Into Unscientific

Chapter 606: A Destined Encounter


be honest.

After hearing Tian Zhixin's words, Xu Yun actually didn't dare to get in the car for a few seconds.

After all, the lethality of this sentence is on the same level as fellow daoist please stay. The last person who was invited to get on the bus like this was already persecuted to the comic exhibition in the posture of falling to the ground

Looking at the entire persecution world, probably only Yamcha can compete with it.

However, considering that this is the 221 base, and he doesn't have the position of regimental commander or battalion commander, Xu Yun finally obediently got into the car.

As Tian Zhixin said.

This Jeep has indeed been specially modified. The co-pilot's seat can be pushed into the gap in the footrest area, and the rear seat can also be removed to form a very open space in the rear seat.

After completing these two steps, Xu Yun's wheelchair was carried onto the car.

In this way.

The driver was sitting in the driver's seat of the jeep, the co-pilot seat was empty due to the forward movement, and Xu Yun's nurse Xiao Qiao was sitting in the back seat. There were three people in total.

In fact, judging from the gaps in the seats, there should be no problem with adding more people in the back seat.

But presumably in order to avoid physical contact with the lesbians, Tian Zhixin did not arrange a third passenger. Anyway, there are more than ten cars on the scene, and there is no shortage of seats.

After Xu Yun got into the car.

About ten minutes later, several other groups sent ready replies, and Tian Zhixin immediately waved his hand when he saw this:

"Set off!"

boom boom boom—

The sound of the engines of more than a dozen vehicles quickly sounded in the open space, and the transport team leader Long slowly left the base.

"Comrade driver."

There is no mobile phone or tablet these days, and the road is a bit boring, so Xu Yun took the initiative to provoke the topic:

"Comrade driver, by the way, does our fishing team often go fishing?"

The driver of the jeep is a thin, dark-skinned man who reveals his white teeth when he speaks. He is almost the same as an author Xu Yun knew in his previous life who liked to ride and whose pen name was Golden Jasmine.

According to Tian Zhixin's introduction, this driver is called Zhao Ping, and he is a full-time driver of the fishery team.

Hearing Xu Yun's question, Zhao Ping looked at the road ahead and shook his head after confirming that there was no risk:

"Not often, Consultant Han, you may have just arrived at our base, and you don't know much about the situation of our fishing team."

"Although our fishing team has been established for almost two years, in fact, in the early days, there were no transport vehicles and fishing nets that you see now."

"For example, last year we mainly fished at the mouth of the lake from Ganzi River to Qinghai Lake in Haiyan County. The supporting facilities were only a few tents and a steel rod. We often waited for a long time without seeing the fish eating the hook. It's inefficient."

Xu Yun blinked, looking a little surprised:

"Huh? What else is going on?"

He only knew that the fishing team used to dig ice holes to fish, but he really didn't know much about the specific situation.

Seeing Xu Yun asking such a question, Zhao Ping seemed to want to talk, so he began to talk about the original situation:

"In fact, the low efficiency of fish feeding is not a problem. If it's a big deal, wait a little longer. The most difficult thing is the living conditions."

"The air pressure in Xihai is low and there is a lack of oxygen. There is no food or drink in the wild. At the coldest time, the temperature is twenty or thirty degrees below zero."

"Although there is a cow dung stove in the tent, it doesn't feel warm at all in that situation. It's like there is no stove. Many comrades' bodies have been frozen out of the problem."

"In January this year, the base was short of food. When we went out, we saw white bones on the grass. Whether these white bones were cattle bones, sheep bones, or dead human bones, no one knew. We picked them up and put them on the cow dung stove to roast yellow. Now, put it in your mouth and chew it, chew it and eat it."

Zhao Ping's tone was casual, as if he was talking about something insignificant, but Xu Yun didn't like it.

This year is really hard.

Then Zhao Ping paused, and found that he stepped on the gas pedal to increase his speed because he was a little behind in the chat, and said:

"But that's all in the past. After the spring of this year, things got better. The organization found that fishing couldn't solve the problem, so they put the target on Qinghai Lake and went directly to catch fish."

"At the beginning, we used small wooden boats and block nets to surround a piece of water by the lake, and then used a winch to pull up the net. A net can probably catch 200 to 300 catties of fish."

"But it didn't take long before this mode was stopped."

"Stop it?"

Xu Yun frowned, and couldn't help asking Zhao Ping:

"Why did you stop?"

