Into Unscientific

Chapter 634 In the international physics community, the rabbit is coming!

After combining gauge symmetry and spontaneous breaking.

The rest of the problem becomes very simple.

Zhao Zhongyao first deduced the Lagrangian for special situations, and then further configured it to derive a brand new scalar field.

That is. Higgs-like field.

The reason why the word "type" is added in front of this word is mainly because Zhao Zhongyao and others did not encounter the problem of the southern model like the Higgs in the original history, but conducted it from Yang-Mills Field. Cut in.

Therefore, the final expression of this framework is still slightly different from the original Higgs field, but in essence they are the same - just like blue and red are both Tiga.

after an hour.


Zhao Zhongyao put down the pen in his hand a little tiredly, rubbed his eyes that were a little sore from long calculations, took a long breath, and said:

"Huh, I finally figured it out."

Hu Ning on the side also nodded with emotion, looked at the results in front of him and said:

"It's not easy, but it's worth it - if this result reaches the international awards, your old friend might not be able to sit still."

Lu Guangda twitched his lips when he heard this but said nothing.

The 'old friend' in Hu Ning's mouth refers to Mr. Yang, of course. These days, there are still many international students who criticize Mr. Yang's choice to stay across the sea, including many of the country's top physicists like Hu Ning.

Their idea is simple:


You, Mr. Yang, are engaged in theoretical physics, and currently China does not provide sufficient research conditions.

But it is not that there is no soil for studying theoretical physics in China. Moreover, if you really want to contribute to the country, you can change your direction midway.

For example, Qian Wushi, Lu Guangda, and Hua Luogeng are like this. Zhou Yulin of the base's arithmetic team is still a third-level boss.

These days, as long as an international student returns to China, it is impossible for him to fail to make a contribution.

Therefore, Lu Guangda's old friend stayed across the sea. Many people thought that he was still thinking about his personal future.

With this idea in mind, there is indeed a group of early big guys in China who have a more subtle attitude towards Mr. Yang.

Not to mention being particularly hostile, at least when talking about him, I would make some sarcastic remarks about him.

And these big guys are not like the keyboard warriors of later generations. They all have a real cow situation - they all gave up the generous treatment across the sea and resolutely returned to China to endure hardships.

Later, Mr. Yang officially returned to China, and some of the big guys who returned to China from across the sea deliberately refused to meet him.

Of course.

This is something that will happen in the future. The focus of what Hu Ning said at this time is still on the model they calculated, which is the Higgs-like field.

Not an exaggeration.

If Mr. Yang knew what Zhao Zhongyao and the others had calculated at this time, he might actually jump out of his chair.

after all

With the Yang-Mills theory of the Higgs mechanism, it is infinitely close to the basis of the standard particle model.

The Higgs field produces a mass term through symmetry breaking. The position of the lowest energy is excited to be a state, and the excitation of this state will produce the Higgs boson.

In addition, the breach will produce a massless excitation mode, and the Higgs mechanism introduces norms into the system to eliminate the phase mode. At the same time, the degree of freedom of the phase mode is absorbed by the norm bosons - such as photons in superconductivity. , thus the gauge boson acquires mass.

In this way, a standard cycle appears.

It can be summarized using formulas that individuals can understand.

Yang-Mills theory + Higgs mechanism standard particle model ≈ asymptotic freedom theory + electroweak unified theory.

This is like the heroes in LOL Brawl. Without cats, their strength can only be considered above average, but with cats, they are almost invincible. It is easy to beat some unlucky ones to 2-15.

"Okay, Lao Hu."

Zhao Zhongyao had a pretty good relationship with Mr. Yang. When he saw Hu Ning talking with a gun and a stick, he stopped him:

"Let's get down to business - what to do with the scalar bosons that support this mechanism?"

"In terms of energy level, I'm afraid this thing isn't that easy."

Seeing Zhao Zhongyao mentioning business, Hu Ning also restrained his original expression:

"It's not easy to find. The energy standard of these particles must be at least 5GeV. I guess it won't be possible in the short term."

"Anyway, our harvest today is not too small, why don't we digest it first?"

Xu Yun glanced at Hu Ning but said nothing.

It has to be said that there are sometimes big differences between mathematical calculations and physical phenomena, and the Higgs particle is a very typical representative.

According to mathematical group theory calculations, the theoretical energy scale of the Higgs particle should be approximately 5GeV, which is about 5000MeV. At most, it may be offset to 7GeV or 8GeV due to errors.

But actually.

This particle will only be discovered for the first time in the energy level range of 125 GeV. Even in 2023, the only institution with this experimental energy level will still be CERN.

However, Xu Yun still agreed with the second half of Hu Ning's words. Zhao Zhongyao and the others' gains today were indeed not small.

The first is to find the basis to support the existence of quarks, that is, the stratoton model, which is the double injection diagram.

Then Li Jue was possessed by Wheat and found a terminal hyperon, which completely supported the stratotron model.

Then Wang Ganchang found the 4685 hyperon. This thing developed into Pangu, or the dark matter of the solitary point particle.

