Into Unscientific

Chapter 637: Thesis No. 1: Native Donkeys.


This is an enigmatic thing.

Sometimes time is as slow as a snail, and every minute and every second of waiting is torture - for example, this is the case for some readers when they are waiting for the extra chapter.

But sometimes.

Time is like a galloping horse, rushing by in front of your eyes.

For Base 221 at this time, time is obviously in the latter state.

The tail of September gradually disappeared and left people's sight silently. In an instant, this era ushered in a new October.

The autumn wind is bleak, and the warm and cool weather also makes people feel the subtle changes.

The color of the leaves changed from dark green to light yellow, and the fallen leaves fell to the ground quietly.

People in the base also began to take off their tank tops and shorts, put on long-sleeved clothes, and put on thick shoes.

All affairs within the base are also moving forward in an orderly manner, and the newly arrived members are gradually adapting to life in the base.

If there is any difference, it would be...

In the past month or so, everyone has noticed one thing:

A certain well-known steak in the base has become inexplicably hardworking these days.

It's like an overclocked CPU, working at full capacity.

For example, in the past, Xu Yun usually went out on missions every other day, and went to a research group to solve problems each time. The rest of the time was basically spent on inspections or recuperating from injuries.

This arrangement was firstly to allow Xu Yun to recuperate his body, and secondly, to leave relatively calm time for unexpected situations.

But since the day I left Li Jue's office.

Xu Yun has to go to one research group almost every day, and sometimes there are even two. He often doesn't come back until after twelve o'clock in the evening - this is the time to go home in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, where you have to be hung up and beaten.

no way.

Who made him make such an agreement with that person?

Just ask any Chinese person with basic and normal outlook on life, who would be as excited as Xu Yun in front of that agreement.

Of course.

Xu Yun's momentum also infected other people in the base, and the efficiency of the entire base improved a lot.

For example, thesis group.

The day after the base issued the document, Zhao Zhongyao, then head of the base's experimental group, led Zhu Hongyuan and others to establish a particle model paper group code-named "Yuan Hadron."

According to the planning requirements of superior documents.

Zhao Zhongyao and others only need to complete the compilation of the paper within three months. In addition to writing the relevant text content, the compilation here also includes multi-lingual translations such as English and French. After all, it is sent to foreign language journals.

The translation of this type of comprehensive science paper is still very difficult, and it must be done honestly and elegantly, otherwise it is easy for readers to take off their sun hats and be confused.

However, since the prizes in the novice gift package are quite "generous", even if the translation requirements are high, three months is still more than enough.

Therefore, Zhao Zhongyao and others can slowly work hard, or use normal efficiency even if it is not possible, and leisurely submit the results while stuck in time.

But after seeing Xu Yun's performance as if he was on steroids.

Seniors such as Zhao Zhongyao were immediately impressed by their unwillingness to admit defeat, and each of them also activated the Super Saiyan mode.

Twenty days later.

The file room where the thesis group is located.


Looking at the thick stacks of documents in front of him.

Xu Yun subconsciously widened his eyes and looked at Zhao Zhongyao in front of him despite the burnt scars or the dark circles under his eyes:

"Director Zhao, what did you say? The first draft of our paper is almost finished?"

Zhao Zhongyao nodded slightly when he heard this, put his left hand in front of his mouth and yawned, and then said:

"Well, here are all the things that have been written down if possible. Take a look. Oh, that's right."

As he spoke, Zhao Zhongyao raised his chin towards the document and added:

"In addition to the first draft, we also translated five human languages ​​including English, Gallic, Italian, Furry Bear, and Arabic, as well as Neon, a canine language."

"Theoretically, as long as they can be drafted, they can be released simultaneously around the world."

Xu Yun's pupils widened a bit again:


Good guy.

How long has it been since then, and the first draft and translation have been completed?

Then he took a deep breath, picked up an article from the far left and read it.

This article is written in standard Simplified Chinese and is handwritten throughout. Since it is a first draft, there are only a few traces of deletions and smears.

At the top of the document is a line of small characters, which reads [Theoretical Physics Group, Institute of Atomic Energy, Chinese Academy of Sciences], and on the next line is a separate word [paper], which is the only traditional Chinese word in the article.

By the time it is published, the words "paper" should be enlarged and bolded.

Under the paper is a title:

"In-depth exploration of gauge fields and particle models—speculations and phenomena about 'meta-hadrons'".

Under the title are the small words [People's Republic of China], and below that is the author of the paper:

Zhao Zhongyao, Zhu Hongyuan, Hu Ning, Wang Ganchang, Yang He, Lu Guangda, Li Jue, local donkey


Wait, what did I see?

Xu Yun rubbed his eyes vigorously and reviewed the list of creators again.

