Into Unscientific

Chapter 650 Pure-blood domestic exchange membrane!

"Now we have mastered the correct production technology of gas exchange membranes, and the whole process relies on domestic theories!"

? !

At this moment.

As Zhu Guangya said these words.

The rhythm of the entire "baton handing over" group meeting suddenly visibly stagnated.

But soon.


This conference room was like a ignited explosive barrel. It exploded instantly, blowing the previously solidified air to the horizon:

"Comrade Guangya, what did you say?"

"Lao Zhu? The gas exchange membrane in Factory 504 broke through?"

"Director Zhu, you said we use nationally produced designs?"

Questions of surprise or surprise rushed towards the front desk where Zhou Guangzhao was.

Zhou Guangzhao quickly smiled after hearing this. The reaction of everyone present was as he expected:

"Comrades, you heard me right, and I said it right too."

"According to the exact news from the capital, we have officially made a breakthrough in gas exchange membrane technology relying on domestic design theory."

"Of course, the specific situation is more complicated. Let's ask the person involved to make an introduction."

Say it.

Zhou Guangzhao spread his left hand flat, pointed at the faces on the left that he was looking at before, and said:

"Come on, let me introduce these comrades to you first."

"From left to right, they are Comrade Wang Jiefu, director of Jincheng 504 Factory, Comrade Qian Gaoyun of the Institute of Atomic Energy, and..."

"Comrade Yang Chengzong, former deputy director of the Yanjing Uranium Research Institute and current chief engineer of the gas exchange membrane of the 504 Plant."

"The team led by these comrades can be said to have made the greatest contribution to the breakthrough in gas exchange membrane technology this time."

"Especially Comrade Yang Chengzong, he even gave up his vision treatment plan in order to complete the research and development tasks as soon as possible - now Comrade Yang Chengzong's right eye is completely blind."

Yang Chengzong and the others had already stood up from their seats when Zhou Guangzhao made the introduction, and nodded politely to everyone.

Hearing Zhu Guangya’s last words.

Yang Chengzong just bowed his hands to everyone again and didn't say much.

It can be clearly seen from the audience at this time.

Although Yang Chengzong's right eye is not closed, which means he is 'blind' in the traditional sense, he no longer has any aura.

Seeing this, everyone in the conference room was silent for a moment again.

But after a few seconds.

Bang bang bang——

The audience burst into thunderous applause again.

And it was different from the lively atmosphere when Zhou Guangzhao announced the group meeting.

This time.

The faces of everyone present no longer showed the earlier excitement and joy, but instead held solemnity and reverence.

Some young comrades even worked hard, clapping their hands until they were red, but they still didn't stop or slow down at all.

Xu Yun also sat in the lower corner and solemnly clapped his hands.

Mentioned earlier.

There are a total of 23 winners of China's two bombs and one satellite, but in addition to the merits of these 23 award-winning people, the two bombs and one satellite project team also has many seniors who have made outstanding contributions.

For example, Huang Zuqia.

For example, Zhao Zhongyao.

Another example

The Yang Chengzong in front of Xu Yun.

Yang Chengzong was born in Wujiang City, Jiangsu Province in 1911. At the age of 21, he graduated from Datong University in Shanghai with honors.

In 1934, he entered the Peking Radium Institute to engage in radiochemistry research and studied under Zheng Dazhang, an early radiochemist in my country.


On the recommendation of Yan Jici.

Yang Chengzong went to France to study at the Curie Laboratory, where he studied under the eldest daughter of Madame Curie, Lena Joliot Curie.

During schooling.

Yang Chengzong successfully developed an ion exchange method for separating lanthanide elements and actinide elements.

This was a theory that was later widely used in the world's nuclear industry, and it was still the mainstream technology even in 2023, when Xu Yun traveled back in time.


Yang Chengzong received a doctorate from the University of Paris, and his thesis was rated as the best.

This is the second best-level paper in the history of the University of Paris' chemical engineering major. It has only appeared 11 times in the entire history of the University of Paris.

After graduation, the Gallic National Center for Scientific Research sincerely invited Yang Chengzong to serve as a researcher. In addition to stating that he would be employed for two consecutive years, he also offered an annual salary of 550,000 francs.

But at that time, the Peninsular War had entered its second year, and there was a clamor across the sea to drop atomic bombs on the rabbits.

At this time, Qian Bingqiong wrote another letter to Yang Chengzong, inviting him to return to China to contribute, so Yang Chengzong returned to China without hesitation.

At that time, the salary offered by the Academy of Sciences to Yang Chengzong was 1,000 kilograms of millet per month. According to the purchasing power at the time, the salary offered to Yang Chengzong by Gaul was 177 times that of the Academy of Sciences. (I only found the Gaul grain price in 1956, but I can’t find the price in 1951, so I’ll just make do with it)

In order to provide China with a standard source for radiation research.