Finally, Zhao Zhongyao and others derived the Higgs-like field and clarified the gauge boson and scalar boson.

In a sense.

In addition to neutron research, Xu Yun's purpose of acquiring this tandem accelerator has been completed 50%

The remaining 50% is to screen particles through repeated experiments. The theoretical problems have been solved to some extent.

The novice gift package is really scary.

Then Xu Yun thought for a moment, glanced at Zhao Zhongyao quickly, and asked him:

"Director Zhao, I wonder if you are ready to make these results public?"


Li Jue on the side heard this and immediately shook his head:

"How can we publish it internationally? Doesn't this mean we are telling those foreigners our results in vain?"

"There is an old saying in China that you can make a fortune by being silent. The best way is to hide it secretly and do your own research."

Li Jue also stroked his beard while speaking, looking like a "wise general".

But what surprised him was a little bit.

However, there was no sign of approval on the faces of Lao Guo, Zhao Zhongyao and others.

For example, Lao Guo frowned slightly and made a rare rebuttal to Li Jue:

"Director, this is wrong. The academic situation and technology must be viewed separately. Not all academic results must be kept strictly confidential."

"Some achievements that can be converted into free technology must not be displayed, such as our atomic bomb, the waverider missiles of comrades from the Fifth Division, etc."

"But things like theoretical models must be made public first to have the correct value."

Hearing what Lao Guo said.

Zhao Zhongyao also nodded slowly and added:

"Friends are right. The earlier such theoretical results are announced, the higher their value will be. For example, didn't Gan Chang discover the antihyperon in Mao Xiong? When it was announced, the entire physics community was shocked."

"At that time, several countries even extended an olive branch to us for academic exchanges despite heavy blockades. Some of our comrades abroad were even given improved living standards."

"All of our results today can be published to the outside world, but it depends on what you mean, Xiao Xu. The publishing journal you are referring to should not be a domestic magazine, right?"

Xu Yun said humbly:

"Well, I want to publish it internationally."

Although there are not many domestic physics journals nowadays, there are still a few in number.

For example, the most famous "Chinese Journal of Physics" was founded in 1931 and was officially changed to this name in 1953. It has a high influence in the country.

There is also "Physical Bulletin", which was the earliest physics journal established after the founding of the People's Republic of China. Today, many domestic universities subscribe to this journal.

However, although the influence of these journals is not small, their scope is limited to China.

Today, due to various situational issues, there are barriers to domestic and international academic exchanges thicker than the Berlin Wall.

Therefore, Xu Yun did not consider domestic journals from the beginning - for now, the main camps in the physics community are still in Europe and America, which is a reality that must be acknowledged.

If the Chinese physics community wants to gain the right to speak, it must first prove its strength on other people's territory.

This is just like Ip Man. Although he is strong enough to do 1V10, he still has to visit a dock when he first arrives in Foshan.

After we paid our respects and had tea at the dock, it was all about strength.

This is the debt we owe in modern times. Although the decadent regime of the Qing Dynasty has long since ceased to exist, and today Puyi is still watering the flowers in the Chinese Academy of Sciences Botanical Garden, this debt still needs to be repaid by the rabbits slowly.

In the original history, the rabbits had not fully settled for 70 years, but now that Xu Yun is a time traveler, it must not be that long.

Then Xu Yun returned his mind to reality and said to Zhao Zhongyao:

"Director Zhao, what do you think of my idea?"

Zhao Zhongyao was silent for a few seconds:

"Which journal are you going to submit to?"

Zhao Zhongyao did not ask Xu Yun why he did not choose Huaxia Journal as his target. He was the only commissioner sent by the Rabbits to visit the atomic bomb explosion across the sea. Now he is the first batch of academic members of Huaxia. This kind of vision is far beyond that of a general like Li Jue. Nothing can be compared.

Therefore, he only cares about one question:

Which journal is Xu Yun going to choose to visit this dock?


Xu Yun tapped his index finger on the table a few times and slowly announced a name:

"Physical Review Letters."

"Physical Review Letters?"

Zhao Zhongyao's face clearly showed a hint of surprise:

"Xiao Han, isn't this journal only founded two and a half years ago? Why did you choose it?"

to be honest.

If Xu Yun chose magazines such as "Science" or "PHYSICA POLONICA", Zhao Zhongyao would not be too surprised.

After all, these magazines are basically published by established publishing houses, which are authoritative and relatively notarized. Even if the contributors are from China, their results will not be misappropriated.

For example, Zhao Zhongyao published a paper in "PHYSICA POLONICA" five years ago, and it received high praise in the industry.

But the choice of "Physical Review Letters" surprised him a little.

"Physical Review Letters" is an independent sub-journal of the well-known journal "Physical Review" across the sea two and a half years ago. Although "Physical Review" is a well-deserved top journal in physics in the industry, "Physical Review Letters" is just a fledgling journal. calf.

This is a bit like Cristiano Ronaldo's son Mini Ronaldo in later generations. His father became famous, but no one knows whether the child will become a talent.

