body,

The shock wave of the waverider presents an outwardly convex outer cone characteristic, which closely fits on the leading edge of the three-dimensional inlet lip.

At the same time, the waverider characteristics of the waverider itself are not affected by the inlet channel placed inside the flow field, and the shock wave is close to the side edge of the front body;

The shock wave of the inlet itself exhibits the characteristics of an inner cone, concave to the inside, and close to the leading edge of the inlet.

The three-dimensional inwardly turning inlet is obtained by tracking the inner cone flow field on the axisymmetric curved surface through the capturing line matched with the waverider.

At the same time, the internal compression channel with a circular exit of the isolation section is obtained by using the surface gradient technology, and the flow capture rate can reach 0.99.

To describe it in later terminology.

[Total pressure recovery coefficient and pressure rise characteristics are within a good range. 】

to be honest.

Since the results of the other three groups have not been consolidated, the structure of this sketch is not complete:

It only depicts the internal and external structure of the missile joint.

But in the eyes of professionals like Fifth Master Qian.

It is an extremely exquisite design drawing of the first version of the missile.

As long as [this and that], it can become a real missile.

In other words.

In the missile design process, the most critical link has been solved.

woo woo woo——

And not long after Qian Wushi finished drawing the design.

A rapid siren sounded outside the window.

I heard this.

Xu Yun, who was still looking at the design drawing, subconsciously raised his head to look out the window, and frowned slightly at the same time:

"Strange. It's only been a few days, why is U2 here again?"

"Nothing surprising."

As soon as Xu Yun finished speaking, Fifth Master Qian beside him waved his hand, saying indifferently:

"It's probably because some people couldn't find me in the capital, so they came to the northwest in a hurry to have a look."

"Similar situations are quite common. The last time I secretly went to Zhejiang Province to eat vinegar fish in West Lake, U2 went around the northwest for three full days."

Xu Yun was taken aback for a moment.

Some people can't find Fifth Master Qian?

But soon.

He then understood what Qian Wushi meant.


Beginning with the advent of meteorological Doppler radar.

Sun Junren, Luo Peilin, Wang Lao... In addition to the Fifth Qian Division this time, many batches of "reinforcement troops" have come to the base from the capital.

This lineup looks quite luxurious, but there will be a situation in the capital:

The porters, peddlers or noodle restaurant owners at their door must have some people with serious occupations but malicious intentions, and they found that the targets they were following every day were missing.

In this situation.

It is reasonable to increase the frequency of U2 sailing across the sea.

Think here.

Fifth Master Qian couldn't help but stood up from his seat and walked to the window.

He first glanced out the window at the sideline team members who were carrying 'props' such as bedding to cover the radar, and then looked up at the sky.

His eyes seemed to travel thousands of kilometers through the blue sky above the base, and he saw a black reconnaissance plane approaching the base:

"Hurry up and fly a few more times, after all, it won't be long before you will never have the chance to enter our airspace, forever."


If you still have the monthly pass, you can vote for it. If you can keep the monthly pass Qian Wushi, the achievement point will be +1000 next month, and this book should be able to get one star of glory.

Although one star of Glory is a bit of a rotten street now, so that a Golden Alliance can directly get two stars, but there are not many books that don’t really rely on krypton gold to get one star. This is a real one-star medal, so ask for a monthly pass!

In addition, I would like to thank the leader who rewarded Li after the sword left!

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