Into Unscientific

Chapter 579 A Bold Operation!


After Xu Yun finished speaking.

After a while.

Several surprised voices sounded from the meeting room at the same time:


"Transparent fat house happy water?"

Looking at the four people at the scene.

Whether it is Lao Guo, Wang Lao, Qian Wushi or Li Jue, they are no strangers to vodka, a specialty of bears.

After all, they have either gone to Maoxiong's country to study knowledge, or worked with Maoxiong experts for a lot of time.

Therefore, they are very familiar with vodka, a high-strength alcohol unique to bears, and have even drank it quite often.

For example, at this moment, there is an unopened bottle of vodka in the drawer in Li Jue's office.


What is the fat house happy water?

Seeing a few people look confused.

Xu Yun couldn't help but feel a little pride in the success of his evil intentions, and then he explained:

"Oh, I forgot to mention, the so-called fat house happy water refers to Coke."


hear the word.

Lao Guo and Fifth Master Qian couldn't help but look at each other, and then Lao Guo raised his head to drink water:

"Coke? Is that the kind of dark, bubbling sweet drink produced across the sea?"

Xu Yun nodded:

"That's right."

When Lao Guo heard this, the expression on his face became more and more confused:

"Xiao Han, I drank a drink like Coke when I was across the sea, and the taste is really special."

"But no matter how it tastes, even if it is as beautiful as a fine nectar, it has nothing to do with the food we are discussing, right?"

As an international student who has spent a long time across the sea.

Lao Guo, Qian Wushi and Wang Lao know a lot about Coke.

But I also drank several times before and after.


Say no to Coke.

They have come into contact with almost all kinds of rare things in China these days.

For example, when I was stranded across the sea.

Qian Wushi went to KFC founder Harlan Sanders' store and ate fried chicken. That is, KFC was founded in 1952

And 1948.

Fifth Division Qian, who had just quit the Air Force Science Advisory Group across the sea, was also invited to participate in a film called "Skuda, ho! Scuda, hi! "The premiere of the romantic comedy.

In this movie, there is an actress with only one line, named Marilyn Monroe.

So except for Li Jue who has never been abroad.

After hearing the name Coke, the other three people at the scene quickly recalled this very distinctive drink in their minds.

But as Lao Guo said.

Even if you can update 50,000 words a day after drinking this stuff, it has nothing to do with what they are discussing now, right?

Fortunately, Xu Yun didn't intend to show off, so he quickly explained:

"Director Guo, please take it easy."

"That's right, pure Coke has nothing to do with food, but what if Coke can be exchanged for a batch or even multiple batches of food?"

"After all, bartering is the primitive instinct of human beings. In this way, won't our staple food problem be solved?"

"Coke for food?"

Lao Guo immediately frowned and said quickly:

"With whom? It doesn't make sense to trade domestically. Those places in Europe and the United States are the backyard of Pepsi and Coca-Cola."

"Even if we want to export Coke to Europe and the United States, it will be difficult in the short term. Wait!!"

Talking and talking.

Lao Guo suddenly remembered a word Xu Yun mentioned before:


Wait, vodka? !

Think here.

Lao Guo suddenly looked at Xu Yun, with a rare look of horror in his eyes:

"Xiao Han, do you want to exchange Coke for food with Mao Xiong?"

Xu Yun nodded heavily:

"That's right!"


As soon as Xu Yun said this.

A needle can be heard instantly at the scene.

Even Fifth Master Qian, who knew Xu Yun's details, had a subtle expression on his face at this moment.

Exchange coke and bears for food?

Isn't this tmd bullshit

Not to mention whether domestic equipment has the technology to produce Coke.

Even if this drink can really be produced, Mao Xiong may exchange food with you?

Do you really think this is fine nectar?

No fantasy novel dares to write like this.

Seeing the strong doubts on everyone's expressions, Xu Yun pondered for a while, and said to Li Jue:

"Director, can you contact the capital now? I mean some comrades from the secrecy front, and confirm some news with them."

Li Jue hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded slightly:


"Then why don't you make a call?"

Xu Yun laughed twice, and said:

"You can ask them about Comrade Konstantinovich's import of fifty boxes of Coke."

"There is also Mao Xiong's evaluation of Coke at the trade show a year and a half ago, and the situation of Mao Xiong's domestic Coke after the trade show."


Hearing Xu Yun's words.

Li Jue and Qian Wushi quickly exchanged a look.

Then Li Jue stood up and came to the desk, picked up the microphone and dialed a number:

".Hello, I'm Li Jue. Yes, I want to know something.

"Well, some comments about Coke in Mao Xiong's country."

"Ten minutes, okay, no problem. Trouble."

After a simple exchange.

Li Jue quickly hung up the phone.

However, Li Jue, who ended the call, did not return to his seat, but waited at the table.

five minutes later.

Jingle Bell--

The landline made a pleasant sound, and Li Jue, who had been prepared for a long time, grabbed it:


After a while.