"There are two main reasons."

Zhao Ping shrugged, still holding the steering wheel firmly with both hands:

"One is because our ship is small, and there are so many people in our base, one net is not enough for a branch workshop."

"So at that time, the fish catch could only be supplied at fixed points, but in this way, it was easy for people to argue, such as why so-and-so had fish to eat but I didn't."

"The second is because our fishing team was reported at that time."

Xu Yun was startled for a moment.


But soon, a hint of understanding flashed in Xu Yun's eyes.

Oh, come to think of it, he had vaguely heard of this.

As the largest saltwater lake in China, Qinghai Lake is extremely rich in fishery resources. Therefore, at that time, there were not only 221 bases and one unit fishing in Qinghai Lake.

At that time, Xihai Provincial Fishery Company, Xihai Provincial Petroleum Bureau, Jincheng Academy of Sciences, etc., probably dozens of units organized fishing teams at that time to fish in Qinghai Lake for self-supply.

At that time, the fishing team in the 221 base was fishing at night, and due to the need for confidentiality, when people asked about the unit, they basically said it was "221 Mine" or "Xihai Machinery Factory".

If someone asks which factory the machinery factory is, the fishery team's statement will be even more vague.

So this kind of ambiguous statement and the behavior of fishing at night were reported by the very vigilant people at that time, and even people and boats were caught in a certain night.

In the end, it was the leadership of Xihai Province who came forward to coordinate, and the 221 base was located at the Daotanghe Wharf. That is, the 151 scenic spot in later generations had a dock.

With the dock, the equipment upgrade of the fishing team was naturally put on the agenda.

After all kinds of complicated scheduling and assembly were completed, the fishery team was finally upgraded to what Xu Yun had seen so far. With cars and boats, they could use the team to catch fish openly.

The distance between Daotanghe Wharf and Factory 221 is only more than 40 kilometers. Xu Yun talked and chatted with Zhao Ping along the way, and Qiao Caihong occasionally interjected a few words, so the life was not particularly boring.

After more than an hour.


The body of the jeep paused slightly, and stopped firmly at a pier.

The transport vehicle in the convoy began to unload fishing nets and other tools, and Xu Yun got off the vehicle smoothly with the assistance of several young workers.

As a result, as soon as he got out of the car door, a fishy, ​​salty smell and a lively scene floated in front of Xu Yun:

This is a wharf with an extremely wide view. On the side close to the land are rows of wooden houses, painted with light yellow paint. The dark wooden doors and windows are quietly opened, and the wind will make a rattling sound when it blows in. .

In the open space in front of the wooden house, there were piles of various dried fish, as well as some quilts and grains that were taken out to dry in good weather. In several dustpans, Xu Yun also saw spices such as pepper and star anise.

There are several personnel who look after these things, most of them are men in their thirties, and occasionally a few old men or women wearing headscarves can be seen.

There are many fishing boats moored on the side near the lake, perhaps because they are all unit fishing teams. These fishing boats are basically motor sailboats, and most of them are more than 15 meters in length.

As for the farther place, it is the endless water of Qinghai Lake. Let alone the land on the other side, there is not even a single island in the lake.

Coupled with the smell of sea salt in the air, this place is not so much a lake as a sea.

Seeing this spectacular scene, Qiao Caihong, who was beside Xu Yun leaving the base for the first time, couldn't help blinking:

"It's so big, no wonder it's called Qinghai."

As a child who grew up in the capital, this girl has indeed never seen a big lake or the sea, but she has drank a lot of soy milk that smells like fish on the seashore.

Then Lao Guo brought Yuan Guoliang and Zhou Kaida to meet Xu Yun, and the group followed the comrades of the fishing team to a dock.

The dock of Base 221 is located on the far right of the pier, and its location is relatively remote.

Of course, it is said to be a dock, but it is actually a warehouse made of iron sheets. The iron sheets are mainly to prevent wind and rain from damaging the hull.

There is a small wooden house built next to the dock, which is obviously the residence of the team members who usually maintain the dock.

A lot of clothes were hanging outside the wooden house at this time, and there were four shirtless young workers playing cards under the shade of a tree next to it.

Tian Zhixin, the director of the deputy agricultural team, was not very angry when he saw this, he just coughed lightly:

"Xiao Gao!"

I heard this.

