Into Unscientific

Chapter 585 Coke Tasting Party

Eight hours later.

Still a chemistry lab.


Looking at the black drink in front of him that looked a bit like traditional Chinese medicine and was gurgling and steaming.

Li Jue, who saw Coke for the first time, subconsciously felt a little apprehensive.

He swallowed lightly and said to Lao Guo:

". Friends, can this stuff really be drunk?"


Lao Guo nodded in affirmation, then lowered his head and carefully observed the quality of the drink:

"Well, the appearance is very close to the Coke across the sea, but I don't know how it actually tastes."

"Old Liu, tell me the truth, did you drink secretly just now?"

I heard this.

Liu Youcheng, the director of the laboratory, shook his head, and the frequency was as fast as a rattle:

"No, friend, we have known each other for more than ten years, it's not like you don't know my character."

"Either I don't drink this stuff, or I only drink it with everyone. How could I do that kind of thing secretly?"

Lao Guo thought about it, yes.

Liu Youcheng is a person who pays great attention to the sense of ritual in his work. This is a well-known thing in the base-to put it bluntly, it is a kind of obsessive-compulsive disorder in later generations.

Even in times of scarcity.

When Liu Youcheng ate, he still had to wrap a small napkin around his neck to prevent the crumbs from falling on his clothes, and then he would slowly gnaw on the cornbread.

If you say that he can't bear hardships or put on a pose, that must be nonsense.

Hard and stone-like cornbread, bitter and astringent elm soup, Liu Youcheng also eats it whenever he says, without ambiguity.

But in terms of psychological details, he is indeed different from normal people.

Like this Coke.

It's hard for others to say.

But only Liu Youcheng, Lao Guo, is sure that he will not steal it by himself, but will taste it with everyone.

Think here.

Lao Guo also looked at the people around him, and took the initiative to invite:

"Since that's the case, how many people, let's try?"

Qian Bingqiong and others readily agreed.

Afterwards, except for Yang Kaiqu who had been sent to the hospital for recuperation.

Several people, including Yuan Guoliang, Zhou Kaida, and Qiao Caihong, each picked up a small cup from the table and drank the Coke sample in it.

But Xu Yun at the side was not in a hurry to try the drink, he was going to read everyone's feedback first.

Gulu Gulu——

After a while.

Everyone put down their glasses one after another, and soon showed different expressions on their faces.

Middle-aged people like Li Jue and Zhou Kaida who have never drunk Coke and are not that young at the same time. In other words, they have more traditional thinking, and their expressions are obviously more complicated.

It can be seen that they are not adapted to this taste.

For example, Zhou Kaida frowned faintly, obviously a bit unacceptable.

As for scholars and leaders like Lao Guo, Qian Bingqiong, Liu Youcheng, and Hou Guangjiong, who have overseas experience and have more or less contact with Coke, most of them raised their eyebrows in surprise.

Then there are young people like Qiao Caihong and Liu Youcheng's assistant Xiao Li who have never even seen Coke, but are more receptive to new things.

After drinking the coke, they showed visible expressions of surprise, and Qiao Caihong hiccupped naively.

And just as Xu Yun was thinking.

His eyes suddenly noticed Yuan Guoliang at the side again.

Only at this moment.

Holding an empty cup of Yuan Guoliang in his hand, he was looking at the other samples on the table.

See this situation.

Xu Yun remembered a report that later generations saw:

Yuan Guoliang is a standard foodie in private, he has almost no resistance to desserts and cola.

This is an open secret in later generations. For example, he once teased himself [eating sugar cane is a squeezer, eating watermelon is an excavator, and eating sugar is a grinder].

Before Zhong Lao reminded him at the beginning.

Yuan Guoliang can be said to be good at smoking and drinking, and he especially likes to eat fried chicken legs and happy water.

After being reminded by Zhong Lao.