At least judging from the quality of manuscripts in the past two years, Zhao Zhongyao believes that the development of "Physical Review Letters" is not smooth-at least not as high as his father.

However, opposite Zhao Zhongyao, Xu Yun raised the corner of his mouth slightly:

"Director Zhao, don't forget that "Physical Review Letters" has only been published for more than two years. In my personal opinion, the potential of this journal can even exceed that of "Physical Reviews"."

"Also, if I remember correctly, Mr. Gelman is now also the external review editor of Physical Review Letters, and he still gets external review fees."

“So whether in terms of journal value or publication difficulty, I personally think this journal is a good choice.”

“It is better to provide icing on the cake than to provide help in times of need. This principle is also applicable to foreigners.”

At the end of the sentence, Xu Yun could hardly hold back the curvature of his mouth.

In the later generations when he traveled back in time, if one were to choose the most famous journals, then "Nature" and "Science" would definitely be at the top.

But if we limit the conditions to the field of physics

So the well-deserved top one is naturally "Physical Review Letters", which is also "Physical Review Letters".

This journal is recognized as the highest peak in the physics circle, and even "Applied Physics Letters" is still inferior to it.

But such a top journal is facing a huge crisis at this time - it is about to be withdrawn.

Its predecessor was the "Physical Review" mentioned above, which was affiliated to the Union of Physics across the sea.

In this era, particle physics has not yet been unveiled, and most of the physics achievements are concentrated in the applied physics stage. Therefore, the business of "Physical Review Letters" is really bleak these days.

If Xu Yun remembers correctly.

During this period, the funding of "Physical Review Letters" has been cut by three or four rounds. If it were not for the future editor-in-chief Guzmit's own financial support, this journal would probably not be able to survive long ago.

At present, almost no one expects that Physical Review Letters will rely on Tehuft's paper to turn around in the future, except Xu Yun.

He knew very well that this journal would not only survive the crisis in the future, but also rapidly grow into a top journal in the industry.

Therefore, if the results are submitted to Physical Review Letters at this time, Guzmit will definitely make every effort to ensure that the results can be published.

At the same time, how can Physical Review Letters repay this kind of help in times of need? At least it will be okay to accept more papers from rabbits in the future, right?

To know.

It is really troublesome for China to publish international papers these days. For example, Zhao Zhongyao's paper in "PHYSICA POLONICA" took two years to review and hand over.


Academics are not worth mentioning in the face of politics, but the relationship with the rabbits across the sea is not so bad that even the papers are blocked.

more importantly.

Among the external review editors of "Physical Review Letters", there are three rabbits or old acquaintances of Xu Yun.

One is Gellman, a boss who almost became Zhao Zhongyao's student and had an extremely close relationship with Zhao Zhongyao.

The second one is.

Mr. Qurunpu.

Yes, Qu Runpu is also the external review editor of "Physical Review Letters" - he is the head of the MIT laboratory, so it is normal to serve as an external review editor.

The third one is Xu Yun’s idol, Steven Weinberg.

When he was alive, this boss could even outdo Mr. Yang. He was also the only physics master to mention the contribution of rabbits to the stratoton model in his autobiography.

His ability in theoretical physics is not inferior to that of Yang Lao and others. If we can establish long-term contact with him, it will be of great help to the country in mastering international theories.

With these multiple guarantees, Xu Yun believes that even if the conditions are harsh, it should not be a problem for "Physical Review Letters" to receive about ten Chinese papers a year.

Of course, the premise is that the quality of these papers is high enough.

But what kind of problem is this for the current rabbits?

Even without Xu Yun's appearance, ten articles a year would be easy.

Now that there are so many experimental results, Xu Yun estimates that it is not difficult to write 100 articles a year.

Xu Yun then selected some things he could talk about and introduced them to Zhao Zhongyao and others. In addition, he deleted the publication plan of 4685 superon on the grounds that "with the final state superon, there is no need to publish the same results again". .

After all, although this hyperon is not special, the dark matter associated with it is extraordinary.

Although theoretically no one can create a solitary point particle these days, what if the other side of the sea also cheats?

As the saying goes, others may be bad, but they are never stupid.

The people across the sea were able to develop an atomic bomb under the circumstances back then. From their point of view, it was also the blessing of the Indian chief and the blessing of the country.

Therefore, Xu Yun must nip any unsafe risks in the bud in advance.

Zhao Zhongyao finally accepted Xu Yun's plan after preliminary thinking.

Then everyone voted on the spot. Except for Li Jue, all the big guys unanimously agreed to apply for publishing the journal.

The content of the first issue is

The existence of stratotron model!

Of course.

The publication of this kind of journal is destined not to be too fast. It will be considered fast if it can be published by the end of this year.

Therefore, after the vote was made, Zhao Zhongyao announced the end of the meeting.

Everyone packed up the equipment when it was time to pack up the equipment, and returned to the project team when it was time to go back.

Only the train coming from the capital is getting closer and closer to the base.

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