A young man who was the shortest among the four was startled for a moment, and when he looked up and saw Tian Zhixin, he stood up quickly:


Tian Zhixin gave him a hum, and then glanced at the table:

"Fighting the Landlord, it's quite free—by the way, you haven't played too much, have you?"

"No no."

Xiao Gao quickly waved his hand, and picked up a few pieces of hair from the table:

"Director, we only play one penny at a time, mainly for the sake of getting a lottery, or is it not fun to play cards?"

Then he glanced at the people around Tian Zhixin, and slapped his forehead belatedly:

"Director, are we going to go fishing today?"

Hearing that Xiao Gao only played for one penny a time, Tian Zhixin's expression softened a lot:

"Well, the ship is going out today, and it is expected to go out for three to four days. We have brought food and tools. Let's open the dock."

There was a mixed bag of fish and dragons at the Daotanghe Wharf, and the telegram was not sent through the 221 base's own channel, so even the encryption method was risky.

Therefore, the fishing team will not contact the maintenance personnel at the dock in advance every time they set off. If there is something wrong with the hull, the maintenance personnel will take the initiative to send a telegram to report it.

The little Gao mentioned by Tian Zhixin, whose full name is Gao Yulin, is one of the few ship maintenance workers in the base. At the beginning of last year, the organization organized a high-achieving student specially assigned from the Maritime Academy.

Although he usually likes to play poker, his mouth is actually quite solid, otherwise the base would not have arranged for him to stay here.

After learning that the base will leave the ship today.

Gao Yulin quickly put away the poker cards on the table, took several other colleagues back to the wooden house, took out the key, and worked together to open the gate of the dock.

The area of ​​the two docks in Base 221 is not small. The length seems to be more than 30 meters, and the width is more than 10 meters. When opening the gates, winches must be used.

Xu Yun originally thought that the dock of this size was mainly for better shelter effect, but after the gate was opened, he realized that his thinking seemed to be a bit wrong:

I saw a huge fishing boat parked in the dock. The hull was dark gray and the bottom was bright red. In terms of size, it was an order of magnitude larger than those more than ten meters long motor sailing boats outside.

The width of this ship is probably more than ten meters, and the length is estimated to be in the early twenties.

Seeing Xu Yun's shocked face, Tian Zhixin couldn't help showing a hint of pride in his eyes:

"Consultant Han, are you surprised? Didn't you expect our ship to be so big?"

"This is a motor sailboat built by our own base. At that time, the materials needed for shipbuilding such as wood and machinery and equipment were transported from the factory to the station at the mouth of the Ganzi River, and senior technicians such as carpenters, fitters, electricians, and painters were mobilized. It took four It took many months."

"These two motor sailboats are 26 meters long, 11.5 meters wide, have two fish compartments, and have a load capacity of 40,000 to 50,000 catties."

"The matching fishing net is more than 100 meters long and 200 meters wide. After the net is lowered into the lake, two boats pull it in parallel. The fish caught in one net can weigh about 6,000 catties."

"It takes about four or five hours to pull the net at a time, so it takes three to four days for us to go back and forth every time. During this period, there is no communication equipment to communicate with the shore. The process is not easy."

Only then did Xu Yun understand.

In his previous life, he bought fish cough cough. Although he has rich fishing experience, the number of fish that can be caught by the fishing rod is still limited.

Therefore, although he heard about the fact that the fishing team can catch tens of thousands of catties of fish at a time when he was visiting the Atomic City, it was difficult for him to have an accurate understanding of the size of the fish tanks and fishing boats.

The fishing boats he saw in later generations were basically seven or eight meters long and two to three meters wide, so he subconsciously thought that the fishing boats at the base were only of this size.

Then Tian Zhixin paused, turned to look at Lao Guo beside him, and said:

"Guo Gong, aren't you and Consultant Han thinking about fishing? I have a plan and you can see if it works."

"Our two boats have always been fishing together. Normally, one boat stands by and the other pulls the net vertically. The two form an [l] shape."

"After arriving at a suitable position, it will wait for the night, and then the whole [l] will start to drag left or right."

"So you and Consultant Han will stay on the standby boat first. According to the time, you can catch fish for five or six hours. The standby boat is very close to the shore. When the time is up, I will let Xiao Gao and the others drive the small boat." Here to pick you up, what do you think?"

Old Guo pondered for a moment when he heard the words, then turned to look at Xu Yun's wheelchair:

"I'm fine, but Director Tian, ​​is Xiao Han's physical condition able to afford moving between the two ships?"