Yuan Guoliang's family began to control his diet. Unexpectedly, this cute little old man tricked his granddaughter Yuan Youqing into ordering takeaway for him with pocket money.

To be honest.

Xu Yun didn't know whether Yuan Guoliang could drink Coke freely when he was young - after all, no one would ask Yuan Guoliang about it.

But according to the situation of the times and Yuan Guoliang’s deeds, the probability of him being able to achieve “Coke Freedom” before the age of sixty is not high:

One is that Yuan Guoliang's salary was raised relatively late, and it was probably not until the end of the 1980s that it was significantly improved.

Secondly, although Coca-Cola appeared in Shanghai in 27 years, they withdrew after the founding of the People's Republic of China, and they will not return to the Chinese market until 1978.

So overall.

Xu Yun privately believes that Yuan Guoliang should not be able to achieve the freedom of cola at the age when he can eat happily.

But now there is Xu Yun's appearance.

At least Yuan Guoliang's Coca-Cola Freedom should not have to wait that long.

See this situation.

Xu Yun also took some effort to pick up the small paper cup specially made for him in front of him, and drank the small sample in it.

After a while.

A hint of surprise flashed in Xu Yun's eyes.

how to say

Although the taste of the sample is quite different from the Coca-Cola of the later generations, the impact of the bubbles is still very strong.

And the key point is that the sweetness of the drink is just right, not too bland, but not too greasy.

If the standard Coca-Cola of future generations is 100 points.

So for this sample, Xu Yun can probably give a score of about 85 points.

Considering that the formula of Coca-Cola in later generations has actually undergone some changes, this trial production should be regarded as.

Barely up to the mark?

Immediately afterwards.

Xu Yun picked up another small cup.

This moment.

It can be seen that there is a trace of heat rising slowly in the cup.

It is clear.

This is a cup of hot drink, which was modified by Xu Yunmo

Ginger Coke.


Xu Yun first blew a few breaths on it, and then slowly squeezed the liquid into his throat with the tip of his mouth when the liquid cooled down a bit.

As a result, Le Ke just entered.

A unique spicy taste of ginger juice filled Xu Yun's lips.

But not the same pungency as wasabi.

This kind of spiciness is somewhat similar to the more high-quality 'wasabi', with obvious layers of taste, but it is not choking.

In addition, accompanied by this taste, there is also a hint of warmth that penetrates into the heart, just like drinking a bowl of Sanjiu cold spirit, warm and caring.

at the same time.

In addition to Xu Yun, those who tried ginger cola naturally included Liu Youcheng, a fanatic fan of Happy Water.

He glanced at Xu Yun first, then slowly picked up the cup, raised his head very boldly, and drank the sample in one gulp.

After a while.

Liu Youcheng frowned slightly at first.

But then it stretched out quickly, and the whole person couldn't help but let out a surprised nasal sound:


It is clear.

The taste of this cola was somewhat beyond Liu Youcheng's expectation.

Hearing Liu Youcheng's whisper, Li Jue couldn't help feeling a little curious, and asked tentatively:

"Director Liu, how does Ginger Coke taste?"


this time.

Liu Youcheng was silent for a few seconds before giving the answer:

"How should I put it, the taste is really strange, at least I personally don't like it."

"But you say how bad it is, that's not true, and based on what I know about the bear man, the bear may really like it."

Li Jue raised his eyebrows immediately.

To know.

Liu Youcheng almost labeled Ginger Coke as heresy before, but now he has changed to this kind of evaluation.

It can be seen from this

Maybe ginger ale actually tastes good?

Think here.

Li Jue couldn't help but looked around, and asked Lao Guo, Qian Bingqiong and others:

"You come, Laoqian, what's your opinion?"

Lao Guo and Qian Bingqiong looked at each other upon hearing the words, and Qian Bingqiong gave his opinion:

"I'm fine, let's report to the organization, in the name of the base leadership."

Li Jue nodded.