Before leaving, Yang Chengzong also spoke to the Curies and obtained 10 grams of precious barium radium carbonate standard source and a radiation counter that can measure 1000 carries. These instruments made great contributions to future atomic energy research.

More importantly.

When leaving Paris, Mr. Joliot Curie also said a very important thing to Yang Chengzong:

[If you want to oppose the atomic bomb, you must have your own atomic bomb].

This sentence played a very important reference role when the capital later evaluated the atomic bomb project, because it was the only internationally authoritative opinion that the Rabbits received during the entire preparation process for the atomic bomb project.

After returning to China, Yang Chengzong discovered that there was a lack of radioactive sources for research. So when he learned that there was a radon extraction device in the Union Hospital that was damaged by neon lights, he immediately selected it as a target.

During the repair process of this equipment, Yang Chengzong's right eye, which was too close to a strong radioactive source, developed fluorescence.

Finally, ten years later, he became completely blind.

Later, Yang Chengzong was transferred to the University of Science and Technology of China and trained 42 radiochemistry researchers for the country. After the launch of the 596 Project, he personally went to the 504 Factory to take charge of the related refining of enriched uranium.

In 2004.

Yang Chengzong once accepted an interview with Mr. Zhang Zhiyao, and the two had a very touching conversation at that time:

Zhang Zhiyao:

"Academician Yang, do you still remember how you felt on the day the atomic bomb exploded?"

Yang Chengzong:

"I wasn't in the mood that day."

Zhang Zhiyao:

"No way, aren't you excited about such a big thing?"

Yang Chengzong:

"Because I didn't sleep for five days before the (atomic bomb) exploded. I fell asleep immediately after hearing the shouts of an explosion. I slept for almost 30 hours. When I woke up, it was already past the day of the explosion. "

The video of this interview is the same as the one by Da Da, and the video can be found on station B.

During the interview, Academician Yang Chengzong seemed very casual, as if he just mentioned some trivial matter.

In later generations, when many people mentioned the development of the atomic bomb, they would often add a sense of mission or ritual to the people involved, but in fact, they probably didn't think much of it at that time.

May 27, 2011.

Academician Yang Chengzong passed away in the capital at the age of 100.

Before he died, he also said:

[I have been exposed to radiation all my life, but I can still live to be 100 years old in good health. There must be something worth studying].

Yes, before he died, he was thinking about donating his body to make a contribution.

(Originally, I had been worried that if I created some touching plots from my predecessors in this copy, I would be criticized for being sensational. Later I found out that I was wrong, because I didn’t need to create my own, just retell it.)

be honest.

Xu Yun is not unfamiliar with Yang Chengzong's experience. After all, it is a very representative propaganda example of the Atomic City Museum.

However, Yang Chengzong's eye injury occurred eight years ago. The radiation damage was irreversible, so there was really nothing he could do about the accident.

But what Xu Yun never expected was.

Yang Chengzong was so desperate under such circumstances that he abruptly "shortened" his blindness to this year.

This is something that has never happened before in history, and Xu Yun, the gas exchange membrane from Factory 504, did not interfere much.

At the cost of losing his sight in his right eye two years earlier, Yang Chengzong advanced the gas exchange membrane breakthrough of rabbits by 17 months.

Think of this.

Xu Yun felt an inexplicable feeling in his heart.

To know.

The reason why Xu Yun can be so free and easy about his disfigurement is because he knows very well that everything can be restored as long as he returns to reality.

Given this logic, he could even give his life calmly - because it was just a skin.

But Yang Chengzong is now blind in his right eye, which means he will really not be able to see for the rest of his life.

Therefore, Xu Yun could only use his insignificant applause to express respect for his ancestors.

However, Yang Chengzong obviously had no way of knowing what Xu Yun was thinking. After Zhu Guangya gave him the right to speak, he introduced the relevant situation:

"Hello, comrades, I am Yang Chengzong from Factory 504. You can call me Lao Yang or Comrade Chengzong."

"Our factory's research on gas exchange membranes actually started very early. About four years ago, a team from the Second Machinery Department began to take charge of the research on related topics. At that time, we and Mao Xiong had not fallen out, and the entire project was mainly based on Mao Xiong. Bear experts lead the way.”

"After the Mao Xiong experts evacuated, about May a year ago, a team headed by Comrade Qian Gaoyun and code-named "Vacuum Valve" was established at the Institute of Atomic Energy to start research on diffusion separation membranes."

"But unfortunately... we were tricked."

After hearing what Yang Chengzong said,

Many people's faces also became heavy.

The black hand Yang Chengzong mentioned was Mao Xiong's modification of the equipment parameters. At that time, Mao Xiong did some tricks in the background of the metal digitizer:

When detecting substances unrelated to uranium, it will display certain values ​​normally.

What about when the test substance is related to uranium.

It will automatically change to another decision logic.

Ever since.

The gas exchange membrane developed by Yang Chengzong and others based on metal digitizers had to be scrapped in the end.