Lao Guo's original idea was just to take Xu Yun to fish by the pier. This method is convenient, but it is still difficult to catch fish near the shore.

If you can follow the boat to the lake, even if the location is only a few hundred meters away from the shore, the fish resources in it are still much higher.

But in this way, Xu Yun's physical condition must be taken into consideration first.

Moving between the two boats may be a bit difficult for normal people, let alone a disabled person like Xu Yun who is sitting in a wheelchair.

If something happened to Xu Yun due to this reason, it would not be worthwhile to catch any fish.

However, facing Lao Guo's concerns, Tian Zhixin waved his hand domineeringly:

"It's simple, Mr. Guo. It's really difficult for people in wheelchairs to go back and forth between the two ships, but wouldn't it be easier to change things?"

"There are several stretchers in the tools we brought this time. When the time comes, let Consultant Han lie on the stretcher first, and then find a few people to work together to lift him onto the boat?"

"If Consultant Han is worried that the sun is too high in the posture of facing up, we can cover him with a white cloth, and put a great compassion mantra in the record player to pray for blessings and so on."

Xu Yun:


No, why does this description feel weird

However, Lao Guo was silent for a moment, and agreed with Tian Zhixin's idea:

"Good idea, but Comrade Han Li spent a lot of time in Europe, I'm afraid the Great Compassion Mantra might be a bit contradictory, I think it's better to replace it with the second movement of Beethoven's "Symphony No. 3 in E-flat Major". I just have the record with me. Woolen cloth."

Xu Yun continued:


Then Lao Guo suddenly realized something, and said to Tian Zhixin:

"Director Tian, ​​according to what you said, won't you disembark with us?"

Tian Zhixin shook her head quickly when she heard the words:

"I don't mind it. When the fishing team leaves the boat, the person in charge must accompany it. This is a unified agreement reached by the management staff at the beginning of the team's establishment."

"After all. The conditions for going out on the ship are too bad, and the danger is also high. We leaders can only stabilize everyone's thinking and fighting spirit if we live and eat with the crew."

Old Guo was silent when he heard the words.

After a while.

He just let out a heavy breath:

"Thank you, Comrade Zhixin."

Indeed, as Tian Zhixin said, the working environment on board is very harsh without any safety measures, and at the same time, the temperature of Qinghai Lake after nightfall is still extremely cold even in summer.

In this case, the minds of the crew will definitely be shaken, and many people will inevitably want to leave the ship and go ashore.

In this case, in order to ensure the smooth progress of the fishing work, and to stabilize the thinking of all crew members and inspire the fighting spirit of all crew members, the leadership of all fishing teams must accompany them every time.

After all, "follow me" and "follow me" are two concepts.

In fact, let alone Tian Zhixin, the deputy director of the agricultural department, Li Jue, the head of the base, actually followed the ship.

Eating and living together, sharing weal and woe, sharing weal and woe, this is [comrade].

all in all.

After confirming with Tian Zhixin that he could board the ship, Lao Guo began to count the people on board:

"Little Han, Comrade Xiao Qiao Kaida. Yuan. Hey, where is Comrade Yuan Guoliang?"

Hearing Lao Guo mentioning Yuan Guoliang, Zhou Kaida on the side quickly said:

"Guo Gong, Guoliang is going to the bathroom, it should be soon. Look, people are coming!"

As Zhou Kaida said, he pointed in a certain direction, and Lao Guo followed the trend, and sure enough, he saw Yuan Guoliang walking towards the crowd.

But when Yuan Guoliang approached, Lao Guo was taken aback again:

"Comrade Guoliang, this is you."

Yuan Guoliang happened to be a few meters away from Lao Guo and Xu Yun at this moment, and couldn't help but smile when he heard this:

"Guo Gong, when I was looking for the toilet, I saw some comrades from the fishery team of the Shanzhou Mining Bureau. They caught a fish thief and yelled to kill it, so I couldn't help but beg for it. If you ask for it, the price is that you will have to keep it in the future.”

After finishing speaking, Yuan Guoliang showed Xu Yun and others the little milk cat who was being held by the back of the neck:

"This guy has spots, so I named it Huahua."


I don’t know how the Atomic City knew it today. I’m writing this copy. Today, a person in charge of the reception contacted me and said that he could provide some information and invited me to visit the Atomic City again. I was flattered

Code all night today.

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