I don't know what the other person said on the phone.

On Li Jue's originally expressionless face, a trace of consternation visible to the naked eye appeared without warning.

Under excessive surprise.

His whole neck stretched forward a little funny, looking like the sixth child in an underground transportation station.

Two minutes later.

"Okay, I understand, thank you for your hard work."

After hanging up the phone.

Li Jue paced back to several people.

I saw him sizing up Xu Yun again with an extremely novel goal, and finally sighed quietly:

"Comrade Han Li, I take back my previous thoughts. The plan you mentioned seems to be theoretically feasible."

"At least. The things you mentioned can be used as certain evidence."

Looking at Li Jue, whose attitude has changed significantly before and after.

Xu Yun smiled resolutely.

Of course, his idea is not imaginary.

Throughout the history of human civilization.

In all periods and dynasties, ancient and modern, China and foreign countries, there have been various bizarre events.

Some events are so absurd that I dare not even write a novel.

But they still happen.

For example, Huaxia has the wonderful operation of Huizong Qinzong, and there is also such a wonderful thing as Yao Chang, the ruler of the Qin Dynasty.

At that time, after Yao Chang usurped the throne, he gave a banquet to all the ministers. He asked everyone:

"We used to be officials under Fu Jian. Now that I am the emperor, you are still ministers. Don't you feel ashamed?"

Someone answered:

"God is not ashamed of people like you as the emperor, so why should we be ashamed of being your ministers?"

Yao Chang and everyone couldn't help laughing, and the hall was full of joy.

As for the strange things abroad, there are more.

For example, the Dunkirk evacuation that year.

When the British and French forces were surrounded in Dunkirk, the German army was only 10 kilometers away from Dunkirk.

That is a mechanized force, 10 kilometers, you can reach it with a kick of the accelerator, and when you arrive, you can wipe out the British and French allied forces.

But at this moment, Mustache suddenly ordered:

Stop going.

Ever since.

The vanguard of Germany really stopped in place for 48 hours.

At this time, the British and French allied forces staged a shocking escape, and it also left Germany with a wonderful mark in the history of war.

Another example is that in today's world where information is so developed, Germany can still dig up a bronze sword that is still shining three thousand years ago, openly crushing the IQ of the public, can you believe it?

But in these wonderful events.

The story of the bear man and Coke is undoubtedly the most popular among fat people, and the most important.

When you think of Pepsi, what do you think of?


Celebrity endorsement like Kun Kun?

Blockbuster implants?

Or a battle with Coca-Cola?

In short, Pepsi has been trying to convey such an image to the public for many years:

Young, fashionable, urban life, it will melt in one sip.

But in history.

Pepsi and Mao Xiong once had a "bad relationship".

During the peak period of this evil relationship.

Pepsi is the sole agent across the sea to sell Bear Vodka, and the bear people regard Pepsi as a treasure, and the consumption is tens of millions of liters.


It was not Pepsi that first tested the bear market, but its lifelong enemy, Coca-Cola.

Coca-Cola was once famous in Mao Xiong, and Comrade Konstantinovich, a World War II hero, was a loyal fan of Coca-Cola.

However, because Coca-Cola is a product across the sea, it is somewhat contrary to Mao Xiong's style of painting.

So then.

Comrade Konstantinovich specially ordered fifty cases of colorless Coke to be bottled so that he could grumble in public.

With such strict control, Coca-Cola's operation in the Soviet Union is naturally a little bit.

But two years ago, a turning point appeared.

At that time, Mao Xiong, in order to ease the relationship with the opposite side of the sea, offered to hold an expo of their own products on each other's territory.

The opposite side of the sea readily agreed.

And at the exchange meeting held in Maoxiong territory, many famous scenes were born.

For example, the "kitchen debate" that later generations will talk about is also a rare occasion where the two sides exchange their ideas in a friendly manner.

Another example.

During the exchange meeting, Pepsi presented its own products to Mao Xiong, the boss who likes corn.

At that time, the boss gave Pepsi a very high evaluation. Since then, Coke has become one of the best-selling drinks in Maoxiong's country.

At that time, Mao Xiong and Pepsi traded by bartering, that is, 1 liter of Pepsi was exchanged for 1 liter of capital vodka.

Wait until the eighties.

The production value of Pepsi's Coke in Bear is as high as one billion dollars a year-this is one billion dollars in the 1980s!

Of course.

If that was all it took, the whole thing wouldn't be considered absurd.

But wait.

The really outrageous episode happens very quickly:

Later, Bear's demand for Coke was higher than that of vodka on the opposite side of the sea, so he began to pay Pepsi in various forms.

One of the most famous transactions, can you guess what the chips are?

the answer is.

17 Type 613 submarines, 1 cruiser, 1 destroyer and 1 frigate.

If you look at the size of the fleet.

Pepsi is the most powerful private navy in modern history, ranking sixth among countries at the time.