Yes, Li Jue also has local donkeys.

Among them, the name Li Jue can barely be considered reasonable. After all, Li Jue is now the public president of the Ninth Academy. Even if he has not done anything, he is still qualified to be in the paper without any violation.

Not to mention that this time he also discovered images of high-energy final state hyperons, which can be regarded as providing the most powerful evidence for the stratoton model.

Therefore, it is not surprising that his signature appears on the paper - although it is most likely that Li Jue requested it himself.

But another local donkey tmd is outrageous.

Xu Yun couldn't help but turn his gaze to Zhao Zhongyao and asked:

"Director Zhao, the donkey up here is..."

"Oh, you said it."

Zhao Zhongyao smacked his lips and explained with a smile:

"This is the result of everyone's discussion. After all, without the donkey slurry film contributed by local donkeys, there would be no tandem electrostatic accelerator. For our scientific research, there is no longer a donkey with hair in the base."

"In addition, you are usually as tired as a donkey, but due to various reasons, you cannot be included in the author list. It is really a loss for you."

"So in order to commemorate the local donkeys and your efforts, the organization decided after discussion to add the name donkey to it."

Xu Yun:


Why does it sound weird?

What do you mean I'm as tired as a donkey?

Of course, facing Lao Zhao's explanation, Xu Yun couldn't come up with any reason to refute it.

Although this paper is extremely epoch-making and destined to be recorded in history, in the original history, the rabbits did not fail to live up to the things that were recorded in history.

For example, the most representative one is U2 who was shot down in the first place. Facing the attention of many top international media and the forces behind it, a certain rabbit suddenly said "U2 was stabbed down by a bamboo pole".

With this comparison, it doesn’t seem so strange to see donkey as a work in the paper.

It's just that in this time and space, future generations of netizens will probably have one more thing to talk about.

Maybe in the end, something will pop up as it is passed down [the particle accelerator has the initial kinetic energy only when a donkey is pulled in a circle at supersonic speed]?

Xu Yun then took a deep breath and returned his attention to the first draft in front of him.


He gently turned the page to the text.

At this moment, there is a line of words written on the page:

[As we all know, at the beginning of this year, Gell-Mann and Neyman proposed the "eight-fold method" to classify hadrons using the SU(3) symmetry of the strong interaction].

[This classification is very similar to the classification of elements (atoms) in Mendeleev's periodic table. Mathematically speaking, they correspond to different representations of the SU(3) symmetry group, which means that all hadrons discovered at that time can be correct. The ground is filled in the corresponding SU(3) group representation diagram. The eight-fold method classification well illustrates the regularity of the discovered static properties of hadrons such as spin, parity, charge, singular numbers, and mass].

[Based on the principle of the eight-fold method, the Huaxia theoretical research team conducted an in-depth analysis of the internal structure of the hadron family with the assistance of a self-developed and assembled tandem electrostatic accelerator]

While Xu Yun was reading the report, Zhao Zhongyao also made an introduction aloud:

"Xiao Xu, the theoretical part of this first draft is almost the phenomenon we encountered during the trial run, but we have made a certain degree of supplements and guesses in the model."

“From a completeness perspective, this first draft probably reaches about 80% of the official version.”

"As for the remaining 20%, experimental data needs to be supplemented. In the past few days, we have started the tandem electrostatic accelerator three times, but the experimental results were not ideal. At the same time, the experimental power quota of the base has been used up."

"So we have made two preparations. If the base's next power supply, that is, photovoltaic power generation, can meet the standards as scheduled, then we will start up and continue to try."

"But if the efficiency is limited in the short term, we will publish this paper in a quasi-speculative way - the impact of both should be similar, but the latter will definitely be more controversial."

Xu Yun nodded subconsciously.

In the previous accelerator trial run, Lao Guo and the others only discovered injection diagrams and final state hyperons. These two phenomena themselves are still relatively mysterious.

The special thing about this matter is that the injection diagram can be explained by Zhu Hongyuan's meta-hadron model, and the final state hyperon can prove the accuracy of the meta-hadron model to a certain extent. The three are connected in series to form a complete logic line.

Therefore, this part of the content must be described in the paper. In the current situation where experimental data is insufficient, it is normal for there to be speculation.

In this paper, Zhao Zhongyao and others described the stratons, or metahadron model, as a standard embedded structure:

They first assumed that the meta-hadrons inside the hadrons were very heavy, above 10 GeV, and their motion inside the hadrons could be approximated by non-relativistic methods.

But hadrons moving as a whole must have the property of relativistic covariance.

Therefore, they specifically calculated the hadron rest coordinate system based on this, and then applied Lorentz transformation to obtain the relativistic hadron wave function. For physical processes, they used the hadron internal wave function and the initial and final state hadron wave functions in the physical process. Overlap integrals relate these physical processes together to give more certain theoretical predictions.