Then he turned his head to look at Hou Guangjiong and the others at the side, and said to these agricultural tycoons:

"Professor Hou, as for you guys, let's develop a breeding program at the base for now. If you need help from the base, just ask."

"After the specific plan is released, the organization should arrange for you to go to a certain place in the south for actual breeding."

Hou Guangjiong and others had no objection.

Although they are now organizationally assigned to Base 221, this is the northwest region of the motherland after all.

Considering the hard conditions related to rice breeding, they will definitely be transferred to a certain area in the south for breeding research in the future.

For example, Bagui, Jiangxi Province, and even Qionghai.

But soon.

A trace of hesitation appeared on Hou Guangjiong's face. He pondered for a moment, then said to Li Jue after deliberation:

"Director Li, Xiaoyuan and Xiaozhou and I must obey the organization's arrangements. There is absolutely nothing wrong with what the organization wants us to do, but what about Lao Yang's situation?"

Hearing Yang Kaiqu's name.

A trace of heaviness appeared on Li Jue's face:

"Professor Hou, I learned about Professor Yang's situation before I came here, but I haven't received any specific organizational arrangements yet."

"But don't worry about this, no matter what, we will give Professor Yang a comfortable and comfortable recuperation environment, at least."

"Let him spend the last period of time without being too painful."

Li Jue finished speaking.

On the side of Xu Yun's face, there was also a look of regret.

mentioned earlier.

Mr. Yang Kaiqu is now in the late stage of lung cancer, and will die in six months.

The reason why he came to the base was to "admonish" with his last remaining energy.

Now that the remonstrance has achieved results, his own situation has also become a problem—scientific research must not be done, and his physical condition cannot return to Rongcheng, so he can only stay in the base for recuperation.

Even if Xu Yun is a traverser in this situation, he is still powerless.

After all, this is terminal lung cancer.

Even in 2023, this is a terminal illness among terminal illnesses.

Want to cure this disease in this day and age?


Let's put it this way.

If Yang Kaiqu can really be rescued from the late stage of lung cancer, Xu Yun will go and take the old Guo teacher Feng Karmen to him on the spot, which is said to be used by Maxwell. Sun Junren gnawed half of it and was snatched by Ye Duzheng. Ye Duzheng did not gnaw two bites It was snatched away by Qian Wushi again, and the ax that is now in Liu Bosheng's mouth was gnawed off on the spot!


After a while.

Li Jue restrained the heaviness on his face, and chatted with everyone about some arrangements.

But apart from Yang Kaiqu's treatment, the remaining problems are basically not serious.

After all, Zhou Kaida and Yuan Guoliang's current identities are both 'lowly':

Zhou Kaida is now an ordinary secretary in Sijing Township, Tianquan County, and Yuan Guoliang is an ordinary teacher in Anjiang Agricultural School.

If not.

They will not be sent to Bagui to attend a little-known agricultural conference.

Among the few people present, only Hou Guangjiong's situation was a little more complicated.

After all, he is now an official professor of Southwest Agricultural University, a dignified doctoral supervisor, and the soil is really not easy to find his replacement.

But fortunately, it is the end of August, and it is a special node when the old students have graduated and the freshmen have not yet enrolled.

Therefore, for Hou Guangjiong, it would not be too troublesome to adjust his various teaching tasks.

half an hour later.

Everyone left.

Led by Li Jue's assistant, Zhou Cai, Hou Guangjiong and the others went to the residence arranged by the base to settle down.

Li Jue and Qian Bingqiong quickly spread the news of the successful Coke tasting to the capital, providing reference for the capital to draw up follow-up plans.

As for Xu Yun.

He followed Lao Guo to the theoretical research group where Lu Guangda was.

According to the information just received.

Lu Guangda encountered some special situations in his research on neutron transport theory.


The report came back, and there was no major problem, but the fatty liver was a bit serious after sitting for a long time, although I am not really fat.

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