This is the origin of Pepsi's so-called sixth fleet group.

Compared with Mou Zhong's exchange of canned food for airplanes, which Huaxia likes to talk about, this matter is actually more outrageous.

So after thinking about it.

Xu Yun immediately realized a 'business opportunity':

The cooperation between Pepsi and Maoxiong happened in the mid-1970s, and now the supply of Coke in Maoxiong's country is completely in short supply.

If the rabbits can come up with enough finished Coke

To know.

If Huaxia can come up with its own Coke, then this is a drink from a non-Western country, and it is politically neutral!

Of course.

See here.

Some people may question:

Not right.

As far as the relationship between the rabbit and the bear is concerned, will they do this business with you?

The answer is of course yes.

Although the relationship between the rabbit and the bear is not very good now, in fact, many basic transactions between the two parties have not been broken.

For example just this year.

Mao Xiong also offered to provide the rabbits with 100,000 tons of wheat, 100,000 tons of flour, and 100,000 tons of rye for free. The actual promise made by Mao Xiong's ambassador Chervonenko exceeded this figure.

So one of the reasons why everyone has complicated feelings about Mao Xiong lies in this-they have indeed given us a lot of care.

It's not just bears, actually.

Today's Across the Sea also intends to provide some food to the rabbits free of charge, but they require the rabbits to apply on their own initiative.

This kind of behavior is naturally unacceptable for rabbits, but the behavior itself is undeniably humane - of course, it is limited to the behavior of donating food.

Later, Bunge Group, a private enterprise across the sea, also contacted Rabbit, and the two parties used their branch in Paris to carry out some fairly fair grain transactions, and the price was cheaper than what Tuao sold to Rabbit later.

To some extent.

As long as your actions do not have too obvious political or military influence, it is still very feasible to operate.

As for the recipe for Coca-Cola.

Don't look at what a bunch of marketing accounts on the Internet say that Coca-Cola's formula is locked in a safe and divided into three parts. Only three people in the world know about it.

In fact, whether it is Pepsi or Coca-Cola, most of their formulas have long been analyzed.

The reasons why there is no third company that can reproduce it are patents and brand effects.

For example, there is a book called "The Empire of Coca-Cola" by Mark Pendergrast.

In the appendix at the end of that book, there is the complete Coca-Cola formula—and it was given directly to the author by the company's senior management.

He just wanted to clarify a question:

So what if I give you the recipe?

Why would I make my own when you can get real Coca-Cola for a fraction of the price all over the world?

Another example is that on domestic xiaopo websites, there are a bunch of videos of big and small UP masters making coke.

Although the effect of the finished product cannot be 100% restored to Pepsi or Coca-Cola, the gap is not too obvious.


Perhaps this kind of gap, for people in 2023, belongs to the category of 'not quite right' after drinking it - for example, Coca-Cola is a typical example.

But in this period.

If you let someone from Pepsi or Coca-Cola take a sip of this kind of homemade cola, you probably won't notice any obvious abnormalities, let alone Mao Xiong.

Think here.

Li Jue forcibly suppressed the excitement in his heart, and asked Xu Yun:

"Comrade Han Li, if we want to make Coke, will there be obvious technical difficulties or barriers?"

Xu Yun quickly shook his head and denied:

"Almost nonexistent. Coke is prepared with just caffeic acid, lemon juice, lime juice, and caramel, plus some flavoring."

"The caramel can also be replaced with honey and water to make a caramel color. As for the production equipment"

"Changing one or two production lines among the instruments assisted by Mao Xiong can be put into production almost immediately."

According to the recipe given by Mark Pendergrast in "The Coca-Cola Empire", the ingredients of Coca-Cola are almost like this:

caffeic acid, 1 oz

essence, 1 oz

F.E. Coconut, 4 oz

citric acid, 3 oz

lime juice, 1 quart

Sugar, 30 lbs.


Orange Oil, 80

lemon oil, 120

Nutmeg Oil, 40

Cinnamon Oil, 40

Coriander Oil, 20

Neroli oil, 40.

alcohol, 1 quart, .

Then add the caffeic acid and lime juice to a quart of boiling water, mix, let cool, add flavor and fragrance, and let sit for 24 hours.

It can be called a fool-level operation from beginning to end.

And one liter of bear vodka needs at least two catties of winter wheat to make, and some other processes and costs need to be invested during the process.

If everything is really according to what Xu Yun said.

One liter of coke can be exchanged for one liter of vodka, so at least three catties of bear winter wheat can be exchanged!

Today, Ermao, the European granary of later generations, is still in the hands of Maoxiong. As a well-known grain-producing country, Maoxiong can basically supply unlimited food.

After realizing this.

Li Jue felt his pores trembling:

Xu Yun is more than just giving a solution to the winter grain storage for tens of thousands of people?

If this method is really feasible

In China for several years or even ten years, the staple food can be worry-free!

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