To know.

The original stratiton model described by Zhu Hongyuan and others in history was in the onion type, so it was called stratiton - layer by layer.

But now the model they describe is similar to a pumpkin or watermelon, that is, there are large and small melon seeds randomly distributed inside.

Which of the two models is better is naturally self-evident.

This is academically quite close to the relativistic quark model, and according to historical development, it is about five years ahead of the times.

As for the three failed experiments mentioned by Zhao Zhongyao, this is a normal situation.

The novice gift package that was put into trial operation at the beginning was considered a blessing for the rabbits, but just like a fisherman who cannot catch fish after a long time, the accelerator experiment will not produce many results in more time.

This situation is the same even for later generations of the LHC Hadron Collider. Generally, only one example with research or discussion value will be found among 160 million images.


There have been many achievements in the field of particle physics in 2023, especially in the field of low-energy particle physics. All the LHC is doing is searching for those fish that have slipped through the net - there may be some meaningless images that the LHC has discovered N times. In today's world, The era is a new physics.

But even so, the tandem electrostatic accelerator of this era is lucky to be able to find a slightly special case among hundreds of thousands of pictures.

So theoretically.

If your luck level is that of an ordinary person, you can only find a valuable case by starting the accelerator 15 times.

Of course.

Judging from Xu Yun's knowledge base, it would not be difficult to shorten this number to five by using some tricks in some places.

For example, coming up with a suitable four-pole magnet - this thing can be optimized using rare earths.

The magnetic quadrupole composed of rare earth magnets is one of the best magnetic quadrupole to obtain, and its effect on focusing low-energy particles is miraculous.

In later generations, there was a neon man named Michio Kaku, the author of "Beyond Time and Space". He made his own accelerator while in middle school, and the quadrupole magnets used were rare earth magnets.

When he met with the capital writer before, he specifically mentioned rare earths and resource protection. Now it is not difficult to find the right amount of rare earths.

The finer the particles are focused, the better the impact effect will be, and the greater the probability of special cases.

In addition, finding an employee with fairer skin, such as Qiao Caihong or Comrade Lin Yu who was on Sun Junren's team, can also reduce the probability of Fei Qiu in metaphysics.

Xu Yun then looked at the first draft carefully and finally nodded.

There are definitely flaws in the first draft, but they are all minor details, and if they are off-kilter, it won’t be a problem even if he doesn’t need to correct them.

Even for people of this era, some bugs make them more accepting of the content of the paper - just like if you traveled to the Yin and Shang Dynasties and happened to encounter a will-o'-the-wisp burning, instead of explaining to the aborigines that this is white phosphorus, it is better to follow the The will-o'-the-wisp reenacts the scene in order to obtain an identity like a wizard so that he can integrate into this era.

The same goes for these bugs.

Then Xu Yun turned his attention to the foreign language version aside, picked up the English version and the Japanese version and started reading:

【I am not satisfied with the original Fanwai writing, I have overturned it and rewritten it. It will probably take a few more days】.

[Extra は formula アカウントに掲 contain されますが, スタート location では formula アカウントを新伝することはできません].

Well, there's nothing wrong with it.

More than ten minutes later.

Xu Yun put these first edition documents back on the table, with a look of satisfaction on his face:

"Director Zhao, there is no problem with these translations. Thank you for your hard work. They are almost completed more than two months earlier than expected."

"It's not hard, it's not hard."

Zhao Zhongyao waved his hand quickly, looked at Xu Yunde with some emotion and said:

"Xiao Xu, this matter has something to do with you - it is precisely because you have been working so hard recently that everyone is so motivated to write the paper."

"Speaking of which, don't work too hard. Your body is still in the recovery period. It's better to rest as much as you can."

Xu Yun naturally heard the concern in Zhao Zhongyao's tone, and immediately smiled back at Zhao Zhongyao:

"Don't worry, I know what's going on."

When Zhao Zhongyao saw this, he didn't give any more advice. First of all, he himself was not much more relaxed than Xu Yun, and he didn't have the confidence to persuade others to take more rest.

Secondly, he is one of the few leaders in the base who knows some of the truth, and he knows that Xu Yun is very tight on time.

That's right.

Now, in addition to Qian Wushi Li Jue and Lao Guo, there are more insiders in the base, including Zhao Zhongyao and Lu Guangda.

And just when Xu Yun was about to say a few more polite words to Zhao Zhongyao, Lao Guo's voice suddenly came from outside the house:

"Xiao Xu, paclitaxel has been synthesized!"


The title is not a typo. I was not satisfied with what I wrote before and overturned and rewritten it. I will try my best to correct it as soon as possible.

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