If Xu Yun hadn't used gas exchange membranes to solve the pressure exchange problem of the airship capsule in the Zhu Xian Sword project team, the rabbits would have suffered a huge setback.

Yang Chengzong seemed to be aroused by his own memories, and he gradually clenched his fists:

"On the night when it was discovered that the metal digitizer had been hacked, no one in our factory had a good night's sleep. A senior master in the factory named Wang Hongyi even coughed up a large mouthful of blood."

"Later, the organization issued instructions to independently develop Class A separation membrane components, so we readjusted our direction and started developing metal digitizers."

"Then with the assistance of Comrade Wu Ziliang, we broke through the principle of metal digitizer last month and recalculated and derived the characterization parameters and chemical potential differences."

"In the end, we found that although the separation accuracy of porous membranes such as ultrafiltration and microfiltration is low, their membrane flux can be changed after modifying the pressure support angle."

Pressure support angle?

Hear the word.

Xu Yun in the audience was slightly startled at first, and then his eyes lit up.

Yang Chengzong's statement may be complicated to explain from the perspective of professional knowledge, but it can be understood from another perspective:

The reason why Rabbits import metal digitizers is because there is no sufficiently accurate domestic process level, and it is basically impossible to make up for the shortcomings in the short term.

And what about Yang Chengzong's new ideas?

It means taking a step back in terms of accuracy and choosing to strengthen in terms of structure.

The cost of this approach is that the superposition of structures requires an additional cost, and the yield will inevitably drop a lot - the original yield may be 10%, but this superposition method can only achieve 2%.

But don't forget.

Behind Yang Chengzong and the others is not a certain company, but the entire country!

Just like some aircraft carrier accessories in later generations, if you say mass production, then we may not be able to do that for the time being, but if we don't consider cost, then it's another story.

Although the current rabbits still lack financial resources, it may be difficult to afford it.

But no matter what, it is at least much better than the level of accuracy.

After the introduction, Xu Yun could guess the rest.

Yang Chengzong took a deep breath and continued:

"So given this idea, our factory finally produced a brand-new Class A separation membrane element after one month of research and development and modulation!"

"The length and width of this type A separation membrane element are 15.4X4.1 cm, and the thickness is 0.3 cm - the length and width are not much different from the original exchange membrane, but the thickness is more than 1.5 times the original."

"Limited by this thickness, the efficiency of the enriched uranium we extract is only 30% of the original, but the enriched uranium we extract can reach a high abundance."



This number has just been exported.

The sound of Li Jue's breathing clearly sounded in Xu Yun's ears.

Of course.

This time Li Jue really didn't pretend to understand. As the person in charge of Base 221 and the dean of the Ninth Academy, he still understood the concept of enriched uranium very well.

The uranium content of natural uranium ore is generally 0.7%. If the abundance reaches 80%, it is high-concentration uranium. If the abundance exceeds 90%, it is weapons grade. That is, the uranium abundance can be used for nuclear explosions.

Although the uranium abundance of 96.8% is not extremely pure, it is more than enough to make an atomic bomb.

For example, the current uranium abundance across the sea is generally 98.5%, and the woolly bear is also of the same magnitude.

However, Gaul and the United Kingdom down there are only 96.5% and 96.3%. That is to say, the uranium abundance extracted from the separation membrane element developed by Yang Chengzong and others is even higher than that of Gaul and the United Kingdom.

Although the price paid is also heavy.

Then Qian Gaoyun beside Yang Chengzong also stood up and said:

"Comrades, the Institute of Atomic Energy conducted a trial of enriched uranium last week, and the abundance of the separated uranium was indeed above 96.8%, and some batches even exceeded 97%."

"Before we left, the 504 Plant in Jincheng had already started the formal refining of enriched uranium."

"In addition, the organization also asked the comrades in Bingcheng to start producing a new batch of refining equipment - after all, although our single unit efficiency is low, we can make up for it with quantity."

"If nothing else happens, we can refine about 10 kilograms of enriched uranium before the end of this year."

"With new equipment in place early next year, this efficiency can probably be doubled. It should not be a big problem to provide 20-25 kilograms of enriched uranium before June."

When Yang Chengzong was transferred from the Institute of Atomic Energy, many people on site were still in other units, so many people were not familiar with Yang Chengzong.

But Qian Gaoyun is different.

Qian Gaoyun has been working at the Capital Atomic Energy Institute from beginning to end, so many of the base's new and old experts have a close relationship with Qian Gaoyun.

Now that Qian Gaoyun said this, the atmosphere at the scene became more and more exciting.

According to the original design of the base.

The nuclear charge of "Miss Qiu" is about 5.1kg, and the fission efficiency is about 20%.

That is to say, as long as everything goes well, the rabbits will have sufficient enriched uranium materials by the end of this year.


Is it also possible to supply the first detonation of a hydrogen bomb?

If that's true

Xu Yun and Zhu Guangya suddenly looked at each other and saw the same thoughts in each other's eyes.

Could it be that.

Is there really